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#1891 2019-09-19 08:00:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Alabama student is hit with terror threat charge after scrawling Tyler the Creator lyrics 'kill people, burn s***, f*** school' in university library
    Jack Aaron Christensen, 21, was accused of writing offensive lyrics in Alabama
    He wrote: 'Kill people, burn s***, f*** school' on or around September 11
    The lyrics come from the rapper Tyler the Creator's song called Radicals 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … chool.html
Big G. CIA RC wears earrings and pink shirt with girlie collar. 3 buttons shown but it appears one is missing. BWR.
Line of demarcation where skin color changes around the pasted-on ear is pretty obvious if you expand the pic.


#1892 2019-09-19 11:07:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Behind the U.S.'s Bogus War on Taliban Drug Labs
America has spent tens of millions of dollars blowing up heroin and meth labs in Afghanistan. Except many of them are just huts.
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/59nd … -drug-labs
US bogus pasted-up image. A couple of the hand signs seem shopped too.
CIA repticlones.


#1893 2019-09-20 10:30:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Shocking scans show how vaping e-cigarettes left a 19-year-old's lungs filled with solidified oil that looked like hardened bacon grease and left him unable to breathe on his own
    Anthony Mayo, of Pennsylvania, became ill last week after two years of vaping
    Doctors found his lungs had become severely congested with solidified vape oil
    They said he had 'the lungs of a 60 {6}-year-old, two-pack-a-day, smoker'
    He is now recovering in hospital while medics work to clear his lungs
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … d-oil.html
Big 33, football, hand sign, BWY, V, wimpy physique for a football player. Far ear sticks out too much.


#1894 2019-09-20 11:01:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

It's Alienstock! Thousands descend on two tiny Nevada desert towns as three-day 'Storm Area 51 {17X3}' event kicks off despite promise of arrest for trespassing on the top secret government site
    'Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us' event has commenced in rural Nevada
    Thousands of people have already started arriving in the towns of Rachel and Hiko, located close to the highly classified Air Force base
    Authorities are bracing for potentially chaotic scenes after more than 2 million people said they were attending the event after a Facebook invite went viral in June
    Officials are warning attendees not to approach to base and say they are prepared to make arrests
    Last week, police arrested and jailed two Dutch tourists for trespassing on a government site after they were inspired by the Area 51 event
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … nflux.html
Note prominence of octagon. BWR, stripes, diamond fence.
Do the shadows make sense? Dog and man have distinct shadows to right. Man with lifted shoulder has a 2nd shadow to left. OK, multiple light sources -- but shouldn't there be more dog shadow left too? I'm not sure but seems the rear part of the dog would leave a shadow behind him.
Only CIA repticlones in article. If anyone else has shown up for this circus, DM is not showing them.
Dumbest looking foil hat i ever saw.
CIA intimacy. Note M sign right.


#1895 2019-09-20 11:28:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Woman who was shot in the stomach at 34 weeks pregnant after chasing armed burglars from her Texas home describes the horrifying moment her oxygen-starved baby stopped kicking before dying 8 days later
    Assailants kicked their way into Desire Guardiola's Texas apartment, stealing drugs and money at gunpoint on July 20
    She begged a woman not to stab her because she was pregnant
    Andrew Nino, 18, allegedly shot Desire, who was 34.5 weeks pregnant, as she ran out after him and her boyfriend who tried to get belongings back
    'Right after the noise of the gunshot I could no longer feel Emery kicking in my stomach and I knew something was wrong,' Guardiola said
    Mother was rushed to hospital where she gave birth to Emery Skye who was not breathing and placed in life support
    The child was brain dead and Guardiola took her off life support on July 28
    Andrew Nino and Kiara Paz, both 18, and Alyssa Brianna Vega, 29, are charged with first-degree felony aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … cking.html
Kid is a dickhead. Neckless pose. Hand sign. BWpink.
Improbable tats. BWR.
Lip-lick, R&W polka dot BOW, more dots, V...
Minnie, deltas, heart. BWR.
Lavender. Live girl in casket. Roses. B&W stripes etc.
Fiddling with short skirt at "funeral".
CIA repticlones.


#1896 2019-09-20 13:32:20

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

More than 20 'Johns', some equipped with 'sex toys and lubrication', are arrested in an Ohio child sex sting operation that netted a total of 104 suspects including a doctor a church youth director
    Operation 'Fourth and Goal' led to 104 arrests, including 53 felony charges
    The operation focused on 'those seeking to engage in sexual activity' with kids
    Twenty four men face charges of seeking unlawful sexual conduct with a minor
    Dozens of other suspects netted in sting were arrested on solicitation charges
    Authorities used adult women posing as teens to lure and help catch suspects
    Suspects showed up at houses expecting to find minors, found officers instead 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ation.html
Glad our boys in blue are working hard making the country safer as usual.
21 {7X3} faces, but how many are duplicates of same guys?
Top row, #2, 5, 6 are same guy, who also shows up in mid row #3.
Mid row, #2 is also #5.
These all seem to be pix of actual CIA RCs who do exist, though.
Hand signs in article.


#1897 2019-09-20 13:35:56

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Archaeologists pull ‘incredibly well-preserved’ 3,200-year-old sword from a rock near megalith site in Majorca
    The sword was discovered accidentally near a stone megalith known as talaiot
    Mysterious Tailiotic culture flourished on Majorca and Menorca 1000-6000 BC
    The stunning find provides rare context and insight into this ancient culture
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech … Spain.html
Non-metallic; possibly wood.


#1898 2019-09-20 14:22:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

'We are missing lessons to teach you one': Students are among hundreds of thousands of Global Climate Strike protesters taking over New York, Boston and Washington DC demanding urgent action to save the planet
    Climate change protests took over New York, Boston, Washington DC, Omaha, and Greenborough, NC Friday
    Heeding the rallying cry of teen activist Greta Thunberg crowds of children skipped school and demanded adults act to stop environmental disaster
    Students held up signs during the Global Climate Strike march at Foley Square in New York where signs told Trump, 'You can't comb over climate change' and 'I've seen better cabinets at IKEA'
    Activists including Moms Clean Air Force gathered in John Marshall Park in Washington DC
    The rally also hit Boston City Hall Plaza in Boston, Massachusetts where people wrote messages on hands
    In Indianapolis, one person joked: 'I'm a grandma so I want the earth to be safe'
    In Omaha, Nebraska the crowds asked the president to 'make earth great again' as they listened to speakers
    People gathered outside the Experiential School of Greensboro in North Carolina too
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … otest.html
9 and Nike mark near center. Big W. BWRgold, polka dots. Ms GreenShirt has V and heart. Matches the green on centerline.
Here's our little heroine in diamonds, X's, V's, deltas, stripes, BWR.
Stars on centerline. M sign on shirt. Theta symbol on B&W sign. Matching blues.
Monarch butterfly lip-lick on centerline. Big H. Stripes, colors.
Big red N and illegible red square on centerline.
9 and A on centerline, gold and black diamond. Matching gold and white shirt on Mr Neckless says LOVE.
F word. Hand signs, BWR.
Unisex girl.
Intact male has Sun sign saying he's a grandma.
Africa in shape of genitals. Heart. BWRpurple. Thumb sign.
More in article. No humans noticed.


#1899 2019-09-20 14:32:06

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

The hat that could reverse BALDING: Baseball cap with a built-in patch will send electrical pulses to the scalp to promote hair growth
    The patch generates electric pulses triggered by movement
    It was tested on rats, and proved as effective as traditional baldness treatments
    A prototype of the cap helped the researchers' father to 'grow hair in a month'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … s-say.html
R&W. Big W, small H. Black and gold in pic too.
I'm ordering one right away.
I'm convinced by the science. Hey, "proved as effective as traditional baldness treatments". Anybody ever heard of effective baldness treatments short of transplants?


#1900 2019-09-20 15:34:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Angolan minesweepers are living proof why Britain's foreign aid is so important
EXCLUSIVE: The Mirror meets brave African men and women still cleaning up deadly remnants of bloody civil war - and finds out why they're so grateful to us
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new … s-20132566
Masculine-looking Egyptoid women. Union Jack with its Swiss cross and X. Conspicuous G. BWRgold, stripes including B&R.
Strange attire on these boys. Hand signs include X-fold. Hearts, 4-pointed shurikens,
Leopard pattern, hand signs.


#1901 2019-09-21 08:08:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Shocking moment the fin of a great white shark surfaces just feet away from a surfer in Cape Cod
    Photographer Joe Mault caught the moment when a great white shark swam up behind a surfer at a beach in Cape Code, Massachusetts
    The surfer can be seen looking over his shoulder as the shark passes nearby
    Mault said he saw the water ripple behind the surfer, then a wake and finally a fin
    Mault had been expecting to take photos of waves crashing on the shoreline 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … e-Cod.html
Riiight. It may not be visibly obvious, but the "photographer" and the guy on the board are one and the same CIA RC.
Hand signs, shirt pattern. Rectangle at diamond-like angles.
Can a computer be an Open Book? BWR books are suggestively set right above it on what is apparently a window ledge rather than a bookshelf.


#1902 2019-09-21 08:37:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Fourth person dies in Texas floods caused by Imelda as storms swirl around the Atlantic and Pacific including Hurricane Lorena which is threatening Mexican beach resorts
    Six {6} named storms swirled around the Atlantic and Mexico on Friday - after Imelda caused destruction in Texas
    Others - Humberto, Jerry, Kiko, Lorena and Mario - are located in the Atlantic and Pacific basins around the US
    Imelda led to the deaths of four men and the rescue of over 1,700 people including those trapped in homes
    Malcolm Foster, 47, of Beaumont, was found dead in his car on Friday after waters in a flooded canal receded
    One unidentified man who was last seen walking in the storm also died, his body was found in Houston today
    Two others were found Thursday, one of whom was a man who drove through 8ft deep floodwaters in his van
    The other, Hunter Morrison, 19, was electrocuted as moved his horse to safety during a lightning storm 
    Lorena, a category 1 hurricane, was due to affect Baja California Sur peninsula, a popular Mexican tourist spot
    It was 60 {6} miles off Cabo San Lucas where heavy rainfall was expected. Some in the area had evacuated
    Hurricane Lorena had maximum sustained wind speeds of 75mph and was moving at 9mph {9} on Friday
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … melda.html
As usual, some hokey staged pix:
"Dwain Kaufman (right) waits for his wife as she is helped into the back of a family member's truck by Beaumont firefighters and members of the Texas National Guard on Thursday."
Not-very-binary white dude and short-haired black Fat Chick. CIA RC actors. BWR on centerline, hand signs, "stripes". White G on red. Is that a water bottle in the bag?
Moob on centerline. Etc.
"Hunter Morrison was killed earlier on Thursday after being electrocuted while trying to rescue his horse from the rising floodwaters in Texas"
Live CIA RC does armfold. Ellipse, winged symbol. Stripes. 2 rows of 3 buttons on belt. Posture.
Shoes on centerline. We don't see his hand/arm so they may have been pasted in.
Hand sign. BWR.
Umbrella, BWR.
Leopard print neckless child prostitute. Gold ribbon, etc.

Texas football high school star is Jayden Payne (right pic, left) saved a mother (right) and her toddler daughter (center)

Glamorous CIA RCs. R&W brick stripes.
Nike, BWR, hand signs, 33
Chevrons drawn in?
Glasses atop head on centerline, BWR. Geometric shapes. Pinky sign. Overly dark tattoo.


#1903 2019-09-21 10:11:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

'Change is coming whether they like it or not': Teen activist Greta Thunberg gets a rock-star {!} reception as she joins global strike for climate change in New York and warns sceptics that the mass protest ‘is only the beginning’
    Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg addressed thousands of fans in New York's Battery Park
    She said she was overwhelmed by the success of yesterday's protests which were held around the world
    She warned world leaders that the cannot ignore climate change because it was on its way
    Organisers claimed four million people joined yesterday's mass demonstrations across the globe
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -York.html
RC boys in dresses. Or are they loose shorts? Girly shoes too. Teardrops.
Drink cans, water bottles.
Ikea ad, cool shirt. Etc.
Gallon jug.
BWR shirt says ICKE on centerline.
Strange sleeves and shorts on the purse-carrying non-binary RC boy's striped shirt. M diamond pattern on centerline.
What is that 2nd flag, B&W, on Capitol? This is the clearest pic of it in article. Looks kind of Arabic.
Big yellow.
Chem skies.


#1904 2019-09-21 10:19:34

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

Amazon employees walk out of Seattle headquarters over retailer's inaction on climate change - as millions take part in the Global Climate Strike demanding action to save the planet
    Amazon employees walked out of the Seattle headquarters Friday at 11.30am
    Employees of Google, Facebook, Apple and other tech giants joined the protest
    The protest was organized by Amazon Employees for Climate Justice
    They were protesting because the company's plans and timeline to combat climate change weren't enough
    The protesters wanted Amazon to be zero emission by 2030, not 2040 as the company recently announced it was aiming for
    They also wanted an end to donations to climate change-denying politicians
    Climate change protests also took over New York, Boston, Washington DC, Omaha, and Greenborough, NC Friday
    Heeding the rallying cry of teen activist Greta Thunberg crowds of children skipped school and demanded adults act to stop environmental disaster
    Students held up signs during the march in New York where signs told Trump, 'You can't comb over climate change' and 'I've seen better cabinets at IKEA'
    Activists including Moms Clean Air Force gathered in John Marshall Park in Washington DC 
    Amazon workers walked out of their Seattle offices to urge the online retail giant to stop dealing with oil and gas companies, among other requests
    The rally also hit Boston City Hall Plaza in Boston, Massachusetts where people wrote messages on hands
    In Indianapolis, one person joked: 'I'm a grandma so I want the earth to be safe'
    In Omaha, Nebraska the crowds asked the president to 'make earth great again' as they listened to speakers
    People gathered outside the Experiential School of Greensboro in North Carolina too
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … hange.html
Note the symbol: partial circle arrow with inverted V.
BWR, hand signs, steep V, stripe background. RCs. Pretty sure their pay was not docked for this.
But hey, these authentic greenies are starting to re-use signs at least; note clips for posters.


#1905 2019-09-21 19:50:46

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,255

Re: misc oddities

British war veteran, 97, parachutes over the Dutch city he was captured in
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/21/british- … -10784170/
Freemasonry Builds Gayer Men.


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