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#1 2018-02-20 20:24:13

Enabled users
From: Somewhere in Europe
Registered: 2014-11-24
Posts: 166


The crap we as a group, we could get rid of lately, makes me wonder how i can help anyone else that might or might not still have any personal trouble, so im sharing some tips in lower part of the text.
I feel great i think i never felt such satisfaction in all of my life, however i might be wrong on that, well some slight possible trouble with memories, might, or might have not had effect on that, however i doubt it will cause any problems for me from now on.I'm 200 % sure.

Uhh it was pretty hard to workout who is who in my case, when i get "too close" i noticed i cannot even eat cause my food starts to feel disgusting, so i go away to eat alone and i notice no problems, i never noticed something like this in the past, seems that any loner who likes to eat alone have something/someone nasty in their surroundings, could any capable PHYSICAL demon hunter check out in their own surroundings for more of these "loners" ? This way i think we could easily find a lot more individuals to help us out.Well actually more like meet up and yell while being relatively overexcited for obvious reasons smile
  i worked out some simple not psi ways to avoid few issues.Well i barely have problems with any possible paranormal stuff, i just need to focus on daily live and it is going easy.

2, I noticed very small detail that should help others if they still might have this sort of problem, whenever you come by open door you might lose focus for a bit,
it is very smalllll detail, close doors when you don't need to do anything in specific room.It really makes daily live easier, 

Well also here i have a gimmick that might be really cool to use for anyone, i found something useful so here it is, if anyone notices some mojo on them, i think that from issues we had in the past, now we may only have really really small problems.LIke really small.

it should be "yelled out" or write it in capital letters on paper, i think it might work,   honestly this specific words probably don t have much use now however feel free to experiment with it if you have any trouble, if you yell it out i might be able to help out, and i actually don't need to do much, just share the method.It reminds me of some person, ok i think i found who person is

The word "Chrestomanci" may be derived from the Greek khrestos, meaning "useful", and -mancy, "divination". In turn -mancy is derived from Ancient Greek manteía, "prophecy or divination". Jones gives the pronunciation "KREST–OH–MAN–SEE" herself[2] and one of her characters writes the same instruction for using the word as a spell

Yes, im on point.I will read some stuf later my self. on paper or might not this be paper, i like but dont hate to piss off any "bad" guys which have some time too fool around


I think this may also be the most effective positive affirmation for any person which need to stomp demons and toids in daily life

just write it on paper, show in visible places, hmm write it down on business card, hahah.Print on t shirt
I don't feel like making any orgone dvices funy, howeer, fuck what is this rap, um, i will make some beewax orgone later.OK seems that was what someone wanted to communicate.

just print it on paper, leave in visible place, if you say that to a anone and they run away or don't want to listen they might be evil toids or whatever else they might be so just leave them behind, and try to fry them later.
Honestly i doubt we need more words that that to completely turn the tide of changes in our favor, i can barely contain my own excitement, Cheers guys and girls :-)
I don't feel like making any orgone dvices funy, howeer, fuck what is this rap, um, i will make some beewax orgone later.OK seems that was what someone wanted to communicate.Just don't confuse me with any weird articles OK ? Change people at redaction, or their writing a bit, rap/poems in one seems to be the greatest.

OK, this post will stay here, im 200% sure.

Last edited by Jakub (2018-03-21 06:13:24)

" I willed it, so I became it"


#2 2018-02-23 21:27:31

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 357


Ahh... I just now understood, most of the anger in this post of yours is directed at Etoids.

For some reason I thought it was to forum members, and I was all like "no man, they're innocent I swear!"


I don't understand this "alter" stuff too well, but I feel your heart's in the right place. I'll be honest, these Etoid people confuse me as well. Their motivations and actions, their desires and wishes, their odd personality quirks --- it's enough to make one's head spin.

You and I seem to have a few things in common. I find myself angry sometimes too, for good reason. These people find it important to send endless resources to make me feel a little bad, and to make things unpleasant for a large number of humans on this planet.

You have Etoid DNA? Apparently I do, too. My family is lovely in that way. Maybe it's why I have the abilities I do?

I'm only glad I didn't get caught up in their game.

Making a post like this won't deter them one bit, though.

If you really want to make yourself heard, do everything in your power to know yourself. Know your limits, so you can surpass them tomorrow.

Focus your energy down to a crystalline razor's edge, and make it stretch across the universe like a web.

Learn the uses of programmed orgonite, crystals and the like, because they are impressive tools and will have you feeling like you're in good company, rather than alone.

Once you've honed your energy and your Spirit, you'll become a real threat.

Perhaps you already are. In which case, you should double down, and do all the work you can to turn the energetic tables of the universe. Every action counts.

It seems like Poland is as darkly entrenched a place as Seattle. Believe me, creepazoids are the most common bloke one can find here. They're everywhere.

Rather than get me down, I find it entertaining. I'm a blade of light, with thousands of lodestones for me to sharpen myself against.

Don't see them as a prison sentence or a deterrent. Be thankful that they're willing to sacrifice themselves for your betterment and evolution.

Isn't that a little more encouraging? In any case, that's how I see it. Even if it gets uncomfortable, even unbearable at times, at the end of the day it's all simply a vigorous workout for the Soul.

Without them, I would never have known what I was made of.

I would have remained a normal, average Joe. Certain that I had no effect on anyone's reality. Hardly even my own.

Now I feel like I can reach through time and space, make the impossible possible. Help those in the darkest pits, and strike down enemies who would otherwise seem untouchable.

A little tweak of perception is all you need to see that you're living a blessed life, doing exactly what you need to before you bloom.

Hope this message serves you in some way.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#3 2018-02-23 21:33:02

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 357


Ah... and one more point.

I've also wished that we could all simply get along.

Many Etoids have seemed friendly and innocent for a majority of the time. It's not so much a stretch to imagine them giving up their dastardly ambitions, and simply staying pure.

If it were an option for them to simply convert, I would accept it. I would give them a chance for redemption.

Here's the thing...

Their vibes are so strongly negative these days. Their core energy is directly opposed to the beneficial energy of programmed orgonite.

It might be too far beyond their control to reverse their role in this life. I don't know if it's easy, to reverse this aspect of ourselves.

I really don't know much about it at all.

But I appreciate you extending an olive branch. It wouldn't be nice, wouldn't it? If they could accept it.

It would save them a lot of impending heartache.

Because times will become very, very hard for them at the rate we're progressing.

It will not be pretty.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#4 2018-02-24 08:57:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,612


The way i see it, every time any of them, even the "positive" ones, flashes a Masonic hand sign, they are proudly declaring their complicity with all the child rape, black magic, gang-stalking, hoaxes, enslavement, torture, tyranny, imprisonment, Earth-raping, ripoff activities of their ilk, whether or not they engage in such things personally.
I have zero compassion for any of them. They are not redeemable or pardonable. They can't even begin to be adequately punished. There is only deletion as as solution.


#5 2018-02-24 13:19:57

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From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336



I also for years thought it was about love and light, and no violence whatsoever, until I found out that it do not stop them.

They are totally insane/crazy, and needs to be destroyed. We cannot talk sence to these psycho parasites, they are like computers/robots.

They have been warned several times, and still they continue terrorising this planet.

I like to have fun with them though, like the other day where I wrote on Google (part of their AI), that we will kill them, and after that, an army of holographic planes, and a chopper flow over me. He he, their AI system are scared, and just as crazy as its maker!

Aliens are very intelligent! what a joke, my experinces are that they are totally retarded, except with their technology (cloning, genetic manipulation, mind control, weapon systems), and then again, also there they are morons, because one of the reasons they are so degenerated is because of cloning/genetic manipulation, implants and of course inbreeding).

Tired of parasites!


#6 2018-02-25 20:23:56

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 357


Well I can't very well argue with you guys...

The more I'm around these sorts, the more they convince me there's no turning this around.

They're all pretty hell-bent on ruining my day. Not to mention all the strange magic, spells, and miscellaneous muck I've found gunked onto myself by applying anti-Etoid technologies such as Iron Enbalmment and my various HCs.

...there's a lot. And it runs deep.

If their legacy is as big as we believe it to be, it makes sense that they would be tirelessly persistent in their attempts to trample us.

And don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying these individuals aren't guilty of insidious crimes, whether they be on this planet or who knows how many others.

I suppose it's wrong of me to say I would forgive them for everything they've done.

But if they could be changed --- transformed --- evolved to a form where no trace of evil or need to manipulate was left...

If that were possible, I might allow it.

Not only for their sake, but for ours.

For if they were to all perish, then our world would end up quite messy indeed.

Alah-kur intervention or not, at some point it would become dangerous for many.

Though I'll admit, I think I would prefer that to this saccharine, hyper-fake reality we're drudging through at the moment. Where everyone is slowly ground to dust through lie after lie after painful lie.

At the same time, I'm open to other options.

Uncharted waters... Who knows what will happen next.

All we can do is to perform at our best, take the furthest advantage of our gifts, and trust in our most honest intuition.

I don't know God too well, for I was never raised to believe, but now might be a good time to get better acquainted with him.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#7 2018-02-26 06:52:38

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


I have come to a point where I could kill these motherf.....s, I'm surrounded by them everywhere, where I live, and where I have my daily life.

Just their looks wonna make me smash them (they made me so angry, I never had those feelings before of course), ugly mutated shit, I can't stand them, and their psychopathic false emotions (fake smiles, crocodile tears), while they continue to terrorise me.

Here in Denmark it's bad, I would say 9 of 10 people on the street are them, retarded, and psychopathic, this country is overpopulated, these parasites breeds like, well parasites.

I'm every day exposed to noise terror, Chemicals, Wireless shit, and of course direct attacks, especially at night, these cowards go after easy targets, and when you are weak/vulnerable and so on.

I'm pissed on the divine too, why the hell don't they help?, do the divine wants us to learn to hate and kill?

I'm sick and tired of the divine doing nothing, while they could, just looking passively on, while we are being tortured, and killed (and the planet itself are being totured, and the divine don't care).

The only thing the divine did, was to send a Jesus, who they killed in the end, and what did that change?, nothing, it's just a famous name on this globe, which much people laugh at (at least in Denmark, filled with reptile shit and etoids).

They have tried to kill me several times, by trying to give me a Heart stroke at night, last year, they almost succeeded, and I could see them standing there and laughing at me.

Sorry for my language, and being pissed of, I'm just so tired.

Last edited by Mark (2018-02-26 10:40:21)

Tired of parasites!


#8 2018-02-26 11:41:50

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


Also, I wondered for years why the danes called it love, their relationships, when I could see no love, but usually, a parasite woman controlling/abusing a naive, stupid male.

They buy and buy materialistic crap, many are alcoholics, and on "happy" pills

The Danish male is a unmature boy with a mammy complex.

I made fun for many years how many danes where clones, until I found Loohans site, and realised they are god damn clones.

They all talk the same, dress the same, cut their hair the same (especially the Young parasites), all fucking around with their nose in a cell phone, afraid of reality, and their paranoid emotions (and properly part of their disgusting hive mind).

You can see the young woman are desperate to get a male so they can mate, breed more parasites, no love.

They try to get your attantion, and when that fails (I ignore them of course:-), you can see they become angry, because they don't get their parasite will, and then it's back to the cell phone.

Just like mosquitoes, and ticks, it's just importent to continue their race in earth, it is programmed in to them.

Tired of parasites!


#9 2018-02-26 15:22:08

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 357


Huh... interesting points.

I had a Danish girl I was quite into for a while. Many years. I thought she was a victim. She turned out to be one of these.

There was much pretending in the vein of "true love." But you're right. That was never the goal at all. Nevertheless, she proclaimed it like it was her reason on Earth.

However, she never wanted children. She preferred to be a swinger, having sex with many hundreds of people.

She made a point to break up as many relationships as possible. Lure them in with lust, so they would cheat on their girlfriends and wives.

Perhaps her goal was something else?

In any case, Denmark... is an interesting place.

Make sure you gift it well!

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#10 2018-02-27 06:28:32

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


Thanks, oh you can bet I have gifted much.

But most of the orgone I started using back then, was bought from others, so I need to have Loohan check if it's corrupted. I gonna borrow a camera, also so I can take pics of the daily army of parasite crafts I have hanging over my head.

I have been blind for many years.

I always could feel something wrong, but could not point a finger at it.

We're in Denmark told from childhood, that we live in the best social welfare system in the World, and that we,re the happiest people on earth (the danes have records in depressions, suicide, cancer).

But the truth is, most danes are satanic, in the way there is no love/divine in them, the are selfish, paranoid, retarded.

Many are alcoholics, mistreating their kids and dogs, and blame the politicians, these parasites know nothing about responsibility, it's always somebody elses fault when they do stupid Things.

Loohan gave me an answer I been looking for, for years, that many of them are indeed satanic (MPD, sexual assaulted, and so on), but they are good at hiding in their daily lives, and try to play "normal" (not that they do that very well;-).

They use the typical parasite excuse, I had a bad childhood, so I have all the right in the World to be an asshole!

Tired of parasites!


#11 2018-02-27 07:06:30

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From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


Also, they are flooding us in viruses every other minute (the usual "flu" season).

I never had so much lung diseases as the last 2 years (yes I smoke, but still, I did not became sick of it before).

I mean, I could get a Cold, but it only lastet a week max, now we're talking over a month with pneumonia, I had that 3 times within 1 year.

Tired of parasites!


#12 2018-02-27 08:55:36

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


By the way: A Danish orgone maker/seller:

https://www.facebook.com/Orgonitedanmar … JQ&fref=nf

Though I cannot detect if it's a parasite, or the real deal.

Tired of parasites!


#13 2018-02-27 10:56:17

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


Tired of parasites!


#14 2018-02-28 08:45:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,612


Mark wrote:

By the way: A Danish orgone maker/seller:

https://www.facebook.com/Orgonitedanmar … JQ&fref=nf

Though I cannot detect if it's a parasite, or the real deal.

Not bad, actually. A 6 on a scale of 0-10. Has nice feel.


#15 2018-02-28 11:09:33

Enabled users
From: Denmark
Registered: 2016-02-03
Posts: 336


Thank you very much.

Tired of parasites!


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