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#2986 2020-02-15 12:59:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

'This is the virus I fear the most': British scientist leading coronavirus fight says it's 'not absurd' to forecast 400,000 UK fatalities as world-wide death toll surges past 1,500
    Scientist Professor Neil Ferguson is leading the fight against the virus in the UK
    Ferguson said it was unhelpful to throw numbers around but 400k isn't 'absurd' 
    He also added that he would rather overreact than be accused of under reacting
    The global death toll from the virus has now passed 1,500, with 66,000 {66K!} infected
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … eaths.html
Huge egg! Phalluses left, reversed 6 right. Glasses atop head. Delta below center. BWRpurple.
Did you spot the SHOES?
Cone just happened to be there. Dolly wheels just happen to make nice symbols too. Hood near center has KKK-like peak. Colors.
Lotta action on centerline. 7 on bottom. Stroking that phone. Hand signs above, then theta symbol, then rectangle. Better diamond on front of thick woman. Thick watchband on thin woman.
Non-binary freak with one dark eye and a white spot on his (thinner) upper lip. And something running out of his nostril.
Swiss crosses near centerline. Dots within circles. R&W Three Arrows / dot-within-circle symbol. 11, 6. BWR.
Pyramid and bike on centerline. Maybe the L means something too. They still have phone booths in UK, or this is an old pic.
At first i thought that white bird was a 7. Pentagram-wheeled bike. Purple added?


#2987 2020-02-15 15:37:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Mother and daughter, 16, 'posing as baby photographers drugged a woman with a cupcake so they could steal her newborn'
    Juliette Parker - who ran for Colorado Springs mayor in 2019 - was charged with multiple felonies after she and the unidentified teen were arrested on Friday
    Parker was charged with a count of assault in the second degree and attempted kidnapping
    Pair were arrested after the Pierce County Sheriff's Department conducted an investigation, determining that they had been drugging victims to steal babies
    On February 5, a woman called 911 and requested medical aid as she was feeling numbness, drowsiness, instability on her feet and she was vomiting
    She told deputies that the woman had been at her home on three occasions, and allegedly drugged her on the third visit before taking her house keys
    Deputies paid for the woman to have her locks replaced and window guards installed
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … wborn.html
Tattoo of 3 birds, droopy left eye, rectangle, BWR.
The droop effect seems mainly achieved (aside from photoshop) by turning her left side forward rather than shrinking the eye much. This deliberately makes it more conspicuous.
Cmdr Demoss from Planet Zebnon points to an egg with his Saturn knuckle, a common greeting of his culture. Other hand also has an egg shape and partial circles, and seems to have an added pinky to effect the Devil Horns sign. Octagon, colors. Door has an erection near center, of course.


#2988 2020-02-15 16:01:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

How can someone's shoulders be at nose level? I demand she takes her shirt off.


#2989 2020-02-16 08:10:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

EXCLUSIVE - Harry and Meghan are pictured together for the first time since Megxit: Royal couple are all smiles carrying their own bags off a commercial flight in Canada without Archie after US trip
    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were spotted stepping off a commercial flight in Canada on Friday 
    Images obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com show the Royal couple together for the first time since Megxit
    They were all smiles as they landed in Canada minus baby Archie after taking a flight from the US
    The couple appeared to have left behind the turmoil of recent weeks as they seemed happy and relaxed from their trip away where they are believed to have been trying to carve out new business ventures
    Meghan was wearing a striped {!} shirt and dark jeans, and was holding a black leather laptop case {rectangular, i bet}
    Harry looked casual in jeans, a grey sweater and trainers {wow, thanks for all that valuable info}
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … anada.html
I now think EYEGLASSES in and of themselves, oddly emphasized in any way, are a Red Flag. Perhaps because only through the lenses of Masonic Insight can one hope to See reality clearly.
Why is Miss Charm leaning thus while patting her ear in such an odd manner?
A couple strong thumbs on display. The FTM is a dickhead and studiously scrutinizes her foot which is slightly off the ground, as if to emphasize the SHOE symbol. That rectangular pocket bulge looks uncomfortable; was she sitting for hours with that?
Zoom in.
One Eye.
Oddly obsessed with her hair. Check FTM's foot again. She is super careful about stepping. E lower right.
Endless pix in this vein. Some have this car antenna up the centerline. I gave up scrolling after i reached my celeb-worship limit.


#2990 2020-02-16 09:23:41

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Virginia boy, 17, is charged with shooting dead his mother, 34, and six {6}-year-old brother at home before opening fire on his father, leaving him critically injured
    Leviathan 'Levi' Henry Norwood, 17, was arrested Saturday in North Carolina
    Police had been searching for him after double murder Friday in Virginia
    Norwood's father came home to find his wife and young son shot dead
    Teen son ambushed the father and fired on him, but the dad escaped
    Cops launched massive dragnet after Norwood stole a car to flee
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … other.html
Now it is the right side which they tilt forward while slightly shrinking the right eye. Blurry pic, V's, BWO, very sloped shoulders.
More in article. CIA RCs.


#2991 2020-02-16 09:44:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Former Hollywood {CIA} stunt woman and her husband are shot dead by her ex-husband during a gun battle over a financial dispute after they ambushed him in his own driveway
    Cheryl Sanders, 59, and her husband Reed Sanders, 56, were shot dead by Cheryl's ex-husband Lindsay Duncan on Wednesday, February 12
    They had ambushed Duncan and his new wife Molly outside of their Ohio home
    Cheryl and Reed lived in North Carolina and were said to have been engaged in a vicious feud with her ex-husband over a trust fund for their two daughters
    Lindsay Duncan had previously told police his ex-wife was trying to murder him
    He is not being charged in their deaths as police state he acted in self-defense
    Cheryl Sanders was a former stunt woman who doubled for Jessica Alba
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … sband.html
Do people actually BELIEVE this absurd cowboy drivel?
Another dickhead! Colors, stripes, lips.
What did i just say about eyeglasses? Lifted shoulder, phallicly positioned water bottle.
Note that this actor is also the same guy as in 1st pic, but the 2nd is supposed to be the shooter and the first is supposed to be dead.
Giving lip. Colors.
"Lindsay Duncan describes shooting dead his ex-wife Cheryl Sanders and her husband Reed" Calmly, without a neck.
Multiple things. Both perps masturbate under stress.
Purple H, etc.
Gotta have a Christmas pic. Multiple red flags.
Live CIA RCs.


#2992 2020-02-16 10:52:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe killer disease may have begun in research facility 300 {3} yards from Wuhan wet fish market
    Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology concludes that 'the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan'
    It points to research on bats and respiratory diseases carried by the animals at  the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and the Wuhan Institute of Virology
    WCDC is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … atory.html
"Workers in protective gear carry a bag containing a giant salamander that was reported to have escaped from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province in January"
There was a pic earlier which i failed to comment upon, of a salamander held vertically on the centerline by the tail. Now this. I conclude that the salamander is a phallic symbol.
Speaking of which, one worker has a bottle protruding from his anus. Twin Posts, colors, stripes.


#2993 2020-02-16 10:53:22

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Droopy right eye. V's, etc.


#2994 2020-02-16 10:59:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Desperate mom-of-five calls 911 at 2am because she couldn't feed her six {6}-week-old daughter - and police officers {hero cops} turn up to deliver a gallon of milk and baby formula {beverages}
    Shannon Bird, of Alpine, Utah, called 911 on January 28 at 2am because she had no way of feeding her newborn baby girl
    In the 911 audio, could be heard tear{!}fully telling the dispatcher that her breast milk had dried up and she didn't have any formula to feed her six-week-old
    Bird, who is a blogger, said her husband was away for work and her four other children - one of whom had a broken leg - were asleep
    She told the dispatcher she had been calling her neighbors but they were asleep
    Officers with the Lone Peak Police Department were dispatched to Bird's home
    Bodycam footage showed the offer's providing the distressed mother with regular milk and baby formula
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ghter.html
Dumbest story i've seen so far today. People actually BELIEVE something so retarded? Try calling your local cops with such a plea.
Multiple items.
Boyish hand-signing pentagram girl is definitely for rent.
Bottles on centerline, lifted shoulder, etc.
More in article. CIA RCs.


#2995 2020-02-16 11:20:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

George Washington was an 'illiterate LIAR who cheated his way to the top, wore dentures made from hippo ivory, and beat his slaves', new biography claims
    'You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington' by historian Alexis Coe dispels the many myths around Washington
     The first President 'bought' teeth from his slaves to replace his own and found loopholes in laws as he adamantly fought to keep them in his possession
    Aged 22, he also manipulated a Seneca chief to start a battle with the French
    By the time he finished his final term as President, the other Founding Fathers were slamming the former war hero as too 'unread for his station and reputation'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … laims.html
Left eye closer yet smaller. Note lack of cheekbone.
Masculized rendering. Hand signs near center. Piper's closer eye seems a trifle smaller. 2 sets of 3 A's. Those big V necklaces have been around a while.
Crescent, Hidden Hand, droopy right eye, colors.
The Open Book is on the floor! Does that mean that some things remain secret?
Hand sign holding a FEATHER in center. Liquid container near center. Partial circle. Scroll penis. Ben lifts shoulder.


#2996 2020-02-16 11:27:07

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … olice.html
"Once the man is on the ground, four bystanders rush over to help the officers subdue him"


#2997 2020-02-16 12:10:56

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Elderly bank robber {bank robber}, 74, who demanded $1,100 {11!} and scolded at teller when she gave him $2,000 {11-2=9} has been spared prison because his wife died and his crime was 'a cry for help'
    Sandy {girl's name} Hawkins, 74, reached a deal with Palm Beach County prosecutors Friday
    He will spend a year in a pretrial intervention program in exchange for having the bank robbery charge dropped
    Hawkins was unarmed when he walked into a Wells Fargo branch in Boca Raton on November 18 {11/18} and demanded $1,100 from the teller 
    He left the bank {that's right, anyone can just walk into a bank unarmed and 'make a withdrawal' (no account needed) and limp out with a wad of cash unhindered -- just try it sometime; how do you think i got my millions?} and the moneybag got caught in a bush, so he left it behind
    When he was arrested he gave police a note which said: 'Hope I get caught'
    'It was my way of, basically, a cry for help,' Hawkins told the court
    He said he was depressed and living in his car after losing his wife in 2017
    Hawkins, who has cancer, faced 15 years in prison, an effective life sentence {Awwww...}
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ailed.html
2nd dumbest hoax so far today.
4X60? =240 but what does it mean? Just below center. And a strange glowing green spot just right.
Cop left looks like his son, and shares his facial expression. Hand signs. Keys. Perp's arms do not appear to be hanging naturally. He had to lift his hands to squeeze the sign into pic.
3 still pix plus a video cover of Santa Claus incessantly looking over his glasses.


#2998 2020-02-16 12:50:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

'It's a precarious situation': State of emergency is declared amid 'third {3} worst flood in Mississippi history' as Pearl River prepares to burst its banks and threaten thousands of homes in Jackson
    Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves declared a state of emergency Saturday amid predictions a river will burst its banks causing the 'third worst flood' in the history of the state
    Forecasters believe the Pearl River will crest at 38 feet Sunday evening to levels not seen in decades
    Only twice before has the river surpassed 38 feet, including historic floods in 1979 when between $500 million and $700 million worth of damage was caused and 150,000 people were evacuated
    More than 96,000 sandbags had already been distributed by Saturday after days of torrential rain
    Reeves said more than 2,400 homes and other structures in and near Jackson will be affected by the rising waters as more rain is predicted in the coming days
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … evels.html
Maybe so but why stage the pix?
1st pic has H, P, 6, 3. Red square on centerline. Added red chair (who has such red chairs in their house?). Polka dots, hand signs. Edge trim on centerline.
Fat Chick plays with central phallus, does hand signs. Likewise the B&R Fat Chick.
Big yellow V comes to a point in the center. Oar is placed behind pole to make pole look like an ARROW. Mailbox included for color. Tree near centerline casts shadow all the way down.
Finga, etc.
Egg containing asterisk within partial circle, and tiny red rectangle within angled rectangle. Christmas decor in mid-Feb. Wink? Eyes over glasses. Nike. Colors, stripes.
I often see DOLLIES (AKA hand carts) in staged images.
Odd place for a cross.
"Abby McInnis, 19, cannot suppress her tears at the thought of how anticipated floodwaters will affect the home of her grandmother..."
Tears? Glasses, Devil Horns, colors, diamonds, stripes. NARWHAL TUSK again!
Why are only repticlones shown? Is nobody else stupid enough to reside in lowlands?


#2999 2020-02-16 13:06:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: How to beat coronavirus? Sing Happy Birthday as you wash your hands
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … hands.html
(Personally i prefer to sing Christmas carols when i wash.)
Like when i wash my wand.
Hand up sleeve right. Loads of bike racks but no bikes. Index fingers.
Bikes, some of them strewn around at odd angles, but no bike racks. Gold rims on one. Red below center.


#3000 2020-02-16 13:40:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-the-c … l-warfare/
"A launch of Israel’s Gabriel Missile (Israel Aircraft Industries)"


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