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#1 2016-09-23 19:53:08

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

Just a heads up. Don't move to Lincoln NE unless you carry silver and garlic. I don't think there are any humans in Lincoln. All werewolves. Entire underground is infested like cockroaches in Joe's Apartment. Only these pests don't make fun songs with toilet water. Though they might drink it.

Lincoln seems like such a nice neighborhood. Well adjusted. But this vibe is all wrong. I don't see how any sensitive individual could be comfortable here. I guess if you aren't sensitive you'd be happy here with the bike trails and whatnot.

I had a friend tell me there's a really important giant crystal under Nebraska. I think it was Lincoln if I remember clearly.

Why do the most primitive monsters obsess over technology? Werewolves LOVE their technology. Jeez. It's like technology is a dog's best friend..

These mutts have really been stepping over the line lately. And have been getting really bold. Werewolves and hive mind have joined up apparently. I thought wolves were loners, but I guess they're truly a pack/herd minded group.

My friend and I have discovered a very useful tactic. Visualize silver dust covering and entering the WW for quick post control. He said it freaks them out. So if everyone could just visualize silver being injected into the earth, radiating through it entirely, I think we might get some progress.

Lately it just feels like some energy has enveloped the earth like the movie maximum overdrive, but instead of technology coming alive, it's activating everyone as werewolves. I've had this feeling for a while.

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#2 2016-09-23 19:58:10

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

WWs do intrigue me
they were almost rare
now they're everywhere

maybe it's like a virus?


#3 2016-09-23 20:04:14

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

Ndw, duo you have any silver? I wonder if you tried something with scalar/luke coil/ultrasonic tech wrapped around aabar of silver. Its fairy cheap to buy in ounce bars. I'd be interested to hear about your experiments, otherwise.

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#4 2016-09-23 20:24:49

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

no silver here...


#5 2016-09-23 20:40:08

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

What if you set the sound generator at the same frequency of silver, or a fractal thereof? And aimed it at orgone with a piece of paper under the orgone with "All werewolves" or "Werewolf energy" written on it.

I don't know what that frequency is, but Google might know. Do you dowse 357 as a good number to pulse? Idk..

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#6 2016-09-24 14:18:31

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Registered: 2016-03-08
Posts: 121

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

Guys, I'm glad there is someone around sensing the same. WWs got crazy... seems after shift to Universe E demons everyone who is potential channel they use him/her for shiting allover. And yes, in cooperation with HM seems evil comes to it's peak or it just started for real? I feel destroyed these days.

I tried to dowse freq for them but didn't got any. Found some research on these metals reso-freqs, but all mhz:
metal         freq            freq              freq

gold           1.729mhz       -1.712mhz            -8.563mhz

silver107       4.047mhz      4.046mhz            20.233mhz

silver109      4.652mhz       4.652mhz            23.260mhz

copper#1         26.528mhz     -26.505mhz           132.525mhz

copper#2         28.417mhz    -28.394mhz           141.972 mhz

As I remember from movies for WWs 'traditionally' silver bullets were used...probably some truth based on legends? I have pair of big silver spoons and forks, will somehow adapt it on my WW Fryer.
Will actually also make one with Luke's coil.

BTW...Recently I redesigned one Scarab coil (knitted wire) into Luke's. Used 9V battery + single LED diode for circuit, and seems cool. Now I plugged it on 4,9V cellphone adapter and works well too.

Last edited by UrosS (2016-09-24 16:45:19)


#7 2016-09-24 14:31:30

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Registered: 2016-03-08
Posts: 121

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

And just got email promo from Orgonise Africa for:

Orgone Zapper El Silverado:
Enhanced with fine Silver Electrodes (.9999 purity) for for effects like colloidal silver through your skin

Maybe not coincidence for some tips... smile


#8 2016-09-24 16:12:29

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Registered: 2015-10-11
Posts: 62

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

The C give to me a silver bullet! wink

I will test these freqs. Thanks Uros!


[Update] This ball is the new anti-WW pgm... just epoxi.

Last edited by diego (2016-09-24 16:59:24)


#9 2016-09-24 16:31:10

Enabled users
Registered: 2016-03-08
Posts: 121

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

Nice Diego!
For some reason feel some release in the air now....and got good vibe from this crystal - Bismuth:



#10 2016-09-24 17:05:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,612

Re: Iowa and Nebraska, unionized werewolf masons. please visualize SILVER!

Note that nobody on the Committee perceives that silver has any value whatsoever against WWs.
I have silver wire and flakes, but am not guided to use them.
We have the new dual resin pgm which does work.


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