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SRC stands for Stress Reduction Companion. It is software that ferrets out and "magically" deals with stresses that may be aggravating how you feel. I don't understand how it could possibly work, but i have been using it on myself and others a while now. Haven't gotten much feedback from others but i have definitely feeling better and some chronic aches and pains have been gradually melting away.
Plus, although it is not intended for that, it can be "twisted" to clear geographic areas. A reader turned me onto this and we worked with this before i installed it myself. He would target a city, for example, and at first it would feel much mellower on the map. Then after a few hours, the evil beings underground would clash with it and "convulse" so that we could find their bases and direct the allies to nail them. We have been doing a bunch of areas with this.
Unfortunately it requires a fairly decent computer with Windows 11. Windows 10 will also get you by. W10 will be supported until October 14, 2025.
The pgm has a free trial version. I am using the free Premium 4 version. One can run 12 different panels at a time with it, with different targets. If one's PC is powerful enough!
I bought a used W10 laptop just to run this, for $185, and can stably run 3 windows at a time, even 4, but after many hours it will crash doing 4.
I talked to the technician Kevin and he recommends a gaming computer with W11, and thinks highly of these new mini PCs. They are small, quiet, and affordable, and eventually i will likely get one.
The laptop i got was a Lenovo Thinkpad. I have 2 used Thinkpads now (the other is Linux) and they are good computers, but don't get one for this pgm because they require much extra configuration to even install the pgm. And normally they charge for that. Kevin had to work for many hours to configure mine. Luckily they waived the fee as they want me to promote this, and like my site. But be warned that there may be that fee if you get into this.
Even an old Windows computer might work some, though, so you might want to experiment with their free versions.
Be sure to set the Settings so that the computer never turns off. If it's a laptop you can set it so it runs even with the lid down.
More details later.
There is also a similar pgm called Meta Balance by the same outfit.
This requires only an internet connection, no special computer
I am less familiar with it. I did run it a couple times weeks ago, but at that time i was more interested in remote blasting of locations, which i don't think that this pgm does.
It has a free trial version too. If you end up paying for either of these programs TELL THEM LOOHAN SENT YOU and i'll get some Brownie Points or commissions or something.
In any case, being hounded and pounded by black magic leaves stress residues, even if the demons, spells, implants have been removed, Not to mention life on this screwed up EMFy planet, So i recommend you try this.
Thank you!
. .. Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if I’m not back by dawn... call the president.. .
YT vids: (I just found out about them and haven't watched any yet.)
If at first you don't succeed ...
The first time i tried 4 panels, everything crashed after many hours. But more recently i found i could do 4 no problem. Then i tried 5, and after an hour or two one of the panels just stopped working.
Then i tried 5 again, no problems. Then i ran 6 for ~24 hours, no problem. I only stopped them this morning because i like to re-start this computer every day.
Now i have been running 7 for an hour or two with no problems yet...
Incidentally, every time i blast an enemy target, i also run a software freq gen. Might as well as i have the laptop running anyway. The simple old NCH Toner version available free on my site
does not work on this W10 computer. And the new version costs $20 or something. I tried the new SineGen but it had a bug and then stopped working entirely.
So i looked around more and found a free stereo version, as i posted here:
and, using a splitter, i run 2 substantial and sophisticated orgone units, chosen for compatibility, with intuitively-selected settings.
Also, pictures of orgone devices can be added to the SRC panel in the Option box. But not directly. First you have to load them into the first panel. It's a bit complicated but Kevin did it for me using a remote-desktop type software.
Update April 25, '24: I have been running all 12 panels lately, and had no more issues. This is on a refurbished W10 laptop.
Intel Core i5 4th Gen.
Screen Size
15.6 in
Lenovo Thinkpad T540p
RAM Size
16 GB
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro
SSD Capacity
512 GB
Backlit Keyboard, Built-in Microphone, Built-in Webcam, Optical Drive, Wi-Fi
Processor Speed
2.80 GHz
Storage Type
SSD (Solid State Drive)
However, as previously mentioned, do not get a Thinkpad as they require extra configuration.
There are a number of other cool features on the SRC4U besides the 12 panels, but my laptop is not good enough to perform well with them so i have just been doing the panels.
Now they have done more more work on the other app META BALANCE which i have not been using but just started a new free trial. There is even a referrer link
If you do get it and refer it to others using your link, and they pay for it, you get a commission. I forgot how much that is.
I do not know if everyone who already had the free trial earlier can get a new free trial, but i think so. After 2 weeks it costs $75/mo to keep it. Or 125 for family. Unlike the SRC4U i don't think you can work other people or targets with it. But also it requires no special computer.
I just started a session with it a few minutes ago, and i can feel it.
Now this is very interesting and hard to believe. On Feb 15, '24 i blogged
People sometimes ask me what etheric implants can do. In recent years i have had to deal with them extensively, usually from space Egyptoids but also sometimes from Earth Egyptoids, attacking various people. I even made a device which helps me strip them out faster. The easiest way to get rid of them is to transfer them to a more deserving "person". I have lists.
Most commonly they show up in vast quantities stuffed into someone, often just one or more parts, sometimes their bones, especially spine. Other times i run into oddball single implants of different types, or even some amorphous goop filling all or part of a body.
Last year a friend in Slovenia reportedly DIED, stopped breathing. Luckily his GF was there and was able to revive him with difficulty, and email me. The main reason appeared to be loads of implants from space.
I myself have been suffering since last summer, and only a few days ago realized it was due to huge quantities of very hidden implants that had been there 9 months. Despite having searched for them a few times before, i had not found any. And i KNEW that if some physical problem does not get better over time despite healing modalities, it is probably due to implants or other black magic. But confusing the situation is that i am doing oxalate clearing, which can cause various issues in the healing process. So i thought that may have been the cause.
I had gone to the chiropractor-acupuncturist many times. My left shoulder was pulled forward a bit out of socket, and if i tried to do a pull-up or push-up my left elbow would bind up and hurt like something would be damaged if i did not stop. I presumed this was referred from the shoulder. It really hampered my exercise. My left arm felt way more "left" than it should; very weak and disconnected.
My mid spine often felt kinked on the left side. I was doing hanging from a chinning bar, stretching, various exercises that were supposed to heal this, with no lasting benefit. Finally a couple weeks ago after i got my chiro-acupuncture treatment, for the first time i felt NO CHANGE whatsoever from it. I felt exactly the same. Normally it would help for a while.Finally i was able to find the implants and start the removal process, which still is going on a bit. They were mainly in my left scapula and left torso and even the elbow. Feeling better but they keep attacking my left shoulder etc. occasionally.
Probably the most common effect of implants is on the mood: depression, negativity, etc. and this goes for implanted demons, too.
Well, as of yesterday we were STILL removing these implants from me, to the tune of 600 per second. This had been the rate for a long time and we could not speed it up more. And i still had the issues with my left shoulder. Actually my ability to do even a partial pull-up has steadily gone downhill, even though i was otherwise feeling better most of the time thanks to the SRC4U.
So yesterday evening, using Meta Balance, i chose an "Enhancement Session" and typed in "get rid of the rest of my etheric implants". I didn't really expect it to work. But this morning we are no longer finding ANY implants!
Not sure how much my left side has improved. It might take a while to heal from the damage caused. Also oxalates and other factors could be at play.
I am in a much better mood than i have been for a while.
And i did not even run it long! The sessions are 1 hour, and one can select up to 8 sessions in a row. But then i turned off my main computer for the night after less than an hour.
Apparently, people who got a free trial on Meta Balance do NOT get another like i did.
A few days ago 3 TIs in Lagos, Nigeria got rid of their implants with M-B. They had been very covertly implanted by the CIA maybe 5 years ago despite my monitoring. For quite some time, each of them had 10 Sakudas working full-time to remove these, but the quantities seemed endless.
Apparently, people who got a free trial on Meta Balance do NOT get another like i did.
A few days ago 3 TIs in Lagos, Nigeria got rid of their implants with M-B. They had been very covertly implanted by the CIA maybe 5 years ago despite my monitoring. For quite some time, each of them had 10 Sakudas working full-time to remove these, but the quantities seemed endless.
Wo, correction. I ASSUMED they must have used the MB since all the implants were suddenly gone a day or 2 after i told them about MB. But it turns out they didn't because their debit card would not work on that site, and you have to submit a card to get the free trial,
So what happened here? Did i learn on some quantum level from the software, and remove them?
Or maybe there never were any implants or Sakudas and i'm just crazy and delusional.
Anyway, sooner or later i'll get another person on my plate that is stuffed with implants and i'll see if i can do it.
Well i STILL have the left shoulder etc issue despite clearing the implants, but it seems to very gradually be getting better as i am also using Meta-Balance. And the people in Nigeria likewise are still complaining just as much.
I still have not satisfactorily tested my seemingly enhanced ability to clear implants as i have not run into anyone yet who is really packed, as was common until recently.
If you try the SRC4U with the P4 panels, be advised that, in the long list of Themes you can choose (most of which i have little concept of what they are) there are some useful items for black magic victims, if you scroll down to
Black Magic Correction
Exorcise Spirit/psychic Possession or Oppression
Psychic Attack Correction
Demonic Attack Correction
Multiple Themes can be used.
Well i finally had the opportunity to clear someone who was stuffed some time back with implants in his spine. A job that used to take weeks but it was done in hours. So apparently i did pick up this improved ability somehow.
Also my left shoulder and arm are getting better but i don't think these programs are what made the difference. What happened is that a month ago i noticed that if i played my ray gun
over my body, it reacted on my entire left side. I have long known that if something refuses to heal despite everything, it usually means some unhandled black magic. But there was a level of it i could not detect no matter how hard i tried before, and neither could my allies.
So i irradiated my side with the gun for several days but there was no improvement. BUT, at least now i had a VIBE that i was able to make a brass rod against! So i made a rod and have been carrying it in my pocket for weeks. Progress is gradual but seems to definitely be happening. I've been a bit crippled for a year and a half.
For the last 4 years or so especially, the enemy has been coming up with different formulas of weird goop to stuff me with, that require work to get rid of. Most of it just makes me feel real blah.
Anyway, that is the problem. If one has unhandled black magic or ongoing attacks, it will partly or entirely block any improvement from any type of therapy or stress-reduction.
Now that this is being dealt with, i am noticing stronger effects from Meta-Balance and SRC.
I finally got a stronger PC and am able to run the Power Tools in SRC. In addition to running the usual12 P4 panels blasting various criminal agencies etc i can run several (not sure how many) Power Tool panels that i am finding seem to produce a stronger result for helping people remotely.
(I do have the Premium Suite!)
The tower i got is actually just a $250 HP refurb. I had to add 1
stick of RAM.
These are the necessary specs, at least for the Premium Suite:
Speed should be 2.3 GHz or faster
AMD RYZEN 7 or 9 cpu
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