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#1 2015-03-24 01:51:04

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

nuclear bombs conspiracy

I've found various sources that tell that nuclear bombs need some factors to detonate.
Mostly energy grids and moon/sun locations...

Then I've found this book
http://www.amazon.com/Energy-Grid-Harmo … rmonic+695

and in the comments section of amazon...
UFO's, nuclear facilities, and ancient monuments are places of power, and in order to utilize this power, must be placed in precise geometric positions relative to the earth's surface, and sometimes, to each other

He asserts the impossibility of nuclear war, because, he claims, a nuclear device, in order to detonate, must be placed not only in a precise geometric position relative to the earth, but also to the sun, and that the timing of the detonation is crucial. He says that all of the possible places and times for nuclear explosions have been worked out by the governments of the earth in advance! This from a man who predicted beforehand the dates and times of the French nuclear tests at Mururoa Island in the south pacific in 1968.

So I suspect that you cannot launch, let's say 3 nuclear bombs in the same day.
I remember that Mr. Ighina said that nuclear bombs are magnetic bombs (he used magnetic to mean orgone energy) and they suck up the glue of matter, so again, they suck orgone.

So the world was put in fear of a nuclear war that simply cannot ever happen? I think so.


#2 2015-04-24 08:44:07

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 55

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy


Last edited by DanaSG (2019-10-03 13:00:39)



#3 2015-04-24 12:05:13

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy

Thanks Dana!
going to read everything :-)


#4 2015-04-25 08:17:42

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy

that book is awesome and does point out a lot of things and connections related to the world energy grid.
the author does links ufo sightings with the line grid, unified field equations, and he discovered that antennas were pointend on energy grid points. And we know today that they placed there for playing HAARP on the grid.

regarding the atom bombs, I just quote this.

Why is a nuclear war illogical?

Let’s take an example: if Russia, let us say, were to launch a missile in an attempt to demolish New York, the Americans would have known months in advance that at such-and-such a time the city would have been a potential nuclear target. Their computers would have told them so. Naturally, all defenses would have been alerted for that one target point until the danger period had passed. If a missile managed to get through the defense system and New York was incinerated, America would want immediate retaliation.

But again because of the solar geometries involved, this would not be possible at any unspecified time for any specific Soviet target. It could take hours; days or weeks for a major target in Russia to match the harmonic geometries of the sun position in order for a missile to be successfully launched towards that point with any certainty of its detonation. And so it would drag on, month after month. For this very reason it became necessary to arm submarines with nuclear weapons and launching devices so that they could roam the oceans in secrecy and be able to position themselves in such a way that they could launch nuclear missiles at enemy targets as the right times came up.

Meanwhile, those at the top who had started this insane war, and those in control on both sides, would know clearly, and well in advance, where the danger spots were going to be. They would make sure that they themselves were many hundreds of miles away until the danger periods had passed. The general populace, you can be sure, would be blissfully unaware of impending explosions.

so they have to calculate where a bomb can be detonated and when. so they cannot freely choice when and where to target the enemy.

I'm wondering about if Hiroshima and Nagasaky were really nuclear bombs or maybe 'dirty uranium bombs'. I suspect they weren't realy nuclear bombs. Hard to tell..
I have to add also the legend about a group of japanese that betrayed japan and placed a lot of bombs around Hiroshima because the americans told them that there were low chances that the nuclear bomb will do the job.
There is a video related to atom bombs hoax, and related to Hiroshima there are pictures of the destroyed city with a lot of buildings not destroyed.
Here it is, at minute 4.40 you can see hiroshima, it's like ordinary bombs over city, were some buildings were just not hit by any bombs.

another video about Hiroshima, but the audio is bad I cannot underestand everything on that one.... at minutes 2.54 he speaks of that day in Hiroshima. (If someone is able to figure out what he's saying please write here! Thanks)

so Hiroshima and Nagasaky were just propaganda? I think so. Consider also that the nazi were doing not only nuclear bombs research, but also other strange bombs like air fuel bombs and others with similiar explosion mushroom effect.
So Americans can have stolen some strange weapons from them and used them in japan? they will never tell us.
For sure, some dirty uranium bombs were ALSO dropped over Hiroshima. Since there were radiations..


#5 2015-04-25 11:41:11

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy

too bad that the author recently died in 2013.
some letters to him from friends. Some very good. I wondering how much natural was his death... He went peacefully after a lengthy illness
https://nzculturalgenealogymapping.word … ural-icon/


#6 2015-05-06 04:25:54

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy

I'm reading  "The grid of the Gods" of Jospeh Farrell.
Interesting, he writes that he disagree with the fact that nuclear bombs are space time harmonics weapons to such a degree that they can only be set off at certain locations and times, or otherwise they will not work.

Also there is the fact that in some bomb tests, the energy of the explosion was way higher than what predicted and there is the concept of torsion fields that makes a bomb way efficient, sucking energy from the 'zero point field'. And it seems that near the equator the effect is bigger.
Probably that's why the Russian tested the most powerfull bomb (Tsar bomb) near the Artic, to avoid some catastrophic effect.... like a too big bomb.
Near the artic the torsion field effect is minor than near the equator.

Bruce Cathie does not put out calculations of this bomb. Unfortunately. It is a location to check.
Way too much food for thougths.


#7 2015-05-23 05:09:05

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy


#8 2016-01-07 02:27:49

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Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 741

Re: nuclear bombs conspiracy

gamma beta and alpha radiations does exist! the ionizing effect I have seen it on the geiger tube!


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