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I've recently read the book "A book of dreams" of Peter Reich, son of Wilhelm Reich.
Then 'Wilhelm Reich and the healing the atmosphere" of Roberto Maglione.
various details has come out about Reich's Cloudbusters.
He was using aluminium! probably because it was cheap. Then BX cable.
Seems, from what I read in the internet, that this BX cable wasn't in contact with the pipes and was working in induction mode.
Probably also the multiple tubes, one inside each other, weren't 'electrically' in contact with the others.
So a work of induction?
The best way to test this is to do holes in big clouds, by using this CB in a running water.
Then there was lead at the base of the CB, probably for balancing it. I did read years ago that the base of the CB was black, so to not emit orgone energy... No observation of this in the books.
Then the modified CB, with added radium, called ORUR, the one treated in the ORANUR experiment, this modified CB was called 'Space Gun'. They used this against UFOs, as well as in Arizona desert.
Reich called the sky treated with this radium (ORUR), ORURIZED sky.
They did manage to weaken an UFO by drawing left of it, then under, then right, then under again, then left... the UFO moved away in the sky, changing colour from red to other colours, then white then did flow away up in the sky...
In the meantime, another man was having a geiger counter at the base of the CB, measuring orgone. Reich did use a geiger counter charged inside an accumulator. This way it was sensible to Orgone energy, and it is said that orgone energy does change the resistance of certain materials, so the dielectric inside the tube of the geiger does conduct more easily the electricity, so it does count orgone.
Well in this occasion with the UFO, they did measure such an high count of discharge in the geiger that it wasn't possible coming from the radium ORUR material. It did come from the UFO, maybe it was its exhaust.
From the 2nd book, I got that there were various modification of CBs.
But what ones has to think is that Reich did use also an accumulator connected to one of his CB, not only running water.
Others have tried lakes, but seems that if the lake has more OR than the atmosphere, something strange happens, the CB will shoot out orgone. They never understood this completely but they observed that not always a CB was sucking DOR from the sky when connected to a lake.
Running water, like in a strong river, is best to generate the effect of sucking energy, mostly DOR, from the sky.
I'm wondering if the accumulator will draw or emits orgone, since Reich did use a flexible hollow cable to direct Orgone from the Accumulator to patients. So maybe he did the same, connecting a cable from the accumulator to the CB.
In Arizona, they left 2 CBs operating for weeks, one was having an accumulator for sure. Not sure if the other one was connected to a river. They did use the radium ORUR sample, and they said the work of days was done in minutes with it.
Noticeable that the exposure meter of a camera, went from 7 to 12 after few minutes of CB, the sky went from white pale, to deep blue... the light was coming now way much better after the removal of the DOR (the white color in the sky).
They did their best to follow natural rules. Infact at 1st did come humidity from the ocean, then grass started to grow in the desert, then one week later, did come the rain.
It had rained so much that was almost the most higher year with rain of around 100 years.
neither book has good reference for cloudbusting guidelines. Peter just says that they usually draw at West, then North, less often South. Almost never east. and at last they draw at the center of the sky, zenith.
Since orgone flows from West to East, they usually remove DOR in West and good orgone comes.
After doing W, moving N then a bit S, then Zenit, they says it is common to feel orgone all around the body, as if the atmosphere is making the energy circulating again.
They used various CBs together, rarely a single one.
Then the common concept, draw near a cloud to make it bigger, draw at the center to erase it from the sky.
Last but not least, in the book of Maglione, he wrote about the usage of a solution of water and bismuth, to detect orgone.
if one of this tube is left inside an orgone accumulator for a certain time, it did become black, while the control sample remains clear. I've tried bismuth powder in water here at home on various orgonite and still I have others to test. If something will happen I'll report here. Maybe it does react only on concentrated orgone.
Will write more on this topic when I'll have more, but please remember, water cloudbuster is incredible dangerous and you should operate it using motors in remote, so to not take the DOR from the sky, inside your body.
Then I would say, never draw more than 10 minutes. You can generate effects too big in the weather.
Demeo writes about various people doing water CB that did made various disasters. Notably some german in Algeria did manage to make rain, probably for money, so much that some people died in the near village for the incredible rain... then comes to my mind that very often in summer a big DORy wind comes from the Sahara desert in Italy, I wonder if were these people playing with it...
So I'll repeat, it is dangerous, but ok to read about it
One last note about people doing a water CB with caustic soda, maybe that substance does hyper charge the water and starts to shoot out orgone. I don't wanna try it since the fumes are highly toxic. And maybe just the fumes are the key there. reacting in the atmosphere. Probably DOR is more near to be an acid, weather OR is a more basic relative. so caustic soda is higly basic, if not the highest base we know.
Last year, months before I started to use resin I made this thing... when I added this kind of battery dunno, the changing in wheather was incredible! When the sky had much chems this solution making bubbles, a thing that dont happen when sky were more clean or raining too.
A plate of metal inside disapear in some weeks... I change for another new.
Reading this I remember that was a device that, but when I started to work with resin I sttoped with it. Another detail that controbution stop with it, is the fact of discovering that all old methods are corrupted, but seems that I was a little radical.
This topic claims my attention for this old and no-sense project.
Last edited by diego (2016-09-19 09:55:02)
Now Diego, NDW will probably move your posts because they are off-topic.
Ok. Sorry! You can delete it. When I make again something to test this old project I open a new thread. I think is better!
we can just start a new topic about these devices of Diego, in the meantime, what was that solution where the metals did melts?
I mean, what was inside the water? when the metals did melt?
Salt, lemom and water. After some metals inside starts to chnge the solution. When I stop with this I put in a clay pot to dry and use the "powder" to make some orgonites.
NDW, this link is about Ighina's cloudbuster...have u know theses devices?
yes I have all the books of Ighina
he did also make the sun to appear in the sky at midnight. I sometime think that he was right, we're living in an illusion made by colors and magnetism
unfortunately the most advanced and expensive machines of Ighina were stolen by Nazis during the war
I dunno this story. Very interesting!
A nice video about a water based CB. seems very near to the original of Reich.
see the pipes have telescopic ends with probably electrical insulation. BX cables at bottom end, probably induction, again no electrical connectivity.
You make me remember a vid of another kind of CB. In that channel had another video that show a good effect against chems, at least for our eyes.
HE talks too much, start to watch after 6:10 minutes.
Last edited by diego (2016-11-01 11:49:01)
I feel strong energies from some of these pics!
horizontal busting!
more here, about cloudbusting operations in 1990.
various videos of CBs and other stuff here
Relevant, videos of the Bions! Lucky someone did the bion experiment filming in full colors