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Years ago I noticed, while building a system with a sonar, that the room was more lightly...
Then these days I thought that dolphins are attracted by orgonites.
Dolphins have a sonar....
So I took a Sonar, and done it simply, as in pic.
Basically I placed the orgonite next to the output of the sonar.
Bingo, it does stimulate the orgonite.
The impression is that there is more orgone in the room
But a rapid check with the oscilloscope, I've found that the arduino board, that was driving the sonar, wasn't good to generate an exact frequency. But at least it was acting to stimulate the orgonite.
Then I took a solid square wave generator, I started to play frequencies, 3hz, 7,83hz, 15hz, 528hz.. and more...
Then I thought, if a stone that was having VG-, if it was possible to clean it by placing it over the orgonite stimulated by the sonar.
It did! Tried with 2 frequencies, probably any will do.
so guys, here it is, with less than 5 euros you can duplicate my stuff.
you can buy a "nano arduino" there on ebay for 1 Euro … SwYIxX4qij
then the sonar for 1 euro … Sw4shX2QcU
then you can choose a breadboard with jumper cables, or just solder 3 cables. … SwNsdXRtIx
a mini usb cable to connect arduino to computer is necessary.
Then, you need to connect only, from sonar VCC to 5V of arduino
Trigger to pin D8
Gnd (ground) to Gnd of arduino.
(you can connect also Echo to D7, this way you will be able to see from serial monitor the distance between the orgonite and the sonar)
I've placed also a 100uF 35v electrolytic capacitor between VCC an GND, the bar side of the cap is the minus in case you don't know.
this should stabilize and ensure the power input
then here the software, 2 version,
original sonar
#define trigPin 8
#define echoPin 7
#define led 13
#define led2 10
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
long duration, distance;
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Added this line
delayMicroseconds(2); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
// delayMicroseconds(1000); - Removed this line
delayMicroseconds(10); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
if (distance < 4) { // This is where the LED On/Off happens
digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // When the Red condition is met, the Green LED should turn off
else {
if (distance >= 200 || distance <= 0){
Serial.println("Out of range");
else {
Serial.println(" cm");
frequency generator code, change frequency inside tone(), place a number, it will means Hz.
this code still need improvements, since it doesn't seems to generate the frequency placed in the code. btw you will need an oscilloscope.
#define trigPin 8
#define echoPin 7
#define led 13
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
tone(trigPin, 3);
use the common arduino software here
On this software, you have to set as follows
from menu "Tools -> Board -> Nano ATmega 328"
then serial port- > the one with higher number should be the last connected to the pc
then paste the code
then 1st top left button with a V, if you point the mouse over should say Verify
then 2nd top left button upload, it has an icon arrow to right, says upload.
will start to blink leds of nano while uploading
then when done, less than a minute usually, it will give you a red led when something is very near, 4cm about to the sensor.
from tools -> serial monitor , using the 1st original sonar code, you can see how much distance there is between sensor and objects in front of him
30 degrees angle of visual.
if you want a better frequency generator, here an example … SwY0lXRtRc
I used square waves 50% duty cycle, 5 to 1 V, 0 offset..
You can build also a 555 timer to 15hz or 7.83 hz or any hz by just calculating it … alculator/
But I think that the frequency is not all, it is important, but the sonar itself will works well with a simple arduino or 555 at any frequency, to stimulate orgonite..
Just be aware that the sonar doesn't like voltages higher than 5v, so you have to power your 555 with 5,2v at maximum, better safe 5,0v.
Then curiously enough, I had 2 days of total stop of attacks, demons etc, then this happeared in the sky.
A strange baloon drone. Pic is not good but I testify that it was a baloon, all white. very visible by eye, and by camera, then pic is as you see..
then later that day I got attacked again from demons. Maybe they analyzed the new orgone at my place?
BTW, I got very deep sleep with it on, now it is 3rd day and well, dreams were all good and funny, with new colors effects!
I got accustomated by the new orgone energy in the room, the 1st days was like more peace around.
Let me know what you will feel out of it, for 2 euros is a must!
also local electronics shop will have arduino and sensor if you need it faster than waiting it from China. it will be a bit more expensive, arduino is usually sold at 10 euros, while the sonar at 5 euros.
In case you wanna make a portable version... easy
take a 9v battery
plug the + to VIN of arduino and - to GND
leave everything as it is
VIN accepts up to 12v, but car batteries are higher, 13-14v when charged, so don't connect to them. Use 9V rechargeable they will be fine.
of course, once the board is programmed, it stores the program.
Arduino will get powered by 9V, then will lower the voltage to 5V for the sonar.
for a 555, you need a LM7805 to push down the voltage of the 9v
so it will be battery (9v) -> LM7805 (5V)-> 555 (5V)-> sonar
have a look what can be done with ultrasounds..... seems like fringe science stuff instead it is 'real science', I mean it is not unproven, mainstream science has already studied it.
(click on 'look inside', near the pic of the book and start to read the index...) … 3527302050