Loohan Forums

This bulletin board is associated with the website loohan.com and its blog.
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New registrants: if you try to register you will get a message that we are not accepting new members. Due to the limitations of this forum software which is not designed to deal with incessant CIA harrassment, we have no alternative but to disable automatic registration, and then we can't change this automatic message. Your account needs to be created by admin before you can post in the forums. Because otherwise, almost all registrants are CIA sock puppets. To get a forum account you need to send a brief presentation email to loohanforum at gee mail dot com, also suggesting a user name. Then we can enable you manually. But before you even do that, take a look around the forum and my site and decide whether you REALLY WANT to join/post, before you jack us around. Most seemingly genuine people who apply fail to even ever log in once to change their password after we go through the work of creating a membership for them. Then we must quickly delete their account again lest the CIA has intercepted their temporary password. And of the few who do change their password, most still never post. Maybe they realize we are too weird for them, I don't know. They get real quiet, never to be heard from again.

GLOSSARY: Sometimes unusual terminology or abbreviations are used that with some luck you might find defined here.

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#1 2016-04-19 08:45:27

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

unable to change password

My desktop PC crashed and i'm trying to get in forum with laptop. Since i don't have the new forum pwd in laptop, i tried to reset my forum pwd. Got new pwd emailed to me instantly, but it DOES NOT WORK!

"Wrong username and/or password. Forgotten your password?"

Wait, then i see the email also says
To change your password, please visit the following page:
http://loohanforum.orgoneitalia.it/prof … y=WiJJwANP
so i click on that and am told i can log in now, as pwd has changed. So i do log in and get home page. But now i can't find way to change pwd. The only pwd i have is the one that the CIA, NSA also have because it came in gmail.


#2 2016-04-19 08:47:08

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: unable to change password

go to your profile, profile link on green top menu

under your name there is 'change psw' link

will update this with the pic


#3 2016-04-19 08:50:44

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: unable to change password



#4 2016-04-19 08:53:13

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: unable to change password

the new psw you received on email doesn't work until you click on the link on the email
this is because either way someone could click on reset password for loohan and get your account blocked.
this way the confirmation of reset comes to a link in your email, so only who have access to the email can reset it.

however they can still read your password by sniffing it by email or by the login.
I've tried a solution with the SSL certificate but it only works on the main domain. unless we start to use a different url such has orgoneitalia.it/loohanforum instead of loohanforum.orgoneitalia.it


#5 2016-04-19 09:30:13

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Re: unable to change password

Maybe we need to do that, if that's the only way to keep pwds secret. Otherwise any agent can just log in and post spam.


#6 2021-02-12 03:47:49

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Re: unable to change password

ndw wrote:

go to your profile, profile link on green top menu

under your name there is 'change psw' link

will update this with the pic

Now i had a different issue: i could not even get the email sent to me to reset the pwd.
I had left my thumb drive with passwords etc at home accidentally when i left for VA, and wanted to sign in with a different browser. I tried 3 times to get the software to send me the reset link; nothing. I do not know a solution for this.
Except, to use the first browser to access my profile and reset the pwd so i can then use the forum on the other browser.


#7 2021-02-19 02:00:33

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Re: unable to change password

I just tested to see if i could change my pwd now. Nope! It says it sent me an email but none arrives. When i try again, i get the message that i have already requested this within the last hour, and to wait 55 minutes before attempting again.
And if i still have problems, to contact myself.


#8 2021-02-19 17:32:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Re: unable to change password

Loohan wrote:

I just tested to see if i could change my pwd now. Nope! It says it sent me an email but none arrives. When i try again, i get the message that i have already requested this within the last hour, and to wait 55 minutes before attempting again.
And if i still have problems, to contact myself.

Duh, it was in my spam box.


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