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A reliable source sent me this a few days ago but i haven't even tried it yet because i'm dealing with attacks in a new manner lately.
She says
"Change them out every 2 weeks. Before you do the process Ask directly of the God Head How many vaults you need, it could be 1 or more, just ask 1? 2? 3? until you know how many are good for you."
I think it's a similar technique to many others out there.
Like cleaning the aura and surround oneself with layers of divine protective energy . Which can be done on daily basis.
Regardless of the technique , I think that intention is the key to achieve it.
. .. Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if I’m not back by dawn... call the president.. .
I tried it on myself, as i was being attacked by something mysterious i was not dealing with effectively. And it seems to work. Not 100% instant relief, but gradual. I only required 2 vaults.
It may be that most people only require 1 or 2 vaults. A person i had sent this to did way too many vaults and the results were of short duration. So i deleted those vaults. Of the 4 people she had done, actually 3 only need 1 and one needs 2. So i did those for them. I haven't heard back yet but they feel much better from here.
So if you have difficulty knowing how many vaults, or doing the process, you can contact me and i will do it for you.
I need permission because otherwise i can't sincerely claim i have "100% desire".
Well, it is only partially effective, of course, but may be worth doing.
The person who turned me on to this needs help from me occasionally.
The people i built vaults for still have some problems.
The guys attacking me still got through somewhat.
Anybody getting any mileage out of this vault stuff? I no longer detect that it does anything for anyone.