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#1 2020-12-09 10:44:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Forum hacked? Missing thread.

I thought there was a thread about KNIVES as energy weapons, with this pic:
and several posts.

I went looking for it yesterday but can't find it. I used Google Advanced, using search terms such as knife, knives, and also "faux Damascus" which i recall using in a post. Nothing.

I checked the Subtle Energy Weapons and Tools and Creating with The Committee forums, no luck.

Since it is dated 5/18 i searched all my blogs around that time in case i had posted it on the blog. Nothing, except that at the end of the April, '18 blog i did mention something about knives and stainless steel:

Stainless steel: Lately The Committee has been developing and refining more sophisticated programs that mainly only go into rarer alloys such as found in fine cutlery. But also other stainless steel items and even non-stainless alloys.
Increasingly Joe and i are working with programmed knives to commit violence against evil. Joe generally tapes his knives whereas i have not yet taped any of mine. I find the knives allow me to sense and address things that even Channel wands don't light up (but i use the Channel Pgm in conjunction and even have dabbed a couple little silicone spots on a couple knives).
Probably soon we will start a forum thread with pix, but meanwhile, better programming has become available for knives etc which can be used to cut attachments, feel out and address evil energies, etc. How advanced and sophisticated the programming you get depends on how well you use it. Also on the individual alloys of the metal.
Development and refinement of the programs is still ongoing.

And a couple mentions of knives in the May, '18 blog.


#2 2020-12-10 05:06:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,463

Re: Forum hacked? Missing thread.

Ah, here it is:
and the page has the words knife, knives, and faux-Damascus. I guess Google sucks more than i realized.


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