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#2416 2019-12-16 08:54:08

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

More evidence suggesting that a rectangle held at an angle is a thing.


#2417 2019-12-16 09:02:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Beverly Hills police investigate vandalism at Nessah Synagogue as a hate crime
https://www.latimes.com/california/stor … hate-crime
So why does he have a TRAFFIC CONE in his hand?


#2418 2019-12-16 10:24:47

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Tearful fiancé denies being involved in the disappearance of his partner, 33 {33!}, and their two-week-old daughter who vanished four days ago and pleads for whoever is holding her to bring her home
    Heidi Broussard, 33, and her infant daughter Margot were last seen Thursday morning at Cowan Elementary School in Austin
    Police have said they believe Broussard returned home with Margot sometime before her fiancé, Shane Carey, reported them missing around 7.30pm that night
    Carey has issued multiple pleas for the pair's return in tearful TV interviews
    In a FOX7 interview published Sunday, Carey addressed facing scrutiny over Broussard's disappearance and insisted that he hadn't done anything wrong
    'I try to ignore that, I don't know how to handle it. But I know it's a question. I just ignore it,' he said. 'I know it's not true. It's negative'
    Authorities have not offered an update in the search since Friday, and it is unclear whether Carey is being treated as a person of interest
    Carey's father Ty Carey set up a Facebook page Sunday morning to raise money for a reward and for 'expenses [incurred] during the search' 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ghter.html
So flagrantly hokey. Who can believe this?
KEY in cleavage. Partial circle right. Lower lips fatter.
Lavender. Truncated circle. Lower lips. Hand sign. Where is her right hand? One eye droops down at slant. Earring arc. Fence.
"Baby Margot is pictured shortly after her birth on November 26, 2019"
MALE baby. Roses, colors.
Lower lip fatter, lip lick, Devil Horns plus other sign, etc.


#2419 2019-12-16 10:41:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Twenty-three {23!} Weinstein accusers slam interview where he complained he was the 'forgotten man' and say he is 'trying to gaslight society again' as more photos emerge of him in his hospital room after back surgery
    Weinstein gave an interview to Page Six {6} on Saturday saying he should be praised for 'pioneering' female directors
    He said he felt like 'the forgotten man' and that his work has been left behind
    Twenty-three of his accusers released a statement afterwards to condemn his attitude
    They say he will not be forgotten but will be remembered 'as a sex abuser'
    DailyMail.com obtained several images of him in his hospital room this weekend
    They were taken after he underwent surgery on his back after a car accident 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … rview.html
Wink, hand sign, rectangle at angle. Matching blues include bottle lid. X on hand maybe photoshopped. BWR.
Water bottle on verge of toppling over onto him. Crossed legs, hand sign. BWRY.
Neckless pose. Stuffing on one shoulder?


#2420 2019-12-16 11:12:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Nancy Pelosi and Defense Secretary Mark Esper join veterans in Belgium to mark 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, paying tribute to 19,000 US troops who died and the out-gunned soldiers who declared 'Nuts!' to the Nazis' call for a surrender
    Nazis launched the attack on December 16, 1944, taking the Allies in Belgium and Luxembourg by surprise
    The Allies eventually recovered, mounting a heroic defence in the Siege of Bastogne after a US commander had responded 'Nuts!' to a German demand of surrender, but up to 40,000 people were killed in the fighting
    Its legendary rescue by US paratroopers has since been celebrated in the TV series Band of Brothers 
    Esper paid tribute to the 19,000 U.S. troops who died in one of the bloodiest battles in the nation's history
    'Our gratitude to the young Americans who fell on Ardennes soil is eternal', Bastogne's Mayor said Monday
    Belgium's King Philippe and Queen Mathilde and German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier were also at the Mardasson Memorial Monday, along with envoys from Britain, Canada, Poland and France
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Bulge.html
Divergent eyes? Stripes, colors.
Skewed glasses. Stripes, colors.
"American soldiers in a snowy ditch in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge..."
Trekkie sign near center.
Repticlone jokers.
Conspicuous rectangle at angle. Looks like a sleeping mat strapped on after the snow; plausible reason?
Red rose, hand signs.
Stripes and pole just happen to be on centerline.
Twin Towers.


#2421 2019-12-16 11:49:22

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Justify My (Age Gap) Love! How 61-year-old Madonna's new dancer beau, 25, is the latest in a long line of toyboy lovers (and the gap's just getting bigger)
Madonna went public with her new toyboy lover, backing dancer Ahlamalik Williams, 25, with a PDA-packed appearance in Miami over the weekend.
With a 36-year age-gap between the pair, the musician's beau is the latest in a long line of young lovers and now aged 61, the difference in age between Madonna and her boyfriends is increasing.
The Justify My Love hitmaker has only ever dated one man older than her; actor Warren Beatty, 82, who was 21 years her senior during their brief romance between 1989 and 1990.
Madonna's most recent relationships have all been with much younger men, including Kevin Sampaio (33 {33!} years her junior), Timor Steffens (30 {3} years her junior) and Brahim Zaibat (29 years her junior).
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a … overs.html
How many red flags here?
Note the overlong sweatpants, star on cap.
Enough beverage containers yet? Red partial circle on centerline. Idiotic bandana headband. Etc.
UGLY MTF flaunts man's watch. Both have circle earring and One Eye at least partly occluded. And fatter lower lips.
Groin bottles, Swiss cross, lavender, etc.
1 huge ear.
"Cracked" glasses lens to put diagonal line over One Eye; slices pupil in half.
Conspicuous earring, wink, pushing out lower lip, Nike, phallic jacket flap.
More in article. CIA RCs.


#2422 2019-12-16 11:59:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Stripper, 43, decapitated her boyfriend's Star Wars-obsessed disabled son after having sex with him in return for drugs {who dreams up these headlines, AI?}
    Roena Cheryl Mills, 43, was found guilty of first-degree murder on Thursday
    A Mercer County, West Virginia, jury reached a verdict in less than two hours
    Mills, a former stripper, faces life in prison without the possibility of parole
    Authorities say she bludgeoned to death and decapitated Bo White, 29
    White's body was found in his Lerona, West Virginia, home on Easter of 2018
    His severed head was found in a wooded area nearby a short time later
    Authorities say Mills traded sexual favors in exchange for drugs and money
    Bo White was living off disability pension and was prescribed medication
    Mills was introduced to Bo White by his father, James, her longtime boyfriend
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … x-him.html
2 images show her wearing glasses atop head. B&W.
"Authorities allege that Mills offered Bo White (above) sexual favors in exchange for money and drugs"
Looking over glasses. B&W, tattoo.
Live CIA RCs.


#2423 2019-12-16 12:11:26

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Dell are accused of exploiting child labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo by African families whose kids have been 'maimed or killed' mining cobalt to be used in lithium batteries
    The lawsuit was filed in Washington DC on Sunday by an advocates group on behalf of the African families
    It describes the deaths of five boys and injuries of another 11 {11} who worked in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    The boys, all aged between 13 {13} and 17, were 'crushed' and 'buried alive' in tunnel collapses on unsafe mines
    Some were killed in motorcycle accidents while transporting cobalt and another was shot by a guard at one of the mines
    Their families say the US tech giants 'have known for some time' that children are used in the mine
    They do not buy directly from the mines, but from European third {3} parties, it is claimed
    Cobalt is an essential element in lithium batteries, which are used in nearly all of the companies' products 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Congo.html
They also sometimes like to stick phalluses in in ways that are not that close to groin. See staff above and shovel below:


#2424 2019-12-16 12:42:07

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Revealed: Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg 'made lewd comments about oral sex and would gawk at women's legs' as his firm fostered a 'frat-like culture of harassment and discrimination', lawsuits from at least 17 women allege
    A number of women have alleged in lawsuits that Michael Bloomberg would make lewd comments around co-workers
    Court records show at least 17 women have filed lawsuits against the company over 30 {3} years although none went to trial with many being settled or dismissed
    A 32-page booklet was compiled in 1990 for Bloomberg as a birthday gift and was alleged to contain his most lewd and graphic remarks
    Bloomberg's campaign has said 'some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong' but he has 'supported and empowered women throughout his career'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … 1980s.html
Green weenie held in hand sign. Tie.
6 infinity symbols. Leaning. Slight wink. Colors.


#2425 2019-12-16 12:51:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

'Disappointment' as climate talks end with compromise and major polluting nations delay rules on carbon emissions for another year
    UN climate talks ended with a compromise that was described as 'disappointing'
    Marathon discussions saw big polluters block moves to ramp up climate targets
    Delegates from almost 200 nations in Madrid kept far beyond scheduled close
    UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was 'disappointed' by meeting
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -left.html
"Activists protest outside of the COP25 climate talks congress in Madrid, Spain, on Saturday by putting nooses around their necks."
Also circle earring, BWR.


#2426 2019-12-16 13:09:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Heartwarming moment former Atlanta Braves baseman surprises his mom with her dream Maserati as a reward for her quitting smoking
    Free {CIA} agent Josh Donaldson made a pact with his mother, Lisa French, a few years ago that if she promised to finally kick her smoking habit he’d buy her a Maserati
    With French celebrating two years smoke free on Saturday, Donaldson appeared to uphold his end of the bargain: pulling up to her home in a Maserati Ghibil
    Donaldson honks the horn of the sports car several times as he pulls onto the driveway, prompting French to come outside and investigate the commotion
    French jumps up and down in a frenzy, exclaiming ‘Oh my God’ over and over again, when she realizes the car is for her before leaping into her son's arms
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … m-car.html
Tongue. E, J's. V neck on bird.
Masonic family values. Nike, BWR, zig-zags, stripes.


#2427 2019-12-16 13:21:17

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

'Folding man' can finally stand straight after life-changing surgery to fix his hunched back which left his face pressed against his thighs for two decades
    Li Hua, 46, was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis at the young age of 18 {6X3}
    He didn't have the money to be treated and was struggling to eat or drink
    Professor Tao Huiren had treated other 'folding' patients and was able to help
    A team at Shenzhen University General Hospital operated on Mr Hua four times
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … -back.html
Auto-fellatio. Subtle M signs. Ear has a mirror-image 6. Shaved head. Toes protruding from sock. Squares.
Divergent eyes. Stripes, colors.
More M signs. Ridiculously blurry. Background matches pants in previous pic.


#2428 2019-12-16 17:54:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Finally, got her in a sex-kitten garment.


#2429 2019-12-16 18:35:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Chilling moment deputy shoots blindly into a hotel room striking a woman just below her heart {heart}, then makes her CRAWL to him down a hallway during a manhunt for her boyfriend
    Alexis Resendez filed federal lawsuit against Tulare County Sheriff's Office in California over June 2019 shooting
    Resendez was shot in the abdomen, just below her heart, inside Best Western in Delano, California, during a police search for her boyfriend
    Arturo Galvan, 19, was a suspect in an earlier drive-by shooting; he jumped out of hotel window and was fatally shot by police
    Resendez was forced to crawl on her wounded abdomen toward deputies before they administered first aid
    No weapons were found on either Resendez or her slain boyfriend, and no evidence was gathered tying Galvan to the drive-by shooting
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … heart.html
"Injury photos show how the bullet hit Alexis Resendez in the abdomen, right below her heart"
Err, what? Can anyone figure out what the images actually show?
Hand sign, BWgold.
CIA RCs in article.


#2430 2019-12-16 18:41:32

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,236

Re: misc oddities

Oklahoma teacher and cheerleading coach, 29, 'admitted to having sex with two male students, aged 16 and 18, in her car on back roads'
    Brandy Lynn Foreman, 29, charged with four counts of sexual battery {battery?}
    The married English teacher and cheer coach confessed to having sex with two students between December 2017 and July 2019
    Older of the two victims said he and Foreman began communicating on Snapchat and swapping nude photos
    Both teens said Foreman had sex with them in her car on rural roads 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … 16-18.html
Overdone pout. One Eye, stripes, right shoulder lifted and pulled in.
Fangs on lip. BWRgold.
Pic stretched horizontally.
CIA RC prostitute.


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