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#16 2015-02-11 07:20:12

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Jan2015B Program

What mold did you use that allowed easy removal? Also it'd be interesting to hear your experience of using it under your pillow and see if you sleep/dream better. Perhaps vivid/lucid dreams? Did you use graphite or carbon to make it black?

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#17 2015-02-11 14:07:54

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Jan2015B Program

cosmicbal wrote:

What mold did you use that allowed easy removal? Also it'd be interesting to hear your experience of using it under your pillow and see if you sleep/dream better. Perhaps vivid/lucid dreams? Did you use graphite or carbon to make it black?

This Sterilite one. Got it at a local Walmart. Though I will mention that I use polyester resin, and it sounds easier to remove than epoxy would be. Never tried epoxy, myself.


It's a little thick, but I could give the pillow thing a try. It's actually a mix of powders: silicon, silicon carbide, little silica, and some pigment. It's what I first put in when I came across this program, and I liked it, so I kept it in. Plus I enjoy the deep black hue.

Last edited by jeaux (2015-02-11 14:09:40)

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#18 2015-02-11 19:24:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

Regarding Joe's last pot, i have cast many things in similar plastic boxes with epoxy, and they come out easily because the plastic is flexible. But beware, some boxes have little ridges or something sticking up in the inside corners that you don't want.

The slab thing i posted a pic of earlier has been wrapped with much more tape, including some aluminum tape and a bit of copper tape. But mainly lots more of that Shurtape. Also a couple bionized crystals were taped onto one edge (although it is rare for me to put bionized ingredients into remote weapons).
It is very powerful.

I still don't quite grok this pgm. So far i have not done anything with the 3 smaller objects 'Vozy had me cast. But i was guided to take this incomplete project of almost a year ago:


and do something with it.
It is a plastic case with some tape inside, and a weird wand.
I was guided to fill it with JanB:


Unfortunately, the final layer of resin stayed foggy because it was too thin to heat up in the cold weather. But the only other things i added in there were 1 small Rolling Vicarah ball, and 2 Jan2014C wands. And one of the latter is shorter than standard size, and has shorter range.
Also the weird wand only has about 80' range. So the whole unit only has that relatively short range, although it could easily have been designed with much further reach. Also i don't think it works remotely. It seems to be intended to blast relatively near targets.

What does it DO to them? I dunno. I did some blasting of SSers and their clones, and it does seem to suck the bad energy out of them. I doubt it works on other targets than evil physical ETs/hybrids.


#19 2015-02-17 09:17:08

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Re: Jan2015B Program

jeaux wrote:

Lastly, it does seem to connect well to its own kind. Meaning, after Loohan made his two slabs, I was able to actively feel them. I believe I felt them backing up my own supply. If it is dealing with a new sort of energy, it would seem to be pooled, or shared. Some sort of network effect, perhaps.

hi jeaux, today I've casted one disk with this pgm, do you feel my piece is networking with the others? ;-)
it has a good effect, but I have to observe more on the next days...
will post what else I will feel of it



#20 2015-02-17 14:17:10

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Jan2015B Program

That, I'm not sure of. I'm no psychic heavyweight like some people here. To be honest, I'm not certain if I truly felt this 'networking effect', or if I simply had a bump in perception due to all these new items I've made, and was more readily aware of the device. Though I will mention that when I asked myself, do I feel ndw's device, I did feel something. Though without a picture, who knows what I'm actually feeling.

In other news, this is a complement slab I'm making to go with the first. No Jan15B to my knowledge. This contains three pgms: the first iteration of titanium free PRG, SB, and something else (could be anything). The main facet I wanted to share was the wire wheel I've placed in the center. I love it. I think it's a wonderful addition to most any device. In fact, it's made me think that perhaps I'll make three slabs, all very close together but not touching so they can resonate. The one with the wire wheel can be in the center, and I'll have two Jan15B slabs surrounding it. I'll bet this setup could cook up some nice effects.


Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#21 2015-02-17 16:01:37

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

This slab feels real good, Joe.

Meanwhile, the wand in my above device now has a range of 220'.


#22 2015-02-19 17:39:36

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From: Seattle
Registered: 2014-11-14
Posts: 358

Re: Jan2015B Program

That wand really does have a vacuum cleaner-ness quality to it. That's cool.

I've had a few more insights on this program. Though I should warn, I'm not truly certain how much of this is innate in the program, and how much is my own personal mojo. But it sure worked wonders for me.

I began today with further delving into the idea of gravity. If this program does tune into an aspect of energetic gravity, then it could also affect time. For gravity and time are linked in the 3D plane; perhaps it extends to the energetic plane? Beyond simple relativity, there are a number of physicists and theories that say the very nature of gravity and time are linked together, and they fuel each other.

So, I've already attempted to remove "density" from etheric beings, even some tangible beings, and had success. They seemed to lose power. Now, I wondered, could I also try and take their time? I imagine etheric entities, which may not be in a realm which uses time the same as us, must make use of some sort of "time energy" if they are to interface with our reality. It has to match up to have an effect. Much like taking away their "energetic density" results in them losing a tangible grip on our reality, perhaps taking away their "time energy" takes away their ability to exist longer than a moment here. Thus, they freeze, being whittled down to a single moment, a single frame. This, I find, makes astral targets, and even some physical targets (somehow) easier to bowl over. Fry, jail, whatever.

Now, imagine the perspective of the target. Since it has no time energy, it has no motion. It only experience one static moment. Now, how would it perceive me? Since I have time energy, I would appear to be in more than one place at once. I would have multiple frames, multiple stills. Every change I make or perform creates another "still" of me to its perspective. Since it can't employ or ascertain movement, I am essentially infinite to it. And, using this simple matter of physics and perspective, I can creatively wreak havoc.

Could this program be the key to controlling energetic space, mass and time? Probably not. But using this idea sure leads to fruitful effects. The last musing I mentioned was actually inspired by a clip of an anime I saw as a child, where an antagonist played with the idea of time, space and anguish to torment his target. Little dark cartoon, but the idea is sound and could be used for other purposes. I find that this is a great way to imagine using this approach with minimal difficulty, so I'm going to be a huge geek and post it. Start at 5 minutes, stop at 9:30.


Naturally, I would make this technique one prong of a multipronged attack, but it certainly carries things well.

Website: https://www.aetheric.org
Bastion community: bastion.mn.co


#23 2015-02-19 21:21:22

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Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 125

Re: Jan2015B Program

Jeaux, I've actually gotten a lot of techniques from shows like that.. You should check out the show Aquarion and the infinite punch. And try making a kamehameha wave to clear a big hole in the white out skies. Pretty cool stuff. I get pumped when I watch that show. Like when Vegeta uses the final flash on Cell. I like to believe real warriors out in space somewhere are capable of this. Like Natan, the elite A-K and Ta'l warriors.

VEGETA'S FINAL FLASH (OH SHIT Version)!! HQ (reup): http://youtu.be/IZg_fRvqEks

But really the fall back is creating black holes and wormholes to jail nasties. Basically you use immense gravity to stick them in. I have had very similar thoughts on increasing one's own gravity for multiple reasons. Stronger life force, longer life, better health, and a much more potent psi ability. Like if you can create enough personal gravity there would be no need for recovery time as you are always high gravity. Intense chi. The problem is having a physical body that undergoes these stresses as I have repeatedly learned. I guess tai chi and the Lighting path of yoga could strengthen your nadi system between your chakras. Sitting on my ass all day driving is terrible for my health though.

Basically the lightning path is all about centering your being in your spine. I am no expert, and I probably am wrong about something.. Edit: now I remember, it's the practice off Kriya Yoga. You can search scribd.com for Yogananda's book on the subject.

I have also thought the JanB is like a vacuum cleaner. Hence my post "Drain-O". Like it clears the drain. But I guess it could be more like a vacuum.

Try this: create a black hole within a ball of light. The center sucks in dark matter and entities and stuff not of the light while the white light orb outside pushes the nasties into the black hole. You use pulling and pushing at the same time.

Every black hole has pulsar poles. Just use the pulsar to push evil into the black hole, a cycle. Like a magnetic toroidal thing.

Last edited by cosmicbal (2015-02-19 22:46:58)

Be calm, be Upright.
Be anchored in your own Light.


#24 2015-02-20 12:33:32

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

(Sigh) [responding to deleted post by former member Anturio]
I hate to be a party pooper, but this feels wimpy for something so large and complex. Of course it will get better as the programming progresses, but i still think it is fundamentally crippled.
Crippled because you couldn't just work on straight intuition, but you had to get your ego and "logical thoughts" mixed into the creation. You mucked it up with things of no value, like the printed sigils.
There seem to be other things in there that just don't belong in it. Maybe they belong somewhere, but throwing them all together is not advantageous.

Complexity is not per se desirable. I have made many very complex pieces in years past, and they are awesome. I have also made many simple pieces that are awesome. But i never (except in the early years) make things more complex than necessary to achieve optimum results, in the mistaken belief that more fancy ingredients, coils, etc. will make it better.


#25 2015-02-20 17:31:34

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

Actually it is already feeling a lot better, as the programming progresses. Went from a 4 to a 7, IMO.

There is nothing BAD about the sigils, but i almost never actually write symbols on my components anymore because The Committee superimposes any beneficial symbols invisibly during pgming.

The crystal in a tube idea has applications, but i don't think it fits here. I notice it is being bypassed in the pgming.
I would pull it out. I think u will be guided to put something else in. Also eventually maybe to glue other objects onto the surface of the piece. It might turn out pretty good in the end.
I am not getting u should tape and re-cast it.


#26 2015-03-02 17:59:27

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

Well, Anturio?
I am getting it is now an 8 (on a scale of 0-10) and has the potential to be a 10. There is a reason for the complexity, though i don't know what it is exactly (i say the same for numerous creations of my own).
I am getting u need to add a brass piece with the new brass program.


#27 2015-03-03 10:41:47

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

Anturio wrote:

As for the brass inclusion, I have the perfect thing.. maybe? It's one of those little brass knobs that screw onto the tops of stained glass tiffany lamps. Iv'e got a few different types.  I thought maybe I could grind the knob a bit so that it attaches nicely to the end of the large copper coil that wraps the central Q-core.? Like a bauble at the end of the coil.?
Will post some pictures of the slab and the various knobs shortly, before I make my next move anyhow.

Sounds like a cute idea. However, personally, rather than concentrating on making cute art, i prefer to focus on making effective orgone devices. Given a choice between cute and powerful, i prefer the latter.
Of course it is great for morale if it comes out cool-looking as well, which a small fraction of my devices do. However, that is not an end in itself, IMO.


#28 2015-03-03 19:33:19

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

What i'm trying to say is, you're thinking instead of feeling again. When you get these ideas, you are not feeling that there is no orgone there.
Yet you sometimes do real well. Most of the work you did on this piece was pretty good, but then after a certain point you lose it. Like your intuition disconnected.


#29 2016-10-13 19:13:04

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 34,180

Re: Jan2015B Program

Loohan wrote:

My impression is it doesn't matter where the device is located, and you can't direct it (although Joe has incorporated some of it into many of his devices and feels it boosts them).
My impression is it permeates the multiverse in such a way as to mysteriously change things for the better.

This morning before work i poured almost 1/2 a gallon of epoxy into a large rectangular mold. Shortly thereafter (as it was being pgmed) the cosmos started quivering and quaking. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what was happening, but the EHETs (who usually attack me in recent months) got weaker.

At this time, i get that it CAN be directed, at least to the Hive Mind. And doing so makes the HM easier to jail.
For more info see my Oct 13, '16 blog post of 7:10pm


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