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On Sep 27, 2014, Loohan wrote in his blog about 2 incidences of probable MW attacks that seemed technically impossible then,
but can now be explained as a use of 5G technology, where a beam is directed by means of software.
New technology to the public, but old hat to the CIA.
Sep 27, '14: (5:35pm)
Sittingtaoist brought to my attention a post on the es-forum:
Those of you who have RF meters; I recommend you check your living(sitting) and sleeping spaces for signals from ABOVE.
When I first bought my RF meter(right before the incident with my dad) I surveyed my home and several friends' and family members homes and in 4/6 houses I surveyed, there were really ugly sounding signals aimed at the "head" in all the places where people slept.
Couches and beds.
And in some locations, most of the chairs in the living room.
These signals were confined to about a 1 foot diameter circle where the head of the person sleeping or sitting would naturally be located.
That would require a high degree of precision and an aircraft or satellite with a lot of individual microwave antennas or lasers, but it's what the meter detected. HFE-35C from gigahertz solutions, with both the directional and omni antenna: didn't matter. But the directional antenna indicated the signals came from ABOVE.
And he also forwarded an old email of his (Sittingtaoist's) to me from 4 years ago:
Last week Vagn Larsen was here to measure radiation in my bedroom with his sophisticated instruments. He found no 900 MHz and not much 1800 MHz, but a high level of 3G and WiFi.
First he scanned the whole spectrum with a 3-axis integrating EMF detector at different positions in the room. This revealed that the intensities differed a lot with a little change of position. The highest level - 300+ microW/m2 was found at my pillow!!! Vagn says that an acceptable level is 1 microW/m2.
I had hoped that shielding the windows would help a lot, as they are in a direct line to the transmitter, but no, the situation was a lot more complex. When he repeated the measurements with a highly directional instrument, he found that the radiation entered the room from a number of odd angles, mostly through the ceiling. We cannot explain this, as the house has a tiled roof, which does not reflect EMF.
Vagn recommends to paint walls and ceiling with shielding paint and shielding curtains for the windows.
The guestroom is in the basement directly below our bedroom and same size. The radiation level there is about 1 microW/m2.
I don't know how this is done. The poster seems to be stalked by NSA; Sittingtaoist by PET (Danish equivalent of CIA). But if you are a MW victim you might try sleeping in different spots to see if you get temporary relief.
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