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Hi everyone..1st time on here..greetings from new zealand. I am greatful to have found LOOHAN'S has opened up a whole new world for me. I was an avid fan and follower of ANDREW BARTZIS..untill i saw that he was aligned with C.I.A from this my question is 1.what are your guys thorghts on andrew? and 2. is it possilble to have been in a government department like c.i a ect..ciuld andrew have exited the c.i.a to be a beacon of truth or is it just a scam.?
why? everything he says rings true. I cant fault any info or spiritual knowledge he says..what possible reasons would they send him out to scam people.? explain why it is a scam? not saying u are wrong at trying to understand the reasons behind the are they benefiting from this...I cant see any corruption in his knowledge and info at all.
Truth, beauty, feigned love, the darkside uses it all to entrap.
entrap what? is it a distraction of a false peace to whats really going on? which is a real battle between oposing forces?are u saying they are trying to put our mind sets into a fantasy world of love and peace so we dont join the battle and focus on non violence instead of fighting back?
They always fight on all sides of every controversy. And the controversies are generally manufactured or at least encouraged by them. They are more concerned with distracting us with fake dichotomies than which side wins. They will sacrifice any assets they have if it dupes you better.
They want you to join the battle, anywhere on any side (all are largely controlled by them), or else withdraw to do inner work to heal outer evil, it doesn't matter.
that doesnt give much hope at all..what i can see is that almost all the healers..channels...or energy masters i thorght where good and here to help are actually not at all how are we the new learners suppose to learn how to aspire to advance in our spirituality when its clear 9 out of ten teachers u come across are compromisd or clones, reps, or darkside. apart from you i guess who do u recommend as a good teacher that has not been corrupted? and what is the point of this distraction? if we are duped by all these false it extract and or feed off our energy because we are being taught by these false teachers who are for the dark and we are unaware of it.? and what exactly is healing inner evil..?are u saying inner work heals them..meaning dark entities?
Last edited by JEDI MASTER NZ (2016-12-08 17:58:11)
Pages: 1