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#1 2014-11-22 05:51:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

new resin program for Nov. 2014


This one was invented by Joe's 41D self. It is very strongly anti-demon. Also unpleasant to black magicians.
After i cast these, i realized this pgm is excellent for resin wands using the long ice cube molds as described in
I get they would have the same kind of range, like 70' of full-strength. I just cast some.
Also should be great to layer into TBs, CBs, etc. and put into remote weapons.

Takes plain resin, but i think it would also work with epoxy putty as also mentioned in loohan.com/otb44.htm .


#2 2014-11-23 04:43:32

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

Highly recommended, folks. And there's no bias at all here, zip.


Really, if you're under any sort of demonic duress, this is a bit of instant relief. I wanted to call it the Velvet program, because it feels like everything's wrapped in velvet. You're in velvet. All attacks towards you are blanketed in velvet. And so on.

It's news to me that it's anti-demon. Glad to have this factoid discovered. As for being anti black magician... what I for sure noticed while trying it out in public is that SSers become much more tangible to me. Every move they made seemed to ripple sheer "SSerliness." So for me, it offered a more up close and personal interaction with the energy (and physical manifestation of said energy) of an SSer. At the same time, you have this velvety defense keeping things cozy. Which is good, because otherwise, a closer look would make me uncomfortable. In any case, I did notice that my closer inspection while holding this programmed resin made them noticeably uncomfortable.

(note: I did have some Jan2014C wands on me, but I'd never had an interaction feel quite like this before. And I always have JanC on me)

And I gotta say, that picture of yours has kept me in high spirits all day, simply by thinking back on it. It's truly potent stuff. Can't wait to get my hands on an uncorrupted stockpile of my own.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#3 2014-11-23 06:52:48

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

Yes, this is truly a top-notch, potent pgm i plan to make a lot of.
I haven't tried this yet, but last night i got impression that if one were to stir in a bit of very fine aluminum powder, it would give the product a different feel. It might be nice to alternate layers with and without the aluminum.

Also i got impression that aluminum SHAVINGS would go real well in cones, etc. designed to help defensively. Shavings probably would not help in wands, though.
I think if one made some cones with this pgm with aluminum shavings, plus some of the Demon-Disintegrating pgm without aluminum, plus imbed some bionized quartzite and maybe some April2014D,E,&F spheres, it would make it really hard for astral attackers to hang around long.
Also a thin layer of the Strontium-Barium (cocoa) pgm would set it off well.
And some of the quartzite would take demon-jailer pgms.

Generally, i think this pgm would (like the Rolling Vicarah pgm) be fairly tolerant of a moderate amount of misc fine powders / glitter. Any brand of epoxy putty should also work well.


#4 2014-11-23 14:44:48

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Registered: 2014-11-15
Posts: 40

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

Can I buy some of these yet?


#5 2014-11-24 10:00:18

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

I got some single resin wands @ $7.

I should mention that making this stuff pulls in demons in swarms sometimes, on punitive kamikaze missions. It costs them, though.
Yesterday evening it was coneheads, the previous day it was bigheads.
Of course i wdould have gotten demon attacks normally even without that.


#6 2014-12-18 04:16:28

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

I'm curious, which physical entities does this impact most? Black magicians... does this mean anything physical that can hurt others mentally, with a dark vibe? Or is it a strictly Satanist sort of ordeal?

I have these at work all day, pointing at lines of customers. I'm always wondering if it hits SSers with the same oomph that, say, Jan2014C might. Perhaps it's mostly a demon-oriented program, and it's simply uncomfortable for BMs. Whereas Jan2014C makes them want to dive underground all quick like.

Someday I dream of creating a compendium of all programs, with a generated stat list of what each is best against at this point in time. It would take a fair bit of upkeep, and a standardized measurement system would have to be made. The scientist in me yearns for structure! But I know it's a wiggly, winding road we're on here.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#7 2014-12-18 12:53:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,179

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

This is a master pgm that is very good against evil ETs, evil ET hybrids, demons, human black magians, but not against evil humans who are not into black magic.
It is comparable in potency to the JanC and June pgms against suchlike.

Of the double types
it is good against shapeshifter clones, evil organic robotoids, and to some extent, Sandy Hookers.

This is my favorite pgm to work with lately! I have poured bunches of it. And it no longer pulls in hordes of punitive entities.
Also i haven't made any with added aluminum powder in some time. Now i no longer notice a significant difference. I still plan to make something with aluminum shavings though.

Also, the characteristics of which pgm is better against what, mainly applies to the pgm being used by itself in an item. If u have several pieces or layers with different pgms, the synergy results in something more. Especially if u wrap it with the tape as well.
A bit of the Strontium-Barium pgm often really sets off this pgm well.


#8 2014-12-18 16:34:09

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: new resin program for Nov. 2014

An immensely helpful post, thank you!

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


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