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#3121 2020-02-29 11:29:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

US and Taliban sign peace deal that will send ALL American troops home in 14 months and pave way to end of 18 {6X3!}-year Afghanistan war
    Pompeo was on hand for signing of the historic peace deal with the Taliban on Saturday in Doha, Qatar
    Deal paves the way for a full US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 14 months if conditions are met
    Taliban agrees to steps to ensure Afghanistan doesn't once again become a safe-haven for terrorists
    America has been at war in Afghanistan for 18 years since invasion after the 9/11 terror attacks
    Announcement of peace deal came after a partial week-long truce between the parties
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … liban.html
Hidden fingertips. We've seen this at least once before.
Zig-zags in robe form an M. Etc.


#3122 2020-02-29 11:41:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

People smuggler is jailed for three years after being caught trying to bring THREE {3!} Vietnamese migrants hidden in a roof box with no ventilation into Britain
    Robert Rooney admitted facilitating illegal entry of three migrants last October
    The HGV driver locked two men and one girl inside an 'airtight' roof box
    He was stopped at the UK-controlled zone in northern France, and arrested
    Rooney's actions 'facilitate this kind of trafficking', the judge told him
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ailed.html
"Robert Rooney admitted facilitating illegal entry of two men and a 15-year-old girl after stuffing them into the tiny space on top of his Ford Focus"
They patiently maintain position after box is open, for the camera.
"Judge Catherine Brown handed Rooney a three-year jail term..."
Several red flags. Theta symbol in center. Wonder why that piece of electronic equipment happens to be sitting there.
The last such INCREDIBLE hoax involved crossing into UK from EU, where Customs neglected to look into the roof box. I see it is more stringent going the other direction.
These RCs do not have a Vietnamese vibe. Algerian.


#3123 2020-03-01 09:23:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Panic grips the West Coast and coronavirus hotpsot California, with anxious shoppers stocking up on bottled water, canned food and Clorox wipes after first US disease death
    California residents hit the shops on Saturday to stock up on supplies as state becomes coronavirus hotspot
    Locals loaded up on toilet paper, bottled water and canned food amid fears of a possible lockdown
    More than half a dozen Californians have been diagnosed with coronavirus in recent days, officials have said
    Health officials in California said two residents have contracted the disease from an 'unknown origin'
    Santa Clara County  - which is home to Silicon Valley - confirmed fourth resident tested positive to the disease
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … plies.html
A real shot in the arm for retailers.
"Pictured: a Los Angeles resident leaving a Burbank Costco with a cart full of toilet paper, bottled water and cleaning products"
No, actually that is a staged pic of CIA RCs who know better. Room is so dark flash is required, yet 2 Matrix Agents are wearing SUNGLASSES. Far eye of Fat Chick seems droopy. Prostitute right, wearing proper colors with an inverted 7 on her shoulder, has glasses atop head. Prominent water bottles. Tide box at nice angle.
Nicely shaped W and M near center. Backward 6 too. Diamond background.
Same CIA RC guy wearing different clothes.
Lots more water battles in article.


#3124 2020-03-01 09:46:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

London Uber driver reveals how he killed a man by removing his liver and kidneys while working as a doctor in China amid claims the country is slaughtering thousands of its citizens to 'harvest' their organs
    International report to accuse China of covering up ‘crimes against humanity’
    Former doctor tells how he killed a man by removing his liver and kidneys
    There are growing fears Uighur Muslims are being used for supply of body parts
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … octor.html
Droopy right eye, armfold, shaved head.
Gilets Jaune. Cones, rectangles at angles. 2 posts equidistant from centerline again.


#3125 2020-03-01 10:15:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

More than 76,000 migrants have left Turkey heading for the EU as Greek police barricade border crossings with barbed wire and launch tear gas at crowds
    EU border protection agency Frontex said it was on 'high alert' today at Turkey-Greece and Bulgaria border
    It came after Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan 'opened the doors' to allow up to 4m to leave country
    Greek police closed border crossings and fired tear gas at groups of migrants who tried to enter the country
    Pregnant women and children were among those making hazardous crossings from Turkey to Greece by sea
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … garia.html
"Migrants pictured in a makeshift tent as the {sic} wait in the buffer zone between Greek Kastanies and Turkish Pazarkule today"
TENT provides shelter from what? B&W stripes and J shape near center. Big pole near centerline.
R&W pole on centerline points to guy's parted buttocks.
5-petaled flower and purple on centerline. Stripes.
"A migrant pictured swimming back to Turkey after attempting to cross the Maritsa river this morning"
Such a streamlined system for maintaining a supply of drinking water.
Prominent egg. Red in center.
Adwear, odd arm positions. Coronahoax mask. Orange near center.
Diamond in center with phallus above, cones, colors...
Purple diamond lady emitted Farts of Doom. Eyes over glasses.
"A Greek policeman collects tear gas canisters reportedly thrown from the Turkish side of the border during riots ..."
M sign grab of 3 B&W canisters.
More in article. Nothing but RC actors.


#3126 2020-03-01 11:48:26

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Phallus low on centerline, plus boat is a phallic symbol in center. Etc.


#3127 2020-03-02 05:34:32

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

"Pictured, people wear masks and purchase hand sanitizer in Queens, New York"
Nicely placed rectangles. Old man has 2 canes in 1 hand and a beverage can suspended in front of his neck. What is the red nipple on his other hand? Is that a Devil Horns sign? Crossed legs. Red in center, thumbs, bottle, colors.


#3128 2020-03-02 09:33:57

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

British woman, 61, is found dead at dog shelter she ran in Egypt {Egypt!} as police probe whether she was mauled to death by the strays she cared for
    Briton Anne Johnson, 61, found dead at a shelter she ran for stray dogs in Egypt
    Police believe she was mauled to death by three {3} dogs that she helped look after
    But friends believe she fell unconscious and was then bitten by the animals
    Tributes to Ms Johnson - who was known locally as Janet - described her as a 'very special person' with 'passion, dedication and big heart {heart}'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Egypt.html
One Eye above glasses, prominent nooses, BWRsilver.
Live RC.


#3129 2020-03-02 10:10:04

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

President Erdogan says 'MILLIONS' of migrants will head to Europe and the continent must share the migrant 'burden' after opening Turkey's borders, as Greeks say they fear 'invasion'
    More than 13,000 {13!} migrants have gathered on the Turkish side of a river which separates them from Greece
    Police were firing tear gas at crowds who were trying to reach the EU, while one child drowned in a dinghy
    Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan threw open the border in order to pressure Europe over Syria conflict
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … olice.html
"A rescue worker hauls a boat up to the shore near an islet in the Evros River today as migrants try to reach Greece after Turkey opened its borders"
Concentric partial circles within a square. AFAD is the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. I presume these "authentic migrants" somehow transferred to this rescue boat from a worse, overloaded vessel, without getting wet.
JOKER on centerline. Dude with penis looks like he is stepping out of the boat while pulling it up. Colors.
These actors feel like Turkish repticlones.
Devil Horns with "testes" below.  One Eye near center. Clothing patterns and colors. Pole.
"A migrant throws back a gas canister in response to Greek security forces' intervention today"
Does that look ergonomically correct? Posture seems for placing square patch at ideal angle.
Canister resembles an apple. Hand sign. Red on shoes.
Center pseudotranny has an exceptionally masculine jawline to go with her flat chest, thick neck,  and short hair. Looks like the face of a male Chinese kung-fu actor. Steep V, too. Leopard print. Is that a partial pentagram on the other pseudotranny? Colors, hand signs.
"A woman takes off her wet shoes as migrants arrive at the village of Skala Sikaminias on the Greek island of Lesbos today"
Egg left, noose right, etc. Why are beads on the ground right?
Guy winks. Leopard print, colors.


#3130 2020-03-02 16:45:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Number of people dead from coronavirus in the U.S. rises to SIX {6!} after four new deaths as top infectious disease official warns the spread has reached 'pandemic proportions'
    The coronavirus death toll in the U.S. climbed to six - all in Washington state - on Monday
    Five of the six deaths have been linked to the LifeCare long-term care facility just outside Seattle
    It comes after Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has warned that the coronavirus has likely reached 'pandemic proportions'
    The leading expert went on to say the U.S. might need to consider social mitigation, including closing down schools and not allowing events where large crowds are in confined spaces
    It comes after Dr Matt McCarthy, who works at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, warned coronavirus cases will surge into the thousands by next week
    He also claimed he doesn't have the tools to properly care for patients because of the lack of coronavirus tests being made available to hospitals
    Health officials have been scrambling to get their own coronavirus testing kits up and running after getting stuck with faulty tests from the federal government
    Scott Gottlieb, who is the former FDA commissioner said three critical weeks were lost in trying to contain the spread of coronavirus in the U.S. because of the faulty tests
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirmed on Sunday that it is investigating a manufacturing defect in some initial coronavirus test kits
    It comes as New York Gov Andrew Cuomo confirmed on Sunday that a healthcare worker in her 30s was the first confirmed case in the state 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -week.html
"The coronavirus death toll in the U.S. has now climbed to six {6!}. Five of the six deaths have been linked to the LifeCare (above) long-term aged care facility in Kirkland just outside Seattle in Washington state"
Crossed legs! Big X, blatant hand signs. Chevrons/arrow. Phallus right, Twin Pillars left. Spots of red. 3 squares. Colors.
Anyone who can look at these obviously staged, confessional pix and believe in the virus, WANTS to BELIEVE. Maybe they are ENTRANCED?
Dicking around as usual.
Horizontal B&W stripes in center, as we've seen many times before. Partial circle, etc.
More in article.


#3131 2020-03-02 17:31:55

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Terrified Indonesian woman is escorted by police before being caned in public for having sex outside marriage in violation of Sharia law
    Dozens gathered to watch eight humiliated victims whipped outside a mosque in the capital Banda Aceh
    An 'algojo', a masked sharia officer, rained down between five to 45 lashes from a rattan cane on their backs
    The men and women were rounded up by religious officers after they had intercourse outside marriage
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … riage.html
Cop calmly maintains hydration levels. Double Cross on headband. Hand signs. Colors.
Just brutal. Is she wearing a turban under that thing, or what?
Devil Horns.
Egyptoids with most stringent sexual morals. Not that their young daughters have hymens.


#3132 2020-03-02 17:49:27

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

"Pictured: A traveller wears a surgical mask at LaGuardia Airport, New York"


#3133 2020-03-03 04:48:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Crew of gunship 'Spooky 41' are all awarded medals after raining fire on ISIS militants for NINE {9!} hours to allow rescue of 15 wounded soldiers in Afghanistan battle likened to Iwo Jima
    Aircrew of the AC-130U {13} gunship 'Spooky 41' with Hurlburt Field's 4th Special Operations Squadron were honored at the military facility in Fort Walton Beach
    The 14-man crew received two Distinguished Flying Crosses and 12 Air Medals for for providing nine hours of fire support
    Crew helped U.S. and coalition forces during April 2019 mission in Afghanistan
    While allied forces battled ISIS on the ground, the crew of Spooky 41 helped to ensure the safe evacuation by helicopter of 15 injured ground personnel
    DFCs are awarded for 'Heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -ISIS.html
I wanna medal, too!
Sunburst with SS lightning eagle, topped off by a fleur-de-lis. What's not to like?


#3134 2020-03-03 09:21:31

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Amputee Star Wars fan, 11 {11}, is given an R2-D2 bionic arm and receives a call from Mark Hamill - after he shared her story with his 3.6 million followers
    Bella Tadlock, from Tallahassee, Florida, raised $14,000 for the R2-D2 bionic arm
    Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker, boosted the campaign last year
    Bella was able to show off her new limb to Hamill in a Skype phone call
    Bella was born without fingers on her right hand and with a shorter left arm
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … amill.html
OMG! Now can they do something for those TEETH?
That pic was flaunted on the home page. Could this actually be a real mutation? I found no mention of mouth, teeth, or chew on the page.
Lower lip protrudes.
Hand gesture.
At least she can handle liquids. CIA RCs.


#3135 2020-03-03 09:42:21

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Missing something? {a brain perhaps?} French fashion label Y/Project {Y, oh Y?} debuts VERY revealing jeans with a deep, V-shaped {deep, V-shape} cutout where the zipper should be
    Y/Project showed its Fall 2020 collection at Paris Fashion Week today
    Several models wore high-waist denim trousers with V-shaped cutouts over the abdomen at crotch area
    All wore long shirts or bodysuits underneath to cover up
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … ipper.html
What will they think of next?
When the story is about a Masonic symbol.
But you BLEW IT, Masons! I mistakenly thought you had some comcept of poetic symmetry. But NO. You did NOT show a male actor with a deep cutout where a penis should be, despite their broad availability.
Overly long sleeves sometimes come up in hoaxes.
Female RCs.


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