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We should be aiming orgone energy (with pipes etc) at places underground where evil feeds off torture. Or if hard to dowse locations then at police headquarters. Homes of high ranked politicians. Satanic temples. I thought of making a gargoyle of concrete and giving it to them. Or just turning their concrete foundation into an unhospitable to demons, energy radiator! Hospitals should have orgonite put under every water tank or placed in good places. Drug rehab centers. Psychiatric centers. Nut houses especially as demons create most schizo voices in those in their anyway ( ). Marriage councilor offices, places hookers and druggies and dealers hang out. News agency and Music Radio stations, and drug growing zones, etc etc. With bubble tech we just tell our devices to infuse euphoria purifying energy where ever we send it to do so. We stop hurricanes easily when given news of their build up and direction towards populated lands. We reprogram all matter from a distance. If reprogrammed enough they change into positive.
Utopians UNITED - Turn all negatives into positives. " I AM continually seeing permanent increases in my happiness! Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
Sai Baba was a satanist reptilian pervert closely connected to agencies and evil ETs. He and i did serious warfare many years ago; see my blog. He drove poisonous snakes into my path and i got bit by a copperhead.