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Does this resonate with you? … s_djvu.txt
Last edited by Mark (2024-08-26 08:19:22)
Tired of parasites!
From this guy, who seems to know some truths about what's going on.
He also states that only about 20 percent of humanity have a soul:
Tired of parasites!
If only half of what he say is the truth, then we must conclude that our "dear father/creator" are in reality an evil, selfish being.
I must add, that I have seen that somewhere before, that someone warned about going back to the source, unless you wanna cease to exist as a free, learning soul.
That he's gonna absorb you, or trap you, with your knowledge/learning/free will, unable to escape!
Tired of parasites!
Interesting topic...probably Malanga needs to be checked anyway. So many 'truth' revealers and sometimes really hard for me to discern who is really sincere. Funny is that seems it's multiplying rapidly all the stuff which resonates with my findings or beliefs.
Lately YT popped out this guy so many times that I had watch few videos, opening some interesting questions...
...but what does really help me, is to improve to discern the truth myself, not relying on what anybody has written or said.
Yeah, it's very confusing.
But what he says adds up with what the gnostics said about the true God, or prime creator, supreme being, what it all comes from, including the different creators, for better or worse.
To me that's the really God/father, that consciousness. … nosticism/
what he calls a consciousness, that wants to experince itself, knowing itself.
And I'm sure one of the creators that he mention, is what the gnostics called the Demiurge.
Tired of parasites!
Does this resonate with you?
I am reluctant to dive into this mountain of verbiage. I think he is sincere, but this is dated 2010 and AFAIK there have not been alien abductions anymore for many years. He is largely talking about the sort of stuff that no longer happens. The world is no longer dominated by paranormal events but technological ones.
I dunno about his Two Creators. Without a lot of study of his material i dunno whom he is talking about.
Yeah, that is also my impression, that no people are being abducted these days, and that they have all turned robotic/AI, technology.
I have tried to make a shorter version of his description of these creators, he talks about:
The first Creator and its descent
We wanted to abbreviate the name for the first Creator with Cl and we placed it on the right of the
observer. This was an unconscious and archetypal choice.
Such first Creator chose to create, in its turn, a perfect being through which he could experience.
We will call this being PM (Primordial Man).
PM has certain Primordial features. First of all he has a Soul component, which is very well
connected to his own self; he’s almost an “emanation” of his Creator and at times he mingles with it.
So, PM was created right away by the first Creator as an almost perfect being; he has a Soul and
he is immortal also in his body. He’s representd with Adam in the Bible Genesis.
PM creates the Aliens!
PM, is an immortal being, and so he is not able to experience death. Hence, he needs other beings
in order to experience death in his place. PM represents Adam, who, in order to be like his Creator,
creates in his turn; and he commits in this way a serious sin: the sin of arrogance. In the Hebrew
tradition Adam becomes, that is it will become, a mortal being by eating from the tree of life and
death, and he will be expelled from Eden. This Adam is not us, and his expulsion is symbolically
happening now. We need to remember that the ancient sacred texts must be interpreted
The Aliens see that their Creator (Primordial Man, PM: who is different than the First Creator, Cl,)
is immortal because he has a Soul, and so they plan to become like him. The Aliens were created
by PM in his own image and likeness, and so they make the same mistake that PM made towards
his first and true Creator, Cl . “Similia similibus concreanturt"
At this point, the Aliens lie within their Creator’s control, PM, but they still try to overthrow the order
and take the place of their own Creator. In order to achieve this result they need to become
immortal and so be on the same level as PM. So, the Aliens plan to steal the Soul component from
PM. But PM understands that his creatures are secretly rebelling against him, and so he takes
refuge in a part of the Universe where the Aliens cannot enter.
The death experience
Now, we need to understand what is an experience, and understand why the creation needed to
create two Creators, and why they, in turn, needed to create other beings.
We need to understand that Consciousness is eternal. It has everything but one thing: death. So, it
is necessary that Consciousness experiences death on itself. Consciousness does not understand
what it means “to begin” and “to end” because it is eternal. So it asks to its 2 emanations, the two
Creators, to experience death in its place. The two Creators, once they realize that they exist, they
also refuse to experience death, because that would mean ending, and so they delegate their
creatures to experience death for them. That implies that the first Creator (Cl) creates PM with a
Soul, and since PM has a Soul, he understands that the Soul does not have a time axis and that
the Soul is the secret for immortality.. PM refuses to experience his own end too, hence he decides
he doesn’t want to give up his Soul component. There’s only one way to achieve such result:
creating other beings, the Aliens, whose task is to house PM’s Soul component. The Aliens will die
and PM will recapture his own Soul component, after she experiences death, but at somebody
else’s expense (not PM’s). PM doesn’t die, and the Aliens are the means through which he
experiences death.
But something doesn’t work out in this plan.
The Aliens, that were created by PM, rebels against this situation and this kind of treatment; so PM
makes sure that they lose the Soul component because it is too dangerous that they keep it within
themselves without wanting to give it back to him, the lawful owner, at the end of the experience.
Some Aliens (as the Lux,) get to be stripped of their bodies to which the Soul attaches herself;
others are victims of destruction and wars, and PM, who orchestrates all of this from the top, is
able to bring back home his own Souls: the Tower of Babel myth.
In this moment, the Souls who had different kind of experiences, understand that going back to PM
means going back inside a virtual jail, where PM himself is the boss, and where it’s not possible to
die, that means to experience. Death is an experience which is necessary to the Soul, who was
created for such reason. The Soul, when her container doesn’t die, cannot detach from it, and so
cannot have a new experience.
The Aliens’ strategy
So, the Aliens are now left alone by their Creator, PM, but they don’t give up: they execute a new
strategy for survival. They build Mankind (that is, us).
Not just any man, but a man whose DNA is a trap for the Souls (we point out here again that the
Soul component embodies only certain type of bodies, whose DNA has a sequence of particular
purine and pyrimidine bases - probably coming from the mitochondrial mother’s DNA).
A DNA that emulates PM’s DNA.
The Aliens waysfy the Neanderthal’s structure, until they create a Cro-Magnon. And they wait until
the Soul ends up in it. When the Soul ends up in these containers, which are meant to capture the
Soul, then the Aliens abduct those Men who have a Soul, and they use them for all those reasons
we already described in our previous works, while hoping to waysfy their own DNA in order to
make it bio-compatible with Mankind’s Soul component. Once that goal will be achieved, Mankind
will be destroyed, and the Soul component, even if “ob torto collo", will be forced into the Aliens’
containers, now bio-compatible with her presence. Then, the Aliens’ strategy would be to stop this
flow of souls in their bodies and to stop the Soul from getting out of them. The final result of this
would be an immortal alien just like PM.
But where can they find the Souls to enter in such containers?
The Aliens well know that PM needs his Souls to enter in mortal containers, and that he then takes
back the Souls, after they experience death.
The Aliens patiently wait and PM starts to use the containers that the Aliens created. Then the
Aliens start to kidnap Men having a Soul component and they try to steal it, and so to steal, sooner
or later, the Soul component from their own Creator, PM.
There we have the beginning of a new fight for life and immortality between PM and his creatures,
and such fight involves beings who are totally unaware about any of this: Mankind!
But truth will out.
The second Creator
In the meantime the second Creator decides to follow a different path to evolve, but in so choosing,
it lost its Soul component, who didn’t want to follow along.
We do not know at this point how and why this happened, but according to the stories told by the
abductees, we can infer that the second Creator was in a area of the Universe which was
dimensionally damaged, and its Soul refused to follow it there. The second Creator is in a bi-
dimensional Universe, at least according to our point of view. This is a Universe which is closing
itself PM, according to the abductees’ Alien Active Memories, and where there can’t be neither
colors, nor bodies.
So, on one side we have the second Creator without a Soul and so without a body, and on the
other side we have a Soul component wandering in this part of the Universe without any container
to use.
But when the Soul from the second Creator sees the alien’s creation (Mankind), there she tries to
enter in those containers, which were prepared to host the Soul coming from PM. A real an
unexpected feast for the Aliens!
It is not clear what the second Creator did, but his attempts to come back in our part of the
Universe failed, because you can come back on this side only if you are Soul, otherwise you are
forced to stay on the other side. That side represents, according to the Holy Scriptures, hell, where
the devil and its creatures (the demons) are excluded. And, once again, we are describing
something which is archetypically already described in the sacred texts of certain cultures, like, for
example, the Hebrew culture. But this is not the only one, as we mentioned above.
Even the second creator, which we abbreviated as C2, creates a poorer creation. It creates those
bodiless aliens which we many times described. Particularly the ones who are limited by having to
use a fake body in order to interact with our world; they use such bodies like puppeteers: a puppet
that looks like the white haired, six fingered, tall, white dressed Nordic alien; he wears a medallion
on his neck, having a double triangle upside down symbol..
Another alien of this kind is named Ra (to remind the Egyptian Gods which are linked to his figure.)
It uses an alien body which looks like a very tall winged creature, with a beak in the place of the
nose, and a long wattle under the chin, and also a hypothetical third eye in the middle of his
forehead. Actually, we still don’t know what such third eye really is, but that’s how the abductees
describes it. They remember an anthropomorphic bird, almost 11 foot tall. (We called this Horus.)
Even the second Creator used its creatures as laborers just to recapture the Soul component that it
lost. These bodiless Aliens try to stay alive using the abductees’ Soul component, as we described
in our previous works.
Their goal was to make a body or use somebody else’s body in order to pass on this side of the
Universe. (This seems possible only if you are a three dimensional being). After finding a body the
bodiless alien uses the Soul component and tries to integrate it within itself.
Its final goal is to pass on this side, as we said, and then go back to the Consciousness, from
where the first Creator comes.
In the end, its first goal is to save itself. Then it wants to live without physically dying.
The Man’s position
Mankind is in a rather complex position.
On one side the bodiless Aliens, product of the second Creator, come and get his Soul component
trying to use it, while claiming that it was once theirs, so they want it back. Then there’s the Aliens
created by PM, who was created in his turn by the first Creator. The Aliens want to abduct the man
to get his Soul, live endlessly and then eliminate Mankind forever.
This is the Universe that the abductees’ Soul components described, while being under regressive
hypnosis. Besides having to consider these statements coming from the Soul, we had to consider
also the forced statements coming from the bodiless Aliens: they were parasitizing the abductees
and we were able to make them interact with us.
Such pseudo demons were manifesting often times in sensational ways, transforming our hypnotic
sessions in real and pure exorcism sessions.
Then, we had to take into consideration the statements coming from various Luxes, (the luminous
bodiless parasites,) who were describing the same scenario; and then we had the testimonies from
the AMM, (Alien Active Memories) which were describing the same thing and adding other missing
pieces to this scenario.
The made mistakes
It was clear that, considering the previous descriptions about this phenomena, we had made a
couple of major mistakes which we had to correct afterwards. The first mistake was believing that
the first Creator,Cl, had created the Aliens first, and then PM as a better creation - because he
was created with a Soul that the Aliens do not have. Things did not really happen in that way. In
fact PM was created right away (and the Bible, curiously enough, maintains that the first creation
was done immediately, without any evolutionism; for the “Second Man” - that is, us - this is true
only partially).
This had to be somehow verified.
That was done by asking the persons under deep hypnosis to remember the physical structure of
the first container in which their Soul incarnated. Only a few stated that they incarnated in some
kind of primitive great big monkey, while others saw a very tall and big being, we would have said
some kind of a giant.
Further confirmations of this version came from the abductees who were already free from the
abduction issue. Through the use of different mental simulations, like SIMBAD or the Flash
simulation (which we’ll explain in a different work,) they received the same exact descriptions from
their Soul component, when asking certain and direct questions.
PM had created the Aliens, and the Aliens had built Second Man, that is us.
The second mistake we had made was thinking that, within the abductees’ body there was only the
Soul component who escaped from the second Creator, C2. We were actually finding also Soul
components coming from PM, created by the first creator, i.e. Cl.
Another working hypothesis, based on a series of hypnosis that we had performed many years
earlier was this: probably PM had put in some human beings a few Soul components that he was
in charge to monitor. This was done by PM in order to verify, just with a “Trojan horse”, what the
Aliens, his creatures, were plotting behind his back in order to steal his Soul component.
We actually used to think that, if the Aliens somehow their goal of permanently capture the
mankind’s Soul component, then they would have chased PM throughout the whole Universe, in
order to get also his Soul component, the Creator’s Soul, and so achieving the goal of having
eternal life.
So, we used to think that PM was somehow spying the Aliens through some abductions. This was
done in order to keep Mankind on the “qui vive”, and to help them, at times, in order to avoid
Mankind to fall in the Aliens’ trap. We were maintaining, in this way, that nobody helps you.
Because anybody who really wants to help you, knows that the process of acquiring
Consciousness is a personal process, and cannot be interfered with. In other words there’s no
such thing as “good Aliens”, or if there were any, they couldn’t do anything to save you; this is
because you have to save yourself on your own, just like you have to acquire your experiences on
your own.
Using this point of view and claiming that the crop circles were created by PM, we thought that PM
was helping us for 2 reasons: on one side he was helping us to let us understand that we were
supposed to look inside our DNA, (the tree of eternal life,) in order to understand what was going to
happen with us and the Aliens; on the other side, PM was was helping us because through saving
us, he was saving also himself.
But there was something that wasn’t really working with this point of view. If this was true, we
should have found just a few Soul components in the abductees coming from the first Creator, that
is from PM, and almost all of the Soul components coming from the second Creator. But things
were not like that! In fact the number of Soul components coming from PM, (meaning the Soul
components who remembered they were in his container at the beginning of time,) was at least
There were too many to be considered just “Trojan horses”.
And there was more to the story. While working with hundreds of cases, we have been realizing
that the people who were freed from the Aliens abductions, and who were solving this issue
through applying our techniques, (both through hypnotic sessions and through mental simulations,)
could be divided into two definite and separate groups, characterized by two different behaviors
which were very different. Through the analysis of these two sets, we noticed that the abductees
with a Soul from the second Creator were out of the problem and there was no recurrence. On the
contrary all of the abductees having a Soul from the first Creator were always under attack.
Moreover, the latter were now able to defend themselves from the Aliens’ attacks, but the Aliens
were still trying to get the container and its Soul component back. Furthermore we noticed that,
when these abductees performed the SIMBAD exercises, the SIMBAD room remained empty,
meaning that the Aliens were eliminated; but within that virtual domain there was still a big, tall and
powerful man, at times with a white beard, who looked like a giant made of stone.
Such being remained silent, or talked to the Soul component in an affective way. At first the Soul
component used to consider this virtual character as some kind of father, or even a master or a
Creator. But in the long run, the sharpest Soul components were starting to see that this character
was actually controlling, and also that he was behaving in a very coercive way. Such character,
who was afterwards recognized by the abductees as PM, wanted to convince the abductees to let
the Aliens abduct them, and he wanted to convince the Soul components to go back to PM, (go
back home) at the end of their experience in this world.
So, there was something we had to reconsider and correct based on such new events.
Hence, we created some kind of “anti-PM team”, a group of freed abductees: some of them were in
contact with each other, and some were unaware of being part of a team.
In the end, what happened is that we did talk to this entity through some abductees.
During our research it was PM himself who actually asked to talk to us. This happened within a 24
hours period in two different cases: two abductees who did not even know each other and that are
still not in contact with each other to this day.
The hypnotic sessions with PM
During these hypnosis PM says that he’s forced to eliminate Mankind because the human beings
are containers for the Soul components, and PM is afraid that, if the Aliens are going to get Souls
forever, then they are going to get them too (the PMs, T.N.). PM claims that such thing already
happened. PM claims that it was necessary to eliminate Mankind in the past because the Aliens
were to close to find the solution to their problem, and Primordial Man couldn’t let this happen.
But PM’s talk had several weak points. Why eliminating Mankind? Then why not eliminating just
the Aliens? PM says he’s afraid of the Aliens and that he cannot wage war against anybody. PM
claims there’s no other choice. He concedes that this is not a solution, because every time he
gives rise to a destruction that causes humanity to be shattered, the Aliens still get closer and
closer to him (PM) and, sooner or later, such system will not work any longer; but PM says that
now he has no other solutions.
At this point the Soul components revolt against PM’s speech, and they begin to take on an hostile
attitude towards him.
PM stop being the good father, and he starts to show what he really is: a being who wants to
master and control, and he’s already made up his mind about eliminating humanity.
During the days following those hypnosis, PM tries to abduct again the freed abductees using a
invading way to get them. PM starts trying to threaten the abductees and he also uses a particular
technology to insert a cluster microchip. This seems to be inside the brain, on the right hemisphere;
then on the left hemisphere to connect both of them to a third component.
PM is definitely not a character who wants to help humanity. PM wants something different.
During the SIMBAD exercise one couldn’t eliminate him using the usual techniques that are
effective with the Aliens. The abductees’ dreams always archetypally showed PM as a good
character, who wants the Soul component and wants to protect her because she needs to go back
to her father, that is him.
It seemed that it was possible to connect with PM during the hypnosis because PM was inside the
abductee, as if PM was the umpteenth alien parasite to defeat.
There seemed to be something more than a direct communication with him.
Before trying to find a solution we had to understand why that happened and what was actually
PM’s intent.
But then, the solution came on its own. We only had to really think through it, since we already had
all the data to understand. We only had to connect them together.
Primordial Man and his mistake
When the first Creator, Cl, created PM, it did it in order to experience through him. In order to
avoid dying, it builds a primordial first with a soul, because it wanted to make him die. The death
experience is actually the only experience that Soul needs to have through a physical body. Soul
does not know what death is, and her job is to live and then to die within a physical body. In this
way Soul, since she is immortal, will understand the meaning of beginning and ending: two ideas
which are totally strange to her. This serves the Creator to understand what it means not being
eternal. Just like Consciousness created the two Creators in order to experience death, they
delegate others to do that, and so the first Creator delegates PM to experience it for him. But PM
decides to become immortal and so he refuses to have this experience. PM sins in the same way,
we could say, as his creator did. This is an arrogance sin, because he wants to become like his
god. PM is immortal. He himself told us that he has only one container which exist in the past, in
the present, and in the future. PM decides to use the creatures that the Aliens built in order to
experience death. What he was not able to obtain using the Aliens directly, his own creatures, he
wants to accomplish using men.
In other words, PM forces his Soul components to enter and live within men’s bodies, experience
death, and then he gets back by force their Soul component in order to lock it within himself forever.
We are forced to die because PM wants to live forever.
PM uses the Aliens as laborers to achieve this goal; he first promised the Aliens, (who are his own
creatures,) the second Creator’s Soul component as a reward; but he will actually cheat them in a
big way at the end, because the alien hasn’t realized that he is working for a false master:
somebody who only cares about his own interests. The stupid Alien takes care of the dirty work for
So, we now understand the fact of the matter. PM is not afraid of Aliens, but he’s just using them to
get to his final goal. The aliens probably know only some of this project. The luminous parasite
from the Lux group was definitely not aware of this when, a long time ago, we asked him about this.
In that occasion I pointed out to him, almost for fun and just to provoke him, that the superior
hierarchies that it was working for were going to cheat it in the end. That Lux remained silent and
then it acknowledged that it did not think about such a hypothesis.
We had finaly understood who the superior hierarchies are, since the Aliens often times mentioned
The superior hierarchies are the PMs!
The PMs don’t want to help Mankind to save themselves from the Aliens because they very well
know that, if Men win against the Aliens, then Men are the future of the universe. As a matter of
fact, Men respect their Soul, that is also PM’s, and they have accepted long time ago the idea of
dying and they do not wish to trap their own Soul. Man knows that death doesn’t exist, but it exist
only for the physical body, which is also totally artificial, virtual, not alive, and without
consciousness. Forcing the Soul component to be stuck within a physical body (container) it is like
blocking Consciousness: freezing the universe. Mankind is the future of the universe: not PM.
Moreover PM doesn’t want the Aliens to win and take the Soul, because then they would become
just like their Creator, and most of all because they would take HIS Soul, because we have within
us not only the second Creator’s Soul, but also PM’s Soul. So Man neither Man, nor the Aliens can
win and, “the onlooker, (i.e., PM) gets the best of a fight”. Man, built in this way, is used as a trap
for Souls. PM’s Souls ended up in men, without the knowledge of the Aliens, who, at first were
going to believe that within men there are only the second Creator’s Souls.
In the end PM was going to get everything, destroy Mankind and the Aliens, and becoming like his
own Creator in this way.
Evidently PM speaks ill of the Aliens to Mankind, and speaks ill of Mankind to the Aliens.
Now everything falls into place: even the statements coming from the Soul components about how
PM deceived them, passing himself off as the Creator, and abandoning them in this part of the
universe and within containers in which many times the Soul absolutely does not want to stay.
When the Soul understands this, her rage becomes unbearable, and that’s when the last fight
starts. That’s the fight during which the Soul tries to shake off her back the strong link with PM. But
we will talk about this fight later.
That’s when the whole creation seemed to be a total failure. The second Creator had lost its Soul
right away, and maybe that was also because its Soul component didn’t want to be trapped. On the
contrary the first Creator had had a better luck: it was able to create PM, and PM did all the rest. A
Last edited by Mark (2024-09-01 07:20:01)
Tired of parasites!
I heard on a video about a recent discovery of millions, possibly billions of human/grey hybrids inside spaceships parked inside a spacetime distortion near this universe.
It was also mentioned they did not have a soul and were under mind control, also that these ships were booby trapped by powerful antimatter explosives.
I don't really know what was the purpose or what it means but it seems related with a lot of information you posted here.
Yeah, all negative ETs are under mind control (probably demons back then, and now electronics, like AI), part of the negative, no free will, or right to choose.
That they have turned themselves in to robot beings are just their last desperate attempt to survive.
I have seen several accounts through the years, that aliens don't have a soul, at least the negative ones, but Loohan says some of them have.
Tired of parasites!
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