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#1 2016-09-13 15:23:46

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Werewolfs attacks

I'd like to share my impressions.
when they attack, it is a sharp impression, like someone has taken a good portion of air and it does send me to side of head.

I don't have problems receiving their attacks. seems like just the effect of coming out of a big disco with music at high volume. but less painfull than too much high volume. So not a problem for me at all.

and what does means this in the end?
We're receiving attacks from WWs because some other one doesn't have enough energy these times, right? at least is an hypothesis.

I think the real deal is the Hive Mind. These WWs will go down easily. The Hive, well, seems much bigger from what I read about in the blog of Loohan.

Good luck to everyone, I am optimist that we are at a turning point!


#2 2016-09-13 16:34:52

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,915

Re: Werewolfs attacks

Note that evil reptilian ETs and many others we have dealt with in the past are looking pretty scarce lately. Except for repticlones.


#3 2016-09-13 16:36:44

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: Werewolfs attacks

well I think we will have repticlones until the industry will collapse big_smile
how much facilities are still around making clones? damn!


#4 2016-09-14 14:42:51

Enabled users
Registered: 2016-03-08
Posts: 121

Re: Werewolfs attacks

ndw wrote:

I'd like to share my impressions.
when they attack, it is a sharp impression, like someone has taken a good portion of air and it does send me to side of head.

My experience was few times they are experts in making chaotic and furious vibe and confuse everybody around. Also can cause electronics to collapse. When happened at gig with my bend, 2 amps broke down one after another.
Mostly I felt pain in dfferent body parts.


#5 2016-09-17 01:05:47

Enabled users
From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Werewolfs attacks

I often have the pleasure of staring WWs down at Ikea where I work, day in and day out.

Anyone else experience any weird insect phenomena? Sometimes when staring them down, careful not to break eye contact, I notice little gnats or fruit flies suddenly appear and are drawn to me. Sometimes they just land on my hand or buzz around nearby. Sometimes they go right for the face.

One time a big fly came by and landed on this guy's hand. He didn't even seem to notice. Just let it sit there.

It's happened about five or so times, but there's nothing around to sustain a fruit fly from where I am in the store. Are they appearing out of thin air? Do they follow these WWs around? It's a bit of a mystery to me.

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