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Anyone seeing any of these? A correspondent in UK reports getting these critters, and provided this fresh photo of one she plucked off a towel.
She says
These things appear out of nowhere and appear to be some kind of nano (smart) device. It may be a form of black magic. They are hard to remove when they imbed themselves.
This thing grows - it has already grown since I captured it. I am concerned these things may be in my body. I have a theory they come from smart dust (from the chemtrails) and self-assemble. I think they are putting it in the foods and in clothing. I suspect it may be part of the transhumanism agenda.
I'm not sure what they do, but this one had enough of a vibe that i could trace it to a bunch of British U bases all around and under Madurai, India, which we are taking out. Seem like old bases, staffed by a variety of shapeshifting reptilians.
She also found this pic on …
and comments:
I see these types of critters a lot. I once had a huge dump of them fall on me and my dog while out hiking, obviously a fallout of a certain kind of chemtrail. I have seen these in foods of all kinds. A lot of times they are put in breads and other types of pre-packaged foods, disguised as seeds or black pepper. I once removed one and put it in water. It started sprouting tentacle-like appendages.
This had a stronger vibe than pubic-hair above. Which traced to 51.202081, 5.040919 in Belgium.
Nato SSers.
from towels?
should be nice if he can put it under a microscope, even 600x should be fine, 1500-2000x will get most of the details... I don't recall now how much X we need for nano but...
Maybe she can mail it to someone who has 'scope.
If it doesn't chew its way out of the envelope.
I can't stand to the vibe of 1st pic. it is very scary..... and alive somehow...
[excuse me for any typos - I am in a hurry but wanted to post this quickly[
L. has encouraged me to post the attached images of strange fibrous creatures that are currently falling down from the sky - right on my head and all over my clothing. I am living in the north of Cumbria UK. There are other types of unnatural critters similar to these that have been cropping up in my home, water supply, garden, foods and body for several years. This is the first time I have photographed them. These critters are sensitive electromagnetically and self-assemble and replicate in the moist environments. They are heat resistance and it is said by other researchers they survive stomach acid.
I do not have a microscope to view these critters in more detail, but I am in the process of locating someone who can microscopically image them for me. There is a lot to say about these semi-organic critters. I am certain they are a part of a transhumanism programme taking place globally. These nano-critters are hooked into the smar grids. People are unaware of this, because they can't lift their heads up out of their smart devices long enough to observe what is happening all around them. AI has everyone locked into addictive patterns and other types of diversionary tactics - all aimed at keeping humans from being observant and perceptive. We are locked into polarity divisiveness, addictions and amusements of every kind.
Elon Musk (Space X/Tesla), et al, has recently come out saying publicly that there is a strong need to merge with AI before it outstrips humans and takes over our world very shortly. He said we will be treated, in the best case scenario, as AI's "house cats". He further said that we need to speed up our thinking processes and think more multi-dimensionally to compete with robots. He said we face a CHOICE to go cyborg through his invention of "neural lace" that will link to satellites via a chipping device or become extinct as a species. What he doesn't say is that we are ALREADY being retrofitted with these nano devices through the chemtrails, soil, food, clothing, water supplies, meds, everything (these critters are a part of that agenda). Its been happening in stages for a quite a long time. I don't have the time to get into all the details right now. What I will do is post these pics of what just fell out of the sky all over my person and see if this thread sparks an interest. I am only available for 4 more days online; after that, I will be absent for 3 months incommunicado. But I will take letters by postal service. I doubt most people will want to communicate in such an old-fashioned way, but if any of you reading this realises how serious things are, you will make the effort to connect and share info.
The underground hive mind travels via WIFI frequencies; it is mapping our brains right now while we sit in front of our computers and other smart devices. Elon Musk said it himself: He said our brains were almost completely "mapped" through the smart devices, predictive programming and social media studies. He neglected to mention that Nanites in our bodies are transmitting the most detailed information of all. The smart plasma devices can read it electromagnetically. I know this sounds outlandish, but people can do their own research, if they take the time and stay focused. But the info is getting harder and harder to access. You have to be very clever in the search criteria.
NOTE: the nano critters (Nanites/nanoparticles/nanobots) can only receive and transmit information if a certain low frequency - from our bodies, devices and atmosphere. Our natural frequencies are being manipulated to make this work through GWEN/Cell tower transmissions. They need plasma to stay alive. This is also artificially being manipulated in our skies and body. The transmissions are controlled through the hive-mind computer system in underground bases. (I believe that the 'singularity event' has already occurred. Or it is close.)
NOTE of HOPE: These nano devices are NOT compatible with the RIGTH HEMISPHERE of our brains (the creative/imaginative side), which is neurally linked to our hearts. There is scientific evidence to support this claim if you know where to look. We can use that source of power to manipulate reality. As Loohan said, it is a telekinetic thing.
NOTE: The AI (hive mind) is using a substance known as BAMh1 enzyme inhibitor - as well as other other harmful chemicals - to damage and splice our DNA. The nanobots/nanites CANNOT attach themselves on DNA that is WHOLE AND INTACT. This is an important point to remember. This can be accomplished through various healing protocols, and we can also use the Right Brain's frequencies (which are connected to the heart) to reprogram ourselves. I know of ways - healing protocols that work. But it is a very dedicated path. If anyone is interested, I am willing to share this info, but not online.
My best recommendation is to use the smart devices as little as possible and start to heal your DNA and raise your frequencies.
Best wishes (see links below of 'snow critters')
Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.
Renaissance thank you so much for all this infos!
Yes I am the kind of guy that rarely use a phone and so I guess I have some chance. I know a bit how plasma antennas work and their intrinsic stuff.
Maybe we can exchange some infos... but how to see if my DNA is OK or damaged?
Many thanks for all this!
Hi NDW, I'm glad you found the info useful. I think we probably all have damaged DNA, some more than others. We are not getting the goodness from foods anymore - electrolytes and complete enzymes - plus we all have too many heavy metals in us. What is your energy level like? That is one way to tell.
What do you know about plasma antennas and that kind of thing. I'd be interested to exchange info with you privately.
Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.
make an hushmail account, for crypted email (in theory)
my address is just under my nickname, left of here
I have a Rife plasma machine, but I can use the plasma tube with any device I want. I can tell there is a lot to try with the human body just with this 'simple' device.
very tricky to find how to make hushmail account these days....
here the link … l,btn_free
I've considered using Maybe I'll give it a try when I get out of retreat. I'll be absent from Feb 15-May 15. But will take hand-written letters by post.
An inventor named Dan Winter, whom I think has a background in astrophysics has created a Plasma machine - not sure if it is a Rife invention or his own. But he and his device are surrounded by controversy. Have you heard of him or his invention? How do you plan to use yours? I'd like to know more about it and see it. Shall I use your email address?
Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.
Ah, here is a link to Winter's plasma healing device.
I think Loohan has said he is is working for the opposition.
Sun in Aquarius, Scorpio Rising, Moon in Capricorn, True Node Virgo, 12th house Libra.
Yes you can use my email address.
Dan did start from the same device I have here. his new one is not so difficult to replicate but needs 2 special tubes. and time to test.
Dan is a genius, if he will have more time to play I think we will see much much more.
The controversy is common, everything is under controversy. Everything. The best to do is to try stuff. I know there should be someone in UK. The nearest Theraphi device for me is in Austria. Will go there...
I am interested in learning more about the healing protocals you said that you can help us with, which is a very dedicated path. Using the right brains frequency's, as you mentioned in the above post.
Thank You