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#2236 2019-11-20 08:46:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

'I will fight until the very end': Boy, 15, armed with a bow stands among 50 {15, 50} diehard Hong Kong protesters left in university siege as they prepare to make a last stand against police
    Violent standoff continues between demonstrators and police at Hong Kong Polytechnic
    Around 50 protesters remain in the most intense standoff seen yet during anti-China protests
    A 15-year-old protester named 'William' said he fears he could be shot with 'real bullets'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … sters.html
"Protesters sleep on the floor of a parking lot inside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the Hung Hom district of Hong Kong on November 20, 2019"
Nike check, BWRpurplegold, hand signs, water bottle. Why the plastic wrap?
Why didn't campus security shoo away all these undesirable triad actors? They were allowed to take over the gym, too.
NY cap in center. There are all these pix of protesters in silver or gold foil blankets. The weather in HK this time of year sometimes dips into the upper 60s at night. But nobody brought a sweater or jacket despite being prepared for street warfare.


#2237 2019-11-20 17:45:24

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Whataburger apologizes to a drag queen after she was denied entry at an Austin restaurant and blasted the chain for pegging her as a 'security threat'
    Erika Klash - who appeared in the second season of The Boulet Brothers' Dragula - shared on social media that she was denied entry to an Austin Whataburger
     I am a professional artist, NOT a security threat,' she declared, adding that management would not provide her with a reason for refusing service
    The San Francisco based queen had been performing at the 2019 Austin International Drag Festival in the queer-friendly city
    Klash modeled her look after the Danganronpa video game character Monokuma
    Her posts prompted a response from Whataburger on both her Facebook and Twitter
    'We apologize you had a bad experience at Whataburger,' the restaurant said in a statement
    In an interview with the DailyMail.com, Klash shared that Whataburger called her after completing their investigation
    She shared that the company did share plans for 'clear deliverables,' including plans to adjust their staff placement and institute training
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … urant.html
Several pix full of red flags but i especially like this beverage container. Covered with 6's and 9's, BWRgoldsilver.
Hidden Hand, Nike shoes. Dress matches pillar and bottle matches wallpaper.
This is an actual drag queen, though. CIA intact male prostitute.


#2238 2019-11-21 08:21:32

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

'Nobody is above the law': US lawyer for paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged victims wants to subpeona Prince Andrew and says he MUST go to the States to talk to the FBI
    Lisa Bloom called on Andrew to submit for questioning by intelligence agencies
    Said Andrew could risk a 'diplomatic situation' between UK and US if he refused
    Lawyer even hinted she would be willing to subpoena Andrew to get a deposition
    Last night the prince issued a statement claiming he was 'willing' to speak to FBI
    Queen removed him from public duties amid deepening crisis over Epstein links
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ctims.html
In the video trailer, Bloom looks even more remarkably like the hapless victim.
Note hair, face angles.


#2239 2019-11-21 10:29:36

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

White House's former top Russian aide savages Donald Trump's defenders in impeachment testimony saying their claim Ukraine interfered in 2016 election is a Vladimir Putin lie designed to 'destroy the faith of American people in our democracy' {snicker}
    Fiona Hill, who was the White House's top Russia expert until August, gave evidence on final scheduled day of public impeachment hearings
    She warned against a 'fictional narrative' that it was the Ukraine and not Russia who interfered in the 2016 election
    'We cannot combat these external forces as they seek to divide us against each another, degrade our institutions, and destroy the faith of the American people in our democracy,' she said
    David Holmes, a senior diplomat in Kiev, will also give evidence; he was at lunch with Gordon Sondland when, he says, Donald Trump called
    Holmes has said Trump demanded to know about 'investigations' when he spoke to Sondland
    Both may struggle to overshadow Sondland's evidence which was a day of bombshells which left Republicans reeling
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … imony.html
Hatchet woman has same face shape/expression as Dufus.
Big partial circle included.
Bilateral sets of 3 water bottles. Steep V...
In case you missed it the first time.
Colors. Converging eyes? Many hand sign pix.


#2240 2019-11-21 11:02:10

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Geography professor, 37, is found not guilty of hiding two immigrants who crossed the border illegally after he gave them water and shelter as he says 'the government has failed to criminalize basic human kindness'
    Scott Warren, 37, was acquitted by a jury after two hours of deliberations
    'The government failed in its attempt to criminalize basic human kindness,' Warren told supporters outside court
    Warren was arrested in January 2018 by US Border agents who were staking out a humanitarian aid station in Arizona known as 'The Barn'
    Activist was accused of harboring two illegal immigrants from Central America and helping the men elude authorities
    Warren, working with the group No More Deaths, argued that he has never helped migrants hide from border agents
    It was Warren's second trial, after his first ended in mistrial in June
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … rants.html
A professor should be wealthy and smart enough to get a fake tooth put in that gap. Otherwise his other teeth will converge on the gap. Also that extraordinary canine is more frightening next to that gap. Not to mention that the canine appears to be forward of the usual position. Doesn't he get free dental insurance as a prof?
Posed with conspicuously non-binary woman with raised shoulder. Stripes, hand signs.
Note how they worked in the partial circle. Hand sign.
"Warren, center, leads a group of student volunteers delivering food and water along remote desert trails used by undocumented immigrants in May 2019"
Conspicuous red in center. Water jugs near center but no food depicted. Diamond pattern. Banana box even has a diamond cut-out pasted behind the round hole, near center of pic. Spots. Hand.
Hat right of center has a C but it is bisected by a mysterious line meeting the shoulder line. This line makes the C resemble a theta symbol or an "e".
Simulated machine-gun barrel dangling left of center. From a monster skull at that, unless i am overdoing it.
If they have all that wide-open space out there, why is one truck nose-to-ass with the other?


#2241 2019-11-21 12:05:09

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Fits like a glove (box)! Migrants are found hiding behind the dashboard and under the back seats of a car in a bid to enter Europe from North Africa
    Two teenage migrants found trying to cross into Spanish enclave of Mellila
     Both migrants were from Guinea and had to be cut out of the vehicle
    The 30 {3}-year-old Moroccan driver of the vehicle was arrested for trafficking
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … urope.html
Highly improbable theatrical production.
"The two migrants were so tightly crammed into their hiding places that police had to damage the vehicle to remove them safely." Wonder how the "migrants" got into those spaces, then.


#2242 2019-11-21 12:28:14

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

British mother who left her wife for sperm donor and went on run with their two children for THREE {3} YEARS before landing on Jersey in dinghy appears in court for child neglect trial
    Lauren Etchells fled Canada with one-year-old daughter and four-week-old son
    School teacher, 33 {33!}, was running from a custody battle with her estranged wife
    A three-year international manhunt for her ended when she washed up on a Jersey beach in a dinghy in July along with her parents, Brian and Angela, 67 {100-33?}
    Mother-of-two, originally from South Shields, Tyne and Wear, was charged with immigration offences and child neglect
    She is charged along with her parents who are accused of aiding and abetting child neglect
    Their trial at St Helier magistrates' court is expected to last only one day
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … court.html
Multiple red flags.
Winking Daddy very femmy.
More in article. Live RCs.


#2243 2019-11-22 08:45:45

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Palestinian cars torched in suspected settler hate crime
50 vehicles reported burned in northern West Bank villages; spray-painted slogans appear to refer to restrictions at nearby settlement linked to violence
https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestini … ate-crime/
Nice silver crescent moon on centerline. Checkmark atop wall. Very breastlike 3 on wall.
BWRgold, stripes, hand signs. Is that a Nike mark left edge?
"A Palestinian man walks by Star of David graffiti spray-painted in a suspected hate crime in the northern West Bank village of Beit Dajan on November 22, 2019. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)"
BWRgold, stripes. Conspicuous big pitcher. Is that a can-penis in the other hand?
Crossed legs; rear foot's toes are in front of front foot's heel. Hand signs.
Mossad repticlone.
"Neria Zarog attaches himself to a saw machine in Yitzhar to avoid arrest for violating an administrative order on November 10, 2019. (Honenu"
Daylight yet one guy shines flashlight on a water bottle sitting in a delta with sexual connotation. Indeed the beam from the flashlight is suspiciously distinct on a bright day.
Neckless pose.
Tight pants with stuffed pockets. Hand signs. Fence scrap in corner. Diamond left of centerline. BWR.
Mossad RCs.


#2244 2019-11-22 09:08:44

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Britain’s Liberal Democrats drops candidate over posts on Jews
Waheed Rafiq, a candidate from Birmingham, said Israel was wiping out all the people in Gaza and called for boycott of WhatsApp, branding it a Zionist app
https://www.timesofisrael.com/britains- … s-on-jews/
That beard might be real; not sure. But it seems to be deliberately fake-LOOKING, like a cheap Halloween thing. Couple that bushy face with a shaved head for extra bizarre effect.
BWgold. Phallus within square. Dove(?). Lower lip fatter.


#2245 2019-11-22 09:46:23

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Jeffrey Epstein's suicide was a 'perfect storm of screw ups', says AG Barr as he reveals he's watched footage that shows no one else entered his cell - and warns FBI are getting close to bringing charges against anyone who helped the dead pedophile
    Barr  told The Associated Press he understood why people thought Epstein died in August that he had killed himself in jail
    However after investigating what happened - two guards did not check on him for hours - he says it is as it seems
    Tova Noel and Michael Thomas have since been charged with falsifying records
    Barr also said the fact Epstein did not have a cellmate enabled him to take his own life
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … w-ups.html
Neckless pose, chevrons, etc.


#2246 2019-11-22 09:48:46

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

The moment Colorado killer Patrick Frazee's girlfriend shows police how he mopped up the blood of his murdered fiancée Kelsey Berreth after phoning his mistress for help 'because he had a mess to clean up'
    Patrick Frazee beat his fiancee Kelsey Berreth to death last Thanksgiving
    His motive remains unconfirmed but her family say it was over a custody battle
    After killing her, he phoned his girlfriend Krystal Lee and asked for her help
    Lee went to Berreth's home to help him mop up Berreth's blood spatter
    He then took Berreth's body to his ranch and burned it; her remains have never been found
    Video of Lee showing investigators the spots she cleaned up emerged this week after Frazee's sentencing 
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … blood.html
Blurry, skewed mug shot.


#2247 2019-11-22 11:13:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Shocking image shows how close crossbow killer came to hitting unborn baby as he is found guilty of murdering his ex-wife in jealous rage
    Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo, 51, burst into the home of Devi Muhammad, 35
    He fired an arrow into mother-of-five's stomach as she attempted to run upstairs
    She suffered catastrophic internal injuries and died but her unborn son survived
    Unmathallegadoo had been plotting revenge execution in wake of their divorce
    He hid in shed armed with crossbows, knife, duct tape, cable ties and a hammer
    Mrs Muhammad's widower paid tribute to his outgoing and bubbly 'soul mate'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … ssbow.html
Note depicted arrow has a target tip. A broadhead would be lethal for sure in such a situation. Why did he not use a broadhead if he wanted to execute her?
"Unmathallegadoo amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons and hid them in the shed, where he lay in wait"
Then they show some broadhead bolts he supposedly had. This seems to be the entire amassed lethal arsenal of weapons referred to.
Note CHRISTMAS. BWRpurplegold, arrows, diamond pattern. Check mark on centerline.
"Police later found the crossbow bolts in the garden shed"
Then they show a couple more broadhead-tipped bolts as well.
So much yellow stuff. Diamonds.
More in article. RCs.


#2248 2019-11-22 18:13:22

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Great Bend KS Airport
Delta within square. CIA Egyptoid base under it was attacking.


#2249 2019-11-22 18:40:51

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

A youtuber's avatar. Multiple symbols.


#2250 2019-11-23 08:45:55

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,242

Re: misc oddities

Video: Student Leftist Has Violent Hissy Fit Over ‘All Lives Matter’ Sign
https://www.prisonplanet.com/video-stud … -sign.html
Serious M sign near center. BWRgold. Posture, neckless. Chunky MTF left. Scaffold "stripes".


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