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BREAKING NEWS Thief is found guilty of murdering Amazon delivery driver who was killed as he tried to stop his van being stolen … tolen.html
Perp has divergent eyes in this pic.
But not this one.
Note which canine is more visible on the victim.
Is the perp's 2nd pic designed to make him resemble the victim?
Live RCs.
Martial arts instructor arrested in Broken Arrow for lewd molestation charges … ation-bapd
According to the Broken Arrow Police Department (BAPD), on Wednesday, Feb. 26, officers arrested 29-year-old Lyndon Cole Jarman for at least five counts of lewd molestation. Investigators say the crimes happened while the kids were in the care of Jarman while he served as their martial arts instructor.
BAPD investigated several families and victims before making an arrest.
Investigators believe there could be more victims connected to the investigation.
Larger left ear.
CIA Blandster with remote control hardware in his head, mainly above his left eye. Normally it is not offset from center. I guess they are only interested in his left brain.
When i see something like this, i have to wonder, is this just a slave automaton with no clue? Or a knowing actor? I suspect the former but who knows... I don't detect any victims offhand.
Heartbroken Missouri mom arrives home to find her partner killed daughter before turning gun on himself … icide.html
"Nine-month-old Ophelia Lawery-Daniels ..."
Tongue on lip, 9, soles, M, Mickey.
She also appears in a BWR pic.
Live CIA RCs.
Golfer, 44 {44}, is left blind after wayward shot from fellow player smashes into his face and shatters his EYE
Never seen so many OneEye pics. Including several close-ups.
MPD TH CIA RC with xmtrs.
Inside abandoned Mexican drug cartel 'training camp' littered with charred bones and desperate farewell letters hinting at unimaginable horrors … -camp.html
Mexicans prefer the most drab shoes to accompany their bright clothing. B&W stripes on centerline. Lots of red, magenta, turquoise. Liquid container.
We are supposed to believe that someone went to the trouble of neatly pairing off the jumbled shoes for a photo op? Obviously the PD is overstaffed.
Ah, later it says "In an effort to match the items found at the ranch with the thousands of missing people, prosecutors released photos of almost 500 personal effects such as jeans, T-shirts, blouses, skirts, backpacks and bags"
- - but no mention of the shoes, and there must be 120 or so in this pic. And also
"The sensation that runs through your body when you see hundreds and hundreds of shoes piled up like that is indescribable."
So, there were hundreds and hundreds of shoes, presumably all very drab, among the almost 500 items, yet not mentioned in the sentence with the 500. Must not have been many of the items of the types they do mention. Plus, they only depicted ~120 shoes. Presumably the rest of them were still being paired off by the crew, a daunting task since they are all so similar and featureless. No Nike swooshes, big N's, bright colors... The ones in the pic must be the more distinctive ones that they were able to pair off first.
One Glove On, One off (gay signal) on a male with a long thumbnail on his smooth hairless hand. Open Books. Bottle. 3 fingers.
Routine knee surgery goes wildly wrong with man losing his leg
READ MORE: Mom sues Amazon claiming virtual appointment led to death … wolff.html
Monsta thing! Neither it nor the shriveled leg right are of flesh and bone. His left knee sticking up is.
Ad for a govt beverage. Centerline colors. He has dentures and glasses up.
"His surgeon was Dr Dean Wang, pictured, who is the head of the hospital's sports medicine unit"
Wang is MPD TH RC of the 4th agency, with xmtrs.
Homepage depicts only MPD TH RCs of the Fourth Agency.
Women with giant breasts that 'grow uncontrollably' reveals that she often struggles to breathe … eathe.html
Those lips are also natural. Magenta.
A large percentage is sideboob padding.
MPD TH RC with xmtrs.
Preacher's unbelievable response as a trans woman pulls a gun on him after he said 'God made men to be men'
READ MORE: Trans activist arrested after assaulting GOP Congresswoman … d-men.html
Amazing matching B&W stripes. And the road gives more on centerline.
We used to get many center posts and center trees. Deliberate cross formation?
Is she really that much taller than him? Or are his knees buckling in terror?
on centerline.
"Kevin Kihara, 37, is a pastor of Christian Forgiveness Ministries in San Francisco"
One Eye. Weird hairdo for a pastor, but hell, this is California. BWR and plenty of turquoise.
He is MPD TH with xmtrs and strong connections to the Third Agency.
CIA RCs. Ms Stripey is female of course.
Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries (CFM) is a Non-denominational Christian Ministry founded by David Lynn who is a planting, pastoral and evangelistic figure within Toronto, Canada. Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries’ (CFM) mission is to impact the world through radical evangelism, church planting, and discipleship and also hopes to provide training, one on one mentoring, covering and support for Churches and aspiring Evangelists and Pastor’s who feel the calling to Radical Evangelistic and Pastoral Ministry.
24 Locations World Wide.
Only MPD TH CIA RCs with xmtrs depicted. CIA is all over and under Canada, as if the Canadian mafia was not bad enough.
American Airlines {CIA} plane erupts in flames at Denver Airport {THAT airport} as terrified passengers are forced to escape onto wing … -wing.html
What is that thing right that does not appear to be a slide or step?
Why is the thing with steps much too short?
"Flames erupting from under the plane were doused with water"
Thick plumes of black smoke were seen billowing into the air in videos shared online.
Emergency services were seen dousing the plane in water while the plane was still stationed at Terminal C of the airport.
No explanation of what burned with plumes of black smoke or why it ignited. But i doubt that petroleum-based liquids should be addressed with water.
"Emergency slides had been activated and people were seen walking around the tarmac near the aircraft being ushered to safety"
"Slides"? Is that what they call these? Now they are tall enough. They dragged an extra one out for the photo but nobody is bothering to push it to the wing so that the "panicked" can escape more quickly. Yawn. No hurry; they can just hang out a while on that wing filled full of a million gallons of jet fuel.