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That's what I decided to name this small series of articles on my website,
There are likely a good number of people who visit these forums, and have encountered events that they are unable to share with others. While these forums are a fantastic resource to help us identify threats and protect ourselves, it is a little difficult to show this to our friends and family.
They have not encountered what you have. Seen what you've seen.
Thus, upon seeing an accumulation of knowledge so densely foreign and downright alien, they are likely to instantly reject it.
Personally I cannot blame them. I see the system for what it is, and it is engineered to force people to see the world in two colors.
Us, them, and nothing in between.
Nevertheless, the goal of my website is to be a stepping stone for those close to you. It allows people to be introduced to the concept of subtle energy, of psychic fortification, and of long distance healing and "pest control" services. It readies people for the more disturbing and deeply rooted truths of our world, many of which Loohan provides.
Now, with the second article finished, I can share this with you guys.
N.O.B is an umbrella term I came up with to describe the various types of human-shaped baddies. It stands for "negatively oriented being."
I use a single term as opposed to Loohan's dozen plus. This is to make it easier for newcomers. Many of them have a basic awareness which tells them that a person is creepy in some way, but aren't ready to hear that some are aliens or clones or robots or what have you. It's a nice little baby step towards our absolute zoo of a reality.
My goal with these articles was to combat the conspiracy that your anxiety is purely a mental disability within your brain. A mismatching of neurotransmitters.
It is, for the most part, an OUTRIGHT LIE. There are indeed culprits behind your anxiety, especially out in public.
The first article was written to show the reader that not all people are the same. Some are quite different than others, and you can detect this through their energy. This serves as an introduction, and nothing more.
The second article is the real meat and potatoes. I use a socially accepted (yawn) approach to show the reader how remote influence upon humans is possible, and that it's been proven through scientific research. I share some of these experiments.
Next, I walk the reader through which demographics of our population would be aware of this remote influence phenomenon. Eventually we settle upon the "magick" crowd, which includes Wiccans, Satanists, Freemasons and the like.
By wading through their mentalities and their rapidly rising numbers, I make a pretty good case for why there are various witchy folk behind one's social anxiety.
And readers don't have to take my word for it. Aether (my term for programmed orgonite) can be used to ferret out those with negative cores, and their hold on you can be dispelled.
So, in conclusion, if you have friends or family that you feel uncertain about introducing to this world, perhaps these articles can serve as a good stepping stone to the truth?
And, if they take it well, you can rest assured that Loohan's materials are a good next step.
Hope you all enjoy it.
Bastion community: