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Recently I have been moved to do a coil. I took a length of wire that my 5D measured out and folded it in half and twisted it with a drill. This was probably 30' or more before I folded and twisted it. I wrapped the wire around a DVD container I had handy until it was all wrapped except the leads. I tied the coil in two places opposite each other. One of the tie places is where the leads exit the coil. Then I slid it off the container. Holding the coil with each hand at the tie points I proceeded to put a 360 degree twist between the two points I was holding. Then I folded in half at the twist in the center and tied what had been opposite sides of the coil together. My 5D then measured out another length of wire and that was wrapped around the twist section. I think this wire is about 34" long. The second wire is not connected to anything, merely wrapped around and around the twisted bump in the coil.
The coil is being driven by a zapper running 15.7khz at the time the picture was taken.
That is one tightly knit knot! Like a dense little muscle.
I'm looking forward to running some frequencies through a few coils of my own.
Bastion community:
That is one tightly knit knot! Like a dense little muscle.
I am out of wire right now but I wondered if when the 360 degree twist is done, if it can be done more loosely so that the knot isn't so big.
Just a quick note about this coil. It seems that it needs a crystal or vial of water in the center. I read about this with other coils and last night asked my 5D and got an affirmative about it. Also, there may be other amounts of twist that will work. I am getting that 1 1/2 twists works, 3 twists works and 4 1/2 twists and so on, increasing by 1 1 /2 twists. I got some wire today and did a 3 twist coil. It actually ended up being folded twice, because of how it folds with that many twists. At this point I do not know if these coils all need a crystal or a piece of orgone or even a vial of water inside the coil, but I'm going with putting something in the coils until I am guided not to. The first image is after all the folding.
The second is after tying some wire around the floppy areas to draw them in closer. Wire length and placement seems important.
And finally hooked up to a 30khz zapper with a crystal in the center of the coil. Hooked to a 12v 3 cell r/c type battery.
For anyone who read this post earlier with the wrong info about twists, I apologize for my mistake.
Last edited by Mordok (2018-11-26 18:19:39)
INTUITION helps a lot when making coils. Some of us can be guided by the coil goddesses Antuvozy, Eenia, Nadee... or even Lord Felter. But Mordok here was just running on his own higher self.
Once you get intuitive enough, you might find you often don't even bother to twist the wires first.
Here is a coil i made a few days ago:
Looks minimalistic but this is all that is needed to confer the zapper freq fully to the stone in my new blaster:
More wire would not have made anything stronger.
Another example: last night i made this thing:
which is destined to be a powerful gridblaster to pump freqs into the electric grid.
First i just twisted the extension cord around itself, then i took the red wire and made this goofy-looking coil. The white globs are of acrylic glue. 2 of these got the Channel Program and the rest Strontium-Barium Pgm.
Subsequent to the photo i wrapped copper foil and then Flex-Fix tape around it. Now i am waiting for inspiration to cast it in epoxy.
Here is a 6 twist coil. The wire was doubled and then doubled again and then twisted. After that, it started out being wound around a shipping box that measures 20"x15.5". It was wound in the fashion of a scarab coil as shown here... … id=3210510 . Once the large coil was made and the leads dealt with, I then did a 6 turn twist, holding onto the crossover points described in the article and twisting the wire between them. This coil did not require any extra wrapping. The leads sticking up are shorted together and there is no zapper activating it.
This coil was made by request for a certain type of little Allies that help me combat fleas in my apartment and on my cats. No doubt there are one or two in the picture, for those that can sense them.
Last edited by Mordok (2018-12-04 22:20:32)
Nice. There are infinite ways to do it right and probably lots of ways to do it wrong.
Also a stone in the center is not always necessary if you soup the coil up with smears of programmed glue, metallized programmed tape, etc. Sometimes i use a core of cast epoxy, too.
We'll see if the little flea-killing critters are more comfortable and effective now. (I think i have mentioned these in the past on my blog. These are tiny etheric beings that can suck the "juice" out of fleas and other tiny insect pests, killing them. Mordok originally discovered them years ago in Florida after a SSer "friend" infected his residence, as i recall. But they required a warm climate. Then some evolved to tolerate cooler temperatures.)