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And here is a simple unit containing, in addition to the new pgm, one azezzed bionized quartzite which seems to greatly improve it:
See for a discussion of azezness.
The new mold came in.
This is a Hybrid Fryer. It works more on Egyptoid hybrids (werewolves, shapeshifting reptilians, Chungoids, etc. etc. and their clones) than straight-up Egyptoids.
At the core is the Werewolf fryer i made Sep/'16:
which i taped the base of and painted copper:
and re-cast. The new program only goes up as high as the base of the copper unit. Above that, custom programs in plain resin.
The epoxy did not clarify as i expected. I was mixing it a few degrees too cold to compensate for the hot weather.
Unit has a sensitive, antenna-like quality which seeks out their discordant vibes in U bases etc and resonates destructively with them.
At last, i was able to demold the CB of post #11, July 5:
I set it outdoors for days in the shade, in very cold weather, then plunged base in warm water. It broke loose some yesterday but then i had to do it again overnight. Epoxy shrinks a bit in the cold, then the warm water causes the mold to expand away from it.
Finally got it out.
As you can see it is mostly plain epoxy with only a relatively small heap of brass needles.
The pipes are completely empty so far.