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#1 2015-04-02 18:38:31

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

the LASER crystal pgm

As i said in http://loohan.com/otb27e.htm, this pgm requires a laser crystal, or, in some cases, a sensitive person might find another kind of stone (e.g. certain Lemurians) that will take this pgm.
Well, there is a 3rd category of workable stones: stones which will not take the pgm unless the stone is physically embellished to enable it to. This 3rd category will not be accessible to most people, as it requires much sensitivity to determine which stone and how to modify it. But actually the little wand that started this whole thing off, is a Category 3 item consisting of 2 stones, a piece of pipe, and a bit of tape.


The original is depicted here along with 2 other Category 3 items: one is a 14 lb(!) Brazilian point i got on eBay years ago. It was real cheap, 40-some dollars i think with shipping, because it is not very pretty and has many flaws. However, it always had great energy and a decent point.
Today i wrapped some tape around it, taping on a few little objects, which made it take the Laser Pgm.

The other is a beautiful polished Brazilian double-terminated crystal almost 7" long, inserted into a copper pipe and with misc items taped on. You can see the butt end sticking out a bit. Not a very aesthetic use of such a fine xtl, but it makes it very strong and allows the Laser pgm.

Now i am blasting Queens, NY with the 14-pounder in addition to my 7 March2015B rings.


#2 2015-04-02 20:45:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

Duh, it was bound to happen. The types of stones that this pgm can go into keeps expanding. Maybe soon it will be programmable into most any crystal.

I just realized Eenia programmed an obsidian artificially cut into a DT crystal shape. Also a bag of small phenacites somone sent me. And she's re-programming stones within various epoxy devices such as the turtle above left.

I'll take a pic of the stones tomorrow. Probably there will be a few more.


#3 2015-04-03 09:09:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

OK, aside from some stones imbedded in various devices, here's what i got so far:


Top left: small phenacites (some of these phenacites probably will be reprogrammed in the future, but for now all have the laser pgm).
Below that we have a funky little smokey and a funky white qtz.
Then a piece of artificaily "crushed" qtz i bought @ $1/lb long ago. Then another qtz xtl.
Then the artificially-cut obsidian "crystal".
Then on the right, the 3 Vogels have been pgmed with this.

I don't know what qualities these stones have in common that they do not share with hundreds of other stones i have.


#4 2015-04-08 20:19:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

I had several more of my nicer polished crystals reprogrammed with this too. I'm having a lot of fun lighting up and torturing bad guys, blowing away evil energy spots, etc. with this pgm (usually in concert with March2015B rings).

Pretty devastating. It sucks to be them.

On my blog i just posted that this pgm seems to do something to ordinary humans who are sleazy enough. Maybe being an agency asset helps.
It occurs to me that this might be a tool to ferret out agents. Not all agents are ETs or black magicians.

I suggest that those of us who are sensitive explore the kickback we get from various people. Some highly dubious characters that i believe are ordinary humans would be the McCann's, the Rigby clan, the Duggars, Mick West, and possibly ... tell me what you think ... the Weatherwar101 guy.

Try and compare with the vibes of, say, gang members. If i look up gang member pics, the Laser pgm does NOT do anything to them unless they are repts like Latin Kings for instance. This tells me that being an evil lowlife criminal is not enough to trigger this pgm. But agency ZioNazi type humans are another matter. Possibly because the intent behind their behavior derives from occultist offworld meddlers.

[Update: It does not reliably light up gov't agents. It only does some.]


#5 2015-04-26 19:41:38

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

Also GREEN AVENTURINE often takes this pgm. Maybe 40% of green aventurine rough. I just bought a 8+ pound chunk on ebay for $34 delivered.

One could buy a sack of smaller chunks and ask Eenia to pgm the ones that will take it, then try to sort out which ones got the pgm. I think in most grades, about 40% should. And who knows, as time progresses, that %age might rise.


#6 2015-05-02 17:13:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

Then right after that i bought another aventurine, almost 8#, even cheaper.



#7 2015-05-18 10:07:58

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: the LASER crystal pgm


These are artificially grown qtz crystals. I had bought some in 2008, and in the past year or so i have twice googled everywhere trying to find more. No search terms i could think of would yield results on eBay or google.

But the other day i was cleaning up my old cabin and i found a 2008 printed email exchange with the guy. Which is weird because i never normally print anything off the internet. Certainly never emails. In fact i don't recall even having a working printer since around 2005.
So i googled the vendor's name and found his hidden eBay store.


I just ordered a batch of 12 for $70 and 13 shipping. That was the last batch listed but if you email him he might make you a qty deal. There is a batch of 2 dozen for 130 + shipping at this time.

Back in 2008 they cost $5 each + shipping, so they haven't gone up much.


#8 2016-06-01 11:08:46

Enabled users
Registered: 2016-03-31
Posts: 57

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

I just ordered one of the lab grown from ebay, is it necessary to have 2 of them?  I was thinking of putting it in a copper pipe and wrapping the handle (but end) with some foil from one of those emergency blankets.  Thoughts?


#9 2016-06-01 11:34:04

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

I don't see any items of his that is a single crystal. just 12 or more in his shop, along with a bunch of 1980s silicon CPU wafers which look interesting. unless the seller only posts a single crystal at a time... IDK.

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#10 2016-06-01 11:46:38

Enabled users
Registered: 2016-03-31
Posts: 57

Re: the LASER crystal pgm

Ya, he only post one at a time.  It comes to $18 with the shipping and handling, much cheaper to buy in bulk at $6 a piece.  T


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