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#1741 2019-08-26 12:54:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Heartbreaking final photos of terminally ill cancer patient at his suicide party where he married his partner and listened to music before taking his own life under Washington's death with dignity law
    Robert Fuller, 75, took his own life in his apartment in Seattle on May 10
    He had been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and did not want to spend his final days and months undergoing chemotherapy
    Washington is one of nine states which has death with dignity laws for terminally ill people
    With doctors' permission, Fuller took a lethal combination of sleeping pills and alcohol
    He injected the cocktail into his feeding tube then waited to drift off to sleep
    A violinist played Ave Maria and his husband, who he married that morning, held his hand
    Fuller said he had been ready to die for years after living with AIDS since the 80s
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … party.html
"Fellatio" etc.  Mixed race, mixed generation gay marriage.
Twisted dick, etc. Mutant right is fiddling her dick too. Guy left has hands somewhere as well. Three's company.
Hand sign. Gravity-defying bottle contents.
Another penis. Pseudo lip-lick.
More stuff in article. Live CIA repticlones.


#1742 2019-08-26 13:04:31

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Alabama couple are charged with starving their three {3}-year-old son to death 'while they scoffed Popeye's chicken and doughnuts', after cops found him weighing just 13lbs {13!} and his brother, 4, only 15lbs
    Ashley Catron, 36, and Frederick Frink, 34, are charged with two counts each of aggravated child abuse
    Couple are accused of starving to death their son Hendrix in late July
    Three-year-old was skin and bones when first responders were called for a report of an unresponsive child
    His four-year-old brother was saved and placed in foster care; he now weighs 26lbs but still cannot walk
    Police say parents told authorities they tried to nourish their sons with PediaSure, which markets itself as a nutritional shake
    Catron allegedly did not believe in taking her children to the doctor
    Officers found the boys' cribs soiled with urine, blood and feces 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … vived.html
Mixed marriage again, this time with same face structure, mouth expression, and pose.
Guy's neck seems extra crescent-atious.


#1743 2019-08-26 13:34:04

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Hong Kong protesters fight back with TENNIS RACQUETS to volley back tear gas after police opened fire with live bullets for the first time during weeks of demonstrations
    Pro-democracy protesters were seen armed with metal poles and sports equipment to protect themselves
    An afternoon rally in the district of Tsuen Wan spiralled into violent clashes between police and proteters
    Police fired live bullets for the first time in the weeks-long demonstrations which have rocked Hong Kong
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … quets.html
"One woman looked undeterred by a police officer clutching a baton as she faced him while holding a purple umbrella above her head" because one need not fear tyranny if one defiantly carries a purple umbrella.
Penis baton, odd "action" pose that makes no obvious sense. Roses, hand signs...
Conspicuous J shapes, etc.
Demon face in center. Phallic suggestions. 2 guys are looking under goggles. Hand signs.
"The protesters filled Hong Kong's streets, with thousands holding umbrellas over their heads both as protection against the rain and as a reference to the original 'Umbrella Movement' in 2014"
I don't understand this one. Object right in center. Vaguely resembles a bomb with a fuse.
One of the big Masonic hoaxes. Power in itself is not corrupting. They want you to believe that power turns normal people into tyrants, which is the reason the world has to always be so screwed up.
BWRpurple, stripes, umbrella.
Lots more in article.


#1744 2019-08-26 13:49:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Child aged TWELVE is among dozens arrested in latest Hong Kong protests as police open fire with live bullets and Chinese state media warns Beijing 'has to intervene' if violence breaks out
    Hong Kong police arrested 29 people including 12-year-old child after night of violence in Tsuen Wan district
    Officers fired a water cannon and a warning shot to fend off 'extremely violent' demonstrators during clash
    Weekend banished several days of peaceful action and more demonstrations are planned for week ahead
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … llets.html
"After another weekend of violence, Chinese state media warned Beijing would have to 'intervene' if there were more riots. Pictured is a protester being detained and searched by riot police at a pro-democracy and anti-extradition law protest"
Conspicuous bright pic of One Eye.


#1745 2019-08-26 14:02:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Slenderman attacker, 12 {several 12's in the DM headlines today}, told her victim 'don't be afraid, I'm only a little kitty cat' while another girl stabbed her 19 TIMES in sickening attempted murder before leaving her for dead in the woods
    Payton Leutner was stabbed by Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier in 2014
    They were all 12 {They were all 12} and the attackers were possessed by a fictional character
    They said 'Slenderman' told them to kill her or he would kill their families
    Both girls are now serving decades in psychiatric facilities in Wisconsin
    A new documentary has divulged details of the chilling crime and the aftermath
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … g-her.html
"The victim's blood-soaked t-shirt is shown. She was able to crawl out of the woods"
More in CIA article.


#1746 2019-08-26 15:31:48

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Three {3} armed robbers pull off brazen DAYLIGHT heist at celebrity jewelers in New York by tying up the employees and emptying the safe and display boxes before escaping on foot
    Three armed men robbed the Avianne and Co. Jewelry store in broad daylight on Sunday, August 25
     The robbery was reported to authorities just after 12pm {12 again} and happened in New York City's Diamond District
    The suspects entered the store pretending to be customers before pulling out handguns and restraining four employees with zip ties
    The robbers proceeded to clean out the store's safe, take jewelry from display cases and escape before authorities arrived
    The thieves reportedly stole an estimated $4 million according to an employee
    Surveillance footage caught the unidentified suspects on video
    Avianne and Co. Jewelry store is known for having a celebrity clientele and selling expensive pieces
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … boxes.html
BWR could not be more clear. 3 gold crescents.
Why so many beverages in a jewelry store? Even a water bottle.
Why is a blurry image of guys superimposed?
ZZ Top wannabees? Steep V.
Knew they were on camera yet did not wear masks.
Swiss cross. BWRgold.


#1747 2019-08-27 07:54:18

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

16 children develop 'werewolf syndrome' after taking contaminated medication on Spain's Costa del Sol
    Sixteen babies took medication tainted with minoxidil, an alopecia remedy
    A Malaga-based pharmaceutical company had its licence suspended in July
    Minoxidil found its way into omeprazole, used to treat indigestion
    Health officials are advising parents to check batch numbers with pharmacies
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … Spain.html
X-fold, 03, BWR, zig-zags, 2 V's in neck.
Diamond, posture, BWR, 3 buttons.
"A Nepalese mother and her children with hypertrichosis, also known as 'werewolf syndrome' (file photo)"
All intact male repticlones. BWR, stripes.


#1748 2019-08-27 08:10:49

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Son, 19, of disabled artist Alison Lapper who posed pregnant with him for Trafalgar Square fourth plinth is found dead as tributes are paid to the 'kind, loving, beautiful boy'
    Alison Lapper's son Parys Lapper died 'suddenly' one week ago, her fiance said
    Among 25 youngsters taking part in TV series charting life over his first 20 years
    Disabled artist Ms Lapper, 54, posed for Marc Quinn for Fourth Plinth sculpture
    Parys was described as 'mischievous, generous, kind, loving' and 'beautiful'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -dead.html
"Miss Lapper, who was born without arms and with shortened legs, posed for Marc Quinn in 2000, and his marble sculpture was on display in Trafalgar Square from 2005 to late 2007"
Statue has a more masculine face than its subject. Aside from just being an abomination period. An ode to deliberately-corrupted DNA.
The DIAMOND Center. Square windows. BWR.
Odd grey partial circle over tooth. BWR. Hand signs.
Live RCs.


#1749 2019-08-27 08:15:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Don't use a neti pot until you've read what can go wrong: At least three {3} deaths in the US have been linked to patients using NHS-prescribed device incorrectly
    Neti pots are used by NHS ENT departments as a safe way to tackle blockages
    Last year, a woman in Seattle died after contracting from using a neti pot wrong
    This follows two similar cases, also in the U.S., in 2011, where patients using tap water instead of sterile water died from the same rare form of meningitis
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … wrong.html
Unusually phallic neti pot. And just yesterday we had this image
With the same shape!

Incidentally, i have a neti pot but never use it because i find it worthless. There is no way to direct the water to the area where pockets of mucus congeal. Your mileage may vary.


#1750 2019-08-27 15:24:18

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

This man is running 900 {9!} miles barefoot to help save the environment
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/08/27/man-runn … -10636953/
Because repticlones truly care about the Earth.
Wonder why the color change above his breasts. Apparently he had been out in the sun wearing a crop top.
Also there seems to be added shadowing under one breast. The net effect is to highlight his breasts.
BWR phallus has infinity symbol on it. Infinite manhood. Then they draw attention to his breasts.
Squares, fences, gold object near center line...


#1751 2019-08-27 19:30:48

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Three Arrows of delta shape. BWR.


#1752 2019-08-28 08:07:16

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

In post #973 i said

Loohan wrote:

Candle-holder thingie (menorah) has chevrons, 9 candles. Or it would except 1 is missing. Significance?
I looked up pix of menorahs and only found 1 other one with diagonal straight arms like that.

And i think i have posted this pic before, too. But i probably didn't notice that it was an inversion of the weird menora. ToI used the pic again today in a hoax:
https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-jail … -national/
as an "illustrative" image.

Masons love to be on all sides of (usually fake) conflicts, and stomp on their own symbols and icons.
CIA American Indian Movement. Conveniently includes upside-down pentagrams, R&W stripes.
And incidentally, i may have posted this symbol before:
Playboy (CIA) hand sign, BWRY, partial circle, butt/tit/scrotum curves penetrating head, delta eye.
Why is the O underlined? Probably some obscure significance.


#1753 2019-08-28 10:31:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Iranian women's rights activist {women's rights activist!}, 20, is jailed for 15 {so often, if multiples of 5 occur at all in a headline, then we get more than one} years for 'spreading prostitution by taking off her hijab'
    Saba Kord Afshari, 20, activist from Iran, has been sentenced to 24 years in jail
    Got 15 years for 'spreading corruption and prostitution by taking off her hijab'
    Afshari took part in in 'white Wednesday' protests against the compulsory hijab
    Three {3!} other female activists were jailed for total of 18 {3X6!} years in Iran this week
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … hijab.html
Buttocks/mustache upper lip. R&W teardrop earring. Seems like it might be improvised for the pic. Teardrop lower left. Mysterious spot in corner of mouth.
BWR squares/stripes. Leaning posture exaggerated by skewed garment. Zig-zags in sidewalk, B&W square apartments in background.
Weirder, look how one red stripe folds over itself. Also purse rides strangely. There might be a strap deleted. If one does not look carefully, the mind interprets the folded stripe as the other purse strap.
Repticlone prostitute.


#1754 2019-08-28 12:02:00

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Woman reveals how stalker kidnapped her and forced her to live in 'torture house' for six {6} months where he raped her 'countless times' and beat her before she escaped when he accidentally left his keys {keys} in door
    Sunny {sun} Angel, 40, from Surrey, was snatched by a stalker when she was 17
    Stranger told her he would burn down her house if she didn't do what he said
    Demanded she leave home and live with him, taking her to remote derelict house
    She says he tortured and raped her for months as she begged him to kill her
    Managed to escape from 'torture house', but captor was never found by police
    Channel 5 {40 and 5: multiples of 5 seldom occur alone} documentary Snatched and Sold For Sex airs
    tonight at 9pm {9}
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … house.html
BWR, stripes, yellow UMBRELLA with steep V's. Hand sign.
RC prostitute.


#1755 2019-08-29 08:05:57

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,257

Re: misc oddities

Master Halco logo:
M and H in one! Diamonds, X's stripes.


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