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Well Loohan, seems that i log into forum, then you log in and when i notice i know what i need to write about.
Seems that i might be literally the most powerful demon hunter, dont have anything more on point, i had best example to learn,
so i can outdo you, however it needs planning.
but i noticed that demons are small fish actually right about now, so i was thinking: "what to do to outdone this pesky Loohan ?" try to throw stuff at him ?
he just counters, hhahh. Seem that you hijacked so much stuff thansk to recent changes, that i got bored, i literally felt like i need to gt some "skin to skin" ekhem.
Honestly i still plan to to put all the horse power you may have around to shame when i will plan ahead, find a job, make some devices.But mostly i try to mimimize losses, around the house.But i think i could give you some to work with even when not on the subject.
" I willed it, so I became it"
Boy, you sure are competitive...
If I'm correct, the usual spirit of this forum is to help each other reach greater heights through technological innovation and the sharing of techniques and observations. For the sake of all that's good in the world.
It's not a race, nor a contest. There are far more important foes and missions to deal with than us trying to one-up another. Many are suffering, and could really do with our unique assistance. We were made aware for a reason. These gifts aren't to be wasted on pettiness.
If you have an actual helpful tip to share, that would be cool to hear. But if you're only going to brag and subtly threaten people, maybe you should lay off the anime for a few days...
The Japanese were always so fascinated by dog-eat-dog.
Bastion community:
" I willed it, so I became it"
Hey, i don't mind if anyone outdoes me.
Joe and Dana are much better than i am at channeling hardware cloth items. Fine with me.
I'm only interested in getting the job done, not fame and glory.
I also prefer healthy competition.Its just that, anyone who tries to do something effective might get "shat on" either by negative beings or some physical assholes.Not nice.
Nothing more to add to that, expect that i will work towards most effective ways, so basically copy idea, make it better, share it, rinse, repeat.
As for my latest posts i have only this explantation "intuition can be affected by black magic" I decided i won't touch my older posts cause it might be counter-productive.I noticed that i started to delete actually some valid info, which pointed me to this fact.
" I willed it, so I became it"
Ok, another thing i feel others might "know" about while they might have no idea as far as their physical persona.
I'm annoyed to surf web now cause i subtly notice, well anything/everything ?
I had silicone boogers with channel pgm, cut up in different sizez
i take 7 im dropping it on desk, one by one it assembles into some stuff, then i take another 7 some distance from it, drop it again
i playing with number 7 mostly, after some time im picking them up and trying to lay down something different, note that im not laying them down but dropping from very small height, sometimes how these boggers act make no sense cause cause they roll away from the desk, it looks like the already laid down structure of 6 of them is reppeling the seventh one to the point it sometimes land in biggest distance from the rest, sometimes when i had 1 left from 7 of them and try to drop it at different spot it lays down almost ideally on the other side compared to where it was when i tried for 1 time, i suspect one might nail these way some random locations, better, throw them on map, while paying no attention whee to throw them, and check where they fallen on the map, that might give one idea(again i hear assholes roaring their engines at me ) of hmm energy structure in particular location ? while not paying attention to any bullshit terms and methods.
" I willed it, so I became it"
In case some actual people, well i would say positive oriented agents, cause i like to fool around with terms sometimes, stil feel like they miss some source of "dubious" info rmation, then take a look on this:
Last edited by Jakub (2018-03-23 17:00:26)
" I willed it, so I became it"
btw, egyptian pharaohs and their tombs, are like giant "sleeping" devices and after they "died" their consience is hanging in their while they obviously cannot move, something along the lines, do people are still aware after they die ? any kind of ritual where individual is buried in ground tomb, whatever, is dirtying up earh energy, it would be rare if they didn't i don't have example of these "didn't"
" I willed it, so I became it"
BY THE WAY I'm currently working on forming alliance and most vital piece of information in it is the fact, it will be with physical
people, i will weaponize these newbies and rookies, teach a thing or 2 about proper etique, well ask if they want it at all or not,
vital part would be to grab their approval, in a nutshell i'm starting to form political entity not connected with country goverment , that in some time will be full of shamans and orgone freaks, also we might get really drunk and then regret that but whatever, if i could save the world with booze i would gladly done that already.
I have meeting in few days, i don't have details myself, it was always like that in my parts, huge meeting and then we are dunking at each other with exciting nformations we aquired in time when we weren't together
It will start with few people, one of these "person" was interested in country politics in the past, well if we think it might be needed we and we alone will try to get one of our close friends in the country goverments structures, but i seriously doubt anyone from our group will be interested when i will share the business side of meeting.
I'm writing this only, cause in near future some groups will be noticed in public, and this lunacyof a writing will make it a bit more clear of the source of them?this, how to find them etc, connections
well i will make my own site later.When i will start to act a bit more normal than usual.
Ps. Still playing with astrophysics.
" I willed it, so I became it"
BTW, beside whatever anyone will think of me, i feel obliged to share about what non physical allies might be doing at the moment, especially when they are working literally behind my back, so here is the raport:
Transportation of physical objects across different time lines works,
i saw white sports car, i was annoyed by the noise, when i took a glance at it the next time
car was no longer white, color was, well blue, probably cobalt blue, also when car was white i couldnt see the guy who was behind the wheel, and when it became blue i noticed that guy is quite fat, no facial hair, have bluish flanel shirt, also roof of the car after change became folded, idk if roof was from leather or something else, but i think it was something else. Weird, but not scary.
Whatever i do there are big changes in energy, im getting rid of rubbish left after some nasty species and it also makes big difference in weather, it is also quite nuts.
Well "Reality is funny"
" I willed it, so I became it"
That car thing is pretty nuts. I don't think I observe anything like that. Then again, I don't make a note of car colors too often. Maybe cars are switching out all the time, who knows. Or maybe it sneakily drove away...
I like the idea you had about Pharaoh tombs. It serving as a post-death tether for an individual to continue to affect the Earth even after passing. Maybe you're on to something there...
The pyramids are great magnifiers and manipulators of energy. Maybe it's meant to "boost the signal."
Bastion community:
As for the car, well i think i drawn a bit of fire, and it seemed that was allowed at the moment.I rather not mess up so much that my stalkers are literally dissapearing into thin air, sometimes along with their cars, but i cannot control it.
If anyone found my rambling enjoyable, apart from the fact that any person who understood what is going on with me, also wondered what to do so this guy head won't explode, well thanks :l
So remeber kids the most important part, what you achieve others will claim is theirs.So don't fight with words, just walk.IF you need grab a sword to train muscles a bit.Killing with sword is very cliche btw, untill it is etheric, invisible, and you can make it out of thin air, then this is cooler than light saber.
Also forests in Poland are full of rubbish, mostly booze bottles, condoms, and everything else that shouldn't be here, and once there is a big wind here, most of trees gets broken anyway, so basically there is almost no wildlife here expect for small animals
so poland while in media looks like best place to life, from my experience might be one of the worst.It is just masons also need to obey the law they imposed themselves, and they are really slow with giving away their ground.The funniest is when good orgone is positively affecting weather, and they are spouting bullshit, how they made some device and deployed it in some places, and HAH look we made this device for few k dollars and it is cleaning air, yea cool, spare me the bullshit. Nothing better than throwing away money for cool looking desing , I kinda hate when my own works are not probably recognized, so i will be showing off my devices later, along with construction details if i would need to, if it would be something extraordinary.Ofc on my own site, so i won't mess up with the so precious status quo too much.Since well, its not like i will stop media with power of my mind.
I will really try to not write here from now on if i don't need to.
If anyone found my rambling enjoyable, apart from the fact that any person who understood what is going on with me, also wondered what to do so this guy head won't explode, well thanks :l
So remeber kids the most important part, what you achieve others will claim is theirs.So don't fight with words, just walk.IF you need grab a sword to train muscles a bit.Killing with sword is very cliche btw, untill it is etheric, invisible, and you can make it out of thin air, then this is cooler than light saber.
Also forests in Poland are full of rubbish, mostly booze bottles, condoms, and everything else that shouldn't be here, and once there is a big wind here, most of trees gets broken anyway, so basically there is almost no wildlife here expect for small animals
so poland while in media looks like best place to life, from my experience might be one of the worst.It is just masons also need to obey the law they imposed themselves, and they are really slow with giving away their ground.The funniest is when good orgone is positively affecting weather, and they are spouting bullshit, how they made some device and deployed it in some places, and HAH look we made this device for few k dollars and it is cleaning air, yea cool, spare me the bullshit. Nothing better than throwing away money for cool looking desing , I kinda hate when my own works are not probably recognized, so i will be showing off my devices later, along with construction details if i would need to, if it would be something extraordinary.Ofc on my own site, so i won't mess up with the so precious status quo too much.Since well, its not like i will stop media with power of my mind.
" I willed it, so I became it"
Well Loohan, seems that i log into forum, then you log in and when i notice i know what i need to write about.
Seems that i might be literally the most powerful demon hunter, dont have anything more on point, i had best example to learn,
so i can outdo you, however it needs planning.
but i noticed that demons are small fish actually right about now, so i was thinking: "what to do to outdone this pesky Loohan ?" try to throw stuff at him ?
he just counters, hhahh. Seem that you hijacked so much stuff thansk to recent changes, that i got bored, i literally felt like i need to gt some "skin to skin" ekhem.Honestly i still plan to to put all the horse power you may have around to shame when i will plan ahead, find a job, make some devices.But mostly i try to mimimize losses, around the house.But i think i could give you some to work with even when not on the subject.
Is this a joke?
That's a question for the ages...
One would hope.
Bastion community: