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Pages: 1
Blandsters are a real problem. There are large quantities of them these days. Normally they have no obvious vibe but they can be made to channel U base energies to attack people with. Others quietly staff government offices and govt businesses that are up to no good. Some are thug cops that harrass humans for no good reason. Example:
Some are cyborgs, and others are gang-stalkers implanted with remote-control hardware. Some are hoax actors in the media.
Plus some evil ETs have a bunch of Blandster slaves in space.
This is no work of art, but i really am glad to have more adequate firepower against them. Heretofore it was a bit skimpy. Not sure what this does to them but at least it makes them more obvious to me.
It has an unusual amount of brass shavings and brass needles. So far i have not been guided to fire it up with any electronics. I just have it connected to an old passive unit now.
I had a lot of help on this one. Aside from providing the components and the physical task of assembly, my only contribution was a hardware cloth with wire threaded through it.
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