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#1651 2019-08-08 12:50:12

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Durek has an unusually strong AI#1 vibe. CIA repticlone.
Pentagrams, BWR, CIA hairdo.

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway reveals she's DROPPED her royal title for engagements with her shaman boyfriend - and will only use it when on official duty with her family
    Daughter of King Harald V and Queen Sonja made announcement on Instagram
    Won't use Princess title unless officially representing Norwegian royal family
    Decision follows her and US boyfriend Shaman Durek going on a 'speaking tour'
    Tour was called The Princess and the Shaman, but its name attracted criticism
    Märtha Louise, 47, says she was wrong to use royal title in commercial context
    Launched a separate Instagram page 'martha.louise.intuitive' without her title
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti … title.html
Real cool shirt. Leaning.
Many red flags. Even a checkerboard moose head.


#1652 2019-08-08 18:01:01

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

bruce&thewhitemouse wrote:

I noticed a demon face in the hand of the man holding the wad of money up to his face (1595).

Ah yes, left of center:


#1653 2019-08-09 09:28:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

White supremacists have murdered at least 73 since Charlottesville, ADL says
Rise in far-right violence, racist propaganda over past two years tied to Virginia rally, says report, which traces fallout among extremists
https://www.timesofisrael.com/white-sup … -adl-says/
Chinless mutant geek with giraffe neck and tiny girl ear. BWR includes tiny red tag. Beverage bottle, fence, hand sign.
All this is unremarkable though, and the reason i post this pic is the W under his neck (those are goggles). Did you spot that? I notice that W's, M's, and E's are especially incriminating when they look like 3's in the wrong position.
BWR, gold.
Note also the resemblance to BUTTOCKS which might be key here like it is in the heart symbol.
Big black X's on white (signifying the dreaded nullification of White by Black?). Bird has bilateral sets of 3 stripes. 3 lightning bolts. Shield is BWR. Lower right, guy with lifted shoulder brags about the size of his manhood. He wears a steep V with an inverted cross pendant. And a sunburst patch with a strange fork symbol vaguely reminiscent of a menorah. Lower left, red penis? Stripes, golden chevron in partial circle. Beverage bottle in pouch.
Upper right, dark spots on elbow to make a demon face? As in
https://images.fineartamerica.com/image … rand-a.jpg
Is there a face in that strange piece of sheet metal left of upper center, reminiscent of Heckle and Jeckle?
https://www.craigboldman.com/wp-content … G_3967.jpg
X top center looks like a Swiss cross.
Three Arrows! Which is an ANTI Nazi symbol.
CIA loves mixed messages.


#1654 2019-08-09 11:00:31

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Ethiopian-Israeli filmmaker shines the camera on life her community left behind
As other films focus on spectacular rescue missions for Ethiopia’s Beta Israel Jews, Aalam-Warqe Davidian presents a dramatic true-to-life story about leaving home
https://www.timesofisrael.com/ethiopian … ft-behind/
Very subtle hand signs. His hand is deftly partly obscured by a leaf which happens to be sharply trimmed off unlike the others.
Movies often contain (subtle or not) homoerotic innuendo as a Masonic psyop. Here we have a boyish, short-haired woman (with a Masonic dress pattern) with her knee and hand on a man who might be naked. And between them, hugging Mr Naked from behind, is another man who allows his hands to fall tantalizingly close to the sensitive area of Mr Naked.
BWR cloth.
I dunno what group uses this symbol which combines several.
Lots of gold in pic, even "chevrons". Red. One sign contains an inverted cross followed by a 6, which might be why it was included.
All Egyptoids with sorceror vibes. Into spells, demons, gang-stalking.


#1655 2019-08-09 11:38:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Mother of soldier killed in Gaza war says PM doing ‘nothing’ to return his body
Zehava Shaul says she will never give up efforts to bring home Oron’s body for burial, tells Netanyahu ‘you can’t run from this… Wherever you go I will follow’
https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/up … 40x400.jpg
I suspect this pic was chosen due to the alignment of shoulders of the 2 guys near center, enabling a simulation of the Masonic Sign of Distress.
Also in center we have a hexastar at the wrong angle. Perhaps a black magic symbol although this is the first i've noticed it.
Highly odd pic. Neck bent to reveal (vibeless) transformer or whatever. Symbolic of AI dominion/transhumanism? Blurry, concocted pic. Are those 3 raptors sitting on the transformer, with one flying away and another sitting atop the CROSS with wings outstretched?
Is a trident sticking up out of guy's neck? Buttock outline on other wires, and an X, or am i over-analyzing?
That has to be a deliberate nipple atop the breast-shaped mountain.
White on red phallus pokes at him.


#1656 2019-08-09 12:20:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

PICTURED: Married father-to-be, 20, who was stopped at gunpoint by hero firefighter after he walked into Walmart carrying an assault rifle, 100 rounds of ammo and wearing body armor, just days after he posted Instagram video of him firing an AR-15
    Springfield police said 'an armed individual was arrested' for making a terrorist threat but no shots were fired
    They were called to the store in Springfield, Missouri on Thursday afternoon
    Dmitriy Andreychenko, 20, was held at gunpoint by an off-duty firefighter until police arrived  after he was seen walking around wearing a bullet-proof vest
    Lt. Mike Lucas said panicked shoppers fled the area and the scene was 'chaotic'
    Police said the man was recording himself using his phone while pushing a cart
    Days ago he shared footage of himself firing an Anderson Arms AR-15 5.56
    In February he posted on Facebook: 'It’s official. I hate Walmart. Apparently they won’t sell Rifle and shotgun ammo if your under 21'
    He added in the post: '“New policy” However I can walk into the store with a loaded .40 and nobody says anything. What a joke'
    Cops said about the stunt he pulled: 'He’s lucky he’s alive still, to be honest'
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … fired.html
Do you almost see SEX on his shirt, or is my mind just filthy?
Nice hand signs. Note angle of long clip and lower hand, in relation to his anatomy.
Tripod handle makes it look like he's smoking a spliff -- another crazed ganja addict. B&W. V neck.
Hand signs. Again, note relative positions. One Eye blurred.
What is that behind him, a heavily-armed birdhouse? Ah, just the tripod handle looking phallic. Or is it a tripod? For what, a rifle? I looked up images for rifle tripods, but none had a slanted-roof birdhouses on them. And here it would not make sense to be anything but firearm-related, and besides this does not look like a camera or camera tripod, either.
Grand Hailing Sign of Distress, supposedly. But why do they often approximate it in contexts where no help is needed? I have read that if you do this sign in court the judge will let you off, but suspect that is a HOAX to entrap the gullible.
Penis strap. Strange arc near face. Is the antenna "sticking out of his head" a nod to AI remote control?
Cute little titty. That arc again. Is it some legit reflection thing, or...?
Last 2 pix so blurry.
Steep V. Hand signs, fence.
A few more things in article.
CIA repticlones.


#1657 2019-08-09 13:19:15

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Horrific video shows knife-wielding assailant violently stab woman, 54 {9X6!), in insurance agency during 'random' rampage in California that killed four people as police say suspect is a 'violent' gang member who had been in prison 14 times and 'should never have been let out'
    Police release video of violent knife assault inside an insurance agency in Garden Grove, California on Wednesday
    A man in a hooded sweater is seen violently stabbing an employee before running out with a fistful of cash
    Police say the assailant in the video is Zachary Castaneda, 33 {33!}, a gang member with a violent criminal record
    He was booked into Orange County jail on suspicion of murder, attempted murder, armed robbery and burglary, according to police 
    Police said Castaneda went on a two-hour 'random' crime spree in California and Santa Ana on Wednesday, killing four people and injuring two  others
    He 'could have killed many other people' had not been arrested, police said 
    Castaneda 'remained violent' with police after he was arrested, despite remaining in his restraints, and did not tell police what his motive was 
    He is being held on $1 million bail, according to California authorities
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … thers.html
"Police allege the man in the video is Zachary Castaneda, 33, a 'violent' gang member..."
Another smirking perp. It was the M Bakery he hit. Get it? M.
Another triangular clothing ad. BWblue, Saturn finga. "Vaginal" opening in shirt.
I wondered if those unusually distinct zigzags would look like that on google maps, but google maps adamantly refused to show me the aerial view, something that has never happened before. It lists 2 Pollo Locos in Garden Grove
but i can't see them.
In Bing maps i can see them with limited resolution but neither seems like the one in the pic.

[Update: a reader found the restaurant in Santa Ana, the next town south of Garden Grove:
And it does have those zig-zags BUT the article pic happens to catch them from a perspective where the zigs are of approximately the same length as the zags, and the white lines between the parking spaces seem smudged or shaded out so that they don't detract from the zig-zags.
Now the map image is probably a few years old (just because it is copyrighted this year does not mean it is a fresh pic) and it is conceivable that the lines have been eroded since the map pic was taken by people driving and walking on them (even the map pic shows some such erosion), but i think it is clear that the article pic was arranged to make the zig-zags stand out, and i think it was by de-emphasizing the other lines rather than digitally re-painting the zig-zags.
The lines in question have inexplicable shadowing or darkening in the very area where the lines are smudged.]


#1658 2019-08-09 14:03:46

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

The miracle baby of El Paso: Two-month-old who survived massacre when his parents died shielding him is pictured in the arms of Melania Trump at hospital - as Donald gives gives the thumbs up
    Melania Trump was pictured holding two-month-old Paul Anchondo who survived the El Paso after his parents died while protecting him
    Her husband Donald Trump is seen in the image giving a thumbs up as he was pictured meeting relatives of slain couple Jordan and Andre Anchondo   
    The parents brought baby Paul to the Walmart to pick up school supplies and party decorations for their daughter's sixth birthday celebration later that day
    As shots rang out, 25-year-old Jordan shielded the boy as Andre, 24, jumped in to protect his wife before both parents were shot and killed
    The First Couple went to El Paso on Wednesday with the intent to meet survivors
    A hospital official told CNN that Trump showed 'an absence of empathy'
The miracle baby of El Paso: Two-month-old who survived massacre when his parents died shielding him is pictured in the arms of Melania Trump at hospital - as Donald gives gives the thumbs up
Center guy with skewed glasses sucks in belly and thrusts out mutant chest that looks as though he is lacking several pairs of ribs. Maybe that is fat positioned to appear to be the bottom of the rib cage.
Hand signs. The sun casts striped shadows. Beverage containers aplenty. Right guy lifts shoulder.
"Jordan Anchondo is pictured with her three {3} children, Victoria, Skylin and baby Paul, (left to right)" all BOYS. Doesn't Victor seem a bit old for a pacifier?
Stripes. B&W. Ugly tattoo. Why would anyone dress up such a crappy, blurry pic with hearts, bear ears, nose turds, to post on GoFundMe?
Phallus with "sunburst" on top. Neckless baby.
"Andre, 24, leapt in front of his wife and baby to protect them both from bullets. He is seen with Jordan and daughters, Skylin and Olivia"
Neckless Olivia is also a boy. Previously they said she has 3 children, then they trot out another.
BWR, spotted butterflies, W on WTF shirt is composed of relevant shapes. Shirt pattern in background. Some checkerboarding left.


#1659 2019-08-09 14:37:20

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Parents of an 11 {11}-month-old girl with a balloon-like growth on her head are desperately trying to find a surgeon who can remove the bizarre mass
    MK Cruz, from Manila in the Philippines, is thought to have hydrocephalus
    She needs multiple surgeries to remove the growth and reconstruct her skull
    Her parents are raising money to pay a surgeon when they find one to operate
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/arti … ision.html
Mickey Mouse along with nautical wheels and anchors seems like an odd combination on one pattern.
V's, hand signs, polka dots...
One Eye closed. I have noticed several pix today with the left eye partly closed or smudged.
More in article. Repticlones.


#1660 2019-08-09 14:49:50

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Terrifying moment a bus driver is RUN OVER by a jeep after he sat on the wheel to stop motorist from leaving after a traffic accident in Colombia
    Isaías Vargas was run over by José Mauricio Gil Velásquez on Tuesday in Bogotá 
    Vargas, a bus driver for the Colombian capital's public transportation system, was attempting to stop Gil Velásquez from fleeing the accident site
    A motorist near the scene recorded Gil Velásquez slowly accelerating over Vargas, who stood in front of jeep waiting for authorities to arrive
    A judge released Gil Velásquez from detention Thursday because he was illegally detained
    The judged said no original video was collected through the chain of custody by the bus supervisor
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … river.html
BWR with Swiss cross lamp covers. Steep V. Very improbable pose leaning into vehicle behind bumper, duh.
What is the provenance of the big triangle and N bottom left? N has a theta-like symbol in center. Ah, must be convenient windshield labels.
In vid trailer the moment of impact just happens to be obscured by a phone, but then it clearly shows the tire backing up off his leg, whereupon the hapless victim immediately swings his visibly undamaged legs around as though they were unhurt.


#1661 2019-08-09 15:00:05

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Adorable moment two children help their friend with cerebral palsy play at water park in viral video
    Jeffrey Mackey had a cerebral palsy flare up while at Thunder Island water park in Fulton, New York, but his two friends never left him out of the fun
     In a video shared on Twitter, the six-year-old can be seen holding hands with his five-year-old soccer teammates Raya Joyce and Kane Raymond.
    The two helped Jeffery walk and climb stairs during the five hours they played at the water park
    The touching video has garnered over 500,000 likes {riiight!} on Twitter
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … palsy.html
Stripes, checkerboard, BWR, partial circle, NN.
BUT WHY is this even an article? Why all this imagery of 3{!} CIA repticlone child prostitutes? I'll tell you why. The MSM is a PIMP TOOL. The images of the prostitutes are in living colors on a MSM site; all you have to do is direct your lodge buddies to the article and they can check out the available merchandise.
This is part of the reason for the widespread use of hoax actors who also are "for rent".


#1662 2019-08-09 15:15:02

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

The African women and children who are being kept as slaves 400 years after the first slave traders shipped their human cargo to North America
    Africa has the highest number of slaves, with more than seven victims per 1,000
    Children are handed over to wealthy families on the false promises of schooling
    Blessing, six {6}, was beaten with an electrical wire and made to do endless chores
    And women are trafficked abroad, conned into believing in a European dream
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … began.html
Serious deltas. Hand signs. Men's watch. BWR, dots. Green designs on machine match the cloth.


#1663 2019-08-09 16:24:25

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Secret 6,000mph {6} Russian missile may be behind huge radiation leak
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/08/09/secret-6 … -10543970/
CGI knife blade!
Fear porn tying in the knife hoaxes with a Russian radiation hoax.


#1664 2019-08-09 16:58:35

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

Linh Le missing: Eight arrested in search for Vietnamese tourist who vanished in York
Teenager speaks no English and ‘could be anywhere in the country’
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/h … 50436.html
"Ms Linh was wearing a white Ariana Grande jacket..."
There is apparently only 1 image in existence of this high-cheekboned, vibeless "person".
An image rich in BWR and symbolism. Hand sign, teardrop, part of a shield shape, sort of a Swiss cross, deltas lower right.
I presume the L and F are of no significance but who knows. Maybe it means Linh fake.


#1665 2019-08-09 18:20:39

Registered: 2014-10-31
Posts: 32,259

Re: misc oddities

M in a 3 shape.


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