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#2536 2019-12-30 16:48:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Three Arrows with gold stripes. Rectangle at angle. Granted, not much of an angle, but why any at all? This ad was on the right side of a page, so the angle was from wrong direction.


#2537 2019-12-31 09:07:17

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Donald Trump vows to hold Iran 'fully responsible' for attack on US embassy in Baghdad: Under-siege American soldiers fire at pro-Tehran Hezbollah mob and wound 20 as Iraqis storm complex and set it on fire in retaliation for airstrikes
American soldiers inside the embassy have fired tear gas, stun grenades and warning shots at hundreds of fighters who broke down the compound gate and set fires within the complex on Tuesady
The ambassador was on leave at the time of the attack and embassy staff had already been evacuated before the US marine guard became besieged at the compound
Trump has vowed to hold Tehran accountable for the embassy attack, which is in retaliation for US air strikes on the Iran-backed Kataeb Hezbollah on Sunday night
Those USAF strikes were themselves in retaliation for last week's killing of an American contractor in Kirkuk
'Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will.' Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning. 'Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … mplex.html
"Members of the Hashd al-Shaabi militia, part of the Popular Mobilization Forces of which Kataeb Hezbollah is a member, attempt to break through the gates of the compound on Tuesday" LOL
Rock hard.
Rectangle, pentagrams, A...
Loads of red flags in article.


#2538 2019-12-31 10:04:21

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

YouTube star {!} Brittani Boren Leach, 29, reveals her three {3}-month-old son Crew died suddenly after she put him down for a nap on Christmas Day - and slams vile trolls who attacked her for sharing the tragedy online
Blogger, 29, announced the news of Crew's death on her Instagram page Friday
Leach shared a series of heartbreaking images alongside her tiny son in hospital
'I keep thinking that I will wake up from this nightmare, but I don't', she wrote
Calling the pain 'unbearable' Brittani said her baby son fell ill on Christmas Day
Brittani lives in Texas with husband Jeff, their three {3} other sons and stepdaughter
She told fans the family decided to donate Crew's organs following his death
But Brittani was also forced to hit back at trolls who questioned her intentions
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-Day.html
Pentagrams, hand sign.
Conspicuously broken and red nail above center. Both hands do the same sign. Buttocks lower right.
Kitties! As in the case yesterday, they have bilateral sets of 3 whiskers. Also they have semicircle eyebrows.
Suspicious bit of red to go with BWgold. Rectangles. Ellipse dangling down for some reason. Right next to the purple diamond. Lower lips. Phallic shape center. Stripes.
M sign. Stripes, White and gold, some silver. Note how brass was included.
Clothes. Hands.
Broken circle. Leopard pattern. Diamond mat.
Too much titty. Hand signs, Pentagrams. Phallus in background emitting geyser.
Live RCs.


#2539 2019-12-31 10:33:12

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Alex Jones and InfoWars must pay more than $100,000 in legal fees to Sandy Hook victim's family who are suing him over conspiracy theories
Alex Jones ordered to pay over $100,000 to the family of a Sandy Hook victim
InfoWars founder in 'contempt of court' for not producing witness documents
Texas judge found conspiracy theorist had deliberately ignored a court order
Jones claimed school massacre was government hoax to introduce gun controls
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … amily.html
FTM RC winks, does hand signs. Purple, partial circles.
Some messed-up fingernails.
Big V. Lean. Red spots.
Lip lick. Leopard coat and lavender. Hand signs.
CIA Sandy Hookers except for Alice.


#2540 2019-12-31 11:13:58

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Boy, 12, gets a magnifying glass for Christmas and accidentally sets his family's front lawn on FIRE
A 12-year-old boy decided to try out a magnifying he got for Christmas, accidentally setting the lawn outside his family's Texas home on fire
Nissa-Lynn Parson said her family didn't think twice about giving her son, Cayden, an avid reader, a magnifying glass for the Christmas holiday
The family, however, didn't realize he'd be curious to see how it worked magnifying the sun's rays
After going with his brothers outside to find out, Cayden rushed back in because newspapers had caught fire and accidentally set the very-dry lawn ablaze
Family and neighbors raced with water and turned on the sprinklers to put out the flames and no one was hurt
Parson said all was forgiven and that the incident, while it could have been much worse, is now a cherished, Christmas memory
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -fire.html
Diamond! 3 guys wearing same Masonic outfits. Neckless boy wears a different one. All 4 have lifted shoulders. Boy tugs on pants to make the squares into diamonds.
Rectangle at angle. Partially shaded circle.


#2541 2019-12-31 11:52:51

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Kindhearted man gives a two-year-old girl with a mini shopping cart a $1 to buy herself a treat at the grocery store in a viral video that has been viewed more than EIGHT MILLION times
Cherisa Vogel, 32, from Victorville, California, took to Twitter on Sunday to share the heartwarming footage of the man giving her daughter Lily shopping money 
In the video, the stranger pulls out his wallet and hands the two-year-old a $1 to buy herself a treat after seeing her pushing her mini shopping car in the aisles
Cherisa also shared photos from the unforgettable trip to the grocery store, including a picture of the cookies Lily bought with the man's money
The clip has been viewed more than eight million times since it was posted
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … store.html
Diamond dollar on centerline, hand signs, BWRsilver. Striped pants. Empty cart placed behind her -- for the rectangle, color, and stripes?
Beverage, thumbs.
"Sweet treat: Cherisa also posted a photo of Lily posing with the chocolate chip cookies she bought with the money the man gave her"
Excuse me. In the US these days $1 might buy one or 2 big cookies, but...
Hand sign, ellipse. Diamond by head. BWRgold.
Diamonds. Colors. Hands.

WHY this idiotic non-story and hoaxed virality? This child is not even a prostitute. I am stumped.


#2542 2019-12-31 12:16:28

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Alabama cops spark outrage with 'homeless quilt' they made out of cardboard signs confiscated from pan-handlers
Facebook showed Preston McGraw and Alexandre Olivier holding what the post called a 'homeless quilt' made of cardboard signs apparently confiscated
It read: 'Wanna wish everybody in the 4th precinct a Merry Christmas, especially our captain. Hope you enjoy our homeless quilt. Sincerely Panhandler patrol'
Both officers are recent graduates of the Mobile Police Academy and the picture appears to have been taken inside a police department office 
The Mobile police chief apologized for the post, calling it an 'insensitive gesture'
He said: 'It is never our intent or desire as a police department to make light of those who find themselves in a homeless state'
It's unclear if there'll be an investigation or if the officers could face reprimand
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -post.html
Why are most of the signs in the same handwriting, and almost all say GOD BLESS?
Hand sign. Tattered flag to symbolize how far our "nation" has deteriorated. But it's not even a real flag. Colors are wrong. One blue stripe. Might be CGI or on paper.
Also i would expect to find better cameras in a police station.
A couple more red-flag pix in article.


#2543 2019-12-31 13:14:58

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … stmas.html
Count the red flags in another stupid story. SWEET BLOOD? Is he inviting mosquitos?


#2544 2019-12-31 13:30:18

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Pentagon deploys 100 Marines in Chinooks to reinforce under-siege US embassy in Baghdad after it was attacked by pro-Iran mob in retaliation for US airstrikes on Hezbollah, as President Trump warns Tehran it will be held 'fully responsible'
American soldiers inside the embassy have fired tear gas, stun grenades and warning shots at hundreds of fighters who broke down the compound gate and set fires within the complex on Tuesday
The ambassador was on leave at the time of the attack and embassy staff had already been evacuated before the US Marine guard became besieged at the compound
The Pentagon deployed 100 additional Marines to the embassy in Chinook helicopters in wake of attack
Trump has vowed to hold Tehran accountable for the embassy attack, which is in retaliation for US air strikes on the Iran-backed Kataeb Hezbollah on Sunday night
Those USAF strikes were themselves in retaliation for last week's killing of an American contractor in Kirkuk
'Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will.' Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning. 'Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!'
The embassy's security team evacuated some local staff through a rear gate while others left by helicopter as the rest remained inside 'safe' areas within the embassy, an employee said
Twenty people have been reported injured in the carnage by the pro-Iran Popular Mobilization Forces
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … mplex.html
I am trying to figure out why the reflection from the printer shows up several feet closer to the lens than the printer itself.
Diamond near center, water bottle next to rectangle. Strange pattern on one boot. Hand signs. 3 lights.


#2545 2020-01-01 10:38:24

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Lone female grad of latest IAF pilot course says judging skin, gender won’t fly
Lieutenant Tav, the religious daughter of an immigrant from the Ivory Coast, says her looks ‘are not the story’ — what’s important is how well she does her job
https://www.timesofisrael.com/lone-fema … -wont-fly/
Plastic dreadlocks! Armfold, M sign.
What are the chances of a cute black Israeli Air Force pilot having such long hair? Why is a R&W fire extinguisher planted in front of the black tire? 66 in the 665. Raised shoulders. Partial R&W circle.
It is highly unlikely that this Mossad repticlone has ever been in the cockpit of a plane, as RCs are still forbidden from piloting.
White arc is conspicuous. 3 phalluses in the BRW scheme right.
Appear to be 3 CUBES. Alas, these are older ones from before we started programming concrete.
Either she is still lifting her shoulders or she has naturally high, square shoulders (a masculine trait). Tilted head. Hand sign.


#2546 2020-01-01 10:46:52

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

US businessman said swindled by Israeli wife is a major donor for Israel causes
Richard Rappaport, 77 {11X7}, who recently married a young woman who allegedly tried to steal $1 million from him, is a longtime JNF donor who funded indoor Sderot playground
https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-busine … el-causes/
Big red Y covered with hearts. Don't know what the downturned hands mean. Very strange pose.
Mom does hand signs too. 7 glasses on table plus big one in painting. Look how it is the central focus of the painting, with the woman being a satellite. Also it is near the centerline of image.  BWRYsilver.
Perfectly innocent bicycle and water bottle. B&W silver, stripes, steep V neck. Well-hung shadow.


#2547 2020-01-01 11:47:34

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Dozens of apes and monkeys - including five orangutans and a 48-year-old silverback gorilla - are burnt alive after New Year's Eve inferno 'sparked by Chinese sky lanterns' sweeps through a German zoo enclosure
Apes, monkeys, bats and birds were killed after a fire ripped through monkey house at Krefeld zoo, Germany
Police said the fierce fire may have been caused by Chinese sky lanterns launched to celebrate the new year
Five orangutans, a 48-year-old silverback gorilla, a chimpanzee and several monkeys perished in the inferno
Only two chimpanzees could be rescued from the flames by firefighters. They suffered burns but are stable
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-Eve.html
Can someone explain why the trees were not burned? Or the wood fence? Or even the wood frame skeleton? It seems only partly damaged despite being shown in the beginning of the vid as very aflame. So i guess the repticlone fire crew were on top of containing the damage within certain limits.
BUT, wasn't there a ROOF of some sort on the structure to keep out the precipitation and small objects such as a Chinese sky lantern? Or where they setting off lanterns inside the building? Unlikely:

Criminal police officer Hoppmann said that the use of sky lanterns is illegal in Krefeld and most other parts of Germany and asked that the people who launched them or people who witnessed anything should come forward to police.

Germans usually welcome in the new year with fireworks at midnight and private persons are allowed to buy and launch fireworks. Sky lanterns, however, are both illegal and uncommon in Germany.

The fire obviously was mainly INSIDE yet caused by an outside source.
BWR theta symbol. Hand sign.
I wonder what used to be here that was so flammable, yet only scorched these plant stems. Could they possibly have planted gasoline or something inside?
Were the animals in wood cages? Seems unlikely, and we see no remains of lumber lying around. So what was the highly flammable mass that the lantern drifted in and ignited? It would have to be something like dry straw to catch flame, which might plausibly have been on the ground.
I found a site
https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_ … halia.html
with pix inside the monkey house before the fire! I notice no buildup of highly flammable substances. 
Check it out.

Rectangles etc. 5-petaled flower in center.RCs.
J shape etc.
Stack of highly relevant traffic cones on centerline. Colors, stripes.
Phallus, partial circle. Many red flags in these pix. The depicted apes are alive but have no souls and hardly any vibe so i can't trace them.

Years ago there was a hoax of a hippo being killed or something in France but i traced it to a different zoo.


#2548 2020-01-01 15:39:56

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Neighbours scream 'what have you done?' after 'mother-of-two and her boyfriend are stabbed to death by her ex-partner at New Year's Eve party' as police arrest man, 39 {13X3!}, for murder
Neighbours heard screaming and shouting at house in Duffield, Derbyshire
Police found a man and a woman fatally injured inside and launched probe
Man arrested at scene on suspicion of two counts of murder and is in custody
Local residents said the 'whole street was crawling with police' this morning
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -dead.html
Looks suspiciously like a TENT. Ribbon and suit colors match it. Why the hazmat suit and gloves, to avoid contaminating the "evidence"? Is that a helmet?
If they were killed inside, why the forensic tent outside?
Not only the video but NINE (9!) images flaunt this tent.


#2549 2020-01-01 16:00:03

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Former RAF pilot, 67, who helped clear up 270 {27} bodies after Lockerbie terror attack reveals he has suffered nightmares and flashbacks for 31 {31 keeps coming up in headlines} years
Ron Graham was on leave when he was ordered back to his squadron in 1988
The helicopter pilot helped clear 270 bodies following the Lockerbie bombing
He said he suffered post traumatic stress disorder by what he witnessed
He claimed he tried to cope using alcohol but this failed to heal his suffering 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … rauma.html
S near center. Red and orange cloths to go with the B&W. Stripes.
Is this sort of roof structure, with deltas instead of gables, common in the UK? I see 8 of these deltas plus one  seems obliterated by CGI. Something funny about how that one melts into the scrap heap. Why such a blurry pic of an event of such importance?
Here it looks the the damage was real, and that may be true, but then why so blurry a pic?
Strange posture with right shoulder minimized. Fatter lower lip. Repticlone.
Big gold.


#2550 2020-01-01 16:15:33

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Lewis Burton DENIES that it is his blood in 'leaked snap of Caroline Flack's stained bed sheets'... before professing his love for his 'harmless' girlfriend amid assault arrest
A photograph of 'Caroline Flack's bloodied sheets' has emerged after her arrest
The man she was charged with assaulting Lewis Burton insists blood isn't is
Following the publication of the image Lewis took to Instagram to post his denial
Alongside the photograph of the bed, he wrote: 'B******t this isn't my blood and I didn't get hit over the head with a lamp. Can everyone stop now'
Caroline was arrested for assault by beating last month at her London home
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a … s-his.html
BIg kitty with bilateral sets of 3 whiskers! Rectangle at angle. "Blood" wrong color but goes nicely with all the B&W. Kitty drawing has BWR too.
Why the angle? 3 glasses.
Devil Horns/M combo. One Eye partly obscured. Divergent eyes. Fatter lower lip.
Repugnant faux-blonde slut in R&B with silver V pointing at crotch, and gold-dyed hair. Lifted shoulder. Hand signs.
Lower lip. A hooker so gorgeous we needed a close-up. I'll spare you the gratuitous bikini pic. Spot of red near bottom.
Ugly. Bizarrely lifted eyebrow. E.


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