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According to some Mandela effect lore, these glitches are a side effect of merging between "close enough" realities of the multiverse.
An observer from the Berenices reality is moved into the Berenice reality when the merging occurs and the Berenice reality becomes the main branch.
Some minor details from the Berenices reality can still exist in the memory of the observer.
In IT there is a similar concept when merging branches of a repository, GitHub for instance.
There could be some backpedaling and the Berenices reality becomes in fact the main branch after a problem with the Berenice branch.
Last edited by BlueBapho (2024-11-07 03:05:15)
This time i did not even cut the text out of the message. I noticed i had posted the same pic from 2 different articles. I went to delete the post that had only the one already-seen pic. But got
Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.
I backed up and it was still cached on the thread. I refreshed the page and it was gone.
This time again i did not cut but merely copied the text before transferring it to another thread. I had a hunch it would happen again. Yup, when i tried to delete that post after merely copying the body of it, again i got
Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.
But this time when i hit the back button, it was not cached, and again i got
Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.
And the post was gone.
Dunno if this is a plausible medical phenomenon. I doubt it but i have not asked a doctor.
Around 3 months ago i tripped on some clutter in my utility building and took a remarkably hard fall on the concrete slab, landing mostly on my left knee, with amazing force. I thought surely my kneecap is shattered or something. But no. Some pain but no swelling or bruising at all.
Then maybe 10 days or so later i took another amazingly hard fall on my left knee, this time onto the laminated floor in my cabin. I felt a cord got snagged between the last 2 toes of my right foot, tripping me. I could still feel the residual impression of the cord for some time thereafter. Felt like an electric cord but i never found it. Black magic? Psi attack? Demons? I never did find anything like that.
Again no bruising or swelling.
So then probably about 2 months after the first fall, i noticed that my left knee was suddenly inexplicably very ginger and swollen. There was a buildup of some mushy substance on top of the kneecap, making the knee poke way out forward.
So i put dilute DMSO on it several times a week, with no visible improvement and not much decrease in sensitivity. I've been running Meta Balance daily on it too.
After a couple weeks of this, i noticed my right elbow was also suddenly very ginger and had the same kind of swelling. I had hit it on the 2nd fall too, and possibly the first, with no noticeable aftereffects for months.
A couple times i put dit da jow on it, with no discernible effects. Some pretty good stuff i had brewing for 12 years or more.
Then i stumbled across some Zheng Gu Shuai i had and tried that. It did bring the swelling down a bit. And the day after i applied it the 2nd time, bruising appeared for the first time: some discoloration above and below the kneecap.
I still have some swelling and tenderness but it's gradually getting better.