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#4066 2020-07-04 10:21:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Shocking moment man is kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight to Florida for refusing to wear a face mask before take-off at LaGuardia Airport
A man was removed from a Spirit Airlines flight on Friday after reportedly refusing to wear a mask
The flight was scheduled for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from LaGuardia Airport in New York City
The man was approached by a Port Authority officer who explained that he must wear a mask or leave the flight
Spirit Airlines made wearing face coverings a requirement amid the coronavirus pandemic
The man was reportedly arrested after the fact by Port Authority police, according to video footage
Florida and other southern states have seen surges in coronavirus cases over the last several weeks 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -mask.html
What is up with One Eye? Big 6. Guy is wearing cap and shorts in a plane? Hand signs include cop reaching for his fat dick while claiming (in following pic) that it is much smaller with the same hand. Diamond  left. 3 B&W stripes on both pants and shoe. People wear flip-flops and sockless loafers on flights these days, i see. Wire near lone red spot forms odd triangle in penis position; deliberate?
Weird head-wear. Other guy wearing a kippa?
Genitalia right; penis has black section behind it for better contrast. Big A formed by mirror-like reflection. Diamond on centerline. Big belly exaggerated by leaning posture on legless cop. Y near center. BWY.


#4067 2020-07-04 10:56:40

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

World's oldest cat dies AGED 31 as heart{!}broken owner, 52, who was given him as a kitten for her 20th birthday pays tribute to her beloved Rubble
Rubble became oldest feline in world at 31 - the equivalent of 150 human years
Geriatric moggy lived in Exeter, in Devon, with his owner Michele Heritage, 52
The pet had no specific health issues but became 'very thin' and died of old age
Maine Coon beat the record of 30 {3}-year-old Scooter who died in Texas in 2016
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ge-31.html

Uh, if she was given the kitten when she turned 20, and he died when she was 52, he must have been over 32. But we don't see 32 often in hoaxes, whereas there have been plenty of 31's lately.
Glasses atop head, wink, photshopped teeth, J shape.
Low glasses. BWROYT; even a conforming price tag.
A reversal of "humans" with stuffed animals.
RC and dead cat.


#4068 2020-07-04 11:10:49

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Shocking moment raging Mercedes driver tries to mow down police officer after he was stopped for driving while disqualified as he is jailed for 12 months {British syntax is something we Americans have difficulty untangling at times}
Antwayne Plummer, 21, drove a hired Mercedes E220 at a Suffolk Police officer
Jailed for 12 months and given a 26-month {doesn't 26 seem a strange number here? But ti is a number we often see, 13X2} driving ban at Ispwich Crown Court
Plummer was sentenced for the Ipswich incident and an earlier one in Holborn
Nike, BWR.
RC gay prostitute.


#4069 2020-07-05 07:04:31

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

EXCLUSIVE: Australian surfer kidnapped and raped every night for two months on a squalid houseboat in India reveals how she escaped when her captor made one simple mistake - and why she fears there are other victims out there
Carmen Greentree, 37 {37!}, was held captive on a boat in Kashmir in 2004 aged 22
Her captor tricked her into staying aboard on her way to study under Dalai Lama {repty hoax actor who was blood-satanist at the time}
Trapped her in the middle of a lake and raped her every night for two months
She was dramatically rescued by police {dramatically rescued by police heroes} after the rapist made a greedy mistake
Ms Greentree, now married with three {3; imagine that} kids, has written a {must-read} book about her ordeal
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … India.html
"A British backpacker has since told her he was kidnapped and extorted on the same boat nine {9!} years earlier, and it's believed there are many other victims."
Big S in diamond, egg, man's watch, BWRgoldturquoise, spread butt, 5-petaled flowers, 6-petaled flowers, starburst flowers.
"Ms Greentree says Rafiq Ahmad Dundoo {A-rab!} (left) held her captive on the boat for two months and raped her every night. He was arrested with his brother (right). They are pictured in a photo nine {9!} years before Ms Greentree's abduction"
Crossed legs form diamond between legs, hand signs, turquoise and some BWOY, diamond watch. Strange crescent crease in one foot.
Diamond-covered purple phallus, butt curves. BWR blanket with asterisks within eggs.
Boat named SUNbeam. Phallic symbols, ladder.
Is the name above Sunbeam supposed to be the name of the owner or what? Does not match name of perps.
Turquoise including egg near center. Girl's spread butt toward viewer. Wire phallus outline?


#4070 2020-07-05 09:06:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Nightmare in New York: How Covid-19, BLM protests and a liberal mayor are turning the city into a no-go zone as murders skyrocket, shops are looted and 500,000 middle-class residents flee
The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 {3X17} per cent to 616 this year in NYC
In June, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month in 2019
Many blame New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding
New York state has suffered the highest coronavirus death toll in America
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … could.html
"Figures released by the NYPD showed that for the first six {6} months of 2020 there were 176 murders, a 23 {23!} percent increase on the same period last year. Above, looting continues in Manhattan amid protests over the death of George Floyd"
Gold J in center, in hand of Mr MaskDown who has strange posture. Never seen a yellow crowbar before. Nike near center. Etc.
Devil Horns near center. X, keys, mask on lower lip, goggles up, umbrellas...
Didn't i post  a pic with a red bandana like that in center yesterday? Can't find it... but i think it was a different pic.
Big F, B&W umbrella, trash bag. Arrestee oddly backed up to garbage can. Rectangular spot of gold in center. Who goes to a street fight with untied shoelaces? Phallic archway. Even a couple cops have no masks. Arrow on centerline. Bike.


#4071 2020-07-05 09:20:06

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Ghislaine Maxwell before the fall: As she languishes in a US cell, photos reveal the life of unbridled hedonism that Jeffrey Epstein's 'madam' enjoyed for decades at society events
Ghislaine Maxwell is currently in a US prison cell after she was arrested in America this week
Jeffrey Epstein's 'madam' lived a life of glamour that is hard to reconcile with the charges now facing her
Growing up as a millionaire's daughter, Ghislaine was a leading figure in 1980s London's social scene
Photographs reveal her glamorous outfits, impeccable connections {impeccable connections!?} and her lavish nights out in London
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -life.html
Very posed pic. Man's watch at 3 o'clock forms chevron. Beverage containers in partial circle, leopard dress, thumb sign. Missing finger on left hand. Shoulder at lip level. Rectangle.
J's on centerline. Collections of beverage containers. Lips on dude. Hand sign. Glamorous, happy, boozy living by beautiful people we should all envy.
More in article.


#4072 2020-07-05 11:26:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Man photographed fleeing collapsing World Trade Center on 9/11 dies from COVID-19 at the age of 78
Stephen Cooper died of coronavirus on March 28 at the age of 78
He was photographed in a famous photo of the carnage of 9/11.
He was seen sprinting from smoke billowing out of the hit World Trade Center
He was an electrical engineer from New York who worked for the NY Transit Authority for many years, and had a second home in Florida
He was 60 {6} on 9/11 and was shocked to find his photo in Time Magazine
'He would bring it to family barbecues, parties, anywhere he could show it off,' his daughter says on the famous snap
He had health issues and underwent brain surgery in October
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ID-19.html
Diamond with arrow near center. Hand signs. Red rectangles. Stripes on centerline. Raised shoulder over orange rectangle.
What is stripey girl holding?
Only the man tilts.
V, moon, zig-zags. Owls? Hand sign on One Shoe. Strange oval near center.
"Cooper was a beloved figure in his neighborhood of Edgemere, New York in Queens, where he owned a home for much of his life and was actively involved in local politics to protect the neighborhood"
Nice yellow diamond. V hand sign on shirt chopped to look like finga at first. More hand signs. Egg and big V in center. Earring left. Letter A on sign is a bit large. Divergent eyes on girl?

(Paramedics) picked him up on March 23 {3/23!}. That’s the last time I saw him,' Rashes said.

Janet Rashes, Cooper’s partner for 33 years ...

Jessica Rashes, Cooper’s 27-year-old daughter ...

Live CIA RCs.


#4073 2020-07-05 11:58:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Jailed and branded a terrorist... for fighting ISIS {hoax}: Ex-British Army soldier who was so outraged by Manchester Arena bombing {hoax} he went to Syria is free after eight months in Wandsworth Prison - and his story could be the plot of a movie thriller
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … rison.html
Left hand just doing a sign in mid-air instead of supporting gun. But is he holding anything? Looks like the fingers have been pasted onto the outside of some blurry mess; note chevron contour and nonsensical shadowing. Look at his elbow and where his forearm actually is. Looks like his hand was amputated and reattached coming out of the middle of his forearm. And this camo mess overlaps the gun.
Red heart in B&W rectangle. One Boot which seems too small; note lace. Fake background. I almost missed it but a 2nd boot is behind the first!
"Mission: Daniel Burke poses with one of the local children while in Syria"
Syria my sphincter. Child prostitute is British.
Shaved head. BWRYT.


#4074 2020-07-06 06:54:38

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

"One of the hundreds who turned up to thwart a supposed flag-burning event at Gettysburg"
Shaved head displays skull wearing a crown. Winged One Eye and M on neck. Circle earrings on both ears (bisexual).
Fat guy left displays sideboob. Manly polka dot shorts right. Twin flagpoles. BWRT. Can i count the T in the sky?


#4075 2020-07-06 07:28:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Potential Joe {Joke} Biden running mate mayor tells Black Lives Matter 'enough is enough' after eight-year-old girl was shot dead as her mom drove through barricade where Rayshard Brooks was killed
Secoriea Turner, 8, was shot dead after at least two gunmen opened fire on her mom's car on Saturday evening in Atlanta, Georgia
Her mother, Charmine Turner, drove through an illegal barricade set up near the Wendy's where Rayshard Brooks died in June
The area has since been taken over by activists as an autonomous zone {for crying out loud -- get a life!}
Authorities said two gunmen fired several shots into the car and killed the child
Charmine Turner broke down in tears during a press conference with Mayor Keisha Lance Bottom {tush}
Bottom said 'enough is enough' and announced that authorities would clear out the occupied area near the Wendy's
23 {23!} residents in Atlanta were shot and wounded on the Fourth of July
Gun violence overtook several cities on Saturday, night including 80 people who were shot in Chicago, Illinois
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … oting.html
Cute live prostitute does hand signs. Open Book on shirt, pentagram on belt pouch or whatever that is. Circle earring.
Turned ankle. Hands in crotch. Leaning man. Blurry.
23! Heart goes well with the shoe colors, which may be painted on like the sloppy turquoise on the purse.
Nike, and, uh...
Pic morphed to make her look more like a hooker.


#4076 2020-07-06 08:07:06

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Matching blue...


#4077 2020-07-06 13:20:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

PICTURED: Man, 27 {3 cubed!}, who knocked down and killed Black Lives Matter protester when he 'drove down ramp the wrong way'
    Dawit Kelete sped into the crowd about 1:40am Saturday, according to police
    Trooper Rick Johnson said the driver went through a barrier that closed the  I-5
    Kelete was described by officers as reserved and sullen when he was arrested
    He also asked if the pedestrians were ok, the court documents say; officials are now trying to determine the motive as well as where he got onto the interstate
    Summer Taylor, 24, succumbed to injuries sustained during the collision
    Diaz Love, 32, was also hit and remained in serious condition Sunday
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ester.html
"Kelete was described by officers as reserved and sullen when he was arrested, according to court documents"
So , he was arrested, and they offer us this extemely blurry pic of him smiling and WINKING, without clarifying whether it is a mug shot. Was a real mug shot not available. And it has GW in partial circles, as if it was some kind of federal ID. But if it was, it would not be so "pixellated" in diamond patterns. Plus his clothes look a bit casually disarrayed.
Protester named Love has ugly tattoos.


#4078 2020-07-06 13:28:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Girl, 13 {13!}, is killed and her brother, 8, is critically injured after carjackers shoved them out of van while speeding away from restaurant parking lot where their parents were picking up food
    Isabella Cortes, 13, died during violent carjacking in Pico Rivera, California
    Her brother, 8, suffered critical injuries after they were ejected from moving van
    The two were inside family van when it was carjacked on Sunday at around 2pm
    Their parents went inside a restaurant to pick up food and left keys in ignition
    With their four chidren inside, a 26-year-old Los Angeles man hopped into van
    He then sped off and demanded that the four children get out of the vehicle
    Two children - ages 18 and 11 {18. 11}- got out just after suspect began to speed away
    Cortes and her brother were ejected from vehicle further down the road
    Cortes struck an object and suffered fatal injuries at the scene
    The suspect, Jose Aguilar, allegedly tried to carjack another vehicle but failed
    He was detained by passersby who waited for LASD deputies to arrive
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … d-van.html
Cute young live prostitute wears infinity checkerboard shades on head.
Spot of red, fence.


#4079 2020-07-06 13:40:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

Hong Kong demands schools remove all books deemed violating China's security law as the city's first citizen charged under the legislation appears in court
    Hong Kong ordered schools to remove books deemed breaching the new law
    Public libraries also pulled books by pro-democracy figures from the shelves
    Comes after Tong Ying-kit is remanded in custody after appearing in court today
    The 23 {23!}-year-old was charged for carrying a 'Liberate Hong Kong' sign on July 1
    He is accused of inciting secession and engaging in terrorism under the new rule
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … court.html
Hand sign, mask down.
Mask off, mask down. Goggles atop head. Mirror shades.


#4080 2020-07-07 08:17:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,037

Re: misc oddities

'You got hit, but I didn't f****** {glamorous F word} deck you, you're a f****** {the more the better} baby': High Court is told of recordings of Amber Heard {transhuman} shouting at estranged husband Johnny Depp {transgender} as he appears in witness box to deny beating her at start of libel showdown
Johnny Depp was called as the first witness as he faced his estranged wife Amber Heard at the High Court
Actor's barrister, David Sherbourne read out an extract of a recording from 2015 of Heard shouting at him 
Depp is suing The Sun {sun} newspaper over claims he behaved 'like a violent monster' towards estranged wife
Pirates of the Caribbean star's barrister today told court client was not a wife beater and claims were 'lies'
Depp gave passionate testimony defending his relationship with Heard and insisted he was not a 'monster'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … wdown.html
Double Cross. Ridiculous neckline on lip-licking shyster-prostitute.
One Eye. Only missing one short line to make a 33, the way they cut off the 5. BWR.
Red in center with white dots. BWRgold.
Only 5 pix of prostitute girls holding hands.
Red teardrop. Sunflower. Yellow and white stripes...
Many hand sign pix.
Depp has very strange vibe in her left thigh; is she TH too? I think i detect a few fine copper wires there.
Phantom shadow on her abdomen.


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