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#1 2014-12-08 13:32:41

Enabled users
From: Philadelphia, PA
Registered: 2014-11-25
Posts: 61

Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Recently I have begun practicing the Embracing Tree tai chi stance to help increase energy sensitivity.  I can only hold it for a few minutes, but i am confident that gradually i'll increase endurance.  However, once I come out of the stance, I get the most overwhelming feeling of drowsiness.  I try to go for a walk afterward, or do something active, but sometimes I just have to collapse and nap (happened just today which is why i am writing this.. i can't be napping like this; throws both my sleep pattern and my mood off). After waking up, I feel overwhelmingly groggy.. it's difficult to even open my eyes. I gotta FORCE myself to wake up. This is NOT normal for me at all. The only way i can describe it is that i feel like i been drugged. Reminds me of when i got a tooth pulled years ago, and was given some pain pills. I took half a pill, ONCE, then stopped because i couldn't take that "out of it" feeling.

I'm determined to find a way to do this. I don't have a bike to incorporate this exercise into. I tried incorporating it into walking, but my apt. is too small. And I can't be walking around outside "in the stance". Philly is NOT the place to give someone a reason to mess with u out on the streets.  I've decided to just do it the regular way just standing in place, at night before i go to sleep. But my point is, why is this happening at all? Why can't i just do it when I want without the intense drowsiness afterwards? I'm thinking maybe I am being attacked (weird stuff happening to me and my cat) but i am not energy sensitive enough to know for sure. Ironic.


#2 2014-12-08 16:08:59

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,600

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

It is common to be attacked if engaged in any positive activity, yet i am not detecting this happening here. Of course it could still be happening but i doubt it.

I was actually briefly an assistant instructor who guided people in this in a class, but never heard of such symptoms.
Is it possible you are very toxic?
Horse stance has a powerful effect on internal development and hormone generation.
It is possible you are doing something wrong and should seek the advice of an instructor (preferably not some triad lizard).


#3 2014-12-09 01:19:38

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From: Philadelphia, PA
Registered: 2014-11-25
Posts: 61

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Thanks Loohan. Well the " not being attacked" thing... that's a load off. Well, I am pretty sure i am doing the stance as correctly as i can. I have hip issues from a 1999 injury (one is higher, making one leg seem a bit longer). I don't limp or anything tho. Just when i do the tai chi stance i feel that i'm leaning a tad, putting more pressure on one side. I'm used to compensating tho, so don't think it was that. But as for toxicity, well, it's auspicious that you mention that. I actually have been really thinking I want to thoroughly detox.  I mean, I'm not as toxified as the average American. I don't eat any packaged/canned food, non-organic, gmo, wheat, meat, alcohol, or meds. Been flouride free since 2010 (but if u know of any pineal gland decalcifying tips other than what's on your site, please share!). I don't watch tv and don't use my phone much. I get plenty of exercise. Lately tho, i have in fact been thinking maybe i'm lulling myself into a false sense of security regarding my toxicity levels. I've done herbal detoxes and such, but never felt like they did as much detox as I wanted or needed. I feel like I still have past toxins sitting there inside me. I been thinkin, "Yo! What about all that? It's not just gonna detox by itself!" Another concern i have is that i used to smoke. American Spirit "natural" cigs for a couple years, and weed for years and years. [Weird weed-related fact: that jackass lizard N.A. Poe, the Philly NORML marijuana "activist" you've mentioned in your blogs, is good friends with my EX-buddy. Ditched the buddy AND the weed.]

So yeah, anyway, i want to start intermittent fasting. I've read about it on your energy sensitivity page. Sounds very beneficial if one is disciplined and motivated. I already ordered raw unsweetened cacao wafers, hempseed protein, and alfalfa leaf powder from znatural foods (thanks for the tip about them!) so now I can put on more weight, and not be worried about losing it all while fasting.

Also, does anyone have any feedback about coffee enemas, for  sigmoid colon/ liver detox? It's apparently utilized in alternative medicine. Sounded hella weird when i first heard about it,  but seemed more logical after researching it. No mention of it from Mercola.


#4 2014-12-09 10:44:57

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,600

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

If you have structural hip issues, it may be that u should not be doing horse stance. U might just be aggravating matters.

Saunas really help in ridding stored fluoride (not to mention BPA, fire retardants, etc. etc.):
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic … =531461206

Also look into iodine supplemention:
http://drsircus.com/medicine/iodine/iod … e-toxicity
Personally i use
http://pforlife.com/potassium-iodide-fi … de-ki.html
I put some in an eye-dropper bottle with water. Put more iodide in than will dissolve. Then i put a few drops on my belly button at night and rub it in. This is just what i was intuitively guided to do, and it works well for me.
Taking iodine before bedtime may help sleep.
Some caveats:
A popular iodine supplement is Iodoral, which is BASED ON INORGANIC SILICA; something you want to avoid.
Another is Detoxadine
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/nasc … adine.html
which may or may not be a good product. What makes me leery is that it is produced by the clone of a narcisstic shapeshifter, Dr. Group.
Atomidine is a Cayce invention, which is good stuff for some purposes, but actually too low in iodine to restore that.
Some people run into all these cleansing issues when restoring iodine, as fluoride and bromide have displaced the iodine, and now the iodine is displacing the fluoride and bromide.

I dunno about coffee enemas. I have read both good and bad things.


#5 2014-12-09 17:49:19

Enabled users
Registered: 2014-11-15
Posts: 40

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

I've been meaning to ask you about which Iodine supplements you would recommend. I am almost done with a bottle of Detoxadine, It did not seem to help me.

Last edited by Stefan (2014-12-09 17:49:29)


#6 2014-12-22 18:20:36

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From: Philadelphia, PA
Registered: 2014-11-25
Posts: 61

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Pepper wrote:

Recently I have begun practicing the Embracing Tree tai chi stance to help increase energy sensitivity.  I can only hold it for a few minutes, but i am confident that gradually i'll increase endurance.  However, once I come out of the stance, I get the most overwhelming feeling of drowsiness.

I no longer have this issue.. fixed by correcting posture.


#7 2015-01-05 14:55:12

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 55

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??


Last edited by DanaSG (2019-10-03 11:50:46)



#8 2015-01-05 16:11:48

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,600

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Kelp does not contain enough iodine to correct deficiencies, in the experience of many including myself. I used to eat seaweed pretty regularly for years, but when i then did a patch test, it sucked.
Also kelp contains bromine, which is what you don't want.


#9 2015-01-07 06:00:50

From: Denmark
Registered: 2014-11-16
Posts: 145

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

I use Lugol's Iodine 15%. Transdermal. Just paint an area the size of my palm on leg before bedtime.
Gives a wonderful sleep.
I get it here http://www.bobbyshealthyshop.co.uk/Lugols-Iodine.php


#10 2015-01-10 14:02:03

Enabled users
From: Philadelphia, PA
Registered: 2014-11-25
Posts: 61

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Loohan wrote:

I dunno about coffee enemas. I have read both good and bad things.

Coffee enemas are standard protocol for the Gerson Therapy natural cancer treatment. My deal-breaking question is: what kind of vibe do you get off its founder, Dr. Max Gerson?


#11 2015-01-10 15:59:38

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 33,600

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

The Gersons are OK, ensouled.
The wikipedia review is pretty negative. But i once knew someone who had worked with them in their mexico clinic, and she said it worked miracles on cancer cases that had been hopelessly terminal according to US mainstream medicine.


#12 2015-01-10 17:19:03

Enabled users
From: Philadelphia, PA
Registered: 2014-11-25
Posts: 61

Re: Tai chi exercise having strange effect??

Ok and ensouled. All I need to know, thanks!
And an added plus to me that wiki panned it. They can't have people healing themselves left and right.

Last edited by Pepper (2015-01-10 17:50:33)


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