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#1 2021-08-17 17:18:11

Diego De La Vegan
Enabled users
From: south of heaven
Registered: 2019-07-23
Posts: 112

Flat Earth

Hey everyone,

I leave here a link for 2 folders, about flat earth and about the history of flat earth.

one folder has 13 episodes of about 40 minutes, and the other has 7.

The first folder approaches a lot of what's already debated in the foruns, but needed to prove that the enemy is willing to do everything to keep their own massive lies.
The second folder approaches an aftermath after a supposedly big reset, and the misinformation that a bunch of kids (orphans) underwent believing in lies till today.. and finally the "true" map of our world.

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bd9h8a2xogv0 … VqZ3a?dl=0

At least, i found some intriguing info that requires more attention to the subject. I felt truth on many passages.
Anyway, this new topic is meant to develop lines of thinking and interchange ideas on trying to find the nature of this reality.

All the best,

Last edited by Diego De La Vegan (2021-08-17 18:32:29)

. .. Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if I’m not back by dawn... call the president.. .


#2 2021-08-17 17:42:33

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

I am on Episode V [of the flat Earth folder]. Guy is sincere and has a lot of interesting info. So far i have not encountered much evidence about flat Earth.

The 1st one is mis-titled as it has NO data concerning flat Earth. This one is too verbose with useless rhetoric for my tastes, BUT has some pretty good general intro stuff regarding the Tartarian "conspiracy theory" and architecture.

Episode II: Another nice intro about contextually improbable architecture.

Episode III gets very interesting, with much about historic "orphanages" supplying people for industrial labor and re-population.

Episode 4 is largely abpout ancient buildings as energy accumulators. Very interesting but offers no proof yet of a flat Earth except the assertion that water always has a level surface.

Capture from 3rd vid. Note how many of these purported orphans look like Egyptoid brothers. I suspect they may have been brought in from offworld or produced in U bases to provide proletariat quasi-slaves after the population dived.

Years ago i blogged that apparently a whole bunch of different types (different space origins, different vibes) of reptilian hybrids showed up in the same year as the New Madrid Quake, 1811.
https://www.usgs.gov/natural-hazards/ea … objects=0#
Prior to that, according to me, we did not have NGC4414ers, M32ers, and many other distinctive breeds of rept hybrids that subsequently pretty much took over the demographics, industry, religion, education, etc.

I get the impression that the units in the pic were not repty.
Be on the lookout for Masonic signals in some of these old pics.


#3 2021-08-18 09:12:51

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

Watched Episodes 5 and 6. This is all of the FLAT EARTH FOLDER i am talking about. I have not looked into the other yet.
Still virtually nothing about flat Earth. And very interesting info.
He says that the Masonic symbols we see are actually ripped off from this earlier culture, to obscure their original meanings.

If this is true, that must mean that these ancient structures are old indeed, as i know that the Romans, Pharaohs, Sumerians, Greeks, etc were evil.


#4 2021-08-18 09:28:23

Diego De La Vegan
Enabled users
From: south of heaven
Registered: 2019-07-23
Posts: 112

Re: Flat Earth

Actually , I would recommend watching the folder "what on earth happened' first. This folder is where they present more evidences of a flat earth world.
The first episodes talks more about the enemy, I believe to contextualize all the lies that the enemy can engage.

After those 13 episodes, I would check the folder "history of flat earth".

The next 7 episodes are presented assuming that the previous 13 are visualized , that's why they don't show much proof of it .

. .. Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if I’m not back by dawn... call the president.. .


#5 2021-08-18 15:15:57

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

Now i know.

Episode VII gets heavy into flat earth and that the moon is just some reflective plasma or something. However, i can't buy that. I have addressed so much stuff on the Moon over the years.
My impression is that it's a metal shell 3 miles thick, with much titanium and akuminum. I have never encountered anything physical more than 3 miles deep, so i presume it is hollow.
Currently it feels like mostly Thelians (allies) there, about 17K of them.

He talks about a guy named Sturgius or something who mapped the shapes on the moon and found them to be a map of Earth. But i can find no other references for this guy.


#6 2021-08-20 16:47:22

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

Now i just finished part 5 of the larger folder. What i don't understand is why he lays out the official story of a chunk of history, taking up most of the vid, as if he believed it to be fact. Uh? Why would this stuff be gospel truth when so far he has mostly catalogued what a lie history is?

In general, so far this series presents much interesting info, much of which i have no explanation for, as well as various assertions that seem illogical to me.

If the sun falsely seems to disappear under the horizon due to the vanishing point phenomenon, then why does all its light also disappear soon after? Why do we have darkness if the sun is just spiraling around above a flat Earth with nothing to block it?


#7 2021-08-20 19:09:46

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

#7 is largely devoted to shilling for hoaxes: wikileaks, pizzagate, Epstein, etc. He seems to think the media is being straight when it confesses general truths, not seeming to realize that the stories themselves are hoaxed, with actors. Which is odd as he seems adept at recognizing many Masonic clues such as flaunted therein.
He runs with the truths obliquely confessed.
I only skipped thru this one. I did notice a couple REAL stories starting around 38:00.


#8 2021-08-23 07:21:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

I watched 8, 9, and 10. Well, skimmed over many parts where he was just repeating stuff or presenting media info he considers legit.
There are some interesting things here and there, but overall i did not learn much.
At 18:09 on episode 8 he shows a bunch of images from various (Egyptoid, mainly) cultures depicting a flat Earth under a dome. This is interesting.

He does not get the full Masonic operating policies. He promotes their "good guys". He looks up to CIA RC and Flat-Earther Eric Dubay, whom i outed as repty in my blog June 11, '12.
I looked for images of Dubay confessing his true allegiance:

https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet … 9706968064

Eric Dubay releases his film tomorrow, he's a complete shill. He's helping the elites push the alien agenda. Uses proven lying freemason admiral byrd as credible evidence.

Wow, 2 hand signs in one, cross-dressed with beverage containers.


#9 2021-08-23 08:41:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,905

Re: Flat Earth

I was thinking, possibly he was pretending to MOCK Masons here. I did a reverse image search but this appears to be the only instance of it on the web. Perhaps it is captured from a vid. It is blurry enough.

Could even be photoshopped my the minions of the great Round Earth Conspiracy, but i highly doubt it.


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