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I was the Surgeon General under President Trump {TH}- these are the four foods I eat every day to live as long as possible … evity.html
I had to click on this because i was confident it would contain only the very soundest of nutritional advice.
But it's not any smoothie. Dr Adams includes four specific items that he says work together to offer a host of benefits.
They are spinach, almond milk, frozen fruit such as strawberries or mangoes, and carrots.
Spinach and almonds are super oxalate-rich, and carrots have too much as well.
Conspiracy? You decide. I doubt he drinks this stuff.
MPD TH CIA RC with false teeth and larger left ear. Brass ring because he is a slave/actor.
Is it plausible that his mouth appears to be on a different plane from his eyes?
A shocking one in 10 Americans get eczema - scientists say they've found surprising culprit in our food … -food.html
Well, so much truth in the headline but then they blame it on SALT causing flare-ups.
The study is linked in the article. The "scientists" are repticlones.
The other day i mentioned
a Mercola interview of Sally Norton.
Well now he interviewed someone from the Weston Price Fdn:
Oxalate Intolerance and Gut Microbiome:
Interview With Ruth Anne Foster … biome.aspx
The Weston Price Fdn is a bunch of RCs, origionally Egyptoids, but i think they are sincere in what they do. And Mercola is sincere at least much of the time, despite being a CIA cyborg these days. So i watched the whole thing. They make an interesting case for oxalates (in reasonable amounts) being digestible if the gut microbiome is in good shape, and got into a lot of detail.
It seems credible to me. I long wondered why the Okinawans, for example, seem to thrive on a largely sweet-potato diet, whereas this food was very deleterious to Sally Norton.
But one thing i did not notice addressed: in one of her interviews, Sally claims that gut bacteria are of little value against oxalates because most of them get absorbed in the small intestine before reaching the large intestine where the microbes are.
She also often points out that many oxalate crystals in plants are long double-terminated and very sharp crystals that pierce through the intestines.