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Hive mind has been hovering over me hardcore today and last night, trying new ways to breech my head each time I take a chunk out of it. Or rather I've become more aware of how it works behind the curtains of the mind. Trying to push my buttons, I guess. I notice hive controlled assholes tailgating me with zero vibe every time I look back, lately. By zero vibe, I mean darkness. They exude darkness, or black karma.
If you have dark karma, chances are you're susceptible to its control(all of us, I'd assume). Perhaps this post doesn't agree with you? Hmm? Think about these primitive proddings..
Li Honghzhi says(from what i interpreted) black karma is alive and has consciousness. Now that I think about it. It makes sense. Hive mind is the conglomeration of everybody's black/dark karma. Li also refers to it as dark matter. He says it's alive. In my thoughts, A demon created from everyone's sin from the beginning of time/sin.
Now we know why it's everywhere. Is it a sin to destroy everyone's dark karma/matter? And let them continue dirtying up the multiverse with their diseased karma? I guess that's also a lead into why people are going soulless. Purify and work through your karma to stay alive/ensouled. I don't mean to scare you. But it's definitely something to think on. Or at least have the core intentions of good. No more irresponsible people who spit in the juice bowl(the universe). I guess the universe is doing house cleaning. But is bad karma the left over stink? I think so. Don't look at how much dark matter there is..
A healthy, pure moral compass and a mind that listens to good morals seems more assured a soul, future existence, over somebody who is charitable just because they are told it's the right thing to do.
This all seems like an important connect the dots for us(for me anyway). Reading between the lines. Something I've been Trying to figure out for a while.
If you feel truth to this, please forward to people you might find use of this.
Dark karma is rogue, the leftover Karma from all the soulless people. I guess we should try perceiving this hive mind in diferent ways and approach it accordingly. Maybe in different levels of growth and rising up of your own mind, the perception of this matter differs from person to person..
I think orgone is one key. But there are many other methods, like Falun Dafa, etc. I don't want to speak bad of orgone since it's shown usefulness, but it's been vulnerable and unadaptive in the past. Basically looking within and finding/creating internal tools and methods to heal and fix ourselves and our surroundings. I see orgonite as a very useful crutch lately. I've person want to leap and bound mentally without an addiction to said useful crutch. I still will make it though, because it works, I've perceived. But the bad karma finds new ways of inflicting bad energy in place of itself. [Edit: concretite is the exceptional exception]
Li Honghzhi said mind is matter. They are not separate. Makes sense... So, Sending out righteous thoughts. Healing thought forms. Also becoming stronger in your own mind, with a calm, upright and firm foundation. Meditation and focus is a good tool we should work on. I know I need it..
Be wise. Be safe. Be good. No more contrived B.S.. But more importantly be true, compassionate and patient with yourself and your reality. No slackers! If you have a soul still, it obviously ain't no slouch. Be true to yourselves! We've suffered. But now it's time to raise up ourselves. This period of time feels like a real challenge[dare I say "as opposed to all the rest of the time before, in your life"?]. I think we're up for the challenge of The Self. Return to your True Self. And thus, YOUR LIGHT! [insert cheesy HURRAH!] make your reality a light filled one. Your mind should not be taken for granted anymore.
Last edited by cosmicbal (2016-09-22 09:29:32)
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
I take a chunk out of it.
Bal you meant you have successfully jailed a part of it?
No, I mean manipulated/transformed it into good karma, or light. A salad bar approach Just another mental technique against evil. Visualizations, whatever works for your vocabulary. I can't really explain it any better at the moment. If I have bad karma, it's apart of this thing. I'm healing myself, to a degree, as well. In Falun Dafa, it's related to "Cultivation" [of Mind Nature]. I guess this struggle with hive mind is a part of my paying off of my own karma. Maybe this thread isn't meant for everyone..
Ironically, I feel like that book "High Performance Mind" by Anna Wise could teach some simple methods as a starting point. Methods of mind are tools like anything ese, to be learned.
I've corrected some mistakes in the rest of it, though, too.
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
Here's a personal technique you can use. Ground your body in light. Be high density light body, anchored and nonmoveable by evil. Purify the darkness inside yourself. I'd urge people to listen to the Falun Dafa lectures daily, don't worry, it's not a religion..
I knew a lot, but not the right things. Falun Dafa is in alignment with a lot of truth I've discovered wading through the "cesspool" lol. Things seem to be really corrupt now versus 15 years ago. What a mess. Maybe that's just me getting older.
Last edited by cosmicbal (2016-09-22 09:21:38)
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
recovered post from Jeaux
jeaux has replied to the topic 'hive mind. dark karma/matter. Your Light.' to which you are subscribed. There may be more new replies, but this is the only notification you will receive until you visit the board again.
The post is located at … 3656#p3656
The message reads as follows:
At first, I wasn't sure if I agreed with this...
I'd had my own skirmishes with the Hive Mind, more so a week or two ago when this battle was fresh. There were a few moments where it made itself quite apparent. The way you describe its effects are pretty spot on. The way it "pushes buttons" is skillful and rather sneaky. It has been happening for much of my life, now that I have a feel on it. I only zeroed in on it because it became flustered and, thus, sloppy.
Moving on.
When it was mentioned that the HM has a palpable effect on soulless humans, it made me realize that this thing has intimate contact with our thinking processes. It is very psychic; so much that it feels like a part of us. It's nestled right in the core of our thoughts.
Anything with the slightest intonation of shame or guilt, the HM magnified and placed right in the forefront. It took significant strength to bury/unravel it. Granted, I was a little hungover from an overindulgence of sake... certainly made things easy for it...
In any case, the morning after I felt it again as I was taking a shower. This forcing of thoughts into my head. Perhaps the water gave me inspiration for my next move: I imagined these foreign thoughts to be like the waves of an ocean, crashing into my brain over and over again like some demented beach. I wondered how I might defend myself from such a wave, or better yet, take advantage of it.
So I thought, why not send the wave back? I imagined bouncing this wave back to the sender, adding in a little more oomph so it would be hard to "catch." I didn't change it up too much, because then it might be too different to be received; this was my Trojan Horse, and the HM has to accept it in for it to have any effect. I wanted it to feel like I was overloading a fuse, shorting it out. Funnily enough, it worked. I could counter every "wave" it would send me, and after a bit of this it stopped. Haven't felt it since.
Now, at the time those attacks felt very much directed. As if the HM had a deliberate mind of its own, an agenda. Bal, you saying that this entity is actually a part of everyone's dark karma did not make sense at first. If that were the case, why does it feel like I'm doing battle with a knowledgeable and conscious enemy?
I have an insight about this. This could very well be why the Powers That Be are so set on convincing the public of a particular worldview. It's why they want us to believe everyone else can't be trusted, that murderers are everywhere, and that men can be beautiful girls. It's our beliefs that shape the world. And it's our beliefs that soup up the HM. It gives it better access to us, and perhaps it furthers its strength, or cements its density into our reality.
(which is why, BTW, I have a hunch that the Jan2015B Pgm is a good choice for battling it. This program seems to have something to do with energetic "density," and might be helpful in reversing its progress)
As Loohan has often alluded, we may all be participating in some massive spell. They have to inform us of what's happening, because they need our consent whether it's conscious or not. That's the only way they can achieve... something. At the very least, further development of the HM. Beyond that, who knows.
So I definitely think you're on to something here. And I think there's more we have yet to know.
Mind is matter, matter is mind. Energy is matter. Hive mind has many vessels and many forms in which to farm psychic and mental energy from you. Break these bonds hooked to you. Even some of our greatest warriors now are manipulated. I just caught hive mind feeding and sucking off my mental and psychic energy. This is a crime. This is a massive sin. Manipulating the very core essence of being of another. Hive mind, you are no God. No God with that wisdom would do such a thing. You are a demon, hive mind. All matter and mind must be free for self expression and sovereignty.
I ask everybody who reads this to think about this. You can think. Thoughts are real. Thoughts are not limited to just your head. We all inherently know, but do not speak, of this. Why do you think there are such protocols in place of your mind to control you? Control from/for what? Can you even remember how you came about such bizarre limiting thought forms? I can't remember the origins of some of mine. I think we need to concentrate on spiritual and mental hygiene. It's a serious issue, the importance of which I'm becoming more and more aware of.
Train and show all your higher selves and friends these cords attached to us from hive mind and fry them off of you. Since hive mind exists in matter and mind. My mind is but one. Yours also needs to realize and break free and become more aware beyond what you have ever become aware of ever before. I say too myself "I can be better." being better might also mean not being an unwitting hive mind Energy harvest slave.
I always wondered why my energy kept getting drained inexplicably. No more parasites. Don't be a minion of a sneaky filthy rat in the darkness, tunneling holes into your figurative mind like 'Being John Malcovich'.
Hive mind doesn't sleep. Hive mind is in matter. Im wondering if external tools, such as orgonite, isn't completely safe from hive mind Energy farming, because it's left unattended for more times than not. How would you even know? There are so many back doors to energy. To your own mind. Seal up and take control of these doors. This is what I meant by becoming more aware of your self than ever before. Be better. Cliche, but powerful.
Ego seems to be another form of hive mind control, both internal and external, subtle and dramatic.
Self improvement, self control, self awareness, calm and peace is where true power rests. Attachments to the turmoil of the world and daily life shouldn't control you.
I hope I packed as many useful and helpful intentions in this post. [Edit: I removed a lot of negative ones]
No more hive mind. Yes more self.
Last edited by cosmicbal (2016-11-20 21:58:57)
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
I don't want to push buttons. Hive mind pushes buttons to feed on the ecstatic energy that's become available from such mindless reactions. Peace and calm. There is unimaginable centering and grounding power in this. Your gaze in such a state rectifies all anomalies and diseases of energy and discord. Be calm, young Jedi.
I don't sense any light in hive mind. It's dark matter/karma. It needs suffering and conflict, be it subtle or extreme, to feed. Internal or external conflict. Hive mind seeks to control you. A light mind clears away the dark fog.
Last edited by cosmicbal (2016-11-20 22:03:52)
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
Well said Bal, we need to act a sort of police action on our thoughts.
as well as fighting with our free will the hive mind
Last edited by ndw (2016-11-19 13:28:15)
Clear the thoughts. Yes.
A calm mind is a powerful tool. Helps you to see, and to overcome and be above the manipulation. I hope we all do well.
Last edited by cosmicbal (2016-11-20 22:02:26)
Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.
Hive mind is gone!
that's why today I feel so good!
guys this is crazy, a crazy difference. it cannot be a placebo effect. to summarize.
I hear sounds, waves etc very well.
after HM is gone, I hear more clear sounds, and more time impression, like time is never running out.
for example every time my father does play music I had always problem with this. Now I don't.
damn. we probably still don't realize the REAL difference. I am even getting more light impressions but I am not very sensitive to light, I should say I had a down in my eyesight recently. but I think I am recovering.
I think that if we summarize what we feel we will get better and better because if we share our experiences it will make life more easy to understand.
in the end the HM energy was all around us right? that does fit the bill, since I feel the missing dark energy.
now the only strange stuff I feel is electricity related and radio frequencies but this is strange, I still hear the ringing but it is like they don't have weight to them, like the bad energy is not there anymore so the ringing does hurt me because subconsciously it does remember me of the bad energy that was related to them, BEFORE. Now, at least for the moment, seems clean.
please share your feelings related to these days, I think this HM was really big and still we don't realize the difference. so please share!!!
also very very few Chemtrails these days here in central Italy
I definitely have been feeling better, except for the werewolf attacks. Have not heard the demon hum once since.
Also today i saw "clouds" swirling and fading out over my place like in my youtube vids, much more markedly than i have in years. Somehow that function of my devices had been stifled.
I'll be honest, when I woke up that morning after having read that this dude was dead, I was skeptical.
I felt pretty much the same (that is to say, awesome). And my annoying neighbors were still functioning.
I'm now aware that there is a difference.
There's no lack of creepy clientele at my place of work, IKEA. I get all sorts. For the last few days, I've noticed a different sort being the norm.
It's evident that they're not normal people. I can still tell by their eyes. Yet, they don't feel like your standard repticlone. There's no ick factor when I stare them down. They just felt dead and dull.
At first I thought they were Masons, because they're still a little mysterious to me, and don't always have an obvious vibe to them.
Perhaps they were stepping in to lend some muscle, now that their side has suffered a major loss?
But now I think it might be something else. I think they WERE repticlones. Without the HM fueling them, they don't feel like much at all. They're so empty, I'm mistaking them for simple annoying humans.
It's just fascinating to me, because I remember quite well how the HM felt if you really had its attention. It felt like bestial insanity and fury, some messy amalgamation of mouths and shadowy faces, never content, impatient and always churning, always at a boil. At this moment, I'm thinking that this same feeling is what gave those clones their edge. It's what I felt when I locked eyes with them, but watered down. It was an impatient and silent insanity. A wild, brainless quality, like some rabid animal. And I just don't see it in them anymore.
Granted, I can't be certain about this yet. Maybe they WERE all Masons I saw these past few days. Maybe some were FBI (I can tell now, because their eyes are extra dark and dull, like they dug them up from the backyard before leaving their property that day). I'm not certain yet. All I can say is my creep clientele has certainly changed, and quite abruptly. is worth mentioning that, last Wednesday, I did a large gifting run of downtown Seattle. I combined the Channel Program with Jan2015b, made hundreds of small separate pieces (half channeled mine, the other half Loohan's), and lit the place up. I also included a combo I really liked and had just recently poured, Jan2015b and Nov2016. A lot of those got placed too.
My hunch was that Jan2015b has some sort of impact on "time" or time-energy. I also felt that the HM dealt with this same energy, and it was part of what made him so slippery and hard to reach, not to mention how he could channel himself into so many bodies at once. So, if that energy could be stolen away or converted, he'd be a goner.
I'm not certain if this had anything to do with this outcome. If any of your allies could share what it was that allowed this victory, Loohan, I'd be pretty interested to hear it.
In any case, I'll keep my eyes open and see if I notice any other differences.
Bastion community:
If any of your allies could share what it was that allowed this victory, Loohan, I'd be pretty interested to hear it.
It was a combination of things. Everything helped. At least helped weaken it so we could jail more if its substance. I was aggressively jailing it for months as were countless allies.
Also a few weeks ago we got a powerful new ally, a big-hearted incarnate quadruped who powerfully chomped on the HM and had to keep coming back to me to get cleaned up. I can't reveal who this is because someone might take revenge on the physical plane. But i think he made a significant difference.
Mostly it was just the sustained blasting and jailing the HM over time that wore him away. I knew it was inevitable.