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#1 2015-01-25 18:55:03

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Jan2015B Program

This is a new pgm from Joe. (The cubes on the right have bionized quartzite in them, although i doubt there is a particular synergy of function there.)

I haven't even posted about this one on my site yet, because it is very unusual and we haven't quite figured out what it does.
This thread is a place to brainstorm on it.

Both Joe and myself get a subjective impression of "gravity" when handling pieces.

It does not seem to be for local gifting or for focused remote work. My impression is it doesn't matter where the device is located, and you can't direct it (although Joe has incorporated some of it into many of his devices and feels it boosts them).
My impression is it permeates the multiverse in such a way as to mysteriously change things for the better.

This morning before work i poured almost 1/2 a gallon of epoxy into a large rectangular mold. Shortly thereafter (as it was being pgmed) the cosmos started quivering and quaking. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what was happening, but the EHETs (who usually attack me in recent months) got weaker.

After work i poured almost another quart on top. This is the final pour on that. At present, my guidance is to pour a 2nd slab in the same mold, getting the Strontium-Barium pgm and a bit of the Demon-Destroying pgm. This slab will probably be about 70% as thick as the first. [Update: actually the 2nd slab ended up exactly the same size.]
When i put the 2 slabs together, i expect considerable synergy.

I will wrap each slab in metallized tape, then tape the 2 slabs together and probably also wrap some wire around them in the process. (I do not recommend you work with this tape unless you have received the "training" on how to pgm it from ChemmerBuster, and are able to be guided in applying the tapes.)


#2 2015-01-26 02:51:52

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Jan2015B Program

Drain-o. Edit: didn't know lizards drank this stuff Anturio,(comment below). Lol. And I mean it in the way it declogs your plumbing.

Last edited by cosmicbal (2015-01-31 18:51:19)

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#3 2015-01-26 18:32:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

So far i get no inclusions in JanB. (In did accidentally put bionized stones in 2 ice cubes, but i don't think there is any synergy there.)
JanA you can stuff with stuff, but it may not improve it any.


#4 2015-01-26 19:23:32

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: Jan2015B Program

Loohan wrote:


Both Joe and myself get a subjective impression of "gravity" when handling pieces.

What exactly you mean for gravity?
you feel lighter holding it, like less gravity pressure, or more heavy, like more gravity pressure?
if it make less gravity pressure, I suppose that making a very big piece, like cone or pyramid with it, can do interesting effects....


#5 2015-01-26 20:17:28

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

I'd say sensation of more gravity.


#6 2015-01-28 20:17:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

Sweet stuff, Anturio.

Now here's mine:

2 slabs of equal size, face-to-face. One is JanB, the other is 2 layers of S-B with a 1/4" layer of DD in between. Each slab wrapped in tape, then the 2 wrapped together. Only 1 type tape used so far, no wires.
Not your grandma's orgonite.
I suspect that after some more embellishments, i may re-cast this thing in a larger mold with more JanB.

Also Antuvozy had me cast the 3 smaller objects for some reason.


#7 2015-01-29 09:26:34

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

This slab-o-monster DOES seem to be directable toward a target type (though i still doubt the JanB pgmed stuff is, by itself).
Last night i had it lighting up werewolf U bases. Right now it is going after the repts behind the (ongoing locally) chemtrailing.


#8 2015-01-29 17:16:01

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Registered: 2014-11-12
Posts: 34

Re: Jan2015B Program

Anturio, I love those shapes.  (I tend toward "pretty" stuff, jewelry molds etc.)

I will pour some of this stuff later in the weekend.  Meanwhile, I feel solidity, weight, almost like a lead blanket (and I mean that in the best possible way).  The word "grounding" is overused, but I love the solid feeling of this energy.  It has a nearly-sentience of its own, a benevolence, as if it has been around forever.

Like Loohan said, it makes the world a better place by being here.


#9 2015-01-30 01:52:40

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Registered: 2014-11-24
Posts: 4

Re: Jan2015B Program

Here are some pieces I made in which I asked for this program.  Maybe it could be suited for drawing certain types of DORy energy from psychic attacks from the body or used in healing devices?  I was drawn to try holding the crystal shaped piece (mold made using two-part silicone putty) over certain areas of the body.

And this one I made before reading Loohans recommendations not to stuff this pgm with stones but also has two layers of programming from my own higher self/sentient unit which I will post about soon in their own threads cool smile.  Most of the stones are local quartzite which are not bionized.


#10 2015-01-31 17:18:49

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Jan2015B Program

Anturio, how did you get the epoxy to stay so clear without bubbles? Hivemind, that Mayan pyramid looks incredible. I'm diggin' it.

Here's my meager contribution to the mile high club:

The bottom layer is Jan15B. The top is first batch I'm calling Light Fortification. Fortifiesyour spine, your roots, your higher chakras, your energy bodies.. All while vaporizing DOR on a seemingly scalar level. Meaning no frequency, just intention. I worked with my HSs and I believe Source. So whatever else it does, I'm not 100%. Loohan says it has broad applications. The scum sure hate it! Fortified light, transmutes darkness.

Also I'm keen to use an herbal supplements called Tri-Iodine from the dry capsules, and think there is benefit in doing so. Also I am obsessed with sparkles like a raccoon now...

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#11 2015-02-01 19:32:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

With epoxy, it has to be warm, over 80 F in the case of Kleer Kote Epoxy, to be clear. The warmer the better, except that then it will tend to overheat more easily when curing.


#12 2015-02-02 09:28:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: Jan2015B Program

There have been times, working on a large project, that i have set the mold inside a bucket of cold water. Especially if i wanted to do a fairly deep pour.


#13 2015-02-08 19:33:49

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: Jan2015B Program

some update for that Jan2015B pgm?


#14 2015-02-10 22:49:07

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Jan2015B Program

I have a few.

First, some back story. I intended this program to be a way to help MPD victims, or in a basic sense, to battle MPD. Something that could push back against the strength that an "alter" or bout of programming could exert on a person. In a way, hopefully, that normal orgone energy could not. Something tangible to part the waves, so to speak. This is what resulted.

Many of us seem to get an impression of "gravity" from this program. I believe it is because this is one of two things:

a) a new format of energy entirely, or
b) a way to tune into the "density" quality of energy

Or both. B, to go further, would be like the "Higgs Boson" of energy, it being the particle physicists believe have something to do with the mass of a particle. This somehow tunes into that, but for energies both good and evil. The reason I postulate it could be something new is because nothing seems to have a defense for it. It slips, slides, plows through just about anything, and can aid almost any function you could do involving conflict.


Most exciting for me were the uses of this energy. Concerning energetic tussles, I found that it gave my thoughts more "heft." More weight. In any battle of strengths, whichever has the more heft behind it, the more density, will have the upper hand. It's harder to budge. Likewise, if you want to drive deep into something, density (and perhaps shaping it into a wedge) will help with that. So in that case, it helps with both offense and defense.

In this same vein, I felt it helped with battling MPD. I have a particular evil MPD target I'm dealing with, and it's been hard to feel energy "connecting" in an attack. It's usually like I'm hitting air. What I'm looking for, the weakness, is hidden in the MPD somewhere. And it has to be dug out, wedged into. Since certain thoughts/energetic thoughtforms can now have more "heft," in addition to energy content, they can budge other thoughts/thoughtforms with greater ease. Just imagine this being a very malleable, easily shaped (by you, that is), very solid impenetrable wall or mass. I personally imagine it being black (though my slab is also black, so it could just be that connection). Not only is it quite dense, but it has some "torque" to it too. Just use the intention to shape it, and the very action of moving something so dense/heavy in any manner gives it an aspect of "torque." Don't make it out to be a huge chore. It's effortless to work with, once it's understood.

USES extended

Now here's where it gets a little fruitier. Loohan mentioned that EHET attacks seemed weaker after his device was made. I also noticed that it was harder for things to affect me when I utilized this program. Today I postulated, while on a walk, that perhaps it's possible this program is removing the "density" of their energy? Lessening the gravity they can exert? I attempted to use it to remove it entirely, their entire access to anything, to even exist. Because if the energy has no "density" to it, no substance or heft, it can hardly affect anything, can it. It's like turning it into a neutrino, but going further.

With this, I was able to say "you have never existed, shadow", use this program to reach in to the core of a target, and extinguish/dissolve/assimilate the "density/gravity" of its energy, and notice significant improvement. It wasn't difficult; it was like turning a key, or hitting a switch. This I attempted while under heavy attack today. Which, as Loohan mentioned on his blog, he also was. I feel it was due to my new Jan2015b slab, and he feels it may have something to do with his new slab device, too.

Lastly, it does seem to connect well to its own kind. Meaning, after Loohan made his two slabs, I was able to actively feel them. I believe I felt them backing up my own supply. If it is dealing with a new sort of energy, it would seem to be pooled, or shared. Some sort of network effect, perhaps. Other miscellaneous facts... approaching my house while this slab of mine has been developed has become increasingly pleasant. Today I felt such pleasantness emanating from my house, increasing the closer I approached. I've always noticed it to an extent, but now it's fairly ridiculous.

I'm about to clean the gunk off my finished pure Jan2015b slab, dry it, and tape it tonight. Truly excited to see what else I can pump out of this thing.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#15 2015-02-11 04:23:56

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Jan2015B Program

If anyone's curious, here's my slab so far. Pure Jan15B. Tape job is perhaps, oh, 1/3 done.



Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


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