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RED FLAGS to look out for in media images.
Sorry if some of the pix don't load due to too much stuff.
I have started putting this into a more user-friendly format at
UPDATE Oct 21, 2024: AAAAARRRGGG! I can't believe it. The thread that i linked to no longer exists!
I noticed that a copy of it was in the Admin subfolder (invisible to members), so i deleted it, after making sure the original was still in the Manipulated Images thread. No idea how it got into the Admin folder. It was "sticky" and above this thread.
So I deleted in in the Admin subfolder, only to have it also vanish in this subfolder! Makes no sense at all.
1) Does the image occur in the mainstream or "alt" media? Then it is most likely a hoax. Big red flag.
If it occurs in "social" media, it is also likely a hoax but there you have more of a chance it's real.
There are, of course, exceptions.
2) Hand signs.
And sometimes I notice hand-sign shaped markings of various sorts.
Examples: … ersi_2.jpg … -Glatt.jpg
3) Only in April 2019 did i become aware of RED and BLACK and Red, Black, and White. And VERY OFTEN the red is digitally given a neon dayglo brightness. Or just made super-conspicuous.
Sometimes it is filled into objects which were not red. Often there is just a single little spot or 2 of bright red, often on the centerline, with no other pure red in pic. Often oddball red objects that don't seem to belong are stuck into the image Check the incongruous water cooler (a beverage container; doubly red-flag) in the top image. Or just amorphous globs of red in the background.
Masons need to leave evidence out in the open. They are an "open book". Some obvious "confessional" examples in BWR: … asonry.htm
The three fundamental colours found in all civ-ilizations {sic}, down to the Middle Ages in Europe, are white, red and black. These, too, may be regarded as the principal colours of Freemasonry: the white of the Craft degrees, the red of the Royal Arch and of certain of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, and the black of some of its others, and of the Knights of Malta. The other colours of the rainbow find limited uses; they serve only to frame or line the white lambskin upon which so many aprons are based, or for sashes and other items of regalia.
Additionally, PURPLE is a color associated with satanism.
LAVENDER with homosexuality (look up the Lavender Scare hoax).
BLACK and WHITE seems to be an item, too, especially in a CHECKERBOARD pattern.
(Bars are also CGI I think.)
GOLD, yellow and orange: gold and gold-like colors like "canary yellow" are actually the most-used significant colors after BWR. More on that later.
SILVER also, but there is so much chrome and stainless steel in the modern world that most of it seems banal and plausible. Also much appears as mere grey in photos. But occasionally it is really flaunted.
TURQUOISE has somehow moved into the forefront with the Covid-19 hoax.
4) Oddly non-binary, gender-bent, gay seeming perps, heroes, or victims. Or ones with wacky expressions such as in some "serial killers". Or otherwise bizarre mutant appearance.
(Note also black-white-red, "boobs", plunging neckline.)
Smirking or joyful perps.
(And why the difference in altitude between the 2 cheek dimples? Piercing? I see no beads that could be causing the indents.)
Since a cleft or dimpled chin is a male trait, they will often not only flaunt them on females, but photoshop them in or exaggerate them. Very often the cleft will be off-center and the chin itself will be morphed into a wonky position with one side being longer.
(MTF repticlone Shana Grice, who also sometimes has straight incisors and sometimes not.)
Sometimes other pix of the same actor will not have the cleft or the asymmetry.
5) Strangely photoshopped pix. Often a deliberately sloppy job is done to offer "proof" of a hoax (as Masons need to confess a little to unburden their delicate consciences), but also Masons sometimes like to just stick fun stuff in. Look for added or missing limbs/fingers, misplaced or distorted ears or teeth...
(Note "hand sign" ear. Accentuating effeminacy with hair style is very common too -- as is very short hair on women and MTFs. And something's wack with the neck shadow, at least on one side. And facial hair seems penciled in.)
Improbable shadows, fortified hand signs, claw fingertips, unusually tapered fingers, wrong size fingers or other appendages, odd things about focus or the background.
This one might not be shopped, just staged.
6) Certain numbers, especially 33. But also especially 9, 13, 27 (3 to the 3rd power). Also 3, 6, 66, 99. Also 7 and 11 occur often, as well as 77 and sometimes 777. Sometimes 18 (6X3), 39 (13X3), 54 (6X9) or 81 (9X9). And 26, 12, 24, 36 are also Masonic numbers I often notice. 22, 23, 26, 29, 31, also come up a lot. Also 5 and multiples thereof
and multiples of 11.
In fact, judging by frequency of occurrence in hoaxes, there are not many non-Masonic numbers below 34... the following are all suspicious: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33. And sometimes i wonder about 16, and 17. And 17X3 (51), 7X7 (49). 31 and 29 occur often, often both in same hoax. And 37 comes up a lot. Why 37? I go into this in this post:
More about Masonic numnerology:
Since so many numbers are meaningful, which ones do i consider MOST NOTEWORTHY in a hoax?
3,13,23,33. 6,9,11,18,27,37,39,49,51,54,66,69,81(3 to the 4th power), 99, 333, 666, 999 etc.
And 69 is composed of a 6 and a 9, is 23X3, and has sexual connotation.
Also sometimes they will put multiples of 5 together in a hoax, e.g 15, 35, 5, 20, 125 all in same hoax.
Also, decimals and zeroes at the end can be ignored. Thus they may use 1.3 billion, 2700, 0.037, etc.
Incidentally, the numbers most used in psychic attack from black magicians and demons (excluding AI which uses a different system) is 3, 6, 9, 13, 33, 66, 99, 333, 666, 999 etc. Often multiples such as 3 groups of 9, 13 groups of 66, etc. So i am accustomed to taking these seriously.
3 and 6 are such common small numbers that they may seem of little importance in hoaxes, but they are worked into hoaxes more often than not! There may be several instances of 3 plus a 6 in a hoax, along with larger incriminating numbers.
7) Playboy Bunny-like rabbit ears pasted on. Or round bear ears. "Sex kitten" leopard-like spotted clothing/objects.
Heart symbols and/or the word LOVE.
(Note also the matching shades of purple, and the red Open Book to go with the black and white. And the gold color.)
Swiss crosses. Symbols placed IN OR NEAR THE CENTER OR VERTICAL CENTERLINE are especially significant! Occasionally the tiniest little symbol will be right in the center of an otherwise credible-looking pic. But often it will be larger and flagrant.
(Also they love to stick in tacky Christmas junk any time of the year.)
Nike product placement ads.
(The arrows and triangles are probably significant too. Certainly the lifted shoulder.)
Sometimes other brands but Nike is preferred.
(Note how the white and blue of the shirt coincidentally happens to match the title bar and 7 logo. A few more red flags here, like the reddish mess in center and the rectangle held at angle.)
Adidas is #2. Puma #3.
Odd empty shoes, especially a Lone Shoe.
(Red, Black, White Lone Shoe. Surprised it's not Nike.)
Shaved bald heads on prominent people.
All-seeing eye as below. But also note in above pic the continuation of the edge of his eyes, which i call Horus eyes. More on that later.
One eye may be covered somehow or peeking through a hand sign. Multiple red flags here!
I suspect that WINKing originated as a Masonic sign.
Inverted Christian crosses.
Note that wink, too. Especially the right eye is often shown partially closed.
(Often they are more like zig-zag lines. Note here also B&W colors, subtle "breasts" to go with effeminate face, lack of biceps definition or Adam's apple. Also the man's watch on the woman and the stripes on the other.)
Stars (pentagrams) which may be right-side up, upside-down, or in between.
(Note also other red flags like CROWN in center.)
I also see many 5-petaled flowers in hoaxes, usually on clothes.
Also 4-sided stars:
Often in the shape of 4-pointed ninja throwing stars.
and 6-sided stars may on rare occasions be used outside their usual context:
And so we also have 6-petaled flowers: … 956737.jpg
This is an example of several red flags. Here he is doing a thumb sign while hugging upside-down pentagrams. His right arm is black whereas the rest of his jacket is blue. The black is to go with the red and white in the image. The blue of the flag and suit are of the same shade -- another red flag.
The left hand seems oddly photoshopped. Looks more like another right hand pasted there. This might be a Masonic joke about how "right" wing he is. That digit looks more like a right pinky than a left thumb. Look where the wrist bone protrusion is. Actually there are 2 such lumps whereas we mere mortals only have 1 on each wrist. So this is a hybrid hand. If you enlarge the pic you can see a change in skin color at the wrist line.
And that shadow on the hand seems suspicious.
There are more pentagrams on the right, as well as some purple. There is also a 9 almost touching Trump.
And note how scrunched up his shoulders are.
8) Glaring contradictions between the text and the imagery in an article. The article will claim that the pic shows something it does not, such as tears for example, or horrible injuries that don't seem to be there.
Fake blood with wrong color and other medical improbabilities. Joyful, bright-eyed amputees and other medical unfortunates.
Also contradictions between different pix purporting to show the same thing. Like Meghan Markle with a fake preggy-bump most of the time, but a flat belly in another pic of the same event. Or a woman with an amputated foot, supposedly, but one image shows the perfectly intact foot. I have posted such examples in this forum.
9) Necklessness. Often an actor will be shown in such a posture as to seem to have less neck than he has, as in Trump above. Other times it is a mutant who actually has very little neck length. And often it is just photoshopped.
One on the left has a neck too wide and long (rare!). One on right has ears on shoulders and is doing hand signs. I think all these heads were pasted on with little regard to size. Note also the Purple.
10) People in a very weak off-center posture, and/or with 1 or both shoulders scrunched way high, as in kid above; his right shoulder appears lifted and pulled in. I used to think it was a way of de-masculizing men but I also notice this in pix of women and small children sometimes.
Note colors too. This rabbi seems to be a short-neck mutant and is usually additionally posed to exaggerate this trait.
11) Use of same actor or clone or double in unrelated hoaxes. Or as different roles within the same hoax.
(Note colors too. And forehead tattoo.)
Use of very similar-looking actors within the same hoax or other hoaxes presented at the same time.
These are all quite common, as is the juxtaposition of similar faces on the same page in unrelated hoaxes/ads.
12) Hidden faces in images, often demonic.
Usually more subtle than this.
13) Phallic or other subtle sexual symbolism.
Look BELOW the cigar. (Also 5-petaled flowers and the color gold. Even the lines on his lower palm and the "asterisk" palm trees are likely deliberate.)
Also totally gratuitous and inappropriate cleavage.
(note also subtle Masonic M hand sign)
And MOOBS! Man boobs are stuck in gratuitously too.
How many red flags can you spot in the above pic?
14) "Delta" triangles. I used to think this was strictly a CIA sign, as in their Delta Airlines, but i have also spotted them in other hoax situations which don't seem particularly CIA.
Like this boy's canine tooth. As well as with CIA actors:
Another thing is the triangle with a vertical line in it, which I presume symbolizes a vagina: … -copy.jpeg
15) Ankhs. These are pretty rare in media pix but more like a smoking gun than a red flag if you spot one. And if you see someone with an Ankh tattoo, look out.
(Note also purple backing. There are 2 Ankhs here, chevrons, Masonic M hand sign, steep V...)
Ankhs are positive energy symbols but they are Egyptian, and the mutant Masonic Master Race and its hybrids are of the same background and identify with this culture.
For that matter, any reference exhalting Egypt or anything Egyptian is a red flag.
16) Tattoos. Not only hoax actors have tattoos of course, but there seem to be a lot of them on hoax actors. And sometimes they don't agree from one pic of the same person to another.
I posted one heavily-tattooed "perp" above; here is another more obvious fake:
Note also the ridiculous neck and how the wall is in sharper focus than the perp, on one side at least. And the inexplicable shadows in his ears. Delta pasted on.
And is that supposed to be a SKULL & CROSSBONES on his chin? Another Masonic symbol one sees occasionally in hoaxes. … 043249.jpg … 196197.jpg
Also many women are shown with extensive tats.
17) Shapeshifting. With few exceptions, only reptilian hybrids show vertical slit pupils. Plain unhybridized Egyptoids do not. And the vertical pupil thing is rarely flaunted anymore but you might occasionally spot it in TV news or in older movies/pix. Eyes Wide Shut...
Egyptoids hybridized or not will shapeshift their teeth, but i have mainly only seen this in movies, especially older ones. Also faces will morph, and odd spots may appear on the face.
Non-reptilian. Teeth shapeshift. Any pupil oddness is just due to lighting. Same below:
However maybe because it has become so popular for people to spot and post about these things, i don't see them in contemporary news articles anymore.
18) Lip licking. Hoax actors will sometimes rapidly lick their lips sideways in videos, or show their tongue sticking out the side or front a bit in still pix.
Note shoulder too, and hand sign. Perhaps he is trying to convey that he is unassertive (the raised shoulder), has a small penis (the hand sign), and wishes to perform oral favors.
19) Crotch grabbing or pointing to crotch. Holding others (generally toddlers) by the crotch.
Also simulating a penis with thumb, finger, or other object.
(Note also lean and raised shoulder of man. And PINK clothes on a man or boy are another red flag, i think. And girl does a lip-lick here.)
(No less an authority than Freud himself. Note also stripes, polka dots.) Another juicy one: … al-fee.jpg
Odd details in the crotch like a vagina-looking seam or a penis-like vertical line or stitches.
Also, putting hands on the breast of little girls or cross-dressed boys:
Or putting hands in crotch, usually of toddlers.
20) Occasionally I spot the letter M oddly presented:
In this case it looks like an inverted W:
The letter W seems to be a thing too:
(9 on the right too.)
Also the letter G:
Here presented within diamonds! This kind of confirms that diamonds are code for compass-and-square.
21) Compass and Square, the essential Masonic symbol, is sometimes hinted at or snuck in discreetly. I am suspicious of any conspicuous diamond shapes.
Note that this pic also has chevrons, BWR colors, Big letter M's, hand signs and probable Roman motif. Anything obliquely implying the Vatican, Catholic Church, or Rome is suspect.
(Note also Swiss cross and other red flags.)
For that matter, also vertically/horizontally positioned squares are sometimes stuck in in odd ways that seem to represent the "square" of Masonry.
Chain-link fences are often worked into images.
22) Damn, I almost forgot about lightning bolts. I'm just typing up this list as I think of stuff; as Admin I can Edit all I want.
See … -bolt.html
These will show up in hoax and ad pics sometimes.
23) Laurels. Actually in TX it is olive and live oak branches.
They go nicely with pentagrams.
(Note hand signs, chevrons, shield shape, 9 shapes, BWR too.)
(Note too how his tie matches the shade of blue of the sign -- another phenomenon I note sometimes is matching shades of blue.)
24) Mickey or Minnie Mouse motifs. Sometimes they wear the ears, sometimes clothes with their likenesses. Sometimes black hairdos in a Mickey ears shape. Has something to do with M's, maybe Master Mason.
25) Mixed-race couples. Common in ads as well as hoaxes.
26) Weird things about women's fingernail polish.
Mismatched colors, and/or there may some nails missing all or part of their paint.
27) Occasionally a hoax actor will bear an uncanny resemblance to a famous actor, Alfred E Neuman, cartoon character, etc.
28) Infinity symbols and 8's. And ellipses.
Note also the starburst.
29) Owls. … 32_Owl.htm
30) Females (or MTFs) who seem way too good-looking for the context. There are lots of these in hoaxes.
"Arkansas woman is sentenced to 15 YEARS for posing as sheriff’s deputy to free her boyfriend from jail, as police footage shows the audacious breakout
Maxine Feldstein from Feyetteville {sic} was given 15 years in prison after forging documents and posing as a deputy to help her boyfriend break out of jail"
Yeah right. Even 5-petaled flowers. BWR colors. Bat wings.
Also there are sometimes very pretty androgynous-looking boys in hoaxes.
31) The more i scrutinize media images over time, the more i notice recurring oddities. STRIPES! Striped clothing (and sometimes other objects) especially with "meaningful" colors (and often unusually loud) seem more common in these images than daily life.
(And did you notice the "1"?)
3 sets of stripes. BWR colors.
32) Teardrop shapes.
Incidentally, as mentioned elswhere, a triangle with a line through it seems to represent vagina. Note here that it is subtle but on centerline where Masons know to look. Another example within a vagina-themed hoax:
And also beverage containers are a thing.
33) "Maltese" (Templar) crosses as well as disguised swastikas.
34) X shapes. … gica11.htm
Sure, X shapes can pop up innocently enough, but I spot many that seem deliberate.(Also a pirate eyepatch conbines the pirate meme with the All-Seeing-Eye.)
Note the color gold! Gold and yellow are also Masonic favorites, signifying the sun.
(Both above pix from same hoax article: … jured.html )
And silver signifies the Moon.
Crescent-like shape in silver. Crescent moons are an item in themselves too.
35) Sunburst symbol: this is an officially-recognized Masonic symbol. As are other starbursts.
Note also the 4-pointed things and hand sign. And lower right, the deliberate formation of asterisk, X, triangle shapes.
Note how centered. And also the prominent M and the colors of the lifeboats.
So of course, sunFLOWERS are also often seen:
36) Crescent moons:
(Note also Arianna's crotch grab with raised shoulder, stripe, RedWhiteBlack, purple hue, V and X shapes, and hand signs. And Drita D'Avanzo also lifts her shoulder and her pic is RedWhiteBlackGold.)
37) Yellow plastic raincoats. It is normal for cops etc and Gilet Jaune actors to wear them, but i suspect they sometimes are deliberately stuck into unrelated hoaxes.
Actually this is just one facet of having large yellow objects of various sorts in images.
(How many red flags can you count in above pic?)
38) Spots. Polka dots. I see way more such things in the clothes etc in hoaxes than in everyday life.
Umbrellas also populate many hoaxes.
39) Football shapes. In this pic I posted earlier
Note upper right, the 2 abstract paintings. (BTW did you spot the crown?)
You see them also on the rug in this pic: … 417907.jpg
And what about
(Note also the finger and the gold spotted tie.)
Masonic symbol:
40) Roses. Especially red ones. … m_rose.htm
41) Totally absurd nonsensical material to stretch one's credulity beyond the breaking point (if cognitive dissonance doesn't get you first):
Note also One Eye above glasses.
(Nike shoes too.)
"'This is a good example of what a fine job our TSA officers do,' he said." … rport.html
42) Inexplicably blurry images. Yes, sometimes blurry pix can be explained away as a result of using cheap phone cameras or low-resolution security cams, but then we become inured to being presented with blurry pix and fail to notice when there is no rationale for it.
Blurriness makes computer manipulation easier, but sometimes even that does not seem to be the reason for it.
43) Bats, Batman or bat-like imagery. … 031165.jpg … 8b45da.jpg
Also Spiderman or Superman, Superwoman imagery. Spiderman has a very reptilian silhouette and always does M signs.
44) Beverage containers apparently deliberately placed in staged photos. Water bottles, cans, gallon jugs, usually part empty if the level is visible but sometimes may be full. Often red water bottles are used to add that color to black and white.
(Note also posture, colors, mutant face, hand sign.)
45) Big men's watches on women/MTFs.
Also once i posted a dainty little woman's watch on a buff macho Navy Seal.
46) Open books:
Symbol of Masonic transparency. Their book is open, but it took me 65 years to learn how to read it somewhat. The info is on this thread.
More examples:
47) Fleur-de-lis shapes:
48) C-like partial circles.
This Cubs one flaunted at … -face.html
but i keep seeing symbols that resemble copyright symbols, Lakhovsky coils, etc. Sometimes several partial C's nestled inside each other concentrically...
Blatant sign here plus other red flags. Also, their images tend to be more or less BISECTED by vertical lines of one sort or another.
48) Evil, demonic facial expressions in "good guys".
See also this post:
A red flag is not always a concrete indication of chicanery. It is possible for a gay-looking person to be 33 years old and to accidentally be doing some sort of hand sign while wearing black and red. You just have to use judgement as to what is most likely the case.
Also lots of hoax stories have no red flags that i visually spot, and i only know they are hoaxes due to paranormal awareness. In fact it seems a lot of juicy red-flag stuff has dried up in recent weeks, which i humbly credit to my forum. Lack of visible red flags is no indication of truthfulness.
Hence item #1 on this list. But you'll have to figure out for yourself whether that one is true.
Also even a clearly Masonic sign, symbol, or color pattern does not automatically mean a hoax, as they will flaunt these in ads, everyday photos, and true stories about themselves as well. However if, for example, it is a story involving horrible crimes and the perps or victims flaunt them, you can do your own math.
Personally my impression is:
ALL serial killer stories in the media are hoaxes. The only serial killers are black magicians into ritual.
ALL stories involving conflicts, espionage, intrigue between countries, religions, races are most likely hoaxes, as countries have not existed for a long time except as territories of the Vatican, and almost all religions are subsidiaries of the Vatican. And Egyptoids breed with all races, indeed comprise the entirety of many widely varied ethnicities, yet perpetrate endless hoaxes of racial and religious conflict.
So are any massacre stories real? I doubt any in recent decades.
Almost everything you read about organized crime or drug cartels will be false. Mafia, CIA, Triads, Yakuza, etc are all Masonic groups under the Vatican. Every "country" has its own mafia except for a few CIA colonies like Nigeria, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. The mafias run entertainment (including media politicians), media, narcotics, prostitution, etc.
I've been working on the above post for a while, in case you didn't see it lately. I will continue to update it as i figure out more stuff.
There is no logic to my numbering system, i just wrote as i thought of things.
You will find all these Masonic signatures in movies, too, even old ones.
This is from a vintage movie. Here is a very Egyptoid-looking prostitute (most likely), doing Masonic M and thumb-up while wearing an upside-down pentagram on her temple, and with a butterfly backdrop.
Hand signs and Masonic colors and symbols are all over the movies and advertising in all countries.
And repticlones, Egyptoids etc will wear these same kind of clothes in everyday life. You can buy such clothes yourself and do hand signs if you want to blend in. In fact ordinary people will wear them too, so don't jump to conclusions based on inadequate data.
I have pix of people i have been defending for years wearing stripes, zigzag patterns, etc. and even inadvertently doing hand signs.
Check this obviously Masonic shirt. I have been helping this lady for a decade. If you've been paying attention you will recognize several red flags here. And this is Nigeria where most people have black skin and hair to go with the white and red.
For a great lesson on body language, watch an old Columbo movie. The Columbo stuff was some of the coolest entertainment the CIA ever cranked out; very well done.
Peter Falk (interesting stage name!) was a blood-ritual satanist reptilian hybrid and a great actor.
As Columbo he usually wore this jacket with very padded shoulders that he was always banking to one side or the other, often rather steeply, as part of his disarming facade. He was always getting the bad guys to underestimate him by acting dorky and sometimes dull-witted. Until he closed in on them with suave style.
(Hand sign and BlackWhiteRed here, of course.)
Someone with their shoulder up and in an off-balanced posture looks harmless, non-theatening.
Continuation of first post (which has gotten so long it's cumbersome to edit).
49) Looking over glasses is a Masonic sign:
(Note also One Eye, shoulder angle, colors, hand signs, sunburst.)
50) Doves, especially white ones.
51) The capital letter H keeps getting stuck into hoax pics. Maybe it stands for hoax?
52) Asterisk-like shapes of various sorts.
53) Shield shapes, usually containing other Masonic symbols.
This is the logo of a CIA proprietary running a pedo brothel in Zambia: … s-village/
and contains a teardrop shape and concentric partial circles! Also Tree of Life is a Kabala term.
54) Crowns. Royalty is not the province of the oppressed minority.
55) Feathers are sometimes conspicuously and oddly presented.
56) NY and NYC baseball caps show up a lot in exotic places:
Strange way to carry a ream of loose paper. I looked more closely to see if he's even handcuffed, and noticed evidence of photoshopping, especially on and under one wrist. Note also the water bottle.
Another flagrant example: … 346737.jpg
57) Arrows of various sorts find their way into images in ways that seem deliberate.
And Three Arrows (like umbrellas) come up in many ways. Note all the gold color, too.
Three Arrows. Multiple red flags in pic.
58) Steep V's. I presume these are a different symbol from chevrons. They are much steeper and often only one is in a pic. Most often they are pendant-like straps around necks.
Sometimes they can be a sharp V-neck shirt even when no cleavage is shown.
Here you can see an M formed with the aid of a steep V.
Note also the bunny ears. B&W stripes on and below dress. Arrows cleverly included. Of course the UK cops are trimmed with checkerboard. But less common is a Checkerboard car!
59) It's not only the ears of bunnies, now I am noticing whole bunnies stuck in:
(Note other red flags too.)
Note also phallic arm.
60) Dots within circles.
Somewhere i once read that these symbolize the heads of penises, but many symbols probably have multiple meanings depending on your Masonic rank.
Also note the BILATERAL VERTICAL ROWS OF 3 HEARTS EACH, something i keep seeing in hoaxes. Sometimes it is stars, chevrons, stripes, etc instead of hearts. Also other colors.
Even the bilateral sets of 3 slits in this chair back. Actually that looks like the backs of 2 chairs set some distance behind him.
(More red flags in this pic.)
61) BUTT CRACKS, BUTTOCKS, often simulated with chef's hats etc.
62) Umbrellas and tents.
63) Matching shades of colors other than black, white, and red. I mostly notice this with blue but it can be green, orange, yellow, whatever. This can be within the same pic and/or other pix in same article.
64) Nautical symbols: anchors, steering wheels.
65) Skewed glasses.
66) On rare occasions i spot a large P. Don't know what it means.
(This one looks like an amputated R.)
67) Eyes aiming different directions.
Also often they will partially cut an eye with the top of the glasses.
(Note also the diamond shape of the table, the colors... )
Big bright yellow objects appear a lot in hoaxes too. In fact yellow and gold are both important in Freemasonry.
Yellow and orange mean gold, gold means the Sun, and SILVER means the Moon.)
67a) I should mention that THETA SYMBOLS keep cropping up too. Like in the sign above right.
(Note also laurels here; bilateral sets of 9 leaves in fact.)
68) Thin upper lip and fat lower lip. As in Ms Yellow above.
69) Large circle earrings are often shown.
This one is on the centerline. Deliberate items are often roughly on the centerline of an image.
Always check the centerline and especially near the center of a pic:
70) Glasses on top of head.
I even saw one pic with glasses on back of head.
71) Twin Towers are a well-known Masonic symbol which crops up in various ways.
(Note also squares, colors, "stripes".)
72) KEYS find their way into images in odd ways.
Top lip looks thin, too.
73) Pink clothes on a man.
Or huge loud ties.
74) Octagons.
75) Sometimes S's and S shapes find their way into conspicuous positions.
(No females here. Did you notice the Mickey Mouse hairdo?) … 549738.jpg
76) Big lottery winners. Nobody actually ever wins PowerBall, EuroMillions, etc. It's a huge rigged scam with fake winners.
77) The letter A.
Muliple red flags above include the BOW. Ribbon bows and bow ties come up frequently and seem related to butterflies. Also a globe placed on a square or rectangle I have noticed twice and believe it means that the world is "on the (Masonic) square". "On the square" is a Masonic expression. … roject.jpg
Not kidding about those bows.
78) Ampersands for some reason.
(Muliple red flags.)
79) I have seen CONES oddly presented
and even coneheads:
80) Nooses.
81) Bicycles are hardly uncommon items in real life, but sometimes seem odd in their emphasis or presence.
(Multiple red flags.)
Once there was a child's scooter.
82) Checkmarks. I speculate that part of the reason for the Nike symbol's popularity is that it is a cross between a crescent and a checkmark.
82) Bells.
(Multiple red flags here.)
83) References to Saturn.
That's what all those protruding middle fingers actually refer to mainly.
84) Pursed lips, especially on men. A small mouth is a female trait.
(2-role CIA actor.) Note how lower lip right is fatter.
85) Armfolds in an X shape across the chest
or crossed legs. It's all about X shapes.
(Note how it is the guy with the loud red pants who crosses his legs in an odd ballet-like manner. More red flags here include the octagon.)
(Red pants again. And note the cane-handle "pinky" and Hidden Hand.)
86) Z and N letters, which presumably symbolize lightning bolts.
87) The letter B, which i suspect is used because of its visual similarity with 13.
88) Starting Oct 2019 i started noticing several Santa-themed images in the hoaxes. Like red dresses with white fringes.
Also out-of-season CHRISTMAS imagery of various other sorts. Most common is pix of actors in front of a Christmas tree. Sometimes it is slightly less obvious, but only slightly.
89) Ladders.
Perhaps they signify climbing up the degrees of Masonry?
90) Rectangles at angles: apparently these represent diamond shapes (which in turn represent compass-and-square) even though sometimes the rectangles get too oblong to resemble diamonds at all. And sometimes they are only slightly tilted. Extremely common in hoax pix; often very plausible but often not.
91) EGGS! I mentioned earlier about ellipses, but these might just be egg symbols. Eggs are an official Masonic symbol, e.g. Iostar eggs.
Once my consciousness was raised about eggs, i started spotting them floating about everywhere:
92) Vertical line on centerline, of various and sundry sorts: posts, trees, edges, cracks...
93) I seem to spot many DOLLIES (hand carts) oddly presented.
94) MIRRORS are stuck in conspicuously, sometimes the back or side view of vehicle mirrors even. One tabloid is even named Mirror.
95) Note also gold NIPPLE near center in previously posted pic:
I keep noticing these nipple or phallic protrusions, often near center, often on a breast-like shape. Can be quite small at times:
Sometimes seen in dress patterns.
97) STUFFED ANIMALS: Sometimes we get "grieving relatives", adults clinging to stuffed animals with dry tears, or bunches of cheap stuffed animals dumped in a heap in a memorial for "terror victims.
Several red flags in this pic.
98) Overly long sleeves covering much or all of hand(s).
99) Open doors.
Note lip-lick, too
100) I figured out something else about eyes: the outside corner of an eye sometimes has a horizontal line going to it. I.e. the lids come together and form a line, as in some renditions of the Eye of Horus:
101) Lips on a different plane from teeth:
102) Baring the sole: they deliberately show the soles of footwear in odd ways.
103) Conspicuously fat women (occasionally men).
104) Poppies!
105) Turned ankles.
106) Mention of "Brooklyn". For unknown reasons, lots of hoaxes "happen" in Brooklyn. If not, there might be signs to the Brooklyn Bridge in the background, or about an actor named Brooklyn.