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#3031 2020-02-18 20:59:46

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Body of missing Georgia student, 23 {23!}, is found after she vanished on Valentine's Day {Valentine's Day again} as her boyfriend is arrested for damaging her property nine {9} days before she disappeared
    The body of Anitra Gunnn, 23, is found found in Crawford County, Georgia
    The student's boyfriend DeMarcus Little, also aged 23 {also aged 23}, is arrested for slashing the tires on her car and smashing windows at her apartment
    Police say more charges could be forthcoming and the investigation is ongoing
    A desperate search was launched after she vanished on Valentine's Day
    Body found partially covered 'as if someone tried to hide it'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-Day.html
Ravishing prostitute with glasses on head does hand sign.
5-petaled flower.
Less ravishing here. Fat Chick, crown, colors, dots.
Live CIA RC.


#3032 2020-02-18 21:19:26

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Nazi 'Angel of Death' doctor Josef Mengele was obsessed with dwarfism and twins but his choice 'specimen' was a 12-year-old boy's head he planned to dissect, new book on his monstrosities reveal
    Nazi doctor Josef Mengele is known as the Angel of Death for his monstrous experiments carried out on Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the 1940s
    New book Mengele, Unmasking The 'Angel of Death' by David Marwell examines his reign of terror at the prison camp and his horrifying procedures
    Obsessed with anomalies, victims of Mengele's medical experiments were chosen based on eye color, growth oddities, twins and gypsies
    With 732 pairs of twins to experiment on, Mengele once impregnated one twin with the sperm from a different twin to see if she would produce twins
    A choice 'specimen' he sent to his lab for study was the head of a 12-year-old boy he was going to dissect
    Mengele also injected eyes of people who had different color pupils to see if he could change the eye color
    After the fall of the Nazis, Mengele escaped to South America and died in 1979,  but he was 'unrepentant to the end and expressed no remorse,' Marwell writes
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … t-lab.html
"The Ovitz family (pictured) were subjected to gruesome experiments at his hands due to their dwarfism. Pictured l-r: Rosika, Franzisca, Avraham, Markus, Frida, Elizabeth and Pualina"
They look and feel like Ashkenazi. True story? J shapes left of center. Victims flaunt rectangles at angles, including 3 identical cases. Post on centerline. Diamond-shaped litter near centerline. Not much in the way of hand signs, but one guy extends ring finger.
I have posted a similar J before, possibly this same one. 2 soldiers near bottom have impressive manhood. One is on centerline. The other has a white erection.
I thought the striped guys were prisoners, but the one on centerline is hanging out with soldiers, and the other one seems to be working for them.
Posture of hand-signing, hand-hiding guy. V. Triangle and posts on centerline.
Diamond near center, distinctive armfold.


#3033 2020-02-18 21:41:24

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Dwyane Wade says daughter Zaya, 12, has known she was transgender 'since she was three {3} years old' and her journey made him 'check himself' after using the 'wrong phrases' in the locker room
    Basketball great Dwyane Wade said 12-year-old Zaya knew she was transgender and identified as female since she was 'three years old'
    Zaya was originally named Zion and was born as a boy {lie! FAKE tranny}
    The 38-year-old retired athlete opened up on his daughter's gender identity on Good Morning American on Tuesday
    'She’s known it for nine {9!} years... Along this way we’ve asked questions and we’ve learned. But she’s known,' he said in the candid interview 
    Wade said he had to reconcile his own biases and 'check himself'
    'I’ve been a person in a locker room that has been a part of the conversation that has said the wrong phrases and the wrong words myself,' Wade said
    Zaya's journey will be featured in Wade's new documentary D. Wade: Life Unexpected that will debut on ESPN on February 23 {23!}
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-old.html
One droopy eye, pink shirt.
Double-Crossed legs. No males here except the queer. Object held betwen thighs on centerline.
Purported tranny does look boyish. 4-petaled flower, colors, holding imaginary schlong, purple glasses. Partial circle on Saturn finger. Lower lip so pale. Phallic post near centerline. Also note angle and position of palm tree. Draw an imaginary line downwards from base of trunk.
Hand signs, tree on centerline, queer has circle earrings and droopy left eye. His 2 rings form an approximate square. Colors.
Ultra conspicuous about the BWR. Several hand signs, hands in crotch, diamonds, dots, a couple droopy eyes, 3 shoes on centerline.
Always Christmas. Hand signs, colors, R&gold on centerline reindeer.
Orange egg(?) just below center. Inexplicable radiant gold spot just right of center. Inverted pentagram.


#3034 2020-02-18 21:59:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Woman who was shot in the head is sent home with a BAND-AID and a bullet still in her brain by doctors who said the injury was just a graze
    Shakena Jefferson, 42, was walking with wife {lesbians} Janet Medley near her Miami home
    Gunmen shot at 2 gay men {people are always trying to kill off LGBTs} sitting in a vehicle and a stray bullet hit Jefferson
    She was rushed to hospital but discharged with just a band-aid over a 'graze'
    At another hospital days later where she had to undergo emergency surgery
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … d-aid.html
What is up with those LIPS? Why is she still wearing such big earware? Nice bits of color; love that red receptacle. Diamond on neck, Ma tattoo, and dig that smock. Pimple just above center.
Snuck in a vertical line on centerline. Tattoo.
Mutant butchness flaunted. Compare her lips (with added dark contour lines). One Eye blurred, orbit looks shopped into a light egg shape. Purple. Big circle earrings. Severe lean on man. What does he have in mouth, a roach?
Colors, shaved head.


#3035 2020-02-18 22:16:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

The plague that killed 200 million: As world worries about coronavirus, archaeologists find mass grave of 48 victims of the Black Death victims that decimated Europe
    A mass grave of 48 skeletons was found in Thornton Abbey, Lincolnshire
    All the victims died of the Black Death that plagued Europe in the 14th century
    Skeletons found were of both male and female victims, along with 27 {27!} children
    Archaeologists also discovered a Tau Cross {!} thought to cure St. Anthony's Fire
    St. Anthony's Fire is a skin disease causing sufferer to feel as if they are on fire
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech … gland.html
Legs crossed near centerline.
Saturn knuckle points at diagonal bone.
"In addition to the skeletal remains, a Tau Cross pendant was found at the scene that was believed to have treated St. Anthony's fire – a skin condition that made victims feel as if their limbs were on fire"
This is real gold, about 20 carats, i get. Whether it came from this site i have doubts. But this introduces a new symbol for us, and explains the T's we occasionally see, especially those styled with droops on the ends of the laterals.
Stripes, BWgoldsilver, hand signs, V.

TAU is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. It was the sign of the Greek god Attis, the Roman god Mithras, and the Druid god Hu. The TAU cross was inscribed on the forehead of every person admitted into the Mysteries of Mithras. When a king was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, the TAU was placed against his lips. In ancient Egypt, the TAU represented the Sacred Opening, or gateway, or portal. It was also used to mark sacred water vessels. In fact, the TAU was an important sacred symbol in ancient Egyptian culture and architecture. When sacred TAU’s are joined together horizontally, they represent a temple. In ancient Egypt, huge columns were erected in this fashion...

Door frame on centerline. Stripes. Ceiling diamonds.
These are real bones and i doubt the Black Death was a hoax.


#3036 2020-02-19 08:05:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Abortionist: “It Makes My Day” When I Get to Kill Another Baby in an Abortion
https://www.lifenews.com/2020/02/18/abo … -abortion/
I have to question the authenticity of those earlobes. Shirt pattern.


#3037 2020-02-19 08:23:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

'I'm now a TRUMPOCRAT': Dem Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich thanks Donald Trump after the president commuted his 14-year sentence for soliciting bribes and arrives home in Chicago being released from prison just hours
Rod Blagojevich got out of prison Tuesday after Trump cut short his 14-year sentence for political corruption
    The Democrat ex-governor of Illinois was convicted in 2011 of trying to shake down a children's hospital
    Trump called punishment of Blagojevich - a contestant on Trump's reality Celebrity Apprentice - excessive
    Blagojevich was spotted arriving at Denver International Airport Tuesday evening for his flight to Chicago
    'It's been a long time. I'm profoundly grateful to President Trump,' he said at the Denver International Airport
    'He didn't have to do this. He's a Republican president and I was a Democratic governor,' Blagojevich said
    Republicans called 'Blagojevich the face of public corruption in Illinois' in statement over Trump's decision
    The Republicans said Blagojevich has not once shown 'any remorse' for his clear and documented crimes
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ardon.html
There are 9 pix of him lifting his left shoulder, and 2 of him lifting the right. Etc. Note how One Eye is dark here. How inexplicably blurry pic is for this context.


#3038 2020-02-19 08:40:20

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

From home page:

Former boyfriend accused of murdering Drew Carey's sex therapist ex is RELEASED on  $2million bond as sick video emerges of him JOKING about throwing people out a window 
https://video.dailymail.co.uk/preview/m … 156525.mp4
Extremely short vid.
Pay attention to his blinking.


#3039 2020-02-19 09:46:03

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

#CoronaVirusFashion: Instagram fashionistas pose for sexy selfies wearing surgical masks as they exploit the killer virus for social media likes and followers
    Hoards of {CIA} Instagram users are posing for 'Coronavirus selfies' wearing masks
    Fashionistas are using the killer virus to draw in social media likes and followers
    Many users are posting 'sexy' snaps wearing masks and revealing outfits
    Virus has killed 1,900 worldwide and there are over 73,000 cases worldwide
Note buttocks and zigzags at top. Shapes at bottom. M right. Loads of red flags in this one pic.
1 again. Etc.
Many more red-flag pics of CIA RC prostitutes. Even the hunky man is a prostitute.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … likes.html


#3040 2020-02-19 14:11:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

'I am NOT a domestic abuser': Caroline Flack's family release a defiant unpublished Instagram post she wrote about her arrest before she killed herself - ahead of her inquest today
    Caroline Flack's family release a message the star had written before her death
    She insisted that she was 'not a domestic abuser' in note written back in January
    The 40-year-old claimed alleged assault on Lewis Burton had been an 'accident'
    Said she'd been having 'some sort of emotional breakdown for a very long time'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -post.html
He pushes his head into her cheek to emphasize her mutant cheekbone. Lightning bolt through heart. Colors.
"Caroline Flack leaves Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court in North London in December 2019"
Appropriately dressed as the whore she is. Note vertical lines on centerline, One Eye, hand signs. There are 3 conspicuous rings -- something a bit different.
Another Meghan mimick. Heart, glass, colors.


#3041 2020-02-19 14:23:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … -lawn.html
What is going on with her mouth in this sharp image? A lip lick does not explain the strange jagged look.


#3042 2020-02-19 14:46:30

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

ANOTHER 79 coronavirus cases are confirmed on quarantined cruise ship as Britons on board are told to stay put or risk being banned from UK evacuation flights, while others are let off
    Another 79 positive tests came back today, bringing the number of cases on the Diamond Princess to 621
    Some tourists have started leaving the Diamond Princess today with the two-week lockdown officially over
    But the UK Foreign Office said Britons who leave now may not be able to join a chartered evacuation flight
    The government says it hopes the rescue flight for the 74 Britons on board the ship will be 'later this week'
    British patients David and Sally Abel will not be able to fly home after testing positive for the virus yesterday
    Those who return will be spending another 14 days in quarantine at Arrowe Park Hospital in the Wirral
    Scientists have criticised Japan's 'failed' quarantine after 621 people were infected with the coronavirus
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … light.html
Trident on centerline --we have seen one or 2 of these in the past. 6-3 MA, etc.
C in center.
Cones, points to central square, gold center pole, arrow in tilted sign, etc.
Pouring it on thick. Quite the population density of cones. Red shirt below center. N's atop cabs, license plate numbers.
The only gold is in the center. Woman leans too far. Tent.
Delta and big H on centerline, etc.


#3043 2020-02-20 06:29:27

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annal … s-lockdown
"Shoppers at a supermarket in Hong Kong, in January, during the coronavirus outbreak.Photograph by Tyrone Siu / Reuters"
Line in center, colors.


#3044 2020-02-20 16:45:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

I probably posted this pic before, but probably did not note the subtle eye difference.


#3045 2020-02-20 17:19:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Terrifying moment loose dog attacks five-year-old girl in a church parking lot and bites her arm as adults try desperately to pry the animal off her
    Incident took place in church parking lot in Colorado Springs on October 20
    Dog described as 'terrier-bull mix' came out of nowhere and ran into parking lot
    At the time, a young girl and two adult relatives were walking toward a car
    The dog then charged at the girl and leaped, biting down on her arm
    The animal refused to let go and a struggle ensued before adults pried dog away
    Dog's owner was charged with unlawful ownership of a dangerous animal
    Authorities euthanized the dog, and the owner is currently facing court dates
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … s-arm.html
Parking lot was chosen to provide geometric backdrop. Double Crosses here.
Vid shows a dog quickly running up the street, turning into the lot and charging directly at the girl all at the same speed. I have never observed such behavior from a dog. It was obviously trained to know where to get a tasty doggy treat. Dogs don't unhesitatingly sprint directly at an unfamiliar person they see in an open space that is not even their territory.
Vid shows some blurry action as the adults "rescue" the girl. What is that big black egg she is holding? I bet it's something the dog was trained to go for.


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