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#4081 2020-07-07 09:02:49

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Comedian {admitting it is a joke from a professional entertainer} Rickey Smiley reveals his daughter was shot twice and hospitalised in Houston road rage shootout
Aaryn Smiley, 19 {Covid}, was injured in crossfire while on her way to Whataburger
She was shot by a passing vehicle while sat in a car that stopped at a red light
Father Rickey Smiley, 51 {3X17}, revealed his daughter had to have surgery for injuries
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … utout.html
Wink, covering face with hand sign.
Darling prostitute wears big diamond watch. Wide mouth with fat lower lip. Phallus in matching blue protruding in corner. Rectangle screen. Hand sign, lifted shoulder. Open Doors.
The damndest things happen to celebs and their relatives.


#4082 2020-07-07 09:16:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Woman loses her job after being filmed yelling ‘white lives are better’ at Black Lives Matter protesters in Tennessee
Sonya Holt was filmed jeering at demonstrators during a rally in Elizabethton
Video footage shows her shouting 'White lives matter, white lives are better'
She is no longer employed at the Keith Family Vision Clinic {glasses!} in Johnson City
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … essee.html
Nice Tau. No masks on. Glasses up left. Hand signs include intercourse with infinity symbol. BWROS and 1 turquoise thumbnail. Triangle right.
Guy with hand has suspicious red flames of hell on his monk's habit. And a photoshopped Eye; circle cuts over nose bridge.
Armfold over chartreuse shirt. Steeply curved visor. Finger.
Deltas, etc.


#4083 2020-07-07 10:10:51

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Inside the 'third {3}-world hell hole' Brooklyn {Brooklyn} jail where Ghislaine Maxwell could spend months awaiting trial on suicide watch as she hires {hoax-veteran} lawyer who sent El Chapo down
Ghislaine Maxwell is being held in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn
Ex-warden described the jail as 'one of the most troubled' prisons in the US 
Guards have been jailed for raping inmates and accused of beating them, while the entire prison lost heat and light for a week in the depths of winter last year
Christian Everdell, lawyer who helped put down El Chapo, is now defending her
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -jail.html
Marriott M near center. Right next to 3rd-world hell-hole!
Except this is an indoor pic. Quite an odd, blurry, pasted-together pic. Clearly a lower bunk. Mattress on "upper bunk" is folded over and has the M. But it resembles a canopy like they have over entranceways.
And what about the windows? Open Doorway with no door seems like a big window with a view of the Marriott. There is an apparent door which the egg sink and toilet is bolted to. Must be a plumbing nightmare.
There is a Marriott in Brooklyn at 333{!} Adams St, 11201, but the Detention Center is at 80 29th Street, 11232.
Do 3rd-rate prison cells actually have such elaborate floor-plans?
Twin Pillars, egg, diamond fence, M, red square.


#4084 2020-07-08 07:28:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

There is an old hoax floating around, which a reader just wrote me about, of a Vatican{!} Chronovisor: a machine capable of viewing the past and taking pictures of it. There are pix of "Jesus" etc. online.
The only pic i can find of the alleged machine:
is a bit skimpy on the red flags. They could have stuck some better ones in. I don't consider any of them conclusive, EXCEPT, is it not a coincidence how the inside corner of the room is a center line?

Aside from that, we have BWR, an arrow, an ellipse (why is it necessary to do all that to draw attention to the location of the machine?), a sort of an X, bottles on centerline, rectangles at angles.
The X is not very flagrant, and the conspicuous symbol on the box is not a very convincing One Eye. Possibly it is a symbol i am unfamiliar with. But i even cropped it out and did a reverse image search with no results even close.

Even the "hand sign" is probably the most reasonable way to grip and pull up on the paper. That hand seems quite small, though, like that of a girl.
The other hand seems to be suggesting masturbation of the tabletop phallus, yet it also seems natural enough to look unposed.
There is another vertical line to the right of the center, which seems to end in what could be construed as an eye composed of an ellipse and 2 crescents, and the arrangement of wires here seems a bit odd for such a "scientific" setting.
The X wires tie into this mess but the top one does not seem to have a junction (nor continuity) with the Eye wire, and the lower one forms a moderately distinct checkmark.

Why is Mr Scientist wearing earphones? Was it a chrono-audio too?
Why does he have dark black spots in front of his face?
There is another set of earphones hung on the wall. Does the headband have shadowing in agreement with the other shadows in the image?

Also the pic is blurry, as though someone from the future equipt with a cheap cell phone surreptitiously took it.


#4085 2020-07-08 08:47:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

"A tent had been constructed around the patch of grass where the head was found on Tuesday morning as police continued their search of the wooded area nearby"
Makes a lot of sense to block road traffic and erect a canopy.
How common are turquoise lights on a cop car?
Note how part of the PYRAMID canopy is up, "negligently" exposing an Eye.


#4086 2020-07-08 09:40:40

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

The reason i strive to avoid celebrity status: they are prone to freaky tragedies at rates much higher than the rest of the populace!

How champion snowboarder Alex 'Chumpy' Pullin was enjoying a simple life of music and fishing with his model girlfriend and their dog Rummi just before he died in a freak spearfishing accident
Snowboarder Alex Pullin was living simple life on Gold Coast with model partner
Pullin drowned off the coast off Palm Beach on Wednesday while spear fishing
He was pursuing his passion for music and loved surfing with his partner
Pullin previously discussed his eight-year relationship with Ellidy Vlug, 27 {3 cubed!}
Turquoise with rectangle. Goggles atop head. Hand signs.
Is there a big implied 6 here, or is it my imagination? Note alignment with the white rectangle.
Oddly crossed legs, hand signs.
Vagina, lavender cap with the word Red and bit of red to go with the other colors, like the matching turquoise. Diamond, stripes.
More in article.
Live CIA RCs.


#4087 2020-07-08 10:13:20

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Curve respirators:

Jock strap cups:

https://outonthestreet.ca/products/mast … le-xraf637

If your plaything can not get enough of the powerful smell of your sweaty groin, give them what they want by locking them into this unique and humiliating muzzle! The comfortable silicone-lined athletic cup unsnaps from the straps so that you can wear it during the game, then force your sub to inhale your scent afterwards. Overwhelm them with the pungence of a used pair of socks or underwear stuffed in the cup with their desperate face. The straps adjust to fit most and have a locking buckle so that you can lock them up with your ripe odors trapped inside! Your nasty plaything better be careful what they wish for!


#4088 2020-07-08 12:57:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Marine who played wide receiver {football!} in college catches a three {3}-year-old boy thrown from a burning building by his mother before she died in the fire
Phillip Blanks, 28, ran to the home in Phoenix on July 3 {3}  barefoot to try and help
He was able to save Jameson Long from the flames on the third {3} floor balcony
'There wasn't much thinking. I just reacted. I just did it', he said Wednesday
Blanks, who now works in the security industry, is a former wide receiver and said the boy was 'twirling in the air like a propeller' as he fell
'I know how to catch. I've learned how to catch a football', he added
The boy's mother Rachel, 30 {3}, died in the blaze; Blanks said: 'She's the real hero {hero} of the story because she made the ultimate sacrifice {sacrifice by fire} to save her children'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … g-mom.html

The vid is only on the homepage, 5 seconds long:
https://video.dailymail.co.uk/preview/m … 913739.mp4
Fire looks CGI, whole thing looks hokey. Some red flags too.
At 0:01 a small object falls in front of the top balcony, then disappears.
At 0:02 a larger, blurry object, resembling a doll or child, fall in front of the 2nd balcony, but far to the right of the 1st object.
At 0:03 a 3rd object (this is a 3-heavy hoax) appears to keep the "child" company. This object changes size quite a bit. At one point it shrinks to billiard-ball size momentarily. Then it merges into a lamp and disappears. You have to scroll slowly through the vid to see all this which happens in a fraction of the 3rd second.
This pic is not in the vid. Note demon faces in the "fire". Also the smoke seems to be coming out of the chimney. In July in AZ.
Square in center.
Is this a plausible size for a 3-yro? How about his black penis?
"His sister Roxxi was also taken to hospital. The family are pictured with dad Corey"
That is a long-haired boy prostitute right. So where is a sister?
"A GoFundMe for the Long family has since raised more than $19,000 {Covid}"
"Deceased" mom has very dark tats with 3 FEATHERS providing a center egg. V cleavage.
They do show the aftermath of a fire but i doubt it was started until after the movie-making. Or rather, it was contained in the fireplace.
Live CIA RCs.


#4089 2020-07-08 15:37:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

A woman dies and race is on to rescue any others trapped as 65-foot crane COLLAPSES onto homes in east London – with neighbour whose house was hit describing impact as 'like an earthquake'
The crane collapsed on a site where flats were being constructed and it decimated the roof of two neighbouring terraced houses on Compton Close, Bow, at around 2pm on Wednesday
London Ambulance Service said one person died at the scene. Four others were injured, two were rushed to hospital with head injuries and the others were treated on the street
A woman whose home was damaged by the crane said her family are lucky to be alive. In a shaking voice, the woman who did not want to give her name, said the structure's impact felt 'like an earthquake'
She added: 'If anyone had been inside the two rooms there, they would have been completely crushed. It is just lucky that one of my siblings was at work and the other one was downstairs'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … jured.html
Red spot in center.
Do windows in UK actually open at such angles?
H's and chevrons in curtains. Bared soles.
Skewed rectangles in center. M's, 69.
Centered. M6's, M9.
"Firefighters remove a chest of drawers from the decimated home on Wednesday during the rescue operation"
Really? Their firefighters are in the furniture-removing business? At least when posing with a rectangle with 3 handles.
D in X on centerline.
Purple surface splattered with bird poop. (In a later pic this is revealed as a GARBAGE CAN.) Dog butt under center line shadow. Odd crescent in dog's mouth.
Word FIRE. Apparently fire is in itself a red flag. At least this hoax only has the word. Think how many hoaxes have fire in them. And all the boringly excessive burning/exploding vehicles and buildings in many action movies.
Yes, evidently these resource-conserving parasites actually dropped a big crane over 2 buildings, just for hoaxertainment. Article has false claim of death and only repticlone actors. Headline said the crane was 30' {3!} tall but article says 65.


#4090 2020-07-08 15:56:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

A pint of whisky and four lines of cocaine for lunch: Johnny Depp's libel trial is shown a picture taken by Amber Heard of his skull and crossbones {skull and crossbones!} 'pill box' and mountain of drugs and alcohol
High Court was shown new images offering peek into Hollywood legend Johnny Depp's raucous lifestyle
One picture shows glass table littered with mountains of alcohol and drugs in Amber Heard's LA home
Another image taken by Heard shows 57-year-old Depp passed out on the floor beside his bed
Photographs were presented to High Court in London on second day of Depp's blockbuster libel trial 30534678-8502659-Another_picture_shows_actor_Johnny_Depp_lying_on_the_floor_alleg-a-20_1594220224312.jpg
"The court was also shown a picture of Depp passed out beside his bed as the 57-year-old Hollywood legend was peppered with questions about his extensive drinking and drug use by lawyers acting for The Sun"
Sock says COMM FUCK... Community Fucking? Communist Fucker? Common Fucktard?
Fire demon in painting? Bottle. Little white rectangle and delta.
CAT in erotic position. Hand sign holding rectangle. Purple and gold.
More in article.


#4091 2020-07-08 16:39:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

More about how celebs deal with life:

'I tried to kill myself many times': Paris Jackson opens up about her struggle with self image and how taunts about her weight led her to cut herself
In a new episode of her Facebook Watch series Paris, 22, admitted she'd cut herself with a razor as a distraction from emotional pain
Her spiral into self-harming began when she was called fat by a cousin, as she explained 'I gained a lot of weight and it [eating] became an addiction' {Fat Chick}
'I tried to kill myself many times' the daughter of late singer Michael Jackson confessed
Paris tried to commit suicide when she was 15 in 2013 {13}, slitting her wrist and taking an overdose of painkillers
It was reported in March {3} 2019 that she had tried to commit suicide again but she denied it
The singer revealed she doesn't like to take medication for her depression because it numbs the 'good and the bad'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a … rself.html
"Scars: In this photo of Paris from 2013 cut marks are clearly visible on her left forearm"
Clear photographic proof. Twisted fingers in Devil Horns! Way cool. One Eye. C, stripes... did you spot the discreet 9?
"Paris is one of three {3} children Michael fathered with Debbie Rowe. Paris' older brother Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. is 23 {23!} and her younger brother Prince Michael Jackson II is 18 {6X3}. The star is seen here in May 2009, a month before his death"
I am pretty sure this unicorn is not MJ. For one thing, this actor is still alive as a clone. For another, he looks even whiter than MJ (except for the grey smudge on his hand), and just does not look like him. His partly obscured eye has one of those common square irises that diverge.
Rectangle, pyramids, deltas, hand signs, colors include purple near center. 2 One-Eyes. Feathers in butt shape.
More in article.


#4092 2020-07-09 11:51:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

San Diego police video captures officers shooting a suspect who managed to slip out of his handcuffs {riight} while in the back of a patrol car before grabbing a gun that was stored inside the vehicle {riiight}
San Diego police officers were involved in a shooting at police headquarters
A 25-year-old Hispanic man had been arrested and was in the back of a patrol car
During the journey back to HQ, he managed to escape his handcuffs
He broke into a compartment area of the car and got an officer's back-up gun
In a tense 11 {11!}-minute video, the man fired out the back of the vehicle
After refusing their orders, the man was eventually shot by officers and taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … d-gun.html
One hand gloved, the other bare.
No masks.


#4093 2020-07-09 14:06:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Ohio man, 35, wakes after night of drug taking to 'find woman, 21 {3X7}, hanging {noose?} in his basement and cuts off all her fingers, removes her tattoos {her tattoos} with a razor to put in a bowl {liquid container} and then stuffs her naked body in a barrel {liquid container}'
William Slaton charged with gross abuse of a corpse, evidence-tampering and failure to report a crime or death
Police found barrel on Slaton's property in late June containing mutilated body of Cecily Cornett, 21
Court records say Slaton told police he found Cornett hanging in his basement after a night of drug use
He then allegedly cut off all of her fingers, removed her tattoos with a razor and placed them in a sealed bowl
Cornett's body remained in Slaton's basement for several days before it was stuffed into drum in the backyard
Slaton's criminal history includes child pornography conviction 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … arrel.html
ARROW! Colors.
Templar cross of sorts.
Trekkie sign.
Christmas crap, hand sign, shades on head at home. Etc.
Live CIA RCs.


#4094 2020-07-09 18:14:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

'Coronavirus-rage' killer who stabbed two officials to death at a quarantine checkpoint is executed in China
Killer Ma Jianguo, 24, attacked the pair with a folding knife in Yunnan in February
The victims were trying to prevent him from driving past a blockade with a van
Jianguo stabbed both men in the abdomen multiple times and murdered them
The criminal was executed on Thursday after being sentenced to death in March {3}
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … cuted.html
Only a very small man would do such a cowardly thing.
One eye less open. Center post with center line. Demon faces on 2 masks.
Funny eyes. 7 on centerline. Leaning cop has a bright white hand with bright red band on black. CAT face on mask.
"The file photo above shows a road blockade made mostly of bicycles in Guangzhou"
RCs. The live little guy is triad.


#4095 2020-07-10 07:22:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Phallus, unicorn, delta, crescent, chevrons, thumb sign, BWROYT. Only men allowed at party.


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