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#1 2018-03-22 09:03:13

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 274

Another Spiritual Site:

http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/ … er-part-2/

I don't know if it's fake, but good info I would say.

Tired of parasites!


#2 2018-03-23 12:32:44

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Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 62

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Hi Mark,

I too don't know whether it's fake or not but I did go check it out and did the clearing meditations and felt
a major difference in self. Felt a lot lighter, calmer and more focused.
So thank you for posting the link.


#3 2018-03-23 16:43:55

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

I think the guy is sincere and i largely agree with his attitude, but, almost nobody has a soul anymore, so has nothing to incarnate.
Also i do not detect these Lords of Karma. If they ever existed, they do not seem to now.
That said, it can't hurt to revoke false agreements.


#4 2018-03-26 10:54:43

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 274

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

You're welcome shriza, glad it could help you.

I don't know anything about these "lords", but it seems someone is controlling these aliens and demons, since they continue no matter how much they get their a.. kicked, and use the same methods over and over (that require centralized control somewhere, just like here on earth).

I mean, how can different kinds of negative aliens around the universe know about earth, and all have the same agenda, and methods?

To me, somebody is pushing/controlling them, and I think that's what he means by these "lords", some kind of uber parasites.

Tired of parasites!


#5 2018-03-27 17:38:46

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 354

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Cool link. I enjoyed the article. Might have to read his other stuff, too.

This "AI" threat seems to be the most likely linkage between at least some of these species. Is it the boss, or is it just their system for keeping things tidy on a united front? That I couldn't say.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#6 2018-04-04 10:56:53

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 274

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Yeah, it seems like it, but what feed these AI bots energy?

And why are things not changing here on earth?

How do we get rid of all these soulless humans, hybrids, and clones here on earth?

I mean, what's the point fighting them, if it changes nothing?

Tired of parasites!


#7 2018-04-29 20:13:52

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 354

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

I've kinda put off answering this for a while. Not sure why. Guess I've been mulling it over.

What's the point of fighting an endless war?

I suppose I never really stop to contemplate it. Thinking about it seems more pointless to me than anything else, because I know I won't figure out any of it with logic.

All I can do is utilize my talents to their absolute fullest, without ceasing. This is the only way I am 100% certain to leave my life's imprint on this reality. And in the end, that's really all I or anyone can ever do.

Somehow, following this methodology makes me fearless. I'm not full of hope. I'm beyond the concept of hope. I know, without a doubt, that my life's imprint is all that is needed to win. The rest will fall into place on its own.

Everyone needs to be the unique puzzle piece they were designed to be, with zero doubt or holding back. We were made to topple this castle. It's written unto fate.

So many species, so many powerful races and technologies have been neutralized or abolished. What's one more?

Sure, there might be a hundred more behind these AI pests. But at our current pace, a hundred will fall like dominoes.

Besides, every day it becomes more and more apparent that this societal display of "news" and "politics" is a badly written play. Those of value --- that is, those with souls, a connection to God, a fragment of the original fractal --- are ever ripening for an awakening. They are the only pieces that matter in the scheme of things. More and more I feel that this is true.

Ten billion empty puppets amount to as much as the Legos collecting dust in your closet. Why lament these husks? Instead, thank them for allowing the ensouled few to disavow the status quo and hunger for something more. They'll be all the easier to recruit.

Once the ensouled are gathered and aware, the game is over on this planet.

Let's do our best to find them, reveal their power to them, before the media and masses convince them that suicide's the best option. Either that or let them endure endless torture.

That's all that worries me these days.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#8 2018-05-01 13:40:01

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 354

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

...I suppose there's more to say here.

The previous post is just an outlook. A viewpoint. What's more interesting, I'd say, is the game plan. How it'll all go down.

And here's how I'm thinking it will go:

This entire hazy scheme relies on the general public (or at least, a sliver of it) believing that all people are the same. That we're all human. Same species, same basic motivations.

As you all know, this is entirely untrue. Don't need to go into that much, I think.

It's all arranged so that the news can highlight human-shaped individuals doing horrible things, so all actual humans fall under the assumption that humanity is flawed, and at its root it is selfish, brutal, and simple. At least, this is one reason why the media is the way it is.

Now, what if it could be revealed that humans are NOT all the same? And what if this could be done visually?

Well guess what. It's already being done.

If you avail your eyes to the thread "Egyptoid appearance quirks" in the Tranny Spotting forum, you'll see that a wide berth of Egyptoids tend to turn bright red when in my place of work. So red, in fact, that many might assume that they possess significant health issues.

If a man walks in with a red face, you would assume they have diabetes, an odd sunburn, or some skin deformity. That's all easy to accept.

But what if a man walks in pale, and within a minute suddenly turns rosy? Now wouldn't that attract a little attention? Even the most doped up, hypnotized, half awake dupe would think there's something wrong with this person.

But what? Are they embarrassed? Are they having a heat stroke? But... there's no heat. There's nothing to be embarrassed by.

It makes a person think. A rare and modern phenomenon to behold, truly.

If it's a stranger, that's one thing. But what if it's a lover? A father? An uncle? Someone you've known your whole life?

What if it's an actor? A celebrity? A politician?

Now things are really getting odd.

What if the only unique variable added to these situations is a little orgonite device? They seem to only affect some people, while leaving others alone.

This is an introduction to a very vital thought: something separates the population. And this energy device highlights this.

Alright. Interesting, sure, but neutral on its own. Maybe it's an odd genetic quirk.

However, if we factor in their strong, gross vibe once they go all pink, the illusion is all but shattered.

A positive energy device not only turns a large swath of the population pink, but it reveals a gross energetic core.

These individuals, coincidentally enough, seem to be rather affluent, with good jobs, nice houses. They're in a lot of news stories. Positions of power.

(not all Egyptoids are, of course. But I've noticed a vast number of them live quite comfortably)

Now people can start to put two and two together. Not only do they react strangely to energy devices. Not only do they feel gross. They also play pivotal parts in the media and power structure of the world.

Even without having an inkling of what they actually ARE, this is enough to get people wondering: maybe this is why the world is the way it is?




...so, say a couple people start to realize this. Then a couple more. Small crowds congregate.

Now a singularity is primed to go off. These crowds will be quite eager to reveal this shocking truth to everyone.

All we have to do is find out the KEY to this pigment change, make it simple to replicate, and this long-running program is shut down.

For some reason, it only seems to be happening for me. But I'm not anyone exceptional. I never did incredibly well in school. I wasn't incredibly popular. i wasn't born with any gifts. All I did was follow my excitement. I accepted the impossible as a starting point, and went from there. I built my way up, started off small. I attracted some nasty attention, got kicked around a little, but I survived like everyone else here (thanks to Loohan's help). Give or take a few years, now I'm a specialist of some sort.

You can be one, too. Maybe you'll even be better.

Programmed orgonite is dirt cheap to make. Don't wanna make it? I sell it pretty dirt cheap, too.

Practicing psychic warfare is free; I do it all the time. It's just another form of meditation to me. So versatile, it can be done anywhere.

Anyone can get in on this.

Precise gifting of buildings, a few cameras, a few YouTube channels, and we're done. The rest takes care of itself.

People will be eager to see if these results work for them. They're itching for answers, which "society" isn't providing. Thus, they'll take up the cause.

After a while, big cities will be so densely gifted, and lightly populated with those keen on lighting Egyptoids up, that those unfortunate fellows will forever be an eyesore on the streets. People will know instantly as one walks by: you're one of them.

Their hold on this planet will fail, because people will find themselves unable to take them seriously. Pink marshmallows were never all that intimidating to me.

Even if no one else in the entire world joins me in this, I'll be doing it myself. And that will be enough.

It'll just take longer, is all.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#9 2018-05-02 14:37:16

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Mark wrote:

And why are things not changing here on earth?

How do we get rid of all these soulless humans, hybrids, and clones here on earth?

I mean, what's the point fighting them, if it changes nothing?

I just noticed this post. Excuse me "changes nothing"???!!!

Anybody who thinks the changes have not been breathtakingly phenomenal is completely out of touch with reality. COMPLETELY!
Yes, the planet is still teeming with pseudohuman parasites, but, since i embarked on this war in mid-2005
---Most blood-ritual satanists have died and been replaced by impotent clones.
---Most blood-ritual black magic has ceased, for the above reason and others.
---Almost all toxic demonic energy (in which we used to be awash) is gone in the multiverse.
---Countless demonic species have been eradicated or converted. They used to have the power to take over almost anyone and drive them insane.
---Droughts in many areas have been reversed. Partly because the shapeshifting repts, WWs, etc that used to bring in the DORy drought-loving demons everywhere (even if they were ranchers etc) are replaced by clones who can't do this.
---Due to increased scrutiny and law enforcement by our allies, there have not been any actual wars or military engagements in some time that i am aware of, only hoaxes. Hello? There used to be actual bombs, DU-filled rounds, blood and guts at times.
---Countless MKULTRA, supersoldier, clone-manufacturing, drug-manufacturing, etc U bases have been taken out.
---I could go on and on....

Sorry Mark but that was one astoundingly stupid comment.


#10 2018-05-03 01:07:12

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Registered: 2016-03-08
Posts: 112

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Loohan wrote:

---I could go on and on....

We are all hungry for the good news,  I think.
Every little contribution counts and makes a big change. More and more relief is present now. Most of interuptions are now easily cleared.
We should also spent some time to celebrate, to share the joy gratefully with our allies.
Thanks to all!


#11 2018-05-11 06:58:50

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 274

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Well, I'm stupid, therefor I ask stupid questions (I thought I had have told they attack my head over and over so I can hardly think and remember, and my heart too, so it almost stopped, last year, and living in constant noise terror, and chemical fumes).

What I mean is: You Loohan say they reenter/reestablish these underground bases, so what's the point taking them out, when they just refill them? (yes, stupid question, read above), it's like stopping a volcano by spitting in to it, as I see it.

And these allies, who are they?, who is in contact with them?, how did that happen, why don't they show themselves to the World, and shake the ass out of all the parasites, and morons here on earth? why hiding? when most people on earth are them (the negative ones).

If the parasites have lost so much energy, and resources, why are they still living amongst us, and controlling this planet like nothing has changed?

Come to Denmark and live, if you have any doubt, nothing have changed here.

Oh, and still tons of chemtrails every day.

Last edited by Mark (2018-05-11 07:01:38)

Tired of parasites!


#12 2018-05-16 15:24:51

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Loohan wrote:

I think the guy is sincere and i largely agree with his attitude, but, almost nobody has a soul anymore, so has nothing to incarnate.
Also i do not detect these Lords of Karma. If they ever existed, they do not seem to now.
That said, it can't hurt to revoke false agreements.

Sorry, saw a pic of this guy:
CIA repticlone.


#13 2018-05-18 10:03:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Hi All,

Thank You Loohan.

I stopped doing the meditations after a couple times. Something did not feel right. I did not know whether it was just me or the meditation. Anyway I stopped worrying about it after i saw his picture, then I understood it was not me.

Sorry for my delay in responding to all the comments on the  ascension site.

I just want to try my level best to tune in (meditate)within without interference and in the past I used to meditate every morning until one day when I felt like something crashed into my head, felt like something did hit me. After that I just stopped meditating, I got scared.


#14 2018-05-18 10:07:57

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Registered: 2016-09-18
Posts: 62

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

Hi Loohan,

I don't understand how what I wrote came under your name?


#15 2018-05-18 18:08:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: Another Spiritual Site:

It appears that CIA bots in a U base in W Russia (presently being destroyed) hacked into passwords. We all need to change our forum pwds!


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