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#1411 2017-09-07 09:42:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Cash-strapped families are BANNED from buying £6 Asda and Tesco black school trousers and instead forced to purchase bespoke logo-embroidered uniform for three-times the price
Parents of children at National Academy in Nottinghamshire, have slammed the school for telling them that they are only allowed to buy the £16 a pair trousers
They claim they are strictly forbidden from buying other pairs and sewing logo
Both Asda and Tesco are selling similar trousers, without logos, for just £6 each
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … users.html
MTF repticlones.


#1412 2017-09-07 09:47:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Five Guys burger waiter, 21, who sent a picture of his genitals to a girl, 13, before googling: 'can I get in trouble for texting a minor?' is jailed for 16 months
Javaun Simpson sent images in bid to meet up with the girl for sexual activity
21-year-old sent two photos of his private parts with sexually graphic messages
His victim was 'affected' by the sexual content and it was reported to police
Simpson, of Manchester, was a supervisor for fast food chain but lost his job
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … -girl.html
Must've been a fascinating photo.
MI FTM repticlone.


#1413 2017-09-07 10:49:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Manson family member Leslie Van Houten granted parole; critics demand California governor reverse the decision
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa … -1.3475154
CIA Category 1 MTF Egyptoid. All the Manson "girls" were Etoid MTFs.


#1414 2017-09-08 07:48:53

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

'Stop having sex at Christmas': Exhausted midwife begs couples to refrain during the festive season - because it leads to a surge in September births
Mhairi Maharry asked people to refrain from having sex over the festive period
She said: 'If you know or love a midwife, PLEASE STOP S******* AT CHRISTMAS'
September 26 is the most popular day to give birth with some 2,000 deliveries
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … uples.html
MI MTF repticlone. Note Masonic M sign.
I have no idea what S******* is. Some UK slang no doubt. In the US we would say F****** in polite company.
[edit: ah yes, that would be Shagging. Such a strong word.]


#1415 2017-09-08 07:52:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

'She would be very proud of her legacy': Girl of 13 helped to save the lives of a record eight people when her organs were donated after she died suddenly
13-year-old Jemima Layzell died after collapsing with a brain aneurysm
Amid their grief,  her parents decided to donate the teenager's organs
Mr and Mrs Layzell, from Horton, Somerset, have now been told that Jemima’s organs helped to save the lives of eight people
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic … rgans.html
All live MI TG/cross-dressed repticlones.
I am amazed how mature some 13-year-old boys look. He looks more like 17 to me in top pic.


#1416 2017-09-08 08:05:06

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Yee gods, Daily Mail did another huge hoax dump today. I can only give credit to a few.

Pregnant high school teacher, 31, is reported missing after failing to show up for the first day of class
Laura Elizabeth Wallen, 31, has not been seen or heard from since Monday in Olney, Maryland
She sent a 'troubling' message to her family about an hour after she was last seen at her condo where she lives alone
Her father went to her condo but could not find her
He alerted police after she failed to show for work Tuesday at Wilde Lake High School in Columbia
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … chool.html
MTF repticlone.


#1417 2017-09-08 08:07:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Breaking boundaries! Striking model proudly flaunts her jet-black unibrow to tens of thousands of Instagram fans, as she urges others to ignore society's narrow views of beauty
Sophia Hadjipanteli, a marketing student at the University of Maryland, shares photos of her naturally thick unibrow on her Instagram page
After the natural blonde tried tinting her brows and accidentally dyed them black, she realized she liked the look and kept it up
Sophia recently shared photos of herself dressed as Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, who was also known for her unibrow
The body positive advocate said she won't be able to move on from the look until other people learn to accept it
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic … agram.html
"Striking" defined. No mention of the obvious masculinity of this MTF repticlone.


#1418 2017-09-08 08:32:47

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Model gleefully announces that she is single on Instagram, before calling on men to 'shoot their shot' by filling out an incredibly invasive four-page JOB APPLICATION to be her new 'daddy'
Comedian Arantza Fahnbulleh, 24, announced in an Instagram video that she is newly single and released 'Daddy applications' to find her next romance
The Los Angeles based model 's video quickly went viral with over 87,000 views
Thus far she has received over 500 applications from suitors across the globe
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic … mance.html
So discreet with that hand sign.
CIA MTF repticlone.


#1419 2017-09-08 08:40:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Gypsy pageant queen, 8, is winning crowns with risqué dance routines where she wiggles her chest and rips off her skirt (but says she initially hid her background because rivals 'wouldn't understand')
Traveller Ellie-May, 8, successfully competes in child beauty pageants
Performs eyebrow-raising dance routines in heavy make-up and risqué outfits 
The schoolgirl, from Buckinghamshire, prefers to keep her background hidden
But her family say her 'traveller attitude' and 'sass'  is key to her success
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic … utine.html
666 hand signs.
MI repticlone boy. Actually, MTF as he already got the junk cut off. (Yes, they do it real early sometimes. I once saw a MTF around 5 years old in a Chinese movie, wearing a bikini.)
More MI repticlone freaks at link, including a couple pseudotrannies.
(They say Gypsy in the title but none of these are Romani.)


#1420 2017-09-08 08:43:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

College student films her horror as she wakes up in an abandoned train and has to call 911 after falling asleep on the train following epic day of travel to flee her Florida school before Irma hit
Claire Connelly was horrified when she woke up in an empty train car hundreds of miles from home Wednesday night
She had been forced to abandon her college in Fort Meyers, Florida due to Irma
After a long day of traveling home to New Jersey she fell asleep on the train
Nobody woke her up, so she woke up to an empty train and had to call 911
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … train.html
CIA MTF repticlone.


#1421 2017-09-08 09:05:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

'I condemned my mother to the gas chamber with one wrong word to Dr Death': There have been many heartrending Holocaust books. But few as powerful as this new memoir by a ballet dancer still haunted to this day
Edith Eger was just 16 when she and her family were sent to Auschwitz in 1944
She accidentally sentenced her mother to death by revealing she was over 40
Both of her parents were murdered at the camp but miraculously she survived
Edie was forced to dance for Josef Mengele, the camp's infamous officer known as the Angel of Death 
When their camp was liberated, she was pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … moirs.html

These are all dead, so i can't dowse their gender. The 4 on the left are either cross-dressed or pseudotrannies. The man points a finger at nowhere.

Likewise this one is dead. Egyptoid female i think.

Live CIA MTF repticlone. Tooth gap might be shopped. Probably to match the slight gap of the earlier actress:
except they overdid it.

Daughter Marianne
is a CIA female Category 1 Egyptooid.

Mengele was probably FTM SSer. Note subtle hand sign.


#1422 2017-09-08 10:11:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

John Wayne Gacy fan leads cops to his mom’s body buried in a 55-gallon drum underneath the family home just like the notorious serial killer
Susan Mayo, 60, disappeared June 17 and investigators doggedly stayed on the case believing her son was involved
Police at her family home found a body stuffed in a 55-gallon drum under the porch
Her son, Nathaniel Sebastian, 32, blurted out 'My mama's under the front porch' as police approached the home on Wednesday
He is a fan of serial killers and investigators believe he may have been inspired by John Wayne Gacy
He was arrested and charged with murder and abuse of a corpse
His 81-year-old grandmother, Doris Clark, was also arrested and charged with obstruction of justice
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … porch.html
Victim Susan Mayo is a live female Category 1 Etoid blood ritual satanist.

The killer is also a Category 1 Etoid.

Grandma is played by the "killer".

What about Gacy:
He is dead. Unsure of gender. Here in family photo, doing Masonic M.
Wife also dead, looks butch and does hand sign too. The boys are live Category 1 Etoid MTFs now.
There is another (unlinkable) pic of Gacy doing a big-time M here:
http://didyouknowfacts.com/creepy-artwo … ayne-gacy/

John Wayne Gacy Victim Is Identified After Four Decades
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/us/j … ified.html

James Byron Haakenson, age 16, was murdered by the serial killer John Wayne Gacy in 1976. His remains were identified this week.

Yet, somehow, this CIA Category 3 Etoid survived.
Added cavities?

I seem to recall once reading that there was a whole slew of murderers named John Wayne or more likely who had Wayne in their names somewhere. Can't find more under John Wayne.

The Hollywood John Wayne was a FTM blood-ritual satanist SSer.


#1423 2017-09-09 07:15:32

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:



#1424 2017-09-09 17:01:00

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Impressionistic visual essay ‘Red Trees’ reinvents Holocaust film genre
Opening September 15, lyrical documentary about a father's survival and immigration to Brazil allows his filmmaker daughter to learn his family's tragic story for the first time
https://www.timesofisrael.com/impressio … ilm-genre/
Marina Willer is a super obvious MTF. Mossad repticlone.
The rest of the  Willer family is Mossad Category 1 Egyptoids, not cross-dressed.


#1425 2017-09-09 18:54:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 30,869

Re: misc hoax-actor trannies and pseudo-trannies:

Fiancee, 29, 'is hiding in a caravan park and has been disowned by her family after fleeing with £13,000 cash for her man's Ibiza stag do' (as the lads leave the groom at home and fly to Magaluf!)
Chris Mahone, 27, let his fiancee Rachel Doran book his stag party to Ibiza
She allegedly charged the group £440 each and provided them with documents
When the party arrived at the airport they were told there had been no bookings
But his friends have gone to Magaluf anyway after booking a last-minute flight
Know more? Call 0203 615 1536 or email scott.campbell@mailonline.co.uk
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … money.html
OMG, grossout! MTF MI Category 1 Egyptoid blood-ritual satanist.
They must use especially gross trannies in some hoaxes for a reason.
Dude is a MI Cat3 Etoid.
More of them down the page.
Like these:
Note hand sign.
And these:
How sweet.


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