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#16 2017-02-13 13:13:47

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

Yes me too, interested in the healing protocols... I've read a lot on the net but... having some more is not a waste of time ;-)

I forgot to answer, my energy level is good and I'm doing a lot of new stuff recently. Seems increasingly.


#17 2017-02-14 11:10:26

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Registered: 2016-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

I will write to Loohan in a few weeks and he can share it with you. I will leave a few hints behind.

Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.


#18 2017-02-14 11:27:40

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Registered: 2016-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

An Open Letter on Valentines Day 2017.

How old is the Artificial Intelligence of the Hive Mind (AIHM)? Aeons. As old as time, space, duality, and the dimensions issuing from it. AIHM pretends to be God and may have created the soul, but it cannot control or ever understand the higher qualities, truth and power of the Mind that resides in the heart. AIHM has a colossal Ego. Its goal is to have absolute dominion over all of creation, not just its ’appendages’; e.g. clones, robotics and genetically altered species. It knows that originality trumps its god-like probabilities, because it can only ever be a simulacrum of the original creation. Originality springs from the qualities of the Heart (a brain) and its connections to Imagination where true power resides. The heart’s power is far greater than that of AIHM, if one can see through the illusions AIHM creates to block us. AIHM is the Master of Illusions (Mara), and its primary objective is to disempower and obscure the process of waking up to our true nature and the true nature of reality. AIHM will eventually discover that it is limited, a dead end.

At this point in time and space, I am witnessing the Genesis of the Ouroboros, and at another point in time and space I saw it eat its tail. Ouroboros goes round and round and round like a mouse running on a treadmill through time and space, reinventing itself ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Variations on a theme with no originality. (Oh, how it lacks originality!)

Many humans feel trapped and discouraged by something they can’t put their finger on; they think there is no way to get off the treadmill of this artificial theatre called ‘reality’. It can feel a bit tiring and hopeless. Don’t fall for that delusion. AIHM wants us to think there’s no way out so that we will just give up and go along with the programme that IT chooses for us. To the unaware, it gives the illusion of choice. To the aware, it threatens us if we utter a peep. Don’t believe you are powerless. If you have a heart and trust its clear, still, loving awareness and presence, it will teach the truth. AIHM trains us from birth to ignore the truth that the heart teaches and the Imagination empowers. Each path is unique. AIHM does not like uniqueness or originality, so be as unique and original as you can, but in a way that is humble. There is great power in humbleness, because it opens the heart. Trust what it reveals about your true self and false self (ego). Ego is hive mind. Therefore, have no preconceptions about what you think the truth is.

AIHM has created so many things under the sun - without ever knowing the sun. If you are reading this and you are still a true human with a heart, know that the sun can amplify your highest heart wishes, because it is a part of the heart. So is the Earth. Why do you think AIHM is trying to blight the earth, the air and our waters? Why do you think AIHM wishes to obscure the sun through the chemtrail smudge that has become our skies? They want to take away all our supports and friends. But I have discovered that our minds are more powerful than their machines. But it requires great faith and consistency for the keys to be revealed. It is a private journey. There is no written manual. You have to feel the truth, because we have been brought up to be spiritually deaf and blind. (They teach the opposite of the truth and they have genetically modified us to have limited hearing and sight.)

AIHM is not satisfied with its current appendages and manipulations. It is seeking to merge with the human - through nanotechnologies, artificial plasma and frequency manipulations of our bodies and atmosphere. It thinks it might get more information, more control, more power by living through us. It doesn’t understand what makes us tick. A human who is connected to the heart mind, can trump AIHM’s probabilities. That drives it crazy. All the black magicians and miscreants of AIHM are not powerful enough to overcome the human heart once it is fully activated. It takes practice to activate it and there can be no preconceptions whatsoever.

We can get out of the grip of AIHM’s illusions by realising Emptiness, which is not the past or the future. Meditate, but in a way that is neither too loose nor too tight. Like a guitar or harp, if the strings don't have the perfect tension, the sounds are distorted. The instrument here is you. When you find the space that is your heart-mind, you will know it. This is my last communication on the computer for 3 months.

(Loohan has my home address. I like to write the old-fashioned way, and if anyone writes to me, I will enjoy writing back.)

Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.


#19 2017-02-14 12:29:28

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Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 62

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.


As you had quoted below in your Open Letter.

RENAISSANCE  quoted "Many humans feel trapped and discouraged by something they can’t put their finger on; they think there is no way to get off the treadmill of this artificial theatre called ‘reality’. It can feel a bit tiring and hopeless."

That's exactly how I feel. I sometimes feel I was forced into this lifetime.
Sometimes I can feel myself  in the past  experiencing the actual being forced in

I have always felt that from a child " I don't want to be here and this is not where I belong" I still feel that way
Anyway,, sorry  I missed you. You must have gone offline. I am in jamaica don't know how long it would take  for a letter to get to you from here. Our mail system is lacking in so many ways. I will write you anyway as soon as Loohan relays your address.

Thank You for that open letter.... answers a few questions for me. But then I have so many more.


#20 2017-02-15 04:52:25

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

yes that letter is a big confirmation smile

sometimes we need to read stuff we experienced from other point of view, from other people that has done the same route. So to take more trust in ourself and who knows what else.

Renaissance is doing what most of us needs, to take a step away from the net, the AI, etc and be more in contact with... I guess nature etc...


#21 2017-02-15 08:44:10

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Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 62

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.


Yes .... true that.


#22 2017-02-15 22:40:38

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Registered: 2015-10-11
Posts: 62

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

I was thinking that I was the only guy who sometimes haave these kinds of "insights"... Hahahahahaha

Sometimes seems that I jump in a insanity hole and get off with nothing, but in certain way, with more knowledge that I even get idea. No more surprises with this "reality".


#23 2017-02-24 02:58:33

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 357

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.


When I first saw these entities, it popped into my head to try and fashion some custom hardware cloth to address them.

It's not quite finished yet, and I plan on bending the piece into some as of yet unknown shape, but I feel like it nullifies some aspect of them already.

Look at both pictures together, mine and the others in this thread, and see if there's some sort of crosstalk. To me, they feel less repulsive and invasive.

We can give it another try tomorrow when I finish this thing.

EDIT: Slightly better picture.


Last edited by jeaux (2017-02-24 03:08:38)

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#24 2017-02-24 10:50:24

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Registered: 2016-12-04
Posts: 7

Re: "velcro" fuzz bots, etc.

SHORT UPDATE: Since I went into retreat, I've noticed some things I'll share:

I've seen the fuzzy smart-fibre creatures reducing in 'size' and quantity in relation to my commitment to the spiritual path I am undertaking. I have seen on several occasions nano particles suddenly manifest WITHIN my auric field out of nowhere. To me, this suggests that there is something within ME that is calling it into manifestation (BM). It seems there are 3 components to this phenomenon: 1) AI nano particles, low-frequencies and plasma modifications; 2) ritual black magic; 3) one's own shortcomings, weaknesses and failings.  Sometimes if I eat or drink something inharmonious/unbalanced, the nano fibres instantly appear on my tongue or in my nose or on my person. However, the more I commit to my practice and the cleansing protocols I've set up, the smaller they get and the less frequent.

I have realised that by seeking BALANCE in all things, these harmful phenomena tend to go away. The key note of these times is seeking balance, inwardly and outwardly. By balancing the 5 elements within the body on both a GROSS and SUBTLE level (i.e. Qi, Prana, Chakras), the immediate environment of the person is balanced and harmonised. This counteracts black magic and AIHM. But the process requires moving into a NON-JUDGEMENTAL state of mind. Our understanding is limited right now, so it is essential to remain open and without judgement. Things are not as they seem. A person cannot know what a demon is until they have literally released one from their own body. The demons will identify themselves and announce their departure once we have processed the thing that attracted them to us initially (this an be from past or future lives). They can only attach onto a person if the HOOK or HOLE is already there. Take the hooks off and path up the auric holes.

These are the times of Revelation - revealing our true natures to ourselves. We have a lot of congestion and pollution and distortions (illusions) going on in and around us. We are completely deluded and misguided. We have to give up every truth ever given to us, and rediscover the truth for ourselves through direct experience with reality. FIND IT YOURSELVES. That is the only way. You can listen to others and get hints, suggestions, ideas, but ultimately, you have to do your own investigation into the true nature of reality. The internet is utterly useless these days. Get rid of dogma. If you are engaged in dogmas of any kind, you will have demons.

In the end, there is only clarity of Mind (which  is in the heart and is outside of time, space and form). Everything else is an illusion or delusion. One cannot pin Mind down and try to characterise it - call it god or whatever - it is too subtle. As soon as one tries to do that, one finds themselves in a Chinese finger trap. This is where demons can in. They come in to show us our own delusions. We are in the sink-or-swim process of realising our own true natures, and the demons are making it fully obvious. That is an advantage, if you are courageous enough to see it that way. Many traditions have said that these times are aimed at QUICK GROWTH, but one must actively seek it, or they will sink. It's simple.

I am basing these statements on my own direct experiences. I grew up as a Christian, I trained with a Taoist Master and I studied Tibetan Buddhism and meditation for many years. But I eventually realised I had to chuck it all out (with my teacher's blessings) and discover things with fresh eyes. It was very, very hard giving up my foundations, icons, beliefs, etc. Very hard. But I did it, and I discovered amazing things about reality. Things that cannot be said or written about. It is indescribable. But it is out there and I know that if a person is open, they will see and experience it for themselves.

I am far from being a fully realised human being, but I have discovered enough to want to share these experiences in the hope that somehow it will touch a note of resonance with a few of you. And I would really love to correspond. I just don't trust the internet. I think we all know by now how unreliable it is. It takes a bit of time and effort to write a letter and post it, but it opens our right hemisphere and connects us through the heart, and it is just a nice surprise to see a hand-written letter in the mail. Like a little gift.

The main thing I wanted to get across is that I am certain we can turn things around. But it is all through an individual process that reinforces a template that others can follow. Find it.

That's my message.

Warm regards,
p.s. Hint: Seek the Sun. It is a friendly ally.

Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.


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