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I only watched the 1st 7 minutes of the 1st vid, but i think this is a true story.
It wasn’t until a few years ago that he found out he had Asperger’s syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder on the autism spectrum, which explained both his social awkwardness and his strange superpower – the ability to speak and sing backwards.
Well, i can at least READ upside-down and mirror image (maybe not both at once though; haven't tried), which not everyone can do...
It reminds me of the law of reversal of Uncle Fester Crowley.
“Let the Exempt Adept first train himself to think backwards by external means, as set forth here following.
(“a”) Let him learn to write backwards, with either hand.
(“b”) Let him learn to walk backwards.
(“c”) Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that they appear natural, and appreciable as a whole.
(“d”) Let him practice speaking backwards; thus for ‘I am He’ let him say, ‘Eh ma I’.” –
Interesting. I am unfamiliar with most of Crowley's work. Read up on this a bit.
Occult Symbolism of The Jesuit Order and Aleister Crowley’s LAW OF REVERSAL. … -reversal/
Unfortunately most of the images won't load. But he fleshes the concept out a bit.
Yes, i have noticed the inverted crosses, and INVERTED GENDERS. Now i see better why they have to publicly present males as beautiful women, and females as studly Lotharios. Prostitute bit actors as royalty and elite. Why they take "innocent" Disney child actors and turn them into gross perverted sluts. Promote harmful foods as health foods, and vice versa.
Maybe why they are always in the forefront of destroying their creations?
There is also a Native American tradition like this. I remember reading about it decades ago. I think this was more than what is referred to as berdaches -- i see the new correct term is Two Spirit People.
There may have been a specific name for these. I remember they were referred to as Tricksters having much in common with coyotes. Not only do these men act and dress like women, but they ride horses seated backwards, and strive to do everything possible in a reversed fashion. This of course is very mind-expanding and helps free one from the restraints of linear, conformist thinking.
But as far as i can tell, this guy is innocent.
Native american tradition , the heyoka.
Native american tradition , the heyoka.
Damn, i just remembered, and was going to make this same post!
Yesterday what was coming to mind was "hoka hey" but i knew that was not right.