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#3016 2020-02-18 07:36:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Kate on camera! Duchess of Cambridge makes a personal plea for more responses to her early years survey in a Instagram video - as fans praise her 'growing confidence'
    Duchess of Cambridge recorded a message to camera that was shared online
    The video promotes Kate's early years development survey and promotional tour
    Royal supporters praised the 'fabulous' clip and said it was a 'treat' to see her
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … video.html
I did not watch the vid, but in every close-up there is a difference between his eyes. Sometimes the LID is much thicker in one eye.


#3017 2020-02-18 07:49:07

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

I would have cleared Whitey Bulger if I had known the CIA did mind control experiments on him with LSD, says juror who became pen pals with the gangster
    James 'Whitey' Bulger terrorized Boston from the 1970s well into the 1990s 
    One of the jurors who convicted him, Janet Ulhar, said she made a mistake
    She and Bulger became penpals once he was sentenced for racketeering in '13 {13!}
    From the letters, she learned he was dosed as part of the CIA's MKULTRA project
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … d-LSD.html
"Uhlar holds a letter she received from Whitey in January, at her home in Eastham Mass."
"An undated photograph shows Dr Harry L Williams (left) administering LSD-25 (lysergic acid diethylamide) to Dr Carl Pfeiffer, chairman of Emory University's Pharmacological Department, to produce effects similar to those experienced by schizophrenics"
How innocent is that pen?
Odd postures.


#3018 2020-02-18 08:01:00

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Bernie bros go to war! Brawl breaks out at Sanders rally in Colorado after a 'white man attacked a black man for booing the Vermont senator' and wearing a 'Black Guns Matter' t-shirt
    Sanders made stop in Denver where he rallied thousands of supporters Monday
    While presidential candidate was speaking, two men began fighting near stage
    The men were seen on video pushing through a metal barrier before one man is seen picking the other up before they both landed on the ground
    Friends of both men intervened and broke up the fight before it got out of hand
    Sanders appeared unaware of fight as it unfolded and continued to give speech
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … orado.html
Lone Shoe in the air near center. But i want to know what that yellow symbol on the centerline is! Anybody know?
Big C, etc.
Wink. Lip.
"The incident came just 24 hours after protesters made a scene at another campaign rally in Nevada. Topless women mounted the stage and poured colored liquids over their bodies from containers marked 'milk' to protest the dairy industry"
Er, what? Poured purple "milk" on themselves to protest the dairy industry?
BWR beverage containers. Diamond near center, not counting the diamond lights.


#3019 2020-02-18 09:21:21

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Thirteen {13!} Americans evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise at 'high risk' for coronavirus are being quarantined and treated for the infection - and one is in a Nebraska biocontainment unit
    Two planes carrying 340 Americans have arrived back in the U.S. after they were evacuated from the coronavirus quarantine aboard the Diamond Princess in Japan
    The first plane touched down at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California just before 11.30pm on Sunday local time, before the second plane arrived at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas a few hours later
    Fourteen U.S. evacuees had to be placed in special isolation chambers for the duration of the flights after it emerged they had been infected with coronavirus in the lead up to the evacuation
    Seven passengers from the plane that landed in California and six from the plane that landed in Texas were further transported on to Eppely Air Base in Omaha, Nebraska
    About 10 of those have already tested positive for or been exposed to a passenger that was positive for coronavirus, experts said
    Twelve patients are in self-isolation at the only permanent federal quarantine facility in the US
    One person with an unspecified chronic health condition, cough and lightheadedness has even been placed in a special biocontainment unit in Nebraska - one of just three designated for Ebola patients
    Despite the U.S. earlier saying no infected passenger would be allowed to leave, those who tested positive were still allowed to board the planes because they did not have symptoms
    The U.S. said it arranged the evacuation because people on the Diamond Princess were at a high risk of exposure to the virus given about 400 passengers have tested positive during a two-week quarantine
    After arriving in the U.S., all of the evacuees must go through another 14 days of quarantine at the American military facilities 
    The cruise ship, by far the largest cluster of coronavirus cases outside China, has become the biggest test so far of other countries' ability to contain an outbreak that has killed 1,873 people in China and five elsewhere
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … -unit.html
Are there demon faces in the curtain? Note how door edge is on centerline. Purple triangle right.
Lavender egg on centerline.


#3020 2020-02-18 10:05:57

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229


#3021 2020-02-18 17:46:17

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Locked in a coronavirus breeding ground: Cruise quarantine put hundreds of vulnerable people in the perfect environment for contamination and left the ship with more cases than the whole world outside China
    At least 542 people on the cruise ship have now been diagnosed with the virus, called SARS-CoV-2
    There are more patients from the ship than all countries combined without China, figures have revealed
    Countries, including the US and UK, are beginning to evacuate their citizens after the 'failed' quarantine
    The virus has now infected more than 73,000 people, most in China, and killed 1,873
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … stion.html
Egg with 3 stripes, pole on centerline, etc.
Red spot near center.
Has her forehead been digitally shortened, or is she really such a mutant? Shaved head, Monarch butterfly in center...
In fact both of their foreheads look short, which may partly be due to perspective.
"Lightning bolt" near center.
Rear of bus on centerline; deliberate?


#3022 2020-02-18 19:10:33

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Moment coronavirus-suffering American cruise ship passenger is removed from evacuation plane's isolation chamber and rushed into a bio-containment unit in Nebraska
    Jeri Seratti-Goldman and Carl Goldman were vacationing on the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was placed under quarantine on February 5
    The couple, from Santa Clarita, California, were one of 300-some Americans evacuated to the US on Sunday
    On their flight from Japan to California, Carl developed a fever and was placed in isolation
    The Goldmans were deemed 'high-risk' and transferred to Nebraska for additional testing
    Jeri says she tested negative in Nebraska but her husband tested positive
    She adds that her husband is the passenger officials says is in a special biocontainment unit in Nebraska - one of just three {3} designated for Ebola patients
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … uated.html
Vertical line in center! Space alien right. Bits of red near centerline.
Why is that morsel right in the center? Demon head with long nose?
Why the poles, to form a teardrop/noose? Many egg shapes and other red flags. There is even a modest vertical line on centerline.


#3023 2020-02-18 19:43:17

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Deadly coronavirus 'kills 15 PER CENT of patients over 80' and the never-before-seen strain is 'up to 20 TIMES more infectious than SARS'
    Chinese health officials carried out the biggest ever study on the coronavirus
    Results showed SARS-CoV-2 virus posed the greatest threat to older patients
    It is also dangerous for those with underlying conditions, such as heart disease
    More than 73,000 cases have been recorded, with up to 99% of them in China
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … study.html
Rectangle in center within tent rectangle. Big container, diamonds, stripes, and dolly on centerline. What is that phallus composed of that must be brought into the tent? Diamonds on road. Colors. Christmas(!) lights make genital outline. Some of those lights stretch right onto some unidentifiable objects. 3 red squares.
LICE! Truth in media. One post is on centerline, as are the red square and the tiny red spot. Mirrors near center. Partial circles, colors.
Behind his heel are 2 triangles. Remarkably, one of them crosses in front of the pole! Even though this triangle is a view of the road past the bike. In fact, the poles are CGI, at least the translucent reflective edges. Even the O in front of LICE is a visible partial circle. Gray bleeds onto front tire. And there are 6 posts, although one is only partly visible.
Bottle must be near centerline. Paper rectangle on centerline. Rectangle on collar. Wood digitally reddened?


#3024 2020-02-18 20:07:49

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Joyful moment 350 Americans throw their face masks in the air and 'high five' to celebrate release from two coronavirus quarantines in California after being holed up for 14 days - as global death toll soars past 2,000
    180 {18} evacuees were released from their quarantine at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California on Tuesday
    Buses transported them to either Sacramento International Airport or San Francisco International Airport
    On the same day, about 165 evacuees were freed from quarantine at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego
    A photo captures the newly-released passengers throwing their face masks in the air in celebration
    Both groups had been evacuated from Wuhan, considered to be the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak
    As of Tuesday, the worldwide death toll struck 2,007, with all but five in China
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … eased.html
Repticlones are such joyful people, unable to restrain themselves from celebrating every little hoax.
Phallic line and bottle in front of column on centerline.
"One Miramar evacuee posted celebratory photos of her passing her final health screening before being released"
Massive "egg" watch on woman with slightly shaved edge says 6:51. We sometimes see 51 (17X3) in hoaxes. She passed screening bright and early in the morning.
Matching green. Odd stripe pic has (phallic? nipple?) knob-like bush below center.
A's, diamond roof, and post on centerline. Delta near center. Butt shapes. Spot of red right of centerline.


#3025 2020-02-18 20:17:43

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

First coronavirus patient had NO connection to Wuhan seafood market - so did the disease start elsewhere?
    The first coronavirus patient was a bed-bound man in his 70s, BBC reported
    He had no connection to the market where Beijing says the outbreak began
    An earlier paper said 14 out of the first 41 patients were not linked to the place
    BBC's report comes after social media accounts pointed the origin to a virus lab
    Wuhan Institute of Virology said relevant allegations were false and rumours
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … arket.html
Centerline pole holds 2 bottles. Odd silver object in center. Drawer makes nice rectangle.
Templar cross in center. String on centerline. Very strange abdominal bulge on man. Hand signs. Guy points to the only red in the pic.
3 gold objects and a red chair on centerline.
Shapes of containers left. Tiles. Colors.
More in article.


#3026 2020-02-18 20:25:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Hilarious moment boy's glasses {GLASSES} fly out of van window while he energetically shakes his head to music
    Valentino Di Francesca, 12, from Argentina, was dancing with sister Martina, 17,
    He shake {sic} his head and his glasses slip off his face as he gets into the tune
    His glasses suddenly fly out the window and land in the midst of moving traffic
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … music.html
RCs. Another hoax based on a red flag. Strange B&W spiky object between their arms.


#3027 2020-02-18 20:29:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

A bearded woman, an influencer with a world-famous monobrow and a North Carolina model who sheds her skin every two weeks are used by Glamour mag to promote self-love {self-love}
    Glamour has named their gamechanging faces of beauty for their self love issue
    The list includes acid attack {!} victim Katie Piper as well as upcoming model Jeyza Gary, who has a rare condition that makes she {sic} skin shed every two weeks
    Unibrow model Sophia Hadjipanteli and bearded Harnaam Kaur are featured
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … eauty.html
Broaden your concepts of beauty. RCs are SO about inclusiveness and love.


#3028 2020-02-18 20:37:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

PICTURED: Prince Andrew's millionaire friend Peter Nygard is seen with scantily clad women in Caribbean compound where the fashion exec is accused of raping ten teens after plying them with drink and drugs {eww, delicious tabloid scandal}
    Peter Nygard is seen partying with scantily-clad young women at his Bahamian mansion in 2007 in photos obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com
    The images emerged days after the 78-year-old fashion mogul was accused of sexually assaulting at least 10 teenage girls at the property dubbed Nygard Cay
    Several of the photos show Nygard grinning as he watches three {3} women dressed in tiny bikinis gyrate against each other inside the resort's private nightclub 
    Nygard is said to have hosted several A-listers at the compound, including Prince Andrew, Oprah Winfrey and former president George H.W. Bush
    It's also the site where ten women say they were raped by the mogul
    The women filed a class-action lawsuit against Nygard in New York last Thursday
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … pound.html

Several downright obscene, fleshy pix of little girls of questionable legal age wearing very little and being very intimate with each other. Guy shows moob and Nike N's on centerline.
I'll spare you those pix.
Multiple red flags.


#3029 2020-02-18 20:42:29

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Lifted shoulder, centerline phallus, big X, elipse, etc.
YOINS are all letters they favor. Of course there are few they do not.


#3030 2020-02-18 20:48:52

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,229

Re: misc oddities

Catholic high school in suburban Seattle sparks student protests for 'forcing out two gay teachers who got engaged to their respective partners' {can't please everyone these days}
    On Valentine's Day {hearts, holiday}, John F Kennedy Catholic School in Seattle area announced resignations of 'gifted' teachers Paul Danforth and Michelle Beattie
    'Their loss will be felt deeply by their students and the entire community,' statement read
    Danforth taught English while Beattie taught health and fitness; both teachers are openly gay and recently engaged to their partners
    Danforth's fiance, attorney Sean Nyberg, broke his silence this week, saying his future husband and Beattie were forced out for being in same-sex relationships
    Nyberg popped the question to Danforth on November 1, 2019, during a four-day trip to Disneyland {Disney!}
    Protests were staged at Archdiocese of Seattle and at the school in Burien Tuesday against the teachers' departures
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … chers.html
Several red flags.
More obvious red flags in article, including several Mickeys.


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