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#2026 2019-10-07 15:55:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Shocking footage shows hundreds of shackled and blindfolded Chinese Muslim prisoners being transferred to 're-education centres' as Beijing says 'this is normal'
    A clip of shackled and blindfolded Uighur prisoners being moved has emerged
    China claimed that its authorities were carrying out 'normal judicial activities'
    Some one million Muslims are held in detention centres in Xinjiang, experts say
    The US is piling pressure on Beijing over 'the systematic oppression of Muslims'
    Pompeo blasted China for demanding its citizens worship government, not God
13 phalluses with 6 squares above. 3 longer phalluses right. Leopard print Egyptoid on centerline. Colors.
"Omir Bekali cries as he details the psychological stress endured while in a Chinese internment camp. The programme aims to rewire detainees' thinking and reshape their identities"
Zig-zags, neckless, BWgold, hand sign. Is that tie purple?
Uighurs are Egyptoids.


#2027 2019-10-07 16:21:47

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Well, it's certainly scary! Twitter is left HORRIFIED by Halloween mask that is supposed to be Sloth from The Goonies - but is actually just a fake butt with eyes and a mouth stuck on it
    A third {3}-party seller on Amazon is offering a mask that it claims is Sloth from 1985 movie The Goonies
    The mask is actually human buttocks that eyes and a mouth were added to
    Twitter users are cracking jokes about the bizarre $21 {3X7} costume
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … -butt.html
We live in a new era of buttockery these last few days, but this hoax is pretty far-fetched.
BWR eyes.


#2028 2019-10-07 17:25:07

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

How the Butcher of Uganda fooled the world: 70,000 unearthed images of Idi Amin show the propaganda used to create a ‘jovial’ profile with ‘magical energy’ which hid the brutality of the late dictator who killed up to 500,000 people
    Some 70,000 previously unseen images were found locked in a cabinet in Ugandan state broadcaster office
    Pictures show the brutal dictator dancing, relaxing on the beach while smiling and playing his accordion
    The late 'Butcher of Uganda' is responsible for the deaths of 100,000 to 500,000 people
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ofile.html
One of the finer neckless poses i've seen,
Hand signs. White stripes in black hair. Diamond frills.
Laurels, X, BWR. Very Egyptoid face.
These people were Egyptoids.


#2029 2019-10-07 18:12:34

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … llion.html
"Police hold a protester during an Extinction Rebellion demonstration in Westminster this morning"


#2030 2019-10-07 18:19:54

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Mother tells how she woke up to find her three {3}-week-old daughter dead in bed after 18 {6X3}-stone father rolled over onto her while asleep
    Lydia-Louise Coomer died aged 3 weeks in Hanley, Staffs, in September {9} 2016
    Her father Tom Coomer laid her in bed between himself and her mother Ebony-Jade Pearson and believes he rolled onto the baby while sleeping
    Ms Pearson told the inquest she and Mr Coomer regularly smoke cannabis
    Pathologist Dr Roger Malcomson highlighted risks associated with co-sleeping
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -dead.html
Funny that i never see such huge ad shirts IRL but all the time in the "news". Prominent centerpiece.
Posture, hand signs, jacket stripes, wee-wee, fence. RCs.
Ebony-Jade naturally wears black and green.


#2031 2019-10-08 09:09:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Dramatic bodycam video shows cops chasing down and arresting alleged rapist just hours after he 'kidnapped a woman and stuffed her in the trunk of her car'
    Dramatic bodycam footage shows Texas cop chasing a suspected rapist
    Zataymon Skinner, 30 {3}, accused of kidnapping and raping a woman on Saturday
    Police gave chase to him 10 {30 and 10 are multiples of 5} hours later, with cop running through woodland
    Skinner charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … apist.html
Subtle wink. Lopsided chin.
Hero cop does M sign.


#2032 2019-10-08 13:26:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Turkey fires first shots: Ankara bombs Kurdish supply route ahead of invasion to create a 'peace corridor' along border just hours after Trump pulls US troops - as president reveals he has invited Erdogan to the White House next month
    Turkey confirmed it carried out strikes against Kurdish forces on the Syria-Iraq border overnight Monday
    Strike was designed to sever supply lines between Kurds in the two countries in preparation for invasion
    Turkey plans to create a 'peace corridor' in northern Syria by driving Kurdish forces away from its border
    Comes after Donald Trump agreed to withdraw U.S troops from Syria, but denied he abandoned the Kurds
    Trump revealed on Tuesday that he has extended an invitation to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to meet with him at the White House in November
    He tweeted that Turkey was a 'good trading partner' of the U.S and 'have been very good to deal with'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Syria.html
First pic lets everyone know this is just more of the war hoaxertainment so beloved by COTHS that they will gladly shell out any amount of tax dollars for it. X-fold right in center. Square.
Hand sign. Bright orange beverage container. Chem background.
Cubical structure. Square windows left and right. "Potent" V shadow next to butt/breasts-shaped shadow. Arc fender. Arc in center.
Partial circle, X's, diamond, etc.


#2033 2019-10-08 13:40:40

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Chowchilla kidnapping mastermind, 67, is up for parole - four decades after he abducted 26 children on a school bus and buried them alive in ransom plot inspired by Dirty Harry movie
    Frederick Woods, is due to appear before a parole board on Tuesday morning
    Woods, now 67, was one of three Bay Area defendants in the case, which would later go on to become one of the most notorious mass kidnappings in US history
    His co-defendants, Richard and James Schoenfeld, were paroled in 2012 and 2015 respectively, but Woods has been denied supervised release 18 {6X3} times
    While it’s expected that officials will present evidence at the hearing that Woods’ is still not a reformed character, old wounds have been opened for his victims
    Woods and the Schoenfeld brothers kidnapped the children and driver, drove them around for 11 hours and buried them alive in a submerged truck
    The kidnappers, all from wealthy Bay Area families, planned to ask for a $5 million ransom for their hostages
    But the plan, which had been 18 {6X3 again}months in the making, was foiled when the captors took a nap, and their victims dug themselves free after 16 hours
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … alive.html
Clearly, there is something about the letter B.
Seems to be something about HOOKS. Pharaohs had hook-like ends on their staffs.
Looks like these guys are worshiping the Hook God on the centerline. Conspicuous butt-crack in pants near center. Thumbs out.
One can only speculate about genders here. Retired. Diamonds left.
Child left has 5-pointed "asterisks" on butt.
Delta, hand signs, stripes.


#2034 2019-10-08 13:55:04

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

YouTuber Trisha Paytas announces she is a 'transgender gay man' but says she will continue to live as a woman - her 'natural born gender' - prompting fury from critics who say she 'exploiting the LGBTQ community for clickbait'
    Trisha, 31, from California, announced online that she is transgender   
    Celebrity Big Brother star said she is 'female to male' but feels like a 'gay man'
    Made announcement after wearing her hair short and dressing in casual clothing
    Said she is 'transgender' but still identifies as her 'natural born gender'
    Fans were outraged by her announcement, with some suggesting it was 'a joke'
    One wrote: 'This is so harmful on so many levels and you just don't even care'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … ender.html
Are tigers a thing? I have noticed suspicious tiger pix before once or twice.
CIA RC who actually is female.
Cool colors, posture, stripes.


#2035 2019-10-08 14:12:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Two suspicious packages found outside Supreme Court as justices prepare to take up major LGBT employment rights dispute over whether federal law protects gay and transgender people from job discrimination
    Two suspicious packages were found near the Supreme Court building on Tuesday morning ahead of a LGBT rights hearing 
    Two of three {3} related cases will be heard by Supreme Court justices on Tuesday
    The cases are the court's first on LGBT rights since Justice Anthony Kennedy retired and was replaced by Justice Brett Kavanaugh
    At issue is whether gay and transgender people are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The law forbids employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex as well as race, color, national origin and religion
    The legal fight will focus on the definition of 'sex' in Title VII
    Court will hear the cases of of Gerald Bostock and Donald Zarda, who both said they were fired for being gay
    The other case involves fired transgender funeral home director Aimee Stephens
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … spute.html
"The US Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear three cases concerning protections for LGBTQ employees, two of them involving gay men Gerald Bostock (left) and Donald Zarda (right)"
Both same actor. Red flags. Appears to be wearing dainty little watch. Vein on back of hand forms unusual crescent.
Fat neck has butt crack. Skewed glasses.


#2036 2019-10-08 17:08:17

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Babes In The Wood victim's mum says 'angel' is now at peace after killer jailed
After Nicola Fellows was strangled alongside her best friend Karen Hadaway by Russell Bishop in 1986, her mum Sue has visited the scene every year since - but now explains why this year will be different
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/b … s-20540807
Twin Pillars, V's, B&W, skewed glasses, pendant, posture, cleft chin.
Divergent eyes. One iris seems misshapen. Other eye partly closed.
Diamonds, BWgold, matching greens. Also the rectangle in top pic is of the same green.
Both unrelated girls(?) have similar green screen background.
Conspicuous purple diamond and striped delta. Fat broads with V necks. Red roses...  RCs.
"Nicola and Karen were killed in Brighton’s Wild Park 33 years ago today."


#2037 2019-10-09 08:05:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Turkish troops 'begin crossing into Syria' in preparation for an attack as Kurdish commanders warn of an 'impending humanitarian disaster' and beg world leaders for help
    Trump agreed to withdraw US troops from Syria and hand control to Turkey
    One Turkish official claimed a small expeditionary force entered Syria early Wednesday, but others denied that the operation was underway
    Erdogan plans to attack Kurdish forces which allied with the US against ISIS
    Commanders have warned of a 'humanitarian disaster' if invasion goes ahead
    Kurds called up civilians to the army Wednesday, telling them to 'do your duty'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Syria.html
27 B! under 3 silver stripes. The B's have it lately.
Wonder what a hand over belly means. Belly laugh? Satiation from feeding at the public trough?
Twin poles on left. V neck.
Asterisk near center. Chevrons.
At first glance this may seem like just a photo, but...
Lifted shoulder. Subtle hand sign on centerline. Teardrop in center.  Nice crescent moon under it, presenting a backward 3. Another partial circle above. Chevron arrows. Diamond/square shapes. Demon/Darth face with ears formed by tarp right. Partial circle to right of that.
Conspicuous red on centerline. Hand signs. Shirts. Roman numeral VI (6) on truck.
Crescent within delta smack in the center. Why is other truck cab lit in red?
2 sets of twin phalluses, one on centerline. Arc shape.
Small part of big circle cut off.
Why is floodlight only on front guy? Must be centered on groin. Twin poles.
Yay, war time!
2 sets of 3 pentagrams within stripes. Hand signs. Posture.
A certain emphasis on hydration. Etc.
NIKE above center. Striking B&R cuffs and bizarre sickly-green mophead on girl. Fist and thumb sign on centerline. BWRY.
Faces of wheelchair guys seems a bit large, especially the farther one.
Bizarre text on shirt -- whatever that's about. Is that a deliberate F above?
And the other guy, check where his lifted shoulder interfaces with the signing hand next to it.
Checkerboard headwear. More hand signs. Pentagram with P and G. Water bottle. Gold cross within 2 diamonds near bottom. N far right. I am not sure Y's are significant but have seen a couple suspicious ones before.
Sensitive fellows comfort each other by holding hands. Amputee lifts shoulder. Stripes.
Delta, Nike, etc. Non-binary (shopped?) dude with womanly hairdo and granny neck left.
M graffiti. Guy doing something intimate to pillar with low hands. Penis water bottle. Crutches form steep V's. Pinky sign. Colors. Deltas in shawl.
Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. Hand signs. Matching blues. Tie squares.
23/3. Hand sign and ellipse near center. 3 white stripes.


#2038 2019-10-09 08:21:04

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Satellite images reveal China is destroying Muslim graveyards where generations of Uighur families are buried and replacing them with car parks and playgrounds 'to eradicate the ethnic group's identity'
    Dozens of cemeteries have been destroyed in Xinjiang in north-west China in two years, investigation finds
    Demolition left behind human bones and broken tombs in what activists call a bid to erase Muslims' identity
    Officials claim urban development and the 'standardisation' of old graves are the reasons for the bulldozing
    But Uighurs say the mass destruction is part of a state crackdown to control every element of their lives
    An estimated one million mostly Muslim ethnic minorities have been rounded up into re-education camps
    The US has banned 28 Chinese firms and said it would curb visas for Beijing officials over the alleged abuses
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … state.html
Red added on centerline.
Even in cool weather, always keep drinking water close by.
Twin Towers. Who you calling Aspie? G right edge,
Angle in metal forms the L of LOVE which contains inverted pentagram. 3 spots below that. BWR. Training wheels seem to be supporting bike which is probably stationary for photo op.
Stump forms partial circle.


#2039 2019-10-09 09:23:16

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities

Terrifying moment Yom Kippur gunman opens fire on German streets as two people are killed in gun and grenade attack at a synagogue and kebab shop - and cops arrest one suspect and hunt another
    Gunmen wearing military fatigues opened fire outside synagogue in the German city of Halle on Wednesday
    At least two people, including one woman, were killed in the attack and several more were injured
    Police say they have arrested one man and urged people to 'stay alert' while the manhunt continues
    Shocking video shows one man dressed in black tactical gear and wearing a helmet firing on the street
    Attack happened on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, which is traditionally spent fasting and praying
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-run.html
Big S on centerline. Does that mean it's a bunch of S___? BWRY, stripes.
Shoes centerline. Water bottle.
Che (Guevara) on centerline. Onion -- referring to the satirical humor publication? BWR.
3 P's within squares, one on centerline. Another P has chevron over it. Colors. Cone on centerline.


#2040 2019-10-09 10:25:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,246

Re: misc oddities



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